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Paka Geg

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Paka Geg
Paka Geg.png
In-game sprite of Paka Geg from Kirby Mass Attack.
First game Kirby Mass Attack (2011)
Similar entities Geg, Pacto (appearance)
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Paka Geg[derived from Japanese] is an enemy from Kirby Mass Attack. It is a type of Geg that features a smooth yellow shell with a large jagged crack going through the middle. This crack periodically opens up, causing the Paka Geg to spit out a Beanbon to attack the Kirbys, as it has no direct attack of its own. Paka Geg can be defeated after being hit several times with a thrown Kirby, conferring 400 points onto the player.


Paka Geg can be found in the following levels and stages in Kirby Mass Attack:

Paka Geg locations in Kirby Mass Attack  
Stage Green Grounds Sandy Canyon Dedede Resort Volcano Valley Necro Nebula
Stage 1 No No No No No
Stage 2 No No No No No
Stage 3 No No No No No
Stage 4 No No No No No
Stage 5 No No No No N/A
Stage 6 No No No No N/A
Stage 7 No No No No N/A
Stage 8 No Yes No No N/A
Stage 9 No Yes No No N/A
Stage 10 No No No No N/A
Stage 11 N/A Yes No No N/A
Boss Stage No No No No No

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese パカオエッグ
Paka Oeggu
Combination of「パカン」(pakan, an onomatopoeic word meaning "openmouthed") and「オエッグ」(Oeggu, Geg)