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WiKirby:Current events

From WiKirby, your independent source of Kirby knowledge.
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Site-wide news
  • Recent proposals which have passed include the following:
    • Discussion of regional differences on articles has been more standardized, in particular prioritizing American English and discouraging British English quotes when they are very similar.
    • Where boss moves are discussed has been standardized to only appear on the page of that boss, not the pages of stages where it appears.
    • A new mantra has been added, reminding editors that they shouldn't focus on trying to make edits that merely reword sentences or change their grammatical structure if what was there previously is already correct. More information can be found here.
Active proposals
None at this time.
Other active discussions

The following are other discussions happening on WiKirby regarding specific pages and other content:

Featured content
Active projects
  1. Articles are having their writing touched up to improve their general quality.
  2. More music articles are being made.
  3. Galleries are being filled up with pictures.
  4. Kirby JP Twitter post archive pages are being made.
  5. Japanese Nintendo Switch News Channels for Kirby games are being archived.
  6. Pages for the Kirby novel series are being created.
  7. The Kirby Café page is being updated.
  8. The Merchandise page and its subpages are being expanded on.
Inactive projects
  1. Glitch pages should be created and expanded.
  2. Low quality files should be replaced with higher quality native resolution equivalents when possible.

If any users wish to start a new project or take on one of the inactive ones, WiKirby encourages them to do so and add/move the project in question on this page. Once a project is complete, it should be removed from this page. For other maintenance tasks, see this page.

KSA Parasol Waddle Dee Pause Screen Artwork.png