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KDL3 Babut artwork.png
Artwork of Babut from Kirby's Dream Land 3.
First game Kirby's Dream Land 3 (1997)
Latest game Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe (2023)
Other game(s) Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Kirby's Blowout Blast
Kirby Battle Royale
Copy Ability None
Similar entities Batty, Flapper, Battins
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Babut is an enemy first appearing in Kirby's Dream Land 3. It resembles a black bat with red wings and ears, as well as a red nose and a pair of white, glowing eyes. It possesses no visible legs. Babuts often hang from the ceiling in caves, and attack Kirby when he comes too close, by biting Kirby while holding him in place. Unlike most other enemies, Babuts, due to their way of attacking, cannot be destroyed simply by touching them, unless Kirby is invincible while doing so. They are, however, vulnerable to all other attacks. Inhaling and swallowing a Babut does not grant Kirby a Copy Ability.

Game appearances[edit]

Kirby's Dream Land 3[edit]

KDL3 Babut sprite.png
Kirby's Dream Land 3 sprite

In Kirby's Dream Land 3, Babuts are seen for the first time in the fourth stage of Grass Land. When Kirby encounters them, they are initially hanging from the ceiling upside-down, where they remain perfectly still. If he gets too close to a Babut, however, it becomes attentive and begins to flutter through the air, only turning around when it collides with a wall. Although traveling in a primarily horizontal pattern, it slowly moves either downwards or upwards while doing so, depending on whether Kirby is below or above it. If a Babut manages to reach Kirby, it bites him and drains half a point of energy from his Health bar, in addition to freezing him in place while sucking his life. Once it has finished its meal, the bat slowly flees from Kirby, before taking up the chase once again as soon as it flies into an obstacle.

In Kirby's Dream Land 3, Babut can be found in the following levels and stages:

Babut locations in Kirby's Dream Land 3  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7
Grass Land No No No Yes No No No
Ripple Field No No No No Yes No No
Sand Canyon Yes No Yes Yes No No No
Cloudy Park No No No No No No No
Iceberg Yes No No Yes No No No

Kirby's Return to Dream Land / Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe[edit]

A trio of Babuts from Kirby's Return to Dream Land.

Babuts make a reappearance in Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, where they are typically found in caves, especially those that are completely dark. Babuts attack Kirby by capturing him and chewing him, and Kirby cannot get out until the player shakes the Wii Remote or pushes the + Control Pad rapidly in several directions.

In Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, Babut can be found in the following levels and stages:

Babut locations in Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Cookie Country No No No No No N/A
Raisin Ruins No No No Yes Yes N/A
Onion Ocean No No Yes No No N/A
White Wafers Yes No No No No No
Nutty Noon No No Yes No No No
Egg Engines No No No Yes No No
Dangerous Dinner No No No N/A N/A N/A

Kirby's Blowout Blast[edit]

Babut appears in Kirby's Blowout Blast as a common enemy. If it spots Kirby, it will start flying toward him, moving slowly at first, but gradually picking up speed until it hits him or is dispatched.

Kirby Battle Royale[edit]

In Kirby Battle Royale, Babut does not appear as an enemy, but can be seen as part of the audience in the Coin Clash battle mode.


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese バブット
Blend of "bat" and possibly「ブラック」(burakku, black)