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KatFL Bomb Kirby artwork.png
Artwork of Bomb Kirby for Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
First game Kirby Super Star (1996)
Latest game Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe (2023, upcoming)
Other game(s) Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Kirby Air Ride
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Kirby: Squeak Squad
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Kirby Fighters Deluxe
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Kirby Battle Royale
Kirby Star Allies
Kirby Fighters 2
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Usage type Unlimited use
Obtained from Enemies: Bomb-wielding Poppy Bros. Jr., Poppy Bros. Sr., bomb-wielding Perot, Balloon Bomber, Foley, Jungle Bomb, Pedo, Skud, Balloon-Meister.
Bomb projectiles from: Poppy Bros. Jr., Poppy Bros. Sr., Perot, Bombar, Jungle Bomb, Combo Cannon, Prank, Wham Bam Jewel, Mr. Dooter, Bomb Machine, Metal General, HR-D3, Clanky Woods, Mecha Knight (and variants), Susie, President Haltmann, Balloon-Meister, Bolum.
amiibo (Kirby: Planet Robobot): Samus, Diddy Kong, Bowser Jr.
Power(s) Produces and throws explosives
Helper Poppy Bros. Jr.
Similar to Robobot Armor Bomb Mode;
Marx (as a Dream Friend)
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This article is about the Copy Ability. For the item, see Bomb (object).

Bomb is a Copy Ability which allows Kirby to produce and then toss an unlimited supply of round explosives at his opponents. Although it is among the simplest in terms of its moveset, the Bomb ability is quite versatile due to its emergent techniques, as Kirby can use the ability to repeatedly bear down on a strong opponent, leave bombs behind to detonate on their own to solve puzzles, or cover various positions around himself to keep his foes at bay. In early titles, Bomb also had a fiery property to it, allowing it to light fuses, though this is no longer the case as of Kirby's Return to Dream Land. When Kirby gains the Bomb ability, he gains a dark blue fireworks cone hat, though in older titles, he would gain a blue floppy cap similar to the one for Sword.

Bomb made its first appearance in Kirby Super Star, and subsequent appearances were patchy and varied until Kirby's Return to Dream Land, where it would become standardized and attain mainstay ability status. Though many enemies and objects provide the Bomb ability when inhaled, its primary enemy representative is Poppy Bros. Jr., who acts as the Helper representing the ability in both Kirby Super Star and Kirby Star Allies.


Using the Bomb ability allows Kirby to duel at range with another bomb-throwing opponent.

Bomb is among the more versatile, unique, and difficult-to-master abilities in Kirby's arsenal due to revolving almost entirely around the deployment of explosives which are affected by gravity and other forces within the world. Unlike other abilities, which tend to involve many different powers and attacks, all of Bomb Kirby's moves start with pulling out a bomb as a distinct object. The rest comes down to how Kirby subsequently uses the bomb, whether it be a simple toss, rolling it along the ground, dropping it at his feet, or planting it right on an enemy's head. The bombs themselves have a timer, and will detonate by on their own after this timer expires, including in Kirby's hands if he does not get rid of it fast enough. Bombs can deal substantial damage to enemies at a distance, and effective use of this ability will prevent most foes from getting anywhere near the pink puffball.

Despite its explosive nature, the Bomb ability does not normally have any elemental property associated with it (though prior to Kirby's Return to Dream Land, it could be used to light fuses and melt Ice Blocks, much like Fire). However, in certain games, it is readily miscible with other abilities and powers, giving it a much larger range of versatility. This is particularly exemplified in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards and Kirby Star Allies, where combinations and Power Effects can create quite surprising results such as the detonating throwing stars of Bomb-Cutter or the floating Bluster Bombs.

Game appearances

Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra

Kirby preparing to toss a bomb at Whispy Woods in Kirby Super Star

The Bomb ability made its first appearance in Kirby Super Star, and also appears in the remake, Kirby Super Star Ultra. In these games, Kirby acquires the ability primarily through swallowing bomb-wielding Poppy Bros. Jr. (who also acts as the helper for the ability), but can also obtain them from Jungle Bomb, Poppy Bros. Sr., the Combo Cannon's dropped bombs, and various Copy Essences. Kirby Super Star set the standard for how the Bomb ability typically operates (though this standard would not be consistently followed or expanded upon until Kirby's Return to Dream Land).

Bomb moveset in Kirby Super Star  
Bomb angle depends on how long you hold Y.
Button Skills
  • Hold a bomb
  • Throw a bomb
  • Set a bomb (near enemy)
+ Y Drop a bomb
Dash + Y Straight throw
Bomb moveset in Kirby Super Star Ultra  
Skill Button execution
Ready Bomb
KSSU Bomb Kirby Ready Sprite.png
Bomb Throw
KSSU Bomb Kirby Throw Sprite.png
Ready Bomb + B
*Set throw angle by holding B
Straight Throw
KSSU Bomb Kirby Throw Straight Sprite.png
Dash + Bomb Throw
Bomb Drop
KSSU Bomb Kirby Drop Sprite.png
B near foe
Bomb Set
KSSU Bomb Kirby Set Sprite.png
↓ + B

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

Kirby using Bomb to dispatch some Bouncys in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

The Bomb ability makes its 3D debut in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Many different enemies provide this ability, including Poppy Bros. Jr., Skud, Rockn, and Blowfish. The Bomb ability can also be combined with itself and with other abilities to make potent explosive Power Combos.

On its own, the Bomb ability is exceedingly simple in this game. When pressing and releasing B, Kirby pulls out a bomb and then tosses it forward in an arc, where it will immediately explode on impact (or detonate after about one second if it has not hit something by then). How long the player holds B will determine how high Kirby tosses the bomb: just tapping B causes Kirby to drop it at his feet, while holding it for a while causes him to toss it high and far, with varying trajectories in-between these two extremes. When the bomb explodes, the lingering explosion effect will deal damage for a little while after the explosion actually occurs. Kirby himself is not affected by these explosions.

Kirby Air Ride

This ability allows you to hurl bombs with just a press of A. The distance that you throw the bombs depends on how long you hold the button down.
— Kirby Air Ride North American instruction booklet, page 40

Bomb appears again in Kirby Air Ride, and can be obtained by swallowing Balloon Bomber, collecting the appropriate Copy Panel, or getting it from a Copy Chance Wheel. Much like in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, the Bomb ability here is very simple: all the player needs to do is press and then release A to make Kirby toss the bomb, with holding A longer resulting in a further throw. An arrow appears in front of Kirby to show where the bomb will land, and a meter appears to visualize the power of the throw. Unlike in other games, the bomb ability here is single-use, as after it is thrown, Kirby immediately loses the ability. The explosion from the bomb is also very large, making it overall more similar to Crash.

Interestingly, the instruction booklet seems to give the impression that the ability can be used more than once before being used up. This would be more in-line with Bomb's appearances elsewhere in the series.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

Kirby using a bomb to solve a switch puzzle in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

Bomb makes another appearance in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, here being very similar to its incarnation in Kirby Super Star. Kirby can acquire this ability primarily from the new enemy Foley, and from projectiles tossed by Prank, Bombar, and Wiz.

Bomb moveset in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror & Kirby: Squeak Squad  
Skill Button execution
Ready Bomb B
Bomb Throw
B after Ready Bomb
Target Throw Ready Bomb, then ↑ or ↓ + B
Sliding Bomb
Slide after Ready Bomb
Booby Trap Bomb
Bomb Set
↓ + B
Dash Throw
Straight Throw
Ready Bomb, then dash + B
Dive Bomb
B + Dive Attack
Facing Right. Japanese attack names are taken from the Kirby: Squeak Squad Nintendo Official Guidebook. Applicable equivalent adapted English names from other games are listed in bold.

Kirby: Squeak Squad

Bomb also appears in Kirby: Squeak Squad, where it is practically identical to how it was in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. However, if Kirby collects the Ability Scroll for Bomb, he can combine the ability with Ice or Spark to create Ice Bomb and Thunder Bomb respectively. Doing so allows him to toss bombe infused with those elements: ice bombs can freeze enemies and water, while thunder bombs electrify foes and send sparks along metal surfaces. Unlike with Sword, there is no Fire Bomb combination, since Bomb already has fiery properties by default.

Kirby's Return to Dream Land / Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe

Kirby playing the Bomb Challenge in Kirby's Return to Dream Land

In Kirby's Return to Dream Land and its remake, Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, the Bomb ability reappears with a similar move-set to its appearance in Kirby Super Star, but notable aesthetic differences: instead of wearing a floppy blue cap, Kirby wears a fireworks cone-styled hat. In addition, the bombs now include star patterns on them, and feature a notable difference in functionality: in all previous games, the bombs had a flame effect, meaning they were capable of lighting fuses and breaking ice blocks. They are no longer capable of doing so on their own in modern titles starting with this game.

Kirby's Return to Dream Land introduced some notable aspects of the Bomb ability, including the moves "Bomb Bowl" and "Self-Destruct". In this game, the primary provider is once again Poppy Bros. Jr., though other enemies provide this ability as well, like Foley, Bomb Machine's missiles, Mr. Dooter's bombs, and Metal General and HR-D3's missiles. Bomb also gets its own Challenge Stage: the Bomb Challenge.

Bomb's moveset in Kirby's Return to Dream Land  
Skill Button Execution Description
Bomb Prep
Hold 1
Kirby brings out a small bomb.
Bomb Throw
Release 1 after bomb during Bomb Prep
Kirby throws a bomb a fair distance.
Target Throw
D-pad after Bomb Prep
Allows you to set the throw angle.
Bomb nothing
Kirby lets the bomb explode in his hand, damaging all enemies around himself.
Bomb Bowl
Dash + 1
Kirby rolls a bomb like a bowling ball at nearby enemies.
Bomb Drop
1 next to foe
Kirby places a bomb on an enemy's head immobilizing them.
Bomb Set
↓ + 1
Kirby places a bomb in front of him.

Kirby: Triple Deluxe

Bomb returns as an ability in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, with the same move-set as it had in Kirby's Return to Dream Land. However, it takes noticeably longer to deploy bombs in this game than it did in its previous appearance. This was likely done to balance the ability for the Kirby Fighters Sub-Game, which Bomb also appears in.

Bomb's Moveset in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Kirby Fighters Deluxe, and Kirby: Planet Robobot  
while facing right
Skill Image Button Execution Description
Bomb Prep
KPR Bomb Prep clip.png
Hold B
Kirby brings out a small bomb.
Bomb Throw
KPR Bomb Throw clip.png
Release B after bomb during Bomb Prep
Kirby throws a bomb a fair distance.
Target Throw
KPR Target Throw clip.png
D-pad after Bomb Prep
Allows you to set the throw angle.
KPR Self-Destruct clip.png
Bomb nothing
Kirby lets the bomb explode in his hand, damaging all enemies around himself.
Bomb Bowl
KPR Bomb Bowl clip.png
Dash + B
Kirby rolls a bomb like a bowling ball at nearby enemies.
Bomb Drop
KPR Bomb Drop clip.png
B next to foe
Kirby places a bomb on an enemy's head immobilizing them.
Bomb Set
KPR Bomb Set clip.png
↓ + B
Kirby places a bomb in front of him.

Kirby Fighters Deluxe

File:KFD Official Screenshot Hats.jpg
Official screenshot of Bomb Kirby with the "Heart Bomb" hat in Kirby Fighters Deluxe

Bomb appears as one of the selectable Copy Abilities in Kirby Fighters Deluxe, carrying over its look and functionality from the original Kirby Fighters. Its unlockable Rare Outfit has a similar design to the default hat, with an orange-and-purple diamond motif, a heart-shaped gem in its center, and a flashy pom pom on top; the bombs themselves are also adorned with hearts. According to a Miiverse post quoting designer Kenichiro Kita, this variant was designed to appeal to girls, as he thought the standard Bomb design appealed mainly to boys.[1]

Kirby: Planet Robobot

Bomb returns as an ability in Kirby: Planet Robobot, unchanged from its appearance in Kirby: Triple Deluxe. It is obtainable by swallowing Poppy Bros. Jr., the missiles of Walker Waddle Dees with cannons, and many boss attacks involving explosives. It is also compatible with the Robobot Armor.

Kirby Battle Royale

That pointed hat gives you the Bomb ability! You should use Bomb Dunk if you want to shock your foe!
— Knuckle Joe's comment in Kirby Battle Royale

Bomb returns as one of the starter abilities for Kirby Battle Royale. While its moveset has been simplified for the sake of balance, the essential functions of tossing bombs and planting bombs on foes remains intact.

Bomb's Moveset in Kirby Battle Royale  
Skill Button Execution
Bomb Throw
Big Bomb Throw
Hold/release B
Bomb Dunk

Four alternate pieces of headgear exist for the Bomb ability. These are the "Foley Cap", the "Bomb Cap", the "Boom Cap", and the "Qbby Cap". The Qbby Cap can only be obtained by scanning the Qbby amiibo.

Kirby Star Allies

Kirby rising up into the air using a Bluster Bomb in Kirby Star Allies

Bomb returns in Kirby Star Allies along with Poppy Bros. Jr. who is the Friend for that ability. In addition to the standard repertoire of attacks from other recent titles, Bomb can be infused with any of the five Power Effects to create five elemental variants. Unlike in Kirby: Squeak Squad, a fiery bomb combination is possible here. Notably, if the Power Effect on Bomb changes, any bombs that were already on the field will turn into the new elemental variant.

Of the possible combinations, the most notable one is Bluster Bomb, which gives Kirby or Poppy Bros. Jr. the ability to toss bombs that fall gently downward, extending their reach or letting them linger in the air as hazards for enemies. In addition, when holding a Bluster Bomb, the holder will float upward if they are in the air, including allies who just picked up bombs that Kirby or Poppy Bros. Jr. tossed.

Bomb's Moveset in Kirby Star Allies  
Skill Button Execution Description Damage
(Star Bullet=52)
Elemental Damage
Bomb Prep
Press and hold B
Kirby brings out a small bomb. 16 20
Bomb Throw
Release B during Bomb Prep
Kirby throws a bomb a fair distance. 26 32
Target Throw
+ Control Pad or Control Stick after Bomb Prep*
Kirby angles the trajectory of his throw, which is shown to the player. 26 32
Don't release bomb during Bomb Prep
Kirby lets the bomb explode in his hand, damaging all enemies around himself. In this title, Kirby is unable to be harmed by a self-destructing bomb. N/A N/A
Bomb Bowl
Dash + B
Kirby rolls a bomb like a bowling ball at nearby enemies. 32 40
Bomb Drop
B near an enemy
Kirby places a bomb on an enemy's head immobilizing them. 26 32
Bomb Set
↓ + B
Kirby places a bomb in front of him. 28 35

Kirby Fighters 2

Bomb appears as one of the selectable abilities in Kirby Fighters 2, retaining its properties from Kirby Fighters Deluxe. Along with Sword and Staff, it is available for use right from the start. Its move-set is nearly identical to that of previous titles, but damage values have been adjusted. Notably, Kirby can now harm himself with his Self-Destruct technique. In this game, Bomb has two unlockable Rare Hats: the first one is the Heart Bomb hat from Kirby Fighters Deluxe, while the second is a new one, the Pirate's Tricorn, which lets Kirby toss bombs with skull and crossbones on them.

For more precise competitive-oriented information on the Bomb ability in Kirby Fighters 2, see Mizuumi Wiki's page.


Bomb move-set in Kirby Fighters 2  
Skill Button Execution Description Damage (unmodified)
Bomb Prep
Press and hold B
Kirby pulls out a bomb. While holding it, Kirby can still move around as normal, but cannot hover. It can be released using Bomb Throw or Bomb Bowl. N/A
Bomb Throw
Release B during Bomb Prep
Kirby tosses the bomb, damaging any foe it hits. 13
Target Throw
Input direction during Bomb Prep
Kirby can angle his throw for greater accuracy before releasing. N/A
Don't release bomb during Bomb Prep
After about 10 seconds, the bomb will go off in Kirby's hand, damaging himself and any foe nearby. 26 (to foe)
13 (to self)
Bomb Bowl
Dash + B
Kirby rolls his bomb forward along the ground, covering good distance and damaging any foe it collides with. 15
Bomb Drop
B near an enemy
Kirby plants a bomb on a foe's head, forcing that foe to stop for a moment and then get hit by the explosion. 14
Bomb Set
↓ + B
Kirby places a bomb right in front of him, and can drop them if doing so from the air or the edge of a platform. It will go off after about 3 seconds or if a foe collides with it. 13

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Bomb Kirby rolling bombs down a slope to defeat a Kabu in Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Bomb appears in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. In this game, the bombs Kirby throws have a new look, now a lighter blue in coloration and much larger. Kirby can still use familiar moves like Bomb Throw and Bomb Bowl, and he can no longer self-destruct with any bomb. Notably, bombs tossed into water will now gain an inner tube and coast along the surface, instead of sinking. In addition, unexploded bombs on the ground can be kicked by Kirby or Bandana Waddle Dee. During his adventures, Kirby can find blueprints, which can then be taken to Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop to evolve the Bomb ability into new forms: Chain Bomb lets Kirby throw multiple bombs whose explosions last longer and go off all at once upon enemy contact, while Homing Bomb lets Kirby throw chain bombs that home in on enemies.

This ability is one of four accessible in the game's demo. It automatically becomes Chain Bomb once the three available stages are complete, but this can be reverted back to the original ability if the player so desires.


All attack names are taken from the Kirby and the Forgotten Land Perfect Support Guide. Applicable equivalent adapted English names from other games are listed in bold.

Bomb moveset in Kirby and the Forgotten Land 
Move Button execution Description
Bomb Throw
Press B, or release B after Target Throw Kirby throws a bomb a fair distance.
Aim Throw
Target Throw
Hold B Kirby angles the trajectory of his throw, which is shown to the player. It can be adjusted with the L-Stick.
Strike Bowl
Bomb Bowl
Tilt L-Stick + B or B after dodging an attack Kirby rolls a bomb like a bowling ball at nearby enemies.

In Kirby: Right Back at Ya!

KRBaY Bomb Kirby.png
Screenshot of Bomb Kirby from Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
First episode Kirby Takes the Cake
Last episode Fright to the Finish
Other episode(s) A Half-Baked Battle, Right Hand Robot, and Mumbies Madness
Obtained from Inhaling a bomb or missile
Power(s) Throwing bombs
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He is now...Bomb Kirby!
— Meta Knight in Kirby Takes the Cake

Bomb is one of the recurring Copy Abilities in the anime series Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, first appearing in the season 2 finale episode Kirby Takes the Cake. When Kirby gains this ability, he is given a blue cap similar to the Sword cap, and resembling his in-game appearance prior to Kirby's Return to Dream Land. With the Bomb ability, Kirby is able to conjure bombs out of thin air and toss them at his opponents to attack. He can also return enemies' bombs to them.

In A Half-Baked Battle, King Dedede and Escargoon deliberately give Kirby this ability in order to free them all from the stomach of the monster Belly Buster.


Flavor text

Image Game Flavor text
KSS Box NA.jpg Kirby Super Star Blast your enemies to bits! Take accurate aim and throw carefully. Your throw will be controlled by Y.
KatAM cover art.jpg Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Use B to pull out a bomb, and press B again to throw it. Move the +Control Pad to change where to throw it.
File:USCover KSS.jpg Kirby: Squeak Squad HOLD! THROW!! BOOM!!
KSS Ultra box art.png Kirby Super Star Ultra Grab a bomb and hold the button to set the throw angle. Toss it and it'll go Ka-BOOM!
KRtDL Boxart L.jpg Kirby's Return to Dream Land Prep a huge bomb, aim it, and--KA-BOOM! Get above your enemies and boom, boom, boom! Bowl a perfect BOOM!
KTD Boxart NA.jpg Kirby: Triple Deluxe Raise a huge bomb above your head, adjust the angle, and give it a toss. Blast, explode, and detonate from a distance! Or drop a bomb right next to an enemy. KABOOM!
KPR Box.png Kirby: Planet Robobot Raise a huge bomb above your head, adjust the angle and give it a toss. Blast, explode, and detonate from a distance! Or drop a bomb right next to an enemy. KABOOM!
KBR box art.jpg Kirby Battle Royale Throw a bomb and blow your foes away! A great ability for attacking from afar.
KSA Boxart NA.jpg Kirby Star Allies Anyone can pick up a bomb, and if it rolls over terrain covered with friendly fire or water, the bomb will transform! For a surprise attack, infuse bombs with wind to make them float!
KatFL box art.jpg Kirby and the Forgotten Land Figure description:

Hold down the button to aim and throw. Got it? Hold, aim, throw! Throw, hit, BOOM! You can run and throw them too, or roll them ahead of you to get an explosive strike!

Weapons-Shop Waddle Dee:
To use the Bomb ability, hold down B to aim, then release it to throw a bomb forward.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U trophy

Name Image Appears in Description
Bomb Kirby Smash Wii U Bomb Kirby Trophy.png SNES: Kirby Super Star
3DS: Kirby: Triple Deluxe
When he copies the Bomb ability, Kirby gets to don a stylish hat just like Poppy Bros. Jr. The hat's appearance varies a little from game to game, but the ability itself is always pretty much the same: pull out a bomb, throw it, BOOM! Careful, though--if you hang on to the bomb for too long, you'll go BOOM yourself!


Main article: Bomb/gallery

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ボム
Traditional Chinese 炸彈
Simplified Chinese 炸弹
Dutch Bom Bomb
French Bombe Bomb
German Bomben Bombs
Italian Granata Grenade
Polish Bomba[2]
Portuguese Bomba[4][5][6] Bomb
Russian Бомба
Spanish Bomba Bomb
Thai Bomb[7]
