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Contrast Cave

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Contrast Cave
KCC Contrast Cave select.png
Opening image for Contrast Cave
Host level Iello Adventure
Time Trial bonuses 0:37:00
Line Trial bonuses 0300ml
Stage order
Rift Ruin Silver Submarine
Theme Music

Clip of the theme that plays in Contrast Cave.

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Contrast Cave is a cavern system and second stage of Iello Adventure in Kirby: Canvas Curse. It is comparable to Dungeon Dome. Kirby travels through Contrast Cave after being cursed to a ball form by Drawcia. The cave has the appearance of a gem mine, with several underwater chambers to go through.

Stage overview[edit]

Area / map Description Medal guide
KCC Contrast Cave area 01 map.png
Area 1
The first area is a fairly complicated tunnel system. Kirby navigates the tight quarters and faces enemies that attack more aggressively than previously encountered. Shotzos can be found along the floors, and Thudds along the ceiling. Towards the final stretch of this area, some of the Thudds are smaller, and some of the large ones are hidden from view. Only one checkpoint exists in the area. The Bobo, two Comos, and Waddle Dees blocking the door are the only enemies that can be defeated in this area.

Point Stars lie in the path in several places. An Energy Drink can also be found near the second set of Shotzos. Only the Burning copy ability can be obtained in this area.

The first medal can be found near the beginning of the area. From the first Shotzos, Kirby should turn to the right and he can find it behind a big Star Block.
KCC Contrast Cave area 02 map.png
Area 2
Extensive under water traveling is needed to reach the goal door in this area. Early in, a Rocky can be found to acquire the Stone ability. Since Kirby naturally floats in Kirby: Canvas Curse, the stone ability can be used to travel underwater easier. In Stone form, Kirby will sink; otherwise extensive dashing or drawing Rainbow Lines will be needed to keep him submerged. Squishy appears frequently, as do Blippers and Glunks. A rare Bomber can be found to acquire the Crash ability.

In a room with pipes leading in but not out, a Maxim Tomato rests on the cavern floor. After obtaining the Maxim Tomato, a large boulder and three Blippers will appear. The boulder can be tapped or avoided, but the Blippers need to be destroyed. Three more boulders will fall from the ceiling and more Blippers will appear. Upon defeating them all, another Maxim Tomato and the goal door will appear.

This medal is a bit tricky to get. First, Kirby needs to use the Stone ability to break a Stake underwater to access the lower-left pool area. From there, a Bomber can be found at the top, whose Crash power is needed to hit the Switch which will lift the barrier to the medal at the bottom of the pool.
KCC Contrast Cave area 03 map.png
Area 3
Star Blocks and thousands of them fill this area. Among the enemies found are Rocky, Waddle Dee, Waddle Doo, Sparky, Bobo, Bronto Burt, and Gordo. The Beam, Burning, and Spark ability can be obtained to destroy the blocks faster. After descending through the blocks, an anti-paint field and a maze like area can be reached. Kirby can dash over the first few gaps to drop down the last one, which has a 1-Up and a green Action Block. The lowest section contains the stage exit. The last medal can be found by accessing a doorway from this room on the lower-right side inside the no-draw zone (in the nook with the 1-Up). This door can only be accessed once the green Big Switch from Cold Course is pressed.

Enemies and Copy Abilities[edit]

Sprite Name Copy Ability Sprite Name Copy Ability
KCC Blipper sprite.png Blipper None KCC Shotzo sprite.png Shotzo N/A
KCC Bobo sprite.png Bobo Burning KCC Sparky sprite.png Sparky Spark
KCC Bomber sprite.png Bomber Crash KCC Spear Waddle Dee sprite.png Spear Waddle Dee None
KCC Bronto Burt sprite.png Bronto Burt None KCC Squishy sprite.png Squishy None
KCC Como sprite.png Como None KCC Small Thudd sprite.pngKCC Thudd sprite.pngKCC Big Thudd sprite.png Thudd N/A
KCC Glunk sprite.png Glunk None KCC Waddle Dee sprite.png Waddle Dee None
KCC Gordo sprite.png Gordo N/A KCC Waddle Doo sprite.png Waddle Doo Beam
KCC Rocky sprite.png Rocky Stone


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese コントラストケーブ
Contrast Cave
European French Caverne Contrastée Contrasted Cave
German Kontrast-Kluft Contrast-Chasm
Italian Caverna Contrasto Contrast Cavern
European Spanish Cueva Contraste Contrast Cave