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Cold Course

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Cold Course
KCC Cold Course select.png
Opening image for Cold Course
Host level Bloo Hills
Time Trial bonuses 1:30:00
Line Trial bonuses 0300ml
Stage order
Paletto Polis Dungeon Dome
Theme Music

Clip of the stage music that plays in Cold Course.

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Cold Course is Stage 1 of Bloo Hills in Kirby: Canvas Curse. Kirby visits Cold Course on his quest to restore himself from the spell cast upon him by Drawcia. All of the areas seem to be part of a frozen, icy underground cavern system. Similar to other areas of Canvas Curse, Cold Course has three hidden medals for Medal Swap purchases, and companion courses in Rainbow Run offering a total of six more medals.

Stage overview[edit]

Area / map Description Medal guide
KCC Cold Course area 01 map.png
Area 1
This frozen cave is simple to navigate. Kirby begins by rolling down a steep incline, the rest of the rooms have staggered entry and exit points. Several appearances of Metal Blocks can be found. The blocks are destroyed and passed through by using the contact activated cannon. Bouncy, Ice Boulders, Waddle Dees, and Gordos all appear as enemies in this area.

Point Stars line many of the paths and are also rewarded when passing the checkpoint in this area.

This medal can be obtained by traveling through a hidden doorway in a path obscured by a partial foreground ice wall, along the right side of the fist downward chute of this area.
KCC Cold Course area 02 map.png
Area 2
Breakable ice walls are introduced in this area. The cracked pillars can either be tapped with the stylus or attacked with one of Kirby's copy abilities or a dash attack. On the first hit the pillar will fracture more, and the second destroys it. Blocks that can only be broken with the Freeze ability appear in this area as well. The only ice specific environmental hazards present are the falling icicles. Otherwise the primary environmental hazard is the expanse of open pits near the end of the stage. Bouncies, Shotzo, Chilly, and a Wheelie are enemies present in this stage. Point Stars are abundant throughout the stage but the largest concentration is found near the exit door.

Area 2 also appears as the Line Trial challenge of Rainbow Run.

In the first portion of this area, the medal can be obtained by heading left from the right-facing stick pad and using the Freeze ability to bust through a set of blocks along the narrow hall. From there, Kirby needs to make his way up past breakable ice walls and maneuver around the Shotzo who can be re-positioned by breaking the Star Block it is resting on (though this should not be done too soon).
KCC Cold Course area 03 map.png
Area 3
Area 3 is slightly more complex. The first room consists of several seemingly dead ends. The walls of ice blocking paths correspond to certain switches in the room. Kirby will need to press each switch to get through the room. The following rooms are descending passageways lined with spikes. At the very bottom, Kirby will be ferried by a moving stick pad, and the player will need to draw Rainbow Lines above to shield Kirby from the falling Icicles.

This area also appears as the Time Trial challenge of Rainbow Run.

To obtain this medal, Kirby must travel through a doorway nestled behind a wall of Metal Blocks. To break these blocks, a large iron boulder can be released to smash through it, but first, a floor needs to be created for it to roll along by hitting a Bomb Block further down.
KCC Cold Course secret area map.png
Secret area
This chamber is accessed a few times in order to obtain two of the medals, but these paths are separate from a larger room containing the green Big Switch. This particular room can be accessed by ignoring the first fan switch in Area 2 and moving down to find a bottomless hall with Icicles raining down from the ceiling. Passing this takes Kirby through a doorway leading to a room filled with a no-draw zone. Kirby will need to navigate using cannons to reach the switch and press it to remove all green Action Blocks in the game. N/A

Enemies and Copy Abilities[edit]

Sprite Name Copy Ability Sprite Name Copy Ability
KCC Bouncy sprite.png Bouncy None KCC Shotzo sprite.png Shotzo N/A
KCC Bronto Burt sprite.png Bronto Burt None KCC Spear Waddle Dee sprite.png Spear Waddle Dee None
KCC Chilly sprite.png Chilly Freeze KCC Waddle Dee sprite.png Waddle Dee None
KCC Como sprite.png Como None KCC Wheelie sprite.png Wheelie Wheel
KCC Gordo sprite.png Gordo N/A


The music for Cold Course is a remix of Shiver Star theme in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. When Old School mode is on, the music of this course changes to the Rainbow Resort theme from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land.


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese コールドコース
kōrudo kōsu
Cold Course
European French Parcours Polaire Polar Course
German Klirrende Kälte Bitter Cold
Italian Percorso Polare Polar Course
European Spanish Galería Gélida Gelid Gallery