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Floaty the Cell Core

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Floaty the Cell Core
KSA Floaty the Cell Core.jpg
Screenshot of Floaty the Cell Core from Kirby Star Allies.
First game Kirby Star Allies (2018)
Copy Ability Water
Similar entities Driblee, Guard
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This article is about the water bubble foe. For the umbrella foe, see Floaty the Drifter. For other Floaties, see Floaty.

Floaty the Cell Core[1] is a large enemy which first appeared in Kirby Star Allies. It is a strange critter which resides in a floating bubble of water. It attacks by shooting globs of this water toward Kirby and friends.

Floaty the Cell Core has 52 HP, which is exactly how much damage a Star Bullet normally deals. However, it can also be one-hit KO'd by Blizzard and Zap element moves. It can also be inhaled by Kirby and swallowed for the Water ability if it's low enough for Kirby to do so.


Floaty the Cell Core can be found in the following stages:

Floaty the Cell Core locations in Kirby Star Allies  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Green Gardens No Falluna Moon No
Donut Dome No Planet Misteen No
Honey Hill No Mareen Moon No
Fruity Forest No Planet Caverna No
Clash at Castle Dedede No Grott Moon No
Extra Eclair No Planet Frostak Yes
Friendly Field No Blizzno Moon No
Reef Resort No Planet Towara No
Echo's Edge No Gabbel Moon No
Nature's Navel No Star Lavadom No
Sacred Square No Sizzlai Moon No
Inside Islands No Jambandra Base Yes
Duplex Dream No The Divine Terminus No
Gatehouse Road No Extra Planet α No
Eastern Wall Yes Extra Planet β No
Longview Corridor Yes Extra Planet γ Yes
Western Outer Wall No Extra Planet δ Yes
Inner Sanctum Yes Ability Planet No
Heavenly Hall Yes Dimension I Yes
Sector A Yes Dimension II No
Sector B No Dimension III No
Sector C Yes Dimension IV No
Planet Earthfall No


  • This enemy was originally called アメーバ (Amoeba) in the concept art, a type of cell or organism in real life which has the ability to alter its shape. In its early designs, various common enemies in the Kirby series were originally considered to be the core of this creature.
  • This enemy's name seems to be a throwback to Floaty the Drifter, though the two enemies have very little in common.
  • Floaty the Cell Core is one of the few common enemies that appear in The Ultimate Choice.


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese フローティ ザ セルコア[2]
Furōti za Serukoa
Floaty the Cell Core
Dutch Floaty de celkern Floaty the cell core
French Flotty le noyau cellulaire[3] Flotty the cell core
German Schwebli, der Zellkern[4] Schwebli, the cell core
Italian Flutty il nucleo[5] Flutty the core
Russian Флоати
Spanish Floti el núcleo celular[6] Floti the cell core


  1. "See Floaty the Cell Core's development in this #KirbyStarAllies concept art. It looks like it was planned to be floating in water from the very start. The shape of the water is also very unique, and the critters all look so adorable!" –Nintendo of Europe Twitter feed (Twitter link Twitter favicon.png (Wayback Machine snapshot))
  2. "再びジャマハローア。本日2つめにご紹介する開発資料は「フローティ ザ セルコア」ですわ。水の中にいるという特徴は初めから決まっていたようです。 水の形もユニークでみんな愛くるしいですわね。少し冷やせばそのまま氷づけになってひぞうコレクションに……フフッ" –JP Kirby Twitter feed (Twitter link Twitter favicon.png (Wayback Machine snapshot))
  3. "Découvrez la genèse de Flotty le noyau cellulaire grâce à ces croquis #KirbyStarAllies. Le fait qu'il flotte dans un milieu aquatique était prévu dès le départ. La forme de ce milieu, en revanche, pouvait être unique. En tout cas, ces créatures sont toutes adorables !" –Nintendo Belgique Twitter feed (Twitter link Twitter favicon.png (Wayback Machine snapshot))
  4. "HIer[sic] sehen wir frühe Entwürfe für Schwebli, den Zellkern, aus #KirbyStarAllies. Bereits in den frühen Designs stand fest, dass er in einer Wasserblase schweben soll. Sehen die Kreaturen und ihre Wasserblasen nicht unheimlich niedlich aus?" –Nintendo DE Twitter feed (Twitter link Twitter favicon.png (Wayback Machine snapshot))
  5. "Scopri l'evoluzione di Flutty il nucleo in questi bozzetti di #KirbyStarAllies. Sembra che pianificassero di farlo galleggiare sull'acqua sin dall'inizio." –Nintendo Italia Twitter feed (Twitter link Twitter favicon.png (Wayback Machine snapshot))
  6. "Mira la evolución de Floti el núcleo celular en este boceto de #KirbyStarAllies. Parece que planeaban desde el principio que flotara en el agua. La forma del agua también resulta muy interesante ¡y los animalitos son adorables!" –Nintendo España Twitter feed (Twitter link Twitter favicon.png (Wayback Machine snapshot))