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KaTAM Leap.png
Sprite of Leap from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
First game Kirby & The Amazing Mirror (2004)
Copy Ability None
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Leap is a basic, but comparably rare enemy appearing exclusively in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. It resembles a small, light blue creature with tiny, white wings attached to the top of its head and a blushing face consisting of two round, black eyes and a pair of large, red lips as big as the entire rest of its body. Its name is a pun on the word "lip".

Leaps are found flying in circles in various locations. They continuously move on the same path, never leaving the area they start out in, and do not attempt to attack Kirby directly. However, if he happens to touch one, it kisses him, harming him and causing him to stop for an extended period of time to wipe his face clean. Leaps have low health, are vulnerable to all attacks and give no Copy Ability when swallowed.


In Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, Leap can be found in the following rooms:

Leap locations in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror  
Rainbow Route Moonlight Mansion Cabbage Cavern Mustard Mountain Carrot Castle Olive Ocean Peppermint Palace Radish Ruins Candy Constellation Dimension Mirror


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese リープ
French Bisetout From "bise" (kiss) and "tout" (all)
German Maulipp From "Maul" (mouth) and "Lippe" (lip)
Italian Tirabaci From "tirare" (to throw) and "baci" (kiss)
Korean 리프[1]
Spanish Muax From "muac" (an onomatopoeia equivalent to "mwah")
