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Boss Endurance

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Boss Endurance describes a number of game modes in the Kirby series, which are generally categorized as Sub-Games. It has appeared in several Kirby games under different names, starting with Kirby's Adventure. In these modes, Kirby (or occasionally another playable character) must face every boss he's encountered on his adventure with a single life. If he runs out of health, he must restart from the beginning. Some variants of Boss Endurance measure the time taken to complete the mode, and some provide the player with Copy Abilities, while others do not.

The Arena is a specific, recurring example of a Boss Endurance mode, which provides Kirby with a choice of every Copy Ability in the game, and generally pits him against foes in a randomized order.

Game appearances[edit]

Kirby's Adventure / Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land[edit]

Referred to as V.S. BOSS! in Kirby's Adventure, this mode can only be unlocked by completing the main game at 100% after pressing all of the Big Switches. In Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, the Boss Endurance is unlocked by completing both the Main Game and the Extra Game 100%.

The following bosses must be defeated in order:

  1. Whispy Woods
  2. Paint Roller
  3. Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright
  4. Kracko (includes Kracko Jr. chase-down)
  5. Heavy Mole
  6. Meta Knight
  7. King Dedede
  8. Nightmare (both phases)

Due to the nature of this mode, Copy Abilities can only be obtained in the following battles:

Kirby is forced to battle Meta Knight with Sword, as usual. The battle against King Dedede begins with the ability Kirby had before battling Meta Knight. In addition, the Star Rod is used for the last battle against Nightmare.

In Kirby's Adventure, Kirby must grab the pieces of the Star Rod to advance to the next round. The ending and credits sequence will play unaltered after defeating Nightmare.

In the Japanese Famicom version of Kirby's Adventure, Kirby's stamina will be fully restored after fighting Heavy Mole due to a bug. This bug was fixed in the international NES versions, but was not fixed in the 3D Classics version.

The Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land version has a timer shown on the bottom-right of the screen when actively not fighting a boss. As soon as the boss is defeated, Kirby is immediately brought to the next one without having to grab the Star Rod piece first. Clearing this version of the mode will display an image of Kirby with a trophy, captioned "You're the Champion!", along with the clear time.

Kirby's Dream Land 2[edit]

The victory screen seen after beating the BOSS mode in the international (top) and Japanese (bottom) versions of Kirby's Dream Land 2.

Simply labeled BOSS in-game, this mode could only be accessed in a save file that has attained 100% completion, being available in the OPTION menu.

The following bosses must be defeated in order:

  1. Whispy Woods
  2. Nruff and Nelly
  3. Sweet Stuff
  4. Ice Dragon
  5. Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright
  6. Kracko
  7. King Dedede
  8. Dark Matter (both phases)

Due to the nature of the mode, the only moment where Kirby could copy abilities is in the Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright battle, where the Burning and Cutter abilities are available. In addition, the Rainbow Sword is used for the last battle against Dark Matter.

As the King Dedede battle places Kirby on the room before the battle starts, he can replenish two points of his Life Meter thanks to the Health Drink at the bottom. Kirby's health is also fully restored at the beginning of the battle with Dark Matter.

Clearing this mode will play the standard credits sequence, capped off with a special illustration showing Kirby wielding the Rainbow Sword with his friends, captioned "EXCELLENT!!"

Kirby Super Star / Kirby Super Star Ultra[edit]

Title screen for The Arena in Kirby Super Star.
Title screen for The Arena in Kirby Super Star Ultra.
Main article: The Arena

In Kirby Super Star, The Arena appears for the first time, unlocked after clearing Milky Way Wishes. This allows Kirby a selection of every Copy Ability (besides limited-use abilities) and requires him to face all the opponents from the other sub-games in a randomized order (except for Marx, who is always faced last). In between rounds, Kirby is provided with a rest area which allows him two new Copy Abilities and a cache of Maxim Tomatoes. Beating The Arena unlocks the Sound Test.

The Arena consists of the following encounters:

Main article: Helper to Hero
Title screen for Helper to Hero in Kirby Super Star Ultra.

Kirby Super Star Ultra includes the original sub-game, and also introduces Helper to Hero, which is unlocked after clearing The Arena. It is very similar to the previous boss endurance, but features a Helper as the playable character, and a set order of bosses rather than being randomized. Several of the bosses use their more difficult forms from Milky Way Wishes, and some from The Arena are skipped. At the end, the Helper faces a new boss, Wham Bam Jewel.

Helper to Hero consists of the following encounters:

  1. Whispy Woods
  2. Mid-Boss All Stars 1:
    • Chef Kawasaki
    • Bonkers
    • Bugzzy
  3. Kracko (alt.)
  4. King Dedede
  5. Dyna Blade
  6. Fatty Whale (alt.)
  7. Chameleo Arm (alt.)
  8. Mid-Boss All Stars 2:
    • Poppy Bros. Sr.
    • Mr. Frosty
    • Iron Mam
    • Jukid
  9. Twin Woods (alt.)
  10. Heavy Lobster (alt.)
  11. Computer Virus (alt.) — unique to this mode.
  12. Meta Knight
  13. Wham Bam Rock (alt.) / Wham Bam Jewel
Main article: The True Arena
Title screen for The True Arena in Kirby Super Star Ultra.

Also in Kirby Super Star Ultra, clearing every main game unlocks The True Arena, which features tougher bosses from the new main games, primarily Revenge of the King. The Maxim Tomatoes in the rest area are replaced with standard tomatoes, and one of the Copy Abilities presented will always be Sleep. The final boss, Marx Soul, is also entirely new. The final four are always fought in a set order.

The True Arena consists of the following encounters:

Kirby's Dream Land 3[edit]

The Boss Butch menu in Kirby's Dream Land 3.

Referred to as Boss Butch in-game, this mode is unlocked by defeating Zero in the main game. The Boss Butch fights feature different backgrounds from the Story Mode. The following bosses must be defeated in order:

  1. Whispy Woods — takes place in fall, with Whispy and all the other trees having orange leaves.
  2. Acro — takes place in the open air rather than a cave.
  3. Pon & Con — takes place in a volcanic cave with rising ashes.
  4. Ado — takes place in a gray storm cloud.
  5. King Dedede — takes place at sunset, with pink clouds and flower petals carried by the breeze.
  6. Dark Matter & Zero — the Hyper Zone now has a yellow sky with red and blue clouds. In the Virtual Console versions, the clouds are orange and green instead.

Kirby cannot obtain any Copy Abilities, as none of the bosses of Kirby's Dream Land 3 provide them. The exception is the Love-Love Stick, which is used in the last battle against Dark Matter & Zero. Gooey cannot be summoned in any way, forcing Kirby to battle alone. Additionally, there is no way to recover health, because no food appears and grabbing the Love-Love Stick does not recover any health, leaving Kirby with just 10 Hit Points to last between all the fights.

Clearing Boss Butch is required for 100% completion in Kirby's Dream Land 3, and doing so unlocks a unique credits sequence with different illustrations. Holding L, R, and X after defeating Zero will skip the credits and instead display a special illustration: a victorious Kirby standing atop the defeated bosses with a "PERFECT!" caption.

If Kirby is defeated, an illustration depicting him being beaten by the boss he lost to is displayed.

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards[edit]

The Boss Battles menu in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.

Referred to as Boss Battles in-game, this mode is unlocked by defeating 0² (completing the game 100%). The following bosses must be defeated in order:

  1. Whispy Woods
  2. Pix (including start-up sequence)
  3. Acro
  4. Magman
  5. HR-H & HR-E
  6. Miracle Matter

Unlike everywhere else in the game, it is not possible for Kirby to copy abilities at any point during each boss battle, as inhaling any ability-providing enemy or object will not give any ability to Kirby, as if he just inhaled a common enemy. If an ability-providing enemy is tossed to another one, a double Ability Star will still be formed representing the respective Power Combo, even though inhaling it will still yield Kirby no ability. The only exception is Ribbon's Crystal, which is used in the 0² battle at the very end.

Kirby cannot recover any health during this mode, as no food appears, the Ice-Spark Power Combo cannot be formed, and obtaining Ribbon's Crystal at the end does not recover any health.

If Kirby is defeated, a Game Over screen different from the main game one appears, in which Kirby is surrounded by his three friends, all with a sad expression, below a "It's hopeless..." message.

The pause screen displays an "Accept Defeat" option instead of "Try Again" like in the normal game. Selecting this option will display the game over screen as if Kirby ran out of health. This option even appears on the 0² battle instead of "Tough It Out!"

Defeating every boss without taking any damage will display a special "PERFECT!" screen, which shows Kirby wearing a costume made from parts of each boss.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror[edit]

The Boss Endurance title screen in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, containing cameos of all subsequent bosses in the background picture.

The Boss Endurance is unlocked once the game is completed 100%. It is more similar to The Arena, however, as Copy Abilities are made available before the fight begins, and it has rest areas with recovery items (4 single-use Maxim Tomatoes) and two random Copy Abilities in-between battles.

Enemies are fought in a random order (except Dark Meta Knight and Dark Mind at the end). Player 1 realistically has only three chances to call in the other three Kirbys via Cell Phone, as the only source of batteries during the endurance come from Boxy. Vitalities collected in Story Mode carry over to this mode, meaning that all Kirbys present can take up to 10 points of damage before losing. Losing in this mode is notably the only way to get a Game Over in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, as the main game simply sends Kirby back to the Central Circle if he runs out of lives.

Waddle Dee as a joke mid-boss, reminiscent of its and Bandana Waddle Dee's debut appearance in The Arena.

The Boss Endurance consists of the following encounters:

Master is given before Dark Mind. Dark Mind is fought in all three phases without the interludes (Phase 1; Battle 4 (with the Candy Constellation flooring), Phase 2 (as the large core of Dark Mind), and then the Warp Star battle), and the credits sequence is skipped. Clearing the mode displays an image of Kirby with a trophy, captioned "You're the Champion!" similarly to Nightmare in Dream Land.

Kirby: Squeak Squad[edit]

The Boss Endurance title screen in Kirby Squeak Squad.

While technically referred to as a Boss Endurance, this mode is more similar to The Arena. Kirby is permitted a trip to the Copy Ability Room before the battles begin, and there are chances to rest between fights. Vitalities and Ability Scrolls collected from the Story Mode are effective in this mode as well.

The line-up of bosses are faced on a map screen similar to those of the main story mode stages. Each boss fight is preceded by a room leading to the battle. Before King Dedede, a Maxim Tomato bubble can be picked up to save later in the endurance.

The following bosses must be defeated in order:

  1. King Dedede
  2. Mrs. Moley
  3. Mecha-Kracko
  4. Yadgaine
  5. Bohboh
  6. Daroach
  7. Meta Knight
  8. Dark Daroach & Dark Nebula

Note that the Dark Nebula fight immediately follows the defeat of Dark Daroach, and includes the chase sequence from the story mode.

A unique peculiarity is that the player can obtain extra lives by mixing bubbles or getting lucky with the Magic ability, allowing Kirby to continue if he fails to defeat a boss, rather than having to fight all the bosses again.

Clearing the mode displays an illustration of a victorious Kirby standing atop the defeated bosses with the caption "CONGRATULATIONS!"

Kirby Mass Attack[edit]

Title screen for Survival Rush in Kirby Mass Attack.
Main article: Survival Rush

Survival Rush is a Sub-Game in Kirby Mass Attack, available in the Extras menu once all 186 Medals have been obtained, and Kirby has gone to speak to Daroach.

Survival Rush is a lot like The Arena in function. It pits the Kirbys against every significant Boss and Mid-Boss in the game. However, the way the battles are selected is unique to this Sub-Game. The Kirbys have a choice between one of three doors. Each door has a number on it, signifying how many Kirbys are required at minimum to enter. As such, if the Kirbys take too many losses, they may be barred from entering certain fights, and forced to end the run early. Each door has a specific list of encounters, but they are (mostly) randomly ordered.

In the lobby, the Kirbys have access to a healing ring and three Maxim Tomatoes, which they can use to replenish lost health or lost numbers if necessary. The game ends once the Kirbys are defeated, unable to continue, or have succeeded against all 16 encounters.

The encounters are as follows:

Door 1 (at least one Kirby required):

Door 2 (at least three Kirbys required):

Door 3 (at least five Kirbys required):

Kirby's Return to Dream Land / Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe[edit]

Title screen for The Arena in Kirby's Return to Dream Land.
Main article: The Arena

The Arena returns in Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, acting much the same as in Kirby Super Star, and is unlocked after clearing the main game. All bosses are fought in a randomized order except for the final three.

The Arena consists of the following encounters:

Main article: The True Arena
Title screen for The True Arena in Kirby's Return to Dream Land.

The True Arena is unlocked in Kirby's Return to Dream Land after clearing Extra Mode. This features the tougher EX bosses from Extra Mode, along with a new boss, Galacta Knight. The final five are always fought in a set order.

The True Arena consists of the following encounters:

  • Whispy Woods EX
  • Mr. Dooter EX
  • Fatty Puffer EX
  • Goriath EX
  • Grand Doomer EX
  • Metal General EX
  • Landia EX
  • Sphere Doomers EX (spark, fire and neutral pair, ice)
  • Mid-Boss All Stars 1:
    • Gigant Edge EX
    • King Doo EX & Bonkers EX
  • Mid-Boss All Stars 2:
    • Kibble Blade EX
    • Moundo EX
    • Water Galboros EX & Dubior EX
  • Lor EX & Magolor
  • HR-D3
  • Galacta Knight
  • Magolor EX
  • Magolor Soul

In Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, the new bosses from Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler are added to The True Arena, making it longer than before, and also necessitating that the epilogue be cleared along with Extra Mode to unlock The True Arena. The EX Bosses are fought in random order first, followed by the Magolor Epilogue bosses in random order, and then the final six in a set order. Magolor Soul also has a modified fight in the True Arena.

The True Arena consists of the following encounters:

First ten:

  • Whispy Woods EX
  • Mr. Dooter EX
  • Fatty Puffer EX
  • Goriath EX
  • Metal General EX
  • Sphere Doomers EX (spark, fire and neutral pair, ice)
  • Mid-Boss All Stars 1:
    • Gigant Edge EX
    • King Doo EX & Bonkers EX
  • Mid-Boss All Stars 2:
    • Kibble Blade EX
    • Moundo EX
    • Water Galboros EX & Dubior EX
  • Grand Doomer EX (always fought second-to-last in this group)
  • Landia EX (always fought last in this group)

Middle five:

Final six (fixed order):

  • HR-D3
  • Lor EX & Magolor
  • Magolor EX
  • Galacta Knight
  • Master Crown
  • Magolor Soul

Kirby: Triple Deluxe[edit]

Title screen for The Arena in Kirby: Triple Deluxe.
Main article: The Arena

The Arena returns in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, unlocked after clearing Story Mode. The rest area between rounds now rewards Kirby with Keychains every-so-often. All bosses are fought in a randomized order except for the final three.

The Arena consists of the following encounters:

Main article: The True Arena
Title screen for The True Arena in Kirby: Triple Deluxe.

The True Arena is also unlocked after clearing Dededetour! and The Arena. This features the tougher DX bosses from Dededetour!, along with a new final boss. The final four are always fought in a set order.

The True Arena consists of the following encounters:

  • Flowery Woods DX
  • Paintra DX
  • Kracko DX
  • Coily Rattler DX
  • Pyribbit DX
  • Mid-Boss All Stars 1:
    • Grand Wheelie DX
    • Bonkers DX
    • Hornhead DX
  • Mid-Boss All Stars 2:
    • Mr. Frosty DX
    • Flame Galboros DX
    • Gigant Edge DX
    • Blocky DX
  • Queen Sectonia DX
  • Shadow Dedede
  • Dark Meta Knight's Revenge
  • Soul of Sectonia

Kirby: Planet Robobot[edit]

Main article: The Arena
The Arena title screen in Kirby: Planet Robobot.

The Arena returns once more in Kirby: Planet Robobot, unlocked after clearing Story Mode. Unlike previous Arenas, all the bosses and mid-bosses are fought in a set order. Rather than having a limited amount of healing items, an Assist Star is given after each round, with the contents being a Maxim Tomato after Clanky Woods, Mecha Knight, and President Haltmann, and a cherry after every other round. These differences are reflected by the Japanese and Korean names of the mode indicating it as a Boss Endurance rather than a proper Arena. Stickers are also provided every-so-often in the rest area as well.

The following bosses are fought in The Arena in this order:

  1. Clanky Woods
  2. Holo Defense API
  3. Susie
  4. Mid-Boss All Stars 1:
  5. Mecha Knight
  6. Dedede Clone and Dedede Clones & D3
  7. C.O.G.S.
  8. Mid-Boss All Stars 2:
  9. Mecha Knight+
  10. President Haltmann
  11. Star Dream
Title screen for The True Arena in Kirby: Planet Robobot.
Main article: The True Arena

The True Arena is also unlocked after clearing Meta Knightmare Returns and The Arena, and features the tougher 2.0 bosses from Meta Knightmare Returns, along with a new final boss. As before, the bosses are fought in a set order, and Stickers and Assist Stars are provided in the rest area in-between battles. Unlike with The Arena, however, the Assist Star contents are only cherries, with the exception of the Assist Star right before Star Dream Soul OS, which provides an Energy Drink. No Assist Stars are provided before Mid-Boss All Stars 1 and C.O.G.S.

The following bosses are fought in The True Arena in this order:

  1. Clanky Woods 2.0
  2. Holo Defense API 2.0
  3. Susie 2.0
  4. Mid-Boss All Stars 1:
    • Kibble Blade 2.0
    • Blocky 2.0
    • King Doo 2.0
    • Dubior 2.0
  5. Stock Mecha Knight
  6. Dedede Clone 2.0 and Dedede Clones & D3 2.0
  7. C.O.G.S. and Core Kabula
  8. Mid-Boss All Stars 2:
    • Security Force 2.0
    • Miasmoros 2.0
    • Bonkers 2.0
    • Telepathos 2.0
  9. President Haltmann 2.0
  10. Dark Matter Blade and Sectonia Clone
  11. Galacta Knight Returns
  12. Star Dream Soul OS

Kirby Star Allies[edit]

Initial title screen for The Ultimate Choice.
Main article: The Ultimate Choice

Instead of having an Arena, Kirby Star Allies introduces a new Boss Endurance mode: The Ultimate Choice, unlocked after clearing Story Mode. This Boss Endurance allows the player to choose their difficulty for tackling the mode, essentially acting as nine Arenas rolled into one. However, only the first five difficulties are available at first, and the other four must be unlocked through certain criteria. Additionally, all Copy Abilities (aside from limited-use ones, and including Normal Kirby) and Friends are available from a character select menu, making it similar to Helper to Hero; individual scores are saved for each ability and character.

There were initially eight difficulty levels upon the game's original release. Sweet Breeze, Mild Stroll, Zesty Expedition, Spicy Adventure, and Sizzling Threat are unlocked from the start and feature bosses from Story Mode; Fiery Showdown and Infernal Crisis are unlocked upon clearing Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! and any of the first five difficulties, and additionally feature bosses from Guest Star ????; Soul Melter is unlocked upon clearing either Fiery Showdown or Infernal Crisis, and features a unique final boss.

Version 4.0.0 adds Soul Melter EX, which is unlocked by clearing both Soul Melter and Heroes in Another Dimension. To select Soul Melter EX, the player should select Soul Melter and press ↑, A, and - together (the same command for Kirby's Dream Land's Extra Game). Soul Melter EX incorporates the bosses from Heroes in Another Dimension and a second unique final boss. Completing Soul Melter EX unlocks the Dream Button, which allows the player to switch between Kirby's modern look and his original look from the first game.

The following lists every difficulty in The Ultimate Choice, with information on the boss battles, how many healing items are given, and other factors:

Difficulty levels in The Ultimate Choice  
Difficulty Image Encounters Unlock Requirements Healing Items Picture Pieces Health percentage
Sweet Breeze KSA The Ultimate Choice Sweet Breeze select.jpg
  1. Whispy Woods
  2. Ambush Type A
    1. Bonkers
    2. Puppet Waddle Dee
    3. Mr. Frosty
  3. King Dedede
  4. Meta Knight
Complete Story Mode. 3 100%
Mild Stroll KSA The Ultimate Choice Mild Stroll select.jpg
  1. Whispy Woods
  2. King Dedede
  3. Ambush Type B
    1. Chef Kawasaki
    2. Anger Masker ×2
    3. Vividria
    4. Bugzzy
  4. Pon & Con
  5. KrackoTwin Kracko
  6. Meta Knight
Zesty Expedition KSA The Ultimate Choice Zesty Expedition select.jpg
  1. Whispy Woods
  2. King Dedede
  3. Ambush Type B
    1. Chef Kawasaki
    2. Anger Masker ×2
    3. Vividria
    4. Bugzzy
  4. Meta Knight
  5. Pon & Con
  6. KrackoTwin Kracko
  7. Francisca
Spicy Adventure KSA The Ultimate Choice Spicy Adventure select.jpg
  1. Whispy Woods
  2. Ambush Type A
    1. Bonkers
    2. Puppet Waddle Dee
    3. Mr. Frosty
  3. King Dedede
  4. Ambush Type B
    1. Chef Kawasaki
    2. Anger Masker ×2
    3. Vividria
    4. Bugzzy
  5. Meta Knight
  6. Pon & Con
  7. KrackoTwin Kracko
  8. Flamberge
Sizzling Threat KSA The Ultimate Choice Sizzling Threat select.jpg
  1. Whispy Woods
  2. Ambush Type A
    1. Bonkers
    2. Puppet Waddle Dee
    3. Mr. Frosty
  3. King Dedede
  4. Ambush Type B
    1. Chef Kawasaki
    2. Anger Masker ×2
    3. Vividria
    4. Bugzzy
  5. Meta Knight
  6. Pon & Con
  7. KrackoTwin Kracko
  8. Zan Partizanne
  9. Hyness
7 80%
Fiery Showdown KSA The Ultimate Choice Fiery Showdown select.jpg
  1. Yggy Woods
  2. Ambush Type C
    1. Bonkers
    2. Blizzard Guard & Sizzle Guard
    3. Twin Frosty
  3. King Dedede
  4. Ambush Type D
    1. Bugzzy
    2. Chef Kawasaki
    3. Floaty the Cell Core ×2
    4. Twin Vividria
  5. Meta Knight
  6. Goldon & Silvox
  7. KrackoTwin Kracko
  8. Francisca (2nd)
  9. Hyness
  10. Morpho Knight
Complete Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! & any of the first 5 difficulty levels. 9
Infernal Crisis KSA The Ultimate Choice Infernal Crisis select.jpg
  1. Yggy Woods
  2. Ambush Type C
    1. Bonkers
    2. Blizzard Guard & Sizzle Guard
    3. Twin Frosty
  3. King Dedede
  4. Ambush Type D
    1. Bugzzy
    2. Chef Kawasaki
    3. Floaty the Cell Core ×2
    4. Twin Vividria
  5. Meta Knight
  6. Goldon & Silvox
  7. KrackoTwin Kracko
  8. Francisca (2nd)
  9. Flamberge (2nd)
  10. Zan Partizanne (2nd)
  11. Hyness
  12. Morpho Knight
  13. Void Termina (Story Mode version; all but fifth phase)
Soul Melter KSA The Ultimate Choice Soul Melter select.jpg
  1. Yggy Woods
  2. Ambush Type C
    1. Bonkers
    2. Blizzard Guard & Sizzle Guard
    3. Twin Frosty
  3. King Dedede
  4. Ambush Type D
    1. Bugzzy
    2. Chef Kawasaki
    3. Floaty the Cell Core ×2
    4. Twin Vividria
  5. Meta Knight
  6. Goldon & Silvox
  7. KrackoTwin Kracko
  8. Francisca (2nd)
  9. Flamberge (2nd)
  10. Zan Partizanne (2nd)
  11. Hyness
  12. Morpho Knight
  13. Void Termina (Soul Melter version) → Void Soul
Complete Fiery Showdown or Infernal Crisis. 15 70%
Soul Melter EX KSA TUC Soul Melter EX select.png
  1. Parallel Woods
  2. Ambush Type E
    1. Mr. Frosty + Floaty the Cell Core ×2
    2. Anger Masker ×2
    3. Twin Bonkers
  3. Goldon & Silvox
  4. Parallel Twin KrackoParallel Big Kracko
  5. Ambush Type F
    1. Chef Kawasaki + Two Face ×4
    2. Vividria + Blizzard Guard & Sizzle Guard
    3. Twin Bugzzy
  6. Francisca (Soul Melter EX version)
  7. Flamberge (Soul Melter EX version)
  8. Zan Partizanne (Soul Melter EX version)
  9. Parallel Meta Knight
  10. Parallel Dedede
  11. Corrupt Hyness
  12. The Three Mage-Sisters
  13. Morpho Knight EX
  14. Void Termina, True Destroyer of Worlds → Void
Complete Soul Melter & Heroes in Another Dimension.
(Requires Version 4.0.0 of the game)
25 100%

The Ultimate Choice's icon from the main menu turns red when Fiery Showdown and Infernal Crisis are unlocked, and then turns dark red when Soul Melter is unlocked.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land[edit]

Main article: Colosseum
Initial version of the Colosseum

Kirby and the Forgotten Land introduces a new Boss Endurance mode similar to the one in Kirby Star Allies, being the Colosseum. There are three different cups which are unlocked throughout the game: the Meta Knight Cup, which is available after the Colosseum's opening; The Ultimate Cup, the standard Boss Endurance covering all main story bosses and is unlocked after completing Lab Discovera; and The Ultimate Cup Z, similar to the True Arena in past Kirby games and is unlocked after completing the isolated isles of Forgo Dreams.

The following lists information on the boss battles, how many healing items are given, and other factors in each Cup:

Colosseum Cups 
Difficulty Encounters Unlock Requirements Completion Rewards Copy Essences Healing Items Player Health
KatFL Meta Knight Cup logo.png
  1. Wild Frosty & Wild Bonkers
  2. Wild Edge & Fleurina
  3. Gorimondo
  4. Tropic Woods
  5. Clawroline
  6. Meta Knight Always fought last.
Complete Wondaria Remains. 2 400 Spring Breeze Mode
250 Wild Mode
KatFL The Ultimate Cup logo.png
  1. Wild Frosty & Wild Bonkers
  2. Wild Edge & Fleurina
  3. Gorimondo
  4. Tropic Woods
  5. Clawroline
  6. Meta Knight
  7. King Dedede
  8. Sillydillo
  9. Forgo Dedede Always fought as the 9th opponent.
  10. Leongar Always fought as the 10th opponent.
  11. Fecto Forgo Always fought second-to-last.
  12. Fecto Elfilis Always fought last.
Beat the Meta Knight Cup and complete Lab Discovera.
KatFL The Ultimate Cup Z logo.png
  1. Wild Frosty & Wild Edge
  2. Wild Bonkers & Fleurina
  3. Phantom Gorimondo
  4. Phantom Tropic Woods
  5. Phantom Clawroline
  6. Phantom King Dedede
  7. Phantom Sillydillo
  8. Phantom Meta Knight Always fought as the 8th opponent.
  9. Phantom Forgo Dedede Always fought as the 9th opponent.
  10. Forgo Leon Always fought as the 10th opponent.
  11. Morpho Knight Always fought second-to-last.
  12. Chaos Elfilis Always fought last.
Beat The Ultimate Cup and complete the Isolated Isles of Forgo Dreams.
  • 2500 Star Coins
    • 500 in the chest before battle 10
    • 1000 in the chest before the second-to-last battle
    • 1000 in the chest before the last battle
  • 3 Rare Stones
  • Figure of Chaos Elfilis (first-time clear reward)


Names in other languages[edit]

V.S. BOSS![edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ボスと たいけつする
Bosu to Taiketsu Suru
Boss Showdown
Japanese name in Kirby's Adventure.

Boss Battles[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ぼすぶっち
Bosu Butchi
Boss Butch
Japanese name in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.

Boss Endurance[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese きボスバトル
Kachinuki Bosu Batoru
Boss Battle Tournament
Japanese name in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, Kirby: Squeak Squad, and Kirby: Planet Robobot.
French Combat des Boss Boss Fight
German Boss-Marathon Boss Marathon
Italian Resisti ai Boss Resist the Bosses
Korean 보스와 정면 승부
boseuwa jeongmyeon seungbu
Face-to-face Matchup with the Bosses
Korean name in Kirby: Squeak Squad and Kirby: Planet Robobot.
Spanish ¡Son los jefes! They are the bosses!