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Vocal Volcano - Stage 4

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Vocal Volcano - Stage 4
KSqS Vocal Volcano - Stage 4.png
Ice Kirby combats an Acchi in a fiery hallway with his own elemental breath.
Level Vocal Volcano
Mid Boss(es) Doc
EX Stage? No
Treasure(s) Secret Map Piece
Red Spray Paint
Hidden Door Key
Theme music

Clip of the music that primarily plays in Vocal Volcano - Stage 4

Stage Order
Stage 3 Boss stage
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Vocal Volcano - Stage 4 is the fourth stage of Vocal Volcano in Kirby: Squeak Squad. The key that unlocks Stage EX can be found here.


This stage consists of six main areas. It begins on a soil-covered hillside, with many bubbled items buried in the dirt. Up ahead, Kirby can obtain the means to dig down and obtain these goodies.

The next area is an interior one, glazed in bright orange and with active floes of lava to the right. A bubble containing the Ice ability can be acquired here, which can be useful for safely crossing the fiery passage ahead.

From there, Kirby must climb a long vertical passage flanked on both sides with lavafalls. A number of Parasol-wielding baddies will get in his way here.

This is followed by a long hallway lined with fire traps that Kirby can activate using switches. A Gold Waddle Dee can be found here, which Kirby will want to be careful with if he wants the treasure chest it holds.

The following area features another treasure chest locked behind a timed switch gate. Kirby will need to move very quickly if he wants to get through the gate before it closes.

The final area is a room consisting of stacked switchback hallways. Immediately, Doc appears to steal the large treasure chest, which is located above Kirby's position. Doc will have to be chased down to obtain the chest. Otherwise, Kirby will have to battle him and the Squeaks in their fortress to obtain it. Past a field of fire is a series of elevators that may help Kirby reach Doc faster. From there, the stage exit can at last be reached.

Enemies, mid-bosses, and abilities[edit]

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

Copy Abilities


Picture Name Description Screenshot
KSqS Secret Map Piece Sprite 4.png Secret Map Piece Part of a map to a secret place. KSqS Vocal Volcano - Stage 4, Chest 1.png
KSqS Spray Paint Red Sprite.png Red Spray Paint Change your color.
Kirby can change his color to a red body with magenta feet and blush, similar to his red clone.
KSqS Vocal Volcano - Stage 4, Chest 2.png
KSqS Key 5 Sprite.png Hidden Door Key Secret stage available.
Unlocks Vocal Volcano - Secret.
KSqS Vocal Volcano - Stage 4, Chest 3.png
