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KSSU Chilly artwork.png
Artwork of Chilly from Kirby Super Star Ultra.
First game Kirby's Adventure (1993)
Latest game Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe (2023)
Other game(s) Kirby's Pinball Land
Kirby's Dream Course
Kirby's Block Ball
Kirby Super Star
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Kirby Air Ride
Kirby: Canvas Curse
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition (New Challenge Stages)
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Kirby Battle Royale
Kirby Star Allies
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn
Copy Ability Freeze, Ice, None (Kirby's Block Ball)
Enemy Info Card K64 Enemy Info Card 20.png
Similar entities Pengy, Frigis, Mr. Frosty
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Chilly is a reoccurring enemy throughout the Kirby series. His basic appearance is that of a two-segmented snowman, with the bottom segment serving as the body, and the upper as the head. He commonly wears a cylindrical bucket atop his head, and a collar with a bell around his neck. He also has two black eyes with thick eyebrows. Chilly himself has never possessed an incredibly major role in any Kirby game, commonly appearing as a basic enemy or as a helper, and most notably giving Kirby the Ice or Freeze Copy Ability. He is usually, if not always, found in very cold or snowy areas.

Game appearances[edit]

Chilly's video game appearances  
Game Role Notes
Kirby's Adventure Enemy
Kirby's Pinball Land Enemy
Kirby's Dream Course Enemy
Kirby's Block Ball Enemy
Kirby Super Star Enemy and playable character Chilly can be played as when recruited as a Helper.
Kirby's Dream Land 3 Enemy
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Enemy
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land Enemy As this is the remake of Kirby's Adventure, his role doesn't change.
Kirby Air Ride Enemy
Kirby: Canvas Curse Enemy
Kirby Super Star Ultra Enemy As this is the remake of Kirby Super Star, his role doesn't change.
Kirby's Epic Yarn Enemy
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Enemy
Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition Enemy Appears in New Challenge Stages. Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Super Star, Kirby's Dream Land 3 and Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards are also included, where Chilly has the exact same role.
Kirby: Triple Deluxe Enemy
Kirby: Planet Robobot Enemy
Kirby Battle Royale Cameo Appears as part of the audience in various scenarios.
Kirby Star Allies Enemy and playable character Chilly can be recruited as a Friend.
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Enemy As this is the port of Kirby's Epic Yarn, his role doesn't change.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land Enemy
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Enemy Reprises his role from Kirby's Return to Dream Land

Kirby's Adventure / Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land[edit]

Freeze Kirby mimicking a Chilly in Kirby's Adventure.

KA Chilly sprite.png KNiDL Chilly sprite.png Chilly's debut was in Kirby's Adventure, as a common enemy, giving the Freeze Ability, and reappears in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land more-or-less unchanged. Just like the Freeze ability, Chilly attacks by creating a frozen barricade around himself, making it more difficult for Kirby to approach the snowman. Once Chilly appears, he will not attempt to move from his original position, only doing so if hit non-lethally.

Chilly's first appearance is not until Butter Building, and is a relatively uncommon foe throughout the rest of the game. Chilly can be found in the following levels and stages:

Chilly locations in Kirby's Adventure and Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7
Vegetable Valley No No No No No N/A N/A
Ice Cream Island No No No No No No N/A
Butter Building No No No No Yes No No
Grape Garden No No No No Yes No No
Yogurt Yard Yes No No No No No No
Orange Ocean No No No No Yes No No
Rainbow Resort Yes No Yes No No No No

Kirby's Pinball Land[edit]

In Kirby's Pinball Land, a Chilly appears on the bottom level of the Poppy Brothers' Land stage. Attacking this Chilly eight consecutive times will defeat him and make a Warp Star appear, which can be used to return to the stage select area.

Kirby's Dream Course[edit]

Needle Kirby parked next to a Chilly in Kirby's Dream Course.

KDCChilly.png In Kirby's Dream Course, Chilly gives the Freeze Copy Ability. Like many other enemies in the game, he remains stationary, and does not attack at all. In this game, his design is based on his Kirby's Adventure artwork: This is the only game where he uses this design.

In Kirby's Dream Course, Chilly can be found in the following courses:

Chilly locations in Kirby's Dream Course (Main Game) 
1P Mode
Course Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course 6 Course 7 Course 8
Hole 1 No No No No No No No No
Hole 2 No No No No Yes No No No
Hole 3 No No No No No No No No
Hole 4 No No No No Yes No No No
Hole 5 No No No No No No No No
Hole 6 No No No No No No No No
Hole 7 No No Yes Yes No No No Yes
Hole 8 No No No No No No No Yes
2P Mode
Course Whispy Woods Course Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright Course Kracko Course Gordo Course
Hole 1 No Yes No Yes
Hole 2 No Yes No No
Hole 3 No No No No
Hole 4 No No No No
Hole 5 No No No No
Hole 6 No Yes No No
Hole 7 No No No No
Hole 8 No Yes No No
Chilly locations in Kirby's Dream Course (Extra Game) 
1P Mode
Course Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course 6 Course 7 Course 8
Hole 1 No No No No No No No No
Hole 2 No No No No No No No Yes
Hole 3 No No No No No No No No
Hole 4 No No No No Yes No No No
Hole 5 No Yes Yes No No No No No
Hole 6 No No No No No No No No
Hole 7 Yes No Yes No No No No No
Hole 8 No No No No No No No Yes
2P Mode
Course Whispy Woods Course Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright Course Kracko Course Gordo Course
Hole 1 No No No No
Hole 2 No No No No
Hole 3 No No No No
Hole 4 No No No No
Hole 5 No No No No
Hole 6 No No No No
Hole 7 No No No No
Hole 8 No No No No

Kirby's Block Ball[edit]

KBBa Chilly sprite.png Chilly appears in this game as a common enemy, worth 600 points on defeat. Chilly drops a Block Flip item once defeated.

Kirby Super Star / Kirby Super Star Ultra[edit]

Kirby being frozen by a Chilly in Kirby Super Star.

KSS Chilly Sprite.png KSSU Chilly Helper sprite.png In Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra, Chilly is the Helper for the Ice ability, where he can perform all the moves Ice Kirby can. As an enemy, he releases ice storms just as before but is also capable of using one exclusive move, where he drops icicles down on Kirby.

In Kirby Super Star Ultra, Chilly also appears on a card in Kirby Card Swipe.

Chilly's helper moveset in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra
Skill Button Execution Skill Button Execution
Ice Breath
Ice Sprinkle
B in air
Super Ice Sprinkle
Dash + B in air
Ice Storm
Dash + Hold B/BBB
Ice Suction
(any direction) + B near foe
Ice Ejection
Ice Suction + B
Ice Kick
Tap frozen foe

Chilly can be found in the following places in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra:

Chilly locations in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Spring Breeze Revenge of Meta Knight
Chapter 1 No
Green Greens No Chapter 2 No
Float Islands Yes Chapter 3 No
Bubbly Clouds No Chapter 4 No
Mt. Dedede No Chapter 5 No
Dyna Blade Chapter 6 No
Peanut Plains No Chapter 7 No
Mallow Castle No Milky Way Wishes
Cocoa Cave Yes Floria Yes
Candy Mountain No Aquarius No
Dyna Blade's Nest No Skyhigh Yes
Trial Room 1 No Hotbeat No
Trial Room 2 No Cavius No
Gourmet Race Mekkai No
Pumpkin Grand No Halfmoon No
Corn Hall No Galactic Nova No
Onion Garden No ??? No
The Great Cave Offensive Revenge of the King
Sub-Tree No Purple Plants No
Crystal No Illusion Islands No
Old Tower No Crash Clouds Yes
Garden No Mt. Dedede Sky No
The Revenge Yes

Kirby's Dream Land 3[edit]

Chilly up in a tree in Kirby's Dream Land 3.

KDL3 Chilly Sprite.png Chilly makes an appearance in this game, bearing a fatter squatter look with no collar or bell, but otherwise serving the same purpose as before. Chilly tends to not move from his starting position, and will occasionally conjure a freezing aura around himself. He grants the Ice ability when swallowed.

In Kirby's Dream Land 3, Chilly can be found in the following levels and stages:

Chilly locations in Kirby's Dream Land 3  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7
Grass Land No No No No No No No
Ripple Field No No No No No No No
Sand Canyon No No No Yes Yes No No
Cloudy Park No Yes No No No No No
Iceberg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards[edit]

K64 Chilly Sprite.png Chilly returns in this game, with the same design as in Kirby's Dream Land 3, serving the same purpose as usual, but in 3D. He grants the Ice ability when swallowed.

A large version of Chilly appears as a Mid-Boss in Stage 1 of Shiver Star. He sits in place and conjures a freezing aura around himself on occasion. He takes several hits to defeat.

Chilly can be found in the following levels and stages:

Chilly locations in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Pop Star No Yes No No N/A
Rock Star No No Yes No No
Aqua Star No No No No No
Neo Star No No No No No
Shiver Star Yes No No No No
Ripple Star No No Yes No N/A
Dark Star No N/A N/A N/A N/A

Kirby Air Ride[edit]

In Kirby Air Ride, Chilly can be found skating on the race courses, mainly on Frozen Hillside. Running into him will freeze the racer in an ice cube for about one second. Kirby can copy the Freeze Ability from him here.

In Kirby Air Ride, Chilly can be found in the following places:

Chilly locations in Kirby Air Ride  
Location Appearance? Location Appearance?
Fantasy Meadows No Beanstalk Park No
Celestial Valley Yes Machine Passage No
Sky Sands No Checker Knights Yes
Frozen Hillside Yes Kirby Melee 1 Yes
Magma Flows No Kirby Melee 2 Yes

Kirby: Canvas Curse[edit]

Slipping past Chilly in Kirby: Canvas Curse.

KCC Chilly sprite.png Chilly returns in Kirby: Canvas Curse, where he provides the Freeze ability. His behavior is the same as in other games he has appeared in.

In Kirby: Canvas Curse, Chilly appears in the following locations:

Chilly locations in Kirby: Canvas Curse  
Reddy Land Arange Gorge Iello Adventure Neo Greo Bloo Hills Omarine Zone Wonder Lilane

Kirby's Epic Yarn / Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn[edit]

Chilly shoots a frigid blast from his body! That's not cool, dude.
— Patch Plaza description of Chilly from Kirby's Epic Yarn

In Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn, Chilly appears in yarn form in a few stages, mainly in Snow Land. He retains his usual style of attack, and if he hits Kirby or Prince Fluff with his freezing aura, they will momentarily be trapped in blocks of ice, which the player can free them from by mashing the 1 and 2 buttons.

Chilly can be found in the following levels and stages in Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn:

Chilly locations in Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Patch Castle No Deep-Dive Deep No
Fountain Gardens No Boom Boatyard No
Flower Fields No Fossil Reef No
Rainbow Falls No Snowy Fields Yes
Big-Bean Vine No Cozy Cabin No
Mole Hole No Mt. Slide No
Weird Woods No Frosty Wheel Yes
Pyramid Sands No Frigid Fjords No
Lava Landing No Evergreen Lift Yes
Cool Cave No Future City No
Dino Jungle No Tube Town No
Temper Temple No Mysterious UFO No
Dusk Dunes No Stellar Way No
Toy Tracks No Moon Base No
Mushroom Run No Outer Rings No
Sweets Park No Whispy's Forest No
Melody Town No Tempest Towers No
Cocoa Station No Cloud Palace No
Dark Manor No Castle Dedede No
Splash Beach No Meta Melon Isle No
Blub-Blub Ocean No Battleship Halberd No
Secret Island No

Kirby's Return to Dream Land / Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe[edit]

Chilly in Kirby's Return to Dream Land

Chilly returns in Kirby's Return to Dream Land, mostly in the level White Wafers, a fittingly snowy place, though he first appears in Onion Ocean. He attacks simply by standing in one spot and using his Ice Storm. Chilly also occasionally moves back and forth, but doesn't tread very far from where he started.

In Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, Chilly can be found in the following levels and stages:

Chilly locations in Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Cookie Country No No No No No N/A
Raisin Ruins No No No No No N/A
Onion Ocean Yes No No No No N/A
White Wafers Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Nutty Noon No No No No No No
Egg Engines No Yes No Yes No No
Dangerous Dinner No No Yes N/A N/A N/A
Chilly locations in Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Opening Stage No 4-3 No
1-1 No 4-4 No
1-2 No 4-EX No
1-3 No Sphere No
1-BOSS No Levitation No
2-1 No Health No
2-2 No Surge No
2-3 No Bomb No
2-4 No Upward No
2-BOSS No Needles No
3-1 No Barrier No
3-2 No Vanish No
3-3 Yes Cannon No
3-4 Yes Black Hole No
3-BOSS No Trickery No
4-1 No Secret Stage No
4-2 No Final Boss No

Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition[edit]

Chilly makes an appearance (unchanged in form and function from Kirby's Return to Dream Land) in the New Challenge Stages mode of Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition, where he can be seen in a few of the chambers.

Kirby: Triple Deluxe[edit]

Wing Kirby standing precariously close to a Chilly in Kirby: Triple Deluxe.

Chilly appears briefly in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, appearing in only a few places. He is unchanged from his appearance in Kirby's Return to Dream Land.

In Kirby: Triple Deluxe Chilly can be found in the following levels and stages:

Chilly locations in Kirby: Triple Deluxe  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 (EX) Stage 7 EX Stage 8 EX
Fine Fields No No No No No No N/A N/A
Lollipop Land No No Yes No No No N/A N/A
Old Odyssey No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/A
Wild World No No No Yes No No No N/A
Endless Explosions Yes No No Yes No No No N/A
Royal Road No No No Yes No No Yes No

Kirby: Planet Robobot[edit]

Chilly returns in Kirby: Planet Robobot, once again un-changed in behavior from prior titles and providing the Ice ability when inhaled and swallowed.

In Kirby: Planet Robobot Chilly can be found in the following levels and stages:

Chilly locations in Kirby: Planet Robobot  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 (EX) Stage 7 EX Stage 8 EX
Patched Plains No No No Yes No Yes N/A N/A
Resolution Road No No No Yes No No N/A N/A
Overload Ocean No No No Yes No No No N/A
Gigabyte Grounds No No Yes No No No No N/A
Rhythm Route No Yes No No Yes No No N/A
Access Ark Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes

Kirby Battle Royale[edit]

In Kirby Battle Royale, Chilly does not appear as an enemy, instead appearing in the audience for several battle modes, as well as in cutscenes.

Kirby Star Allies[edit]

KSA Chilly Pause Screen Artwork.png
Pause screen artwork of an allied Chilly in Kirby Star Allies
"To the edge of the world!"
This snowman wishes to travel far before it gets too warm...and he disappears. He sets out from his home, sure that he can achieve his dream!

— Guest Star Chilly Chill Winds Pause Screen description in Kirby Star Allies

Along with appearing as a common enemy, Chilly also is recruitable as a Friend. He can be controlled by the CPU or another player, and can help provide a Blizzard augment to other abilities.

When Chilly is recruited, his coloration changes based off his position in the team, and he also gains a hat similar to Kirby's Ice ability hat.

In addition to the standard method, Chilly can be recruited by throwing a Friend Heart at a defeated Mr. Frosty, as each Copy Ability is limited to a single representative Friend.

In Kirby Star Allies Chilly can be found in the following levels and stages:

Chilly locations in Kirby Star Allies  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Dream Land Far-Flung Starlight Heroes
Planet Earthfall No
Green Gardens Yes Falluna Moon Yes
Donut Dome Yes Planet Misteen No
Honey Hill No Mareen Moon No
Fruity Forest No Planet Caverna No
Clash at Castle Dedede No Grott Moon Yes
Extra Eclair No Planet Frostak Yes
Planet Popstar Blizzno Moon Yes
Friendly Field No Planet Towara Yes
Reef Resort No Gabbel Moon Yes
Echo's Edge Yes Star Lavadom No
Nature's Navel Yes Sizzlai Moon No
Sacred Square Yes Jambandra Base Yes
Inside Islands No The Divine Terminus Yes
Duplex Dream No Kirby Star Allies No
Jambastion Extra Planet α No
Gatehouse Road Yes Extra Planet β No
Eastern Wall No Extra Planet γ Yes
Longview Corridor No Extra Planet δ Yes
Western Outer Wall No Ability Planet Yes
Inner Sanctum Yes Heroes in Another Dimension
Heavenly Hall Yes Dimension I Yes
Sector A Yes Dimension II Yes
Sector B No Dimension III No
Sector C No Dimension IV Yes
Final Dimension No

Kirby and the Forgotten Land[edit]

Chilly using his icicle spread attack in Kirby and the Forgotten Land.

Chilly reappears as an enemy in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Here, his hat is a much darker shade of green than in previous games, and Chilly can once again make use of his icicle attack from Kirby Super Star, alongside his usual ice breath and ice storm attacks. Swallowing him grants the Ice Copy Ability.

In Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Chilly can be found in the following stages:

Chilly locations in Kirby and the Forgotten Land  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Point of Arrival No The Tropical Terror No An Unexpected Beast King No The Beast Pack's Final Stand Yes
Downtown Grassland No Welcome to Wondaria Yes The Wastes Where Life Began No In the Presence of the King No
Through the Tunnel No Circuit Speedway Yes Searching the Oasis No Lab Discovera No
Rocky Rollin' Road No Invasion at the House of Horrors No Alivel Mall (Staff Side) Yes Forgo Plains No
A Trip to Alivel Mall Yes The Wondaria Dream Parade Yes Moonlight Canyon Yes Forgo Bay Yes
The Brawl at the Mall No Danger under the Big Top No Collector in the Sleepless Valley No Forgo Park Yes
Abandoned Beach Yes Northeast Frost Street No Enter the Fiery Forbidden Lands No Forgo Horns Yes
Concrete Isles No Metro on Ice Yes Conquer the Inferno Road Yes Forgo Wasteland No
Scale the Cement Summit Yes Windy, Freezing Seas No Burning, Churning Power Plant No Forgo Zone Yes
Fast-Flowing Waterworks Yes The Battle of Blizzard Bridge Yes Gathering of the Beast Council No Forgo Land No

In Kirby: Right Back at Ya![edit]

KRBaY Chilly artwork.png
Artwork of Chilly from Kirby: Right Back at Ya!.
Debut episode Dedede's Snow Job
Similar entities Ice Dragon
Voice actor(s) Kayzie Rogers (English)
Yūko Mizutani (Japanese)
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Chilly, you're made out of snow, right...but you're alive?
— Tuff, in Dedede's Snow Job

Chilly appears in Kirby: Right Back at Ya! as a monster created by Ice Dragon and ordered by King Dedede to assassinate Kirby. He attempts to do this covertly, pretending to be Kirby's friend while trying to do him in. After many failed attempts - one of which ends up with Kirby having to save him from melting in a pool - Chilly comes to pity the pink puffball, who remains none-the-wiser, and runs back to Ice Dragon instead. Because he did not kill Kirby, King Dedede orders Ice Dragon to stomp the snowman, but Kirby saves him in the nick of time, then they battle the Ice Dragon and save Cappy Town from freezing up. However, as the weather returns to normal, Chilly starts to melt away. Kirby tries in vain to save Chilly, but the poor snowman ends up melting on an iceberg out in the sea.

Chilly is portrayed fairly faithfully to his video game incarnation, but his cap is notably green in color rather than the usual blue (as was standard in the games at the time, though green-hat Chilly would become normal in games onwards from Kirby's Return to Dream Land). He cannot conjure a freezing aura around himself, but he is able to conjure snowballs from his hands. He is incapable of normal speech, able to only repeat his name.

In the Kirby novel series[edit]

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In the Kirby novel series, Chilly is one of the residents of Dream Land, first appearing in Kirby Star Allies: The Great Friend Adventure!.

In Kirby: Uproar at the Kirby Café?!, Bandana Waddle Dee tries to recruit Chilly for the staff of the Dedede Café, since he wants his help to create ice cream and shaved ice. Chilly refuses, saying he looks forward to the Kirby Café and not the Dedede Café. Waddle Dee offers him desserts made by him and the Waddle Dees, causing Chilly to change his mind and agree help. Later, at the second round of the cooking competition, Chilly is unsure of Waddle Dee's idea for the drink, since he thinks the au lait will be too sweet for Meta Knight's taste. However, Waddle Dee assures that it will help him to get rid of his fatigue. When they win the second round, Chilly and the other Dedede Café staff celebrate.



Main article: Chilly/gallery

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese チリー
Chinese 粗眉雪人
Cū méi xǔe rén
Thick Eyebrow Snowman
Dutch Chilly -
French Chilly -
German Chilly -
Italian Chilly -
Korean 칠리
Russian Чилли
Spanish Chilly -