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Waddle Doo

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Waddle Doo
KRtDL Waddle Doo artwork.jpg
Artwork of Waddle Doo from Kirby's Return to Dream Land
First game Kirby's Dream Land (1992)
Latest game Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe (2023)
Other game(s) (click to navigate)
Copy Ability Beam, Parasol (if holding a parasol)
Similar entities Parasol Waddle Doo, Swinging Waddle Doo, Super Waddle Doo, Waddle Dee, King Doo
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Want to battle? You're at the right place.
— Waddle Doo in Kirby Battle Royale

Waddle Doo is an iconic round creature and distant relative of Waddle Dee, sharing many of that creature's characteristics, save for the single large eye in place of a face and the ability to fire beams from it. He is most commonly encountered in the Kirby series as an enemy, but he can be recruited as a helper in appropriate games and in some instances is playable aside from that. Waddle Doo attacks primarily by firing his aforementioned eye beam, but will otherwise harm Kirby by collision or by trying to body-slam him, as seen in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Swallowing Waddle Doo will typically yield Kirby the Beam ability, and if holding a parasol, he will yield Kirby the Parasol ability.

Waddle Doo bears a very similar physique to Waddle Dee (and Kirby by extension), and can often be found in the same situations as his more down-to-earth cousins. If not distinguished by his eye, Waddle Doo also differs in his color scheme, bearing a more orange-red (described in Kirby's Dream Buffet as "ketchup") body hue with orange-yellow feet, as well as two strands of hair on his head. Given that Waddle Doo's face consists only of a single giant eye, he can only meaningfully communicate his emotions using eye-based expressions such as tears, dilation of his pupil, and movements of his eyelid. Despite this, Waddle Doo is capable of speaking, as evidenced in Kirby Battle Royale and Kirby: Right Back at Ya!.

Waddle Doo is often associated with the recurring boss Kracko, who is able to conjure them in most of his appearances and also has a giant singular eye which can fire beams. Another form of Waddle Doo was created when Dark Matter possessed the Waddle Dee in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Waddle Doo also has a much larger Mid-Boss variation known as King Doo who appears in Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby: Planet Robobot, along with a few other titles.

Game appearances[edit]

Waddle Doo’s video game appearances  
Game Role Notes
Kirby series
Kirby's Dream Land Enemy
Kirby's Adventure Enemy
Kirby's Pinball Land Cameo Appears as part of roulette in Wispy-Woods Land.
Kirby's Dream Course Enemy Only provides the Parasol ability in this game.
Kirby's Avalanche Boss Final tutorial opponent.
Kirby Super Star Enemy and playable character Can be summoned as Helper.
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Mid-Boss Only one appears in this game, and is the result of Dark Matter possessing Waddle Dee.
Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble Enemy
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land Enemy Reprises his role from Kirby's Adventure.
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Enemy
Kirby: Canvas Curse Enemy and unlockable playable character Waddle Doo is in ball form when playable.
Kirby: Squeak Squad Enemy
Kirby Super Star Ultra Enemy and playable character Reprises his role from Kirby Super Star. Also selectable in Helper to Hero.
Kirby's Epic Yarn Enemy These Waddle Doos were created by Yin-Yarn.
Kirby Mass Attack Strato Patrol EOS and Kirby Quest enemy
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Enemy
Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition Roles vary between games
Kirby: Triple Deluxe Enemy
Kirby Fighters Deluxe Enemy Can be summoned by Kracko during his boss fight.
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Cameo Appears in the intro. Also appears as a collectible figurine, and in one of the Secret Diary pages.
Kirby: Planet Robobot Enemy
Kirby Battle Royale Supporting character Responsible for checking Kirby into battles in Dedede's Cake Royale.
Kirby Star Allies Enemy and playable Friend
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Enemy These Waddle Doos were created by Yin-Yarn. They reprise their role from Kirby's Epic Yarn.
Kirby's Dream Buffet Reference Waddle Doo is referenced as a Color and Costume for Kirby, and is also on some Character Treats.
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Enemy Reprises his role from Kirby's Return to Dream Land.
Super Smash Bros. series
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Cameo Appears as a trophy, and in King Dedede’s Waddle Dee Toss and Waddle Dee Army moves.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Smash Run enemy Also appears as a trophy.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Spirit

Kirby's Dream Land[edit]

KDL Waddle Doo sprite.png

Waddle Doo first appeared in Kirby's Dream Land. He stands in place and will attempt to fire beams at Kirby. Since there are no Copy Abilities in this title, he provides nothing if swallowed. He is also summoned by Kracko.

Waddle Doo can be found in every stage except for Green Greens.

Kirby's Adventure / Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land[edit]

Kirby chasing after an errant Waddle Doo in Kirby's Adventure

KA Waddle Doo sprite.png In Kirby's Adventure, Waddle Doo is a semi-common enemy who famously bears the Beam ability, as he is the very first ability-providing enemy that Kirby encounters in the first stage of the game. He also appears in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land.

In addition to his role as an enemy, Waddle Doo appears as an opponent in both versions of Quick Draw.

In Kirby's Adventure and Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, Waddle Doo can be found in the following levels and stages:

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby's Adventure and Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7
Vegetable Valley Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A N/A
Ice Cream Island Yes No No Yes Yes No N/A
Butter Building No Yes No Yes No No No
Grape Garden Yes No No Yes No Yes No
Yogurt Yard Yes No No Yes No No No
Orange Ocean No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Rainbow Resort Yes No Yes No No Yes No

Kirby's Pinball Land[edit]

Waddle Doo's image appears as part of the roulette machine in Wispy-Woods Land. If all three slots match Waddle Doo's image, any Maxim Tomato and Energy Drinks present on the board will be removed. Waddle Doo is the only enemy represented in Kirby's Pinball Land who does not actually make a personal appearance.

Kirby's Dream Course[edit]

Main article: Parasol Waddle Doo

KDCWaddleDoo.png Waddle Doo appears as an enemy on the courses in this game, where he is always seen with a parasol in hand. As such, this is the only game in the series where Waddle Doo exclusively provides the Parasol ability.

Kirby's Avalanche[edit]

Sprite from Kirby's Avalanche
You did not treat Waddle Dee with respect... Now I, Waddle Doo will repay you in kind!
— Waddle Doo from Kirby's Avalanche
Waddle Dee's first cousin, this cyclops lacks perspective, seeing everything in only two dimensions.
— Kirby's Avalanche Instruction Booklet (North American print), page 21

Waddle Doo (abbreviated as WADO in this game) is the third and final opponent faced in the 'Lessons' stages. This is the first game to depict him with his current design; his eye is noticeably bigger and he has yellow feet rather than green, in addition to having two strands of hair rather than three. He has no particular patterns or behaviors, and is not particularly tough to defeat. His Puyo Puyo equivalent is Mummy.

Kirby Super Star / Kirby Super Star Ultra[edit]

Waddle Doo being introduced in The Beginner's Show

KSS Waddle Doo Sprite.png KSSU Waddle Doo Helper sprite.png In Kirby Super Star, Waddle Doo is a rather common enemy that attacks using his characteristic beam. Waddle Doo can also serve as a Helper (who is slightly lighter orange than a standard Waddle Doo), created out of the Beam ability. He can also be conjured by Kracko Jr. and Kracko and appears at the beginning of the battle against the former.

Waddle Doo appears as one of the opponents in Samurai Kirby. He also appears as a card in Kirby Card Swipe and as a target in Kirby on the Draw.

In Kirby Super Star Ultra's Helper to Hero, Waddle Doo is one of the playable Helpers, bearing a light green color.

Waddle Doo can be found in the following places in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra:

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Spring Breeze Revenge of Meta Knight
Chapter 1 No
Green Greens Yes Chapter 2 No
Float Islands No Chapter 3 No
Bubbly Clouds Yes Chapter 4 No
Mt. Dedede Yes Chapter 5 Yes
Dyna Blade Chapter 6 No
Peanut Plains Yes Chapter 7 No
Mallow Castle Yes Milky Way Wishes
Cocoa Cave Yes Floria No
Candy Mountain Yes Aquarius No
Dyna Blade's Nest No Skyhigh Yes
Trial Room 1 Yes Hotbeat No
Trial Room 2 No Cavius No
Gourmet Race Mekkai No
Pumpkin Grand No Halfmoon No
Corn Hall No Galactic Nova No
Onion Garden No ??? No
The Great Cave Offensive Revenge of the King
Sub-Tree Yes Purple Plants Yes
Crystal No Illusion Islands Yes
Old Tower Yes Crash Clouds Yes
Garden No Mt. Dedede Sky No
The Revenge Yes

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards[edit]

Waddle Doo does not appear as a regular enemy in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Instead, he appears as the form Kirby's Waddle Dee friend takes when he is possessed by Dark Matter. Kirby fights Waddle Doo as a mid-boss in the game after a dramatic cutscene showing Waddle Dee being possessed, and, peculiarly enough, Waddle Doo does not fire beams in this iteration. Instead, he merely tries to run into and/or body-slam Kirby. Most of his attacks end up with him tripping and hurting himself (though this does not end up actually damaging him).

Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble[edit]

Waddle Doo firing his beam in Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble

KTnT Waddle Doo.png Waddle Doo returns in Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble, and serves a similar function of firing beams, though from a top-down format. Given the nature of the game, he does not provide any special abilities upon defeat. Like Waddle Dees, Waddle Doo can be defeated by popping up the Game Boy Color to turn him into a star piece.

Waddle Doo can be found only in Lvl 4-1.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror[edit]

Kirby and a Waddle Doo facing each other in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

KNiDL Waddle Doo sprite.png Waddle Doo returns in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, unaltered from his appearance in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land and still providing the Beam Ability as usual.

In Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, Waddle Doo may be found in the following areas and rooms:

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror  
Rainbow Route Moonlight Mansion Cabbage Cavern Mustard Mountain Carrot Castle Olive Ocean Peppermint Palace Radish Ruins Candy Constellation Dimension Mirror

Kirby: Canvas Curse[edit]

Kirby about to fall on top of a Waddle Doo in Kirby: Canvas Curse

KCC Waddle Doo sprite.png Waddle Doo appears in Kirby: Canvas Curse, providing the Beam ability when touched.

KCC Waddle Doo Ball sprite.png A Waddle Doo in ball form is also playable in the game, which has permanent use of the Beam ability. He is unlocked by completing every stage with all four of the other playable characters. It is also possible to unlock Waddle Doo by starting the game with Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land or Kirby & The Amazing Mirror in the console's GBA slot.

Waddle Doo also appears as one of the objects which can be painted in Paint Panic.

In Kirby: Canvas Curse, Waddle Doo appears in the following locations:

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby: Canvas Curse  
Reddy Land Arange Gorge Iello Adventure Neo Greo Bloo Hills Omarine Zone Wonder Lilane
All stages

Kirby: Squeak Squad[edit]

In Kirby: Squeak Squad, Waddle Doo appears as an enemy, with the exact same look and characteristics that he had in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. Here, Waddle Doo can be possessed by Ghost Kirby, whereupon he can be made to walk, jump, and fire his beam, though this last action requires a little charge-up.

In Kirby: Squeak Squad, Waddle Doo can be found in the following levels and stages:

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby: Squeak Squad  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Boss Secret
Prism Plains Yes No No No No No Yes
Nature Notch Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Cushy Cloud Yes Yes No No No No Yes
Jam Jungle Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Vocal Volcano Yes Yes No Yes N/A No No
Ice Island Yes No Yes Yes No No No
Secret Sea No Yes Yes Yes No No No
Gamble Galaxy Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A No N/A

Kirby's Epic Yarn / Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn[edit]

Artwork of Waddle Doo in Kirby's Epic Yarn.
This big-eyed Waddle Doo may be a fake, but that beam is as nasty as the real thing!
— Patch Plaza description from Kirby's Epic Yarn

In Kirby's Epic Yarn, yarn versions of Waddle Doos appear as somewhat common enemies, though they are imposters made by Yin-Yarn. Upon spotting Kirby, the yarn Waddle Doo will shoot a beam out of his button eye. He will adjust his hair after shooting the beam, although he will also occasionally adjust it at times.

In Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn, Waddle Doos appear both in the main game and in Stage 3 of the Sub-Game Slash & Bead. Here, they behave as they normally do, though Meta Knight is able to slash them with his sword or defeat them with his Special for a reward of beads.

Waddle Doo can be found in the following stages in Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn.

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Patch Castle No Deep-Dive Deep No
Fountain Gardens No Boom Boatyard No
Flower Fields No Fossil Reef No
Rainbow Falls No Snowy Fields No
Big-Bean Vine No Cozy Cabin No
Mole Hole No Mt. Slide No
Weird Woods Yes Frosty Wheel No
Pyramid Sands No Frigid Fjords No
Lava Landing No Evergreen Lift Yes
Cool Cave No Future City Yes
Dino Jungle Yes Tube Town Yes
Temper Temple No Mysterious UFO Yes
Dusk Dunes No Stellar Way Yes
Toy Tracks Yes Moon Base No
Mushroom Run Yes Outer Rings No
Sweets Park Yes Whispy's Forest Yes
Melody Town No Tempest Towers Yes
Cocoa Station No Cloud Palace Yes
Dark Manor No Castle Dedede Yes
Splash Beach No Meta Melon Isle No
Blub-Blub Ocean No Battleship Halberd Yes
Secret Island No

Kirby Mass Attack[edit]

Waddle Doo does not appear in the main game of Kirby Mass Attack. However, he does appear as an enemy in the sub-games Strato Patrol EOS (as Parasol Waddle Doos, summoned by Kracko) and Kirby Quest. Captain Waddle Doo from the anime also makes an appearance in Kirby Quest.

Kirby's Return to Dream Land / Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe[edit]

An in-game Waddle Doo from Kirby's Return to Dream Land

Waddle Doo returns as an enemy in Kirby's Return to Dream Land and its remake, Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, providing the Beam ability like before. He can also be found carrying a Parasol. A super variant known as Super Waddle Doo can also be found, which provides the Flare Beam Super Ability.A similar enemy, known as King Doo appears as a Mid-Boss.

In Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, Waddle Doo reprises his role as a target in Kirby on the Draw.

In Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Waddle Doo can be found in the following levels and stages:

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Cookie Country No Yes Yes Yes No N/A
Raisin Ruins Yes Cameo Yes No No N/A
Onion Ocean Yes No Yes Yes No N/A
White Wafers Yes No No No No No
Nutty Noon Yes Cameo Yes No Yes No
Egg Engines No No Yes No Yes No
Dangerous Dinner Yes No Yes N/A N/A N/A

Waddle Doo returns in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, with his properties and behavior remaining unchanged. He also appears as a Dress-Up Mask, unlocked by completing card #23 in the Stamp Rally, and makes more appearances as an enemy in Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler.

Waddle Doo locations in Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Opening Stage No 4-3 No
1-1 No 4-4 Yes
1-2 No 4-EX No
1-3 No Sphere No
1-BOSS No Levitation No
2-1 No Health No
2-2 Yes Surge No
2-3 No Bomb No
2-4 No Upward No
2-BOSS No Needles No
3-1 No Barrier No
3-2 No Vanish No
3-3 No Cannon No
3-4 No Black Hole No
3-BOSS No Trickery No
4-1 No Secret Stage No
4-2 No Final Boss No

Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition[edit]

In addition to appearing in the games featured in this collection, Waddle Doo also appears as a common enemy in the New Challenge Stages, where he behaves much as he did in Kirby's Return to Dream Land. However, due to the nature of the game, Kirby cannot obtain the Beam ability from him here.

Kirby: Triple Deluxe[edit]

Kirby doing as instructed and inhaling a Waddle Doo in Kirby: Triple Deluxe

Waddle Doo appears again in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, reprising his role from his previous appearances. One of the stage bosses, Kracko, will summon Waddle Doos to attack Kirby.

Waddle Doo is also represented by a couple in-game keychains. One depicts his sprite from Kirby's Adventure, another depicts him in ball form from Kirby: Canvas Curse, and a third depicts his helper sprite from Kirby Super Star Ultra.

In Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Waddle Doo can be found in the following levels and stages:

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby: Triple Deluxe  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 (EX) Stage 7 EX Stage 8 EX
Fine Fields Yes No No Yes No Yes N/A N/A
Lollipop Land Yes No Yes No No Cameo N/A N/A
Old Odyssey No Yes No Yes Yes No No N/A
Wild World Yes No Yes No Yes No No N/A
Endless Explosions Yes No No No Yes No No N/A
Royal Road No No No Yes No No No No

Kirby Fighters Deluxe[edit]

In Kirby Fighters Deluxe, Kracko can once again summon Waddle Doos during his boss fight in the game's Single Player mode.

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse[edit]

Waddle Doo was shocked when he saw that bright light shining down from the sky, but he was too scared to run. He'll be OK as long as that giant eye of his doesn't dry out. Ugh. Can you just imagine what that would feel like?
— Figurine description from Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

In Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, a single Waddle Doo appears as one of the first characters to be affected by the sucking of Dream Land's colors. The very same Waddle Doo appears as a Figurine later on.

Kirby: Planet Robobot[edit]

The "Waddle Doo Doodle" sticker from Kirby: Planet Robobot

Waddle Doo reappears in Kirby: Planet Robobot, reprising his role from past installments. He now also provides the Beam ability for the Robobot Armor.

Waddle Doo also appears on two stickers. One depicts him as a "doodle", presumably drawn by Kirby, and the other depicts him in ball form from Kirby: Canvas Curse.

In Kirby: Planet Robobot, Waddle Doo can be found in the following levels and stages:

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby: Planet Robobot  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 (EX) Stage 7 EX Stage 8 EX
Patched Plains Yes Yes Yes Yes No No N/A N/A
Resolution Road Cameo No No Yes No No N/A N/A
Overload Ocean No No Yes No No No No N/A
Gigabyte Grounds Yes Yes Yes No No No No N/A
Rhythm Route Yes No Yes No No No No N/A
Access Ark Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Kirby Battle Royale[edit]

Who knew we'd have so many of you round battlers show up? Doesn't seem to faze Waddle Doo at the check-in desk though.
— Soldier Waddle Dee, Kirby Battle Royale

In the Dedede's Cake Royale mode of Kirby Battle Royale, a Waddle Doo operates the check-in desk for tournament battles. He presents Kirby with the battles in his current league, and informs Kirby when he has enough League Points to enter the qualifier rounds.

A Waddle Doo can also be seen in the audience for Crazy Theater, wielding two glow sticks and flailing them with much more gusto than the Waddle Dees in the crowd.

Kirby Star Allies[edit]

Artwork of a friend Waddle Doo from Kirby Star Allies

Waddle Doo returns as a standard enemy in this title. He can also become a friend, representing the Beam ability. As such, he can provide the Zap element to weapons and help perform moves like Zap Splasher. Notably, when Waddle Doo is recruited as an ally, he no longer shoots the beam from his eye, but uses a wand to match Beam Kirby.

Naturally, Waddle Doo has his own adventure in Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go!, called "Beam Land" (a pun on "Dream Land"). He is also selectable in The Ultimate Choice.

In Kirby Star Allies, Waddle Doo can be found in the following levels and stages:

Waddle Doo locations in Kirby Star Allies  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Green Gardens Yes Falluna Moon Yes
Donut Dome No Planet Misteen Yes
Honey Hill No Mareen Moon Yes
Fruity Forest Yes Planet Caverna No
Clash at Castle Dedede Yes Grott Moon No
Extra Eclair No Planet Frostak No
Friendly Field No Blizzno Moon No
Reef Resort No Planet Towara No
Echo's Edge Yes Gabbel Moon Yes
Nature's Navel No Star Lavadom No
Sacred Square Yes Sizzlai Moon No
Inside Islands No Jambandra Base Yes
Duplex Dream Yes The Divine Terminus Yes
Gatehouse Road Yes Extra Planet α Yes
Eastern Wall Yes Extra Planet β No
Longview Corridor No Extra Planet γ No
Western Outer Wall No Extra Planet δ No
Inner Sanctum No Ability Planet Yes
Heavenly Hall Yes Dimension I Yes
Sector A No Dimension II Yes
Sector B No Dimension III No
Sector C Yes Dimension IV No
Planet Earthfall No

Kirby's Dream Buffet[edit]

Waddle Doo does not appear directly in Kirby's Dream Buffet. However, a Costume in his likeness is available for Kirby to wear, which fittingly gives him a large eye and two strands of hair. A Color is also available, which resembles Waddle Doo's color scheme, called "Doo Ketchup". Together, these make Kirby greatly resemble Waddle Doo, making it seem like he is a playable character. Additionally, Waddle Doo appears on three Character Treats; one depicting his artwork from Kirby's Dream Land, another depicting his sprite from Kirby's Adventure, and the third depicting him as part of the Friend Circle treat.

Super Smash Bros. series[edit]

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, King Dedede may throw a Waddle Doo when using his Waddle Dee Toss special move. This Waddle Doo will wander around the stage, occasionally performing a Beam Whip. Waddle Doo can also appear when King Dedede is using his Final Smash: Waddle Dee Army. Additionally, Waddle Doo appears as a collectible trophy.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS[edit]

In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, Waddle Doo appears as an enemy in Smash Run, a mode made exclusively for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, and also appears as a trophy in that game.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]

Waddle Doo appears as a Spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and is obtainable by defeating him in World of Light, the Spirit Board, or by buying him in the Shop. He is a Novice-level Attack-type primary spirit with one support slot and no additional effects. His level 1 stats are 517 attack and 486 defense, and his level 99 stats are 2,585 attack and 2,434 defense. His spirit battle involves three red Kirbys with Super Scopes over an electrified floor on the Dream Land (64) stage.

Kirby: Right Back at Ya![edit]

Artwork of Captain Waddle Doo from the anime.
Main article: Captain Waddle Doo

A Waddle Doo with the ability to speak makes an appearance in Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, known formally as Captain Waddle Doo. In this role, Waddle Doo serves as the captain of the guard for Castle Dedede, and commands the Waddle Dees stationed there. Despite this, Captain Waddle Doo is not directly related to the Waddle Dees, and does not even know how many there really are inhabiting the castle. Captain Waddle Doo is depicted with a small sword and scabbard in this series, which is something he is not seen with in the games (outside of his cameo in Kirby Quest).

In the Kirby novel series[edit]

An illustration of Waddle Doo from Kirby's Decisive Battle! Battle Royale!!.

In the Kirby novel series, Waddle Doo makes an appearnce in Kirby's Decisive Battle! Battle Royale!! and in Kirby: Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash!.

In Kirby's Decisive Battle! Battle Royale!! he works as the receptionist for Dedede's Cake Royale. He tells Kirby that he was at first was a participant in the tournament until an army of Kirby copies beat him. He warns Kirby about the strength of the Kirby copies and tells him that to enter the Cake Royale, he must choose a partner, explaining the rules of the tournament. Waddle Doo tells Kirby and Waddle Dee that it would be a problem to tell Waddle Dee apart from all of his copies, so Waddle Dee put on a bandana. Waddle Doo registers Kirby and Waddle Dee as participants of the Cake Royale. Later, Waddle Doo calls Kirby and Waddle Dee to the arena for a game of Crazy Theater and explains the rules of the game to them. After Kirby and Waddle Dee regain their conscience, Waddle Doo tells them that they won the match of Flagball and that the tournament has been on hold until they return, since there is only one match left. When King Dedede enters the arena, Waddle Doo tries to explain to him that he needs to register and have a partner, but Dedede doesn't listen. After Kirby defeats Dedede, Waddle Doo notices that all the Kirby copies are gone. At the end of the novel, Waddle Doo cheers Kirby's victory.


Flavor text[edit]

Image Game Flavor text
Kirby Canvas Curse box art.png Kirby: Canvas Curse Beam ability is mine!
KSA Boxart NA.jpg Kirby Star Allies Guest Star Waddle Doo:

"I’ll bet it all on this beam!"
It was the first Copy Ability that anyone ever got, and the origin of all abilities that came later! So much potential from a beam! And now, he wants to see why the beam...bends!

Super Smash Bros. Brawl trophy[edit]

Name Image Appears In Description
Waddle Doo WaddleDooBrawlTrophy.png GB Kirby's Dream Land
DS Kirby: Squeak Squad
A creature identified by a single, unblinking eye. Like Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos roam about Dream Land and sometimes use parasols. Unlike their counterparts, though, they hate being approached—they'll fire a beam of energy at anyone who nears them, so don't think they're harmless like Waddle Dees. If Kirby swallows one, he copies the Beam ability and gains a jester's hat.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS trophy[edit]

Name Image American English description British English description
Waddle Doo
Two big eyelashes for one big eye? You're describing this beam-firing enemy from the Kirby series. This enemy may hop toward a fighter it spots and unleash an energy attack. The attack itself has a short range, but it can happen repeatedly and can stun. Unlike Waddle Dees, these guys will fight! These one-eyed, two-haired guys from the Kirby series are hungry for battle. When one spots you, it'll close in slowly with the occasional hop. Then it'll attack with its Beam Whip, which doesn't really have a lot of range, but can shock and hit you repeatedly. Ahhh... If only they were more like Waddle Dees...


  • The three main-series games that Waddle Doo is notably absent from are Kirby's Dream Land 2, Kirby's Dream Land 3, and Kirby and the Forgotten Land, likely because those games lack the Beam ability.
    • Until Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Waddle Doo had consistently appeared in every main series Kirby game since Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, making Kirby and the Forgotten Land the first main series Kirby game in 22 years to not feature Waddle Doo in any form.
  • According to Masahiro Sakurai, Waddle Dee and Waddle Doo are so similar to each other because, during the production of Kirby's Dream Land, he saved cartridge space by reusing the back half of the enemy and only changing the front half. In addition, the name "Waddle Doo" was chosen due to the "round, eye-shaped letters" reflecting the enemy's big eyeball.[1]


Main article: Waddle Doo/gallery


Quotes from Waddle Doo in the Kirby series  
  • "You did not treat Waddle Dee with respect... Now, I, Waddle Doo, will repay you in kind!"
  • "Want to battle? You're at the right place."
  • "You're new here, right?"
  • "I can tell you all about our League Battles."
  • "A League Battle is, well, a battle that takes place in a league."
  • "Win all the League Battles that you can to keep heading to the top."
  • "I'll tell you more later. For now, let's send you into a battle!"
  • "Give it your best shot in the League Battles!"
  • "Welcome to the League Battle check-in desk."
  • "We've added more League Battles."
  • "Welcome to the League Battle check-in desk."
  • "You can take on battles from previous leagues."
  • "Ask Waddle Dee next to me for more details."
  • "But now, here are your first Bronze League battles!"


  1. Development Secrets of the Original Kirby, Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games, YouTube

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ワドルドゥ
Wadoru Du
Waddle Doo
Traditional Chinese 瓦豆魯篤
wǎ dòu lǔ dǔ
Waddle Doo
Simplified Chinese 瓦豆鲁笃
wǎ dòu lǔ dǔ
Dutch Waddle Doo -
French Waddle Doo -
German Waddle Doo -
Italian Waddle Doo
Pallocchio (Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land)
Combination of "Palla" (ball) and "Occhio" (eye)
Korean 웨이들 두
Weideul Du
Waddle Doo
Portuguese Waddle Doo
Spanish Waddle Doo -