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Evolved Copy Ability

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Evolved Copy Ability
KatFL Chakram Cutter Kirby artwork.png
Chakram Cutter, one of the first Evolved Copy Abilities in Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Based on Copy Ability
Power(s) Enhances the Copy Abilities' attacks and gives them a visual overhaul
Similar to Copy Abilities, Ability Scrolls
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Hey, Kirby! Evolved Copy Abilities are extra powerful, aren't they? They all have unique qualities too. Try experimenting with different abilities when you fight!
— Elfilin, regarding Evolved Copy Abilities in Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Evolved Copy Abilities refer to a set of upgraded Copy Abilities which Kirby can acquire and utilize in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. In order to obtain these abilities, Kirby needs to find the appropriate Blueprints and a certain amount of Rare Stones and Star Coins to then take to Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop, where Weapons-Shop Waddle Dee will then upgrade the abilities using his tools. Once an Evolved Copy Ability is obtained, it will appear in place of the typical ability Kirby gets from swallowing enemies or using Copy Essences. If Kirby wants to revert to a previous form, he can do so at Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop. Evolved Copy Abilities (along with the base ones) can also be powered-up once story mode is completed by using more Star Coins and Rare Stones (details can be found on the Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop page).

Each of the base Copy Abilities in Kirby and the Forgotten Land can be evolved at least once, with Sword and Hammer in particular having three distinct evolved forms. Each evolved ability gains a unique name and appearance, and may also gain new moves along with having its damage and properties altered. None of the evolved abilities are required to complete the game or to solve any specific stage puzzles, but obtaining all of the abilities is a requirement for 100% completion, and are also needed to fulfill certain missions and unlock certain Treasure Road stages.


The following is a complete list of every Evolved Copy Ability in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, along with notes and other details on each:

Evolved Copy Abilities in Kirby and the Forgotten Land  
Ability Cost Blueprint location Starting Power Rapid-Fire Description Notes
First-level evolved abilities
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 Fast-Flowing Waterworks 3
A variant of Bomb which allows Kirby to "chain" multiple bombs together for progressively more powerful lingering explosions, up to 6 at a time.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×1200 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Invasion at the House of Horrors 5
N/A A variant of Crash that allows Kirby to freeze time. The size of the explosion and the number of enemies hit increases the duration of the slowdown. Kirby can run into enemies during the freeze to hit them and keep the effect going.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop 1
A variant of Cutter that allows Kirby to throw a pair of chakrams, blades that tend to curve outward when returning. This is one of the Evolved Copy Abilities that Kirby unlocks when he unlocks Waddle Dee's Weapon Shop.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 Danger under the Big Top 3
A variant of Drill, resembling a pencil in a pencil sharpener. When Kirby pops out of the ground, he shoots the pencil out as an additional projectile.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop 2.5
A variant of Fire that allows Kirby to blast enemies with pyroclast from a distance. Similar to Burning Stone from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. One of the Evolved Copy Abilities that Kirby unlocks when he unlocks Waddle Dee's Weapon Shop.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 Welcome to Wondaria 2.5
A variant of Hammer that allows Kirby to hit more quickly with larger strikes.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 The Battle of Blizzard Bridge 2.5
A variant of Ice which allows Kirby to conjure snowmen with his breath, and leave a trail of them behind while sliding when using Ice Storm. Based on Wild Frosty.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 Scale the Cement Summit 2.5
A variant of Needle with multiple sharp implements, and which throws out small projectiles while Kirby rolls. Similar to Needle-Needle from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 The Tropical Terror 1
A variant of Ranger with a pair of blunderbusses that can rapid-fire shots at enemies.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×1200 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Burning, Churning Power Plant N/A N/A A variant of Sleep, which lets Kirby sleep in a bed. After waking up, Kirby is fully healed and powered up with one random effect equal to Life Up, Attack Boost or Speed Boost.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 Circuit Speedway 3.5
A variant of Sword that has extra range and can hit much harder, but is much slower. Kirby also gains a shield to use while guarding, which he can move around with. Based on Wild Edge.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×2 The Wondaria Dream Parade 3
A variant of Tornado. Its vortex grows over time. It also has a longer travel time than the standard Tornado. Based on Fleurina.
Second-level evolved abilities
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×800 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 An Unexpected Beast King 3.5
A variant of Bomb which allows Kirby to toss bombs that home in on nearby enemies, and also chain together like Chain Bomb does.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×800 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Searching the Oasis 3
A variant of Cutter that resembles a power saw. The sawblades that shoot from the hat can rebound off of walls at a mirror angle.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×800 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Moonlight Canyon 4
A variant of Drill that gives Kirby two drills, allowing him to dig faster and farther. He can also attack enemies above ground while digging, and shoot out two projectiles upon emerging.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×800 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Windy, Freezing Seas 3.5
A variant of Fire that allows Kirby to soar through the air like a dragon and greatly increases the range of his flame breath. Somewhat similar to Burn-Burn from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×800 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Alivel Mall (Staff Side) 4.5
A variant of Hammer which gives Kirby a stone chisel. It is slower, but much stronger. Based on Wild Bonkers.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×800 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Collector in the Sleepless Valley 3
A variant of Ice with sharp icicles that allows Kirby to shoot shards of ice from his mouth from a distance. Ice Storm is also upgraded where icy spikes come out when he performs the move, and his ice shield and trails now damage enemies on contact.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×800 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 The Wastes Where Life Began 4
A variant of Needle with spiky crystals, which can leave spike traps on the ground. Far-traveling projectiles also pop out whenever Kirby retracts his needles.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×800 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Conquer the Inferno Road 4
A variant of Ranger with a laser gun that can fire lasers at high speed. The full charge attack creates a giant energy blast similar to those of Plasma.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×1200 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Commentator Waddle Dee (after clearing the Meta Knight Cup) 3
A variant of Sword, which gives Kirby a sword similar to Galaxia. This lets Kirby strike rapidly and fire sword beams at full health, and gives him a version of Upper Calibur. Based on Meta Knight. Can also be obtained if Kirby touches Galaxia when Meta Knight or Parallel Meta Knight drops it, regardless of which version of Sword he has equipped.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×800 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×3 Gathering of the Beast Council 4
A variant of Tornado, which lets Kirby strike enemies with lightning while spinning and toss enemies at others after finishing.
Third-level evolved abilities
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×1200 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×5 Minion Waddle Dee 4.5
A variant of Hammer which gives Kirby two hammers, which he can use to perform powerful spin attacks and launch homing embers at foes. Based on Forgo Dedede.
KatFL Star Coin icon.png×1500 and KatFL Rare Stone icon.png×5 Forgo Land 5
A variant of Sword, which gives Kirby Morpho Knight's sword. This blade has the power to cause fiery tornadoes to erupt when charging, and gives Kirby a teleport dodge. It can also momentarily change in length and power to match Gigant Sword when charging all the way, and can recover some health when hitting enemies with various attacks. Based on Morpho Knight.




Official Kirby Portal video showcasing Evolved Copy Abilities
