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Copy Ability/Super Smash Bros.

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The following is a list of every Copy Ability in the Super Smash Bros. series.

Move Name Appearance First game Latest game Obtained from Description Move Source Links Notes
Fireball SSBU Kirby Mario.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mario This ability enables Kirby to shoot fireballs from his hands that bounce along the ground. Fireball
Giant Punch SSBU Kirby Donkey Kong.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Donkey Kong Kirby charges up a punch and can release it at any time. Giant Punch In all games prior to Ultimate, this ability leaves Kirby helpless if used in midair.
Boomerang Kirby Link SSB.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Link Kirby throws a boomerang that can be angled. Boomerang
Charge Shot SSBU Kirby Samus.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Samus Kirby charges an energy ball with his hands, and can release it at any time. Charge Shot In Ultimate, Kirby can charge the move in midair.
Egg Lay SSBU Kirby Yoshi.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Yoshi Kirby eats the opponent and lays them encased in an egg, trapping them for a while. Egg Lay Kirby gains Yoshi's tongue in addition to his own.
Blaster SSBU Kirby Fox.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fox Kirby shoots a laser gun that fires rapidly but does not interrupt foes. Blaster The laser fires more slowly and does interrupt foes in Super Smash Bros..
Thunder Jolt SSBU Kirby Pikachu.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pikachu Kirby shoots electricity out in front of him that jumps across the stage and can follow walls. Thunder Jolt Kirby mimics Pikachu's voice and stance when doing this move.
Green Fireball SSBU Kirby Luigi.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Luigi Kirby shoots a green fireball from his hands which travels without falling. Green Fireball
Falcon Punch Kirby SSBU Captain Falcon.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Captain Falcon Kirby unleashes a massive punch which is covered by a burning aura shaped like a falcon, but is slow to start. Falcon Punch Kirby famously mimics Captain Falcon's shout when using this move. In for 3DS / Wii U and onward, he can turn the punch around as it charges.
PK Fire Kirby Ness SSB.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ness Kirby shoots a bolt in front of him that erupts into a pillar of fire if it hits an opponent. PK Fire
Pound Kirby Jigglypuff SSB.png Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Jigglypuff Kirby does a punch-slap that has deceptive range and halts his momentum in the air. Pound
Fire Breath Kirby SSBU Bowser.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bowser Kirby can breathe fire, but the range decreases if used too long. Fire Breath Kirby shouts "roooar!" when using this move in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS / Wii U, unlike Bowser who makes no shouts.
Megavitamins SSBU Kirby Dr. Mario.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Dr. Mario Kirby tosses a megavitamin which bounces along the ground a couple times. Megavitamin This ability likely served as the inspiration for Doctor Kirby.
Falco Blaster SSBU Kirby Falco.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Falco Kirby fires lasers from a pistol that deal light knockback to opponents. Falco Blaster Kirby can shoot faster in midair.
Warlock Punch SSBU Kirby Ganondorf.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ganondorf Kirby unleashes a punch surrounded by dark magic that deals huge damage but is really slow. This move originated in Smash Bros. In for 3DS / Wii U and onward, Kirby can turn the punch around as he charges it.
Ice Shot SSBU Kirby Ice Climbers.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ice Climbers Kirby uses a small hammer to whack a tiny iceberg out in front of him that slides across the stage. This move originated in Smash Bros. Kirby can only shoot one at a time, similar to a single Ice Climber.
Shield Breaker SSBU Kirby Marth.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Marth Kirby is able to break through enemy shields by charging his copy of the Falchion in a straight lunge. The tip of the blade is particularily stronger. Shield Breaker In Ultimate, Kirby can angle this attack up or down slightly.
Shadow Ball SSBU Kirby Mewtwo.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mewtwo Kirby charges a ball of energy and can release it at any time, causing big recoil to Kirby if used in the air. Shadow Ball
Chef SSBU Kirby Mr Game and Watch.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mr. Game & Watch Kirby pulls out a frying pan and throws two-dimensional food from it at opponents. Kirby does not become two-dimensional while using this attack, though he does mimic Mr. Game & Watch's own choppy animations.
Toad SSBU Kirby Peach.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Peach Kirby pulls out Toad to defend him, who shoots spores at any point-blank attackers. Toad In Ultimate, he calls Toad to stand beside him instead.
Thunder Jolt SSBU Kirby Pichu.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pichu Kirby shoots an arc of electricity that bounces along the ground. Stronger than Pikachu's variant of the attack, though it also hurts himself a little when doing it. Thunder Jolt Kirby mimics Pichu's cry when using this move.
Flare Blade SSBU Kirby Roy.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Roy Kirby charges magical flames onto his copy of the Binding Blade to create a huge blast. However, if he charges it for too long he can hurt himself. Flare Blade In Ultimate, Kirby can turn around while charging the move.
Needle Storm SSBU Kirby Sheik.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sheik Kirby throws needles at his opponents to interrupt them. This move originated in Smash Bros.
Fire Arrow SSBU Kirby Young Link.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Young Link Kirby uses the Hero's Bow to shoot flaming arrows at his opponents. Fire Arrow
Nayru's Love SSBU Kirby Zelda.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Zelda Kirby summons a crystal energy shield around him for a couple seconds, dealing damage point-blank and reflecting projectiles. Nayru's Love In games prior to Ultimate, Kirby wore Young Zelda's cap from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Rollout SSBU Kirby Jigglypuff.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Jigglypuff Kirby curls into a ball and rolls forward at high speeds; reckless use can cause him to fly off the stage and self-destruct. Rollout In for 3DS / Wii U, the hat was always pink, regardless of Kirby's color palette.
Bow/Hero's Bow SSBU Kirby Link.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Link Kirby pulls out a bow and fires an arrow at his opponents. Bow/Hero's Bow The look of the bow varies based on the iteration of Link in the game. In Ultimate, Kirby can pick up arrows he's fired and shoot them again or toss them. Also in Ultimate, Kirby still wears Link's floppy green hat, even though Link's default costume does not have one.
PK Flash SSBU Kirby Ness.png Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ness Kirby can charge up a huge flare of energy and release it on his foes. PK Flash Kirby mimics Ness' voice when using this move.
Peanut Popgun SSBU Kirby Diddy Kong.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Diddy Kong Kirby fires peanuts from a wooden gun, though charging it too long causes the gun to explode in Kirby's face, but doing so also deals great damage to fighters within melee range. Peanut Popgun
Eruption SSBU Kirby Ike.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ike Kirby strikes the ground with a copy of the sword Ragnell, creating pillars of fire where it lands that can hit above Kirby as well. It damages Kirby if charged too long. Eruption In Ultimate, this move releases multiple waves of fire when charged further.
Inhale SSBU Kirby King Dedede.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate King Dedede Kirby sucks in his opponents and spits them out; more powerful than his regular Inhale, but cannot copy with it. Inhale Kirby's mouth is notably smaller when using this inhale than when using his regular one.
Aura Sphere SSBU Kirby Lucario.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Lucario Kirby charges up an aura sphere which can damage opponents while charging and when released. Aura Sphere The power of the attack does not scale with Kirby's damage percent, instead locked at the equivalent of 75% for Lucario.
PK Freeze SSBU Kirby Lucas.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Lucas Kirby fires a spark of ice at opponents that detonates at will, or after a short period of time. It is able to freeze them for a few seconds if it bursts on them. PK Freeze Kirby mimics Lucas' voice when using this move.
Mach Tornado SSBU Kirby Meta Knight.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Meta Knight Kirby pulls out a copy of the Galaxia and spins around causing a tornado that can catch enemies. Repeatedly pressing the special-move button causes Kirby to rise up. Mach Tornado The nature of the attack varies with each game. In Brawl, the mask causes Kirby's eyes to turn green, whereas in other games, they are yellow like Meta Knight's eyes.
Pikmin Pluck/Pikmin Throw SSBU Kirby Olimar.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Olimar Kirby plucks and throws Pikmin from the ground at his opponents. Pikmin Pluck/Pikmin Throw When the Pikmin land, they immediately perish. Kirby cannot keep a company of Pikmin with him like Olimar can, and is forced to use them immediately after plucking them.
Palutena's Bow SSBU Kirby Pit.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pit Kirby pulls out a replica of Palutena's Bow and can fire arrows of light which can be guided after release. He can aim his bow up or backwards before firing as well. Palutena's Bow
Water Gun SSBU Kirby Squirtle.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pokémon Trainer (Squirtle) Kirby stores a large amount of water until fully charged. When used, Kirby shoots out the water, pushing opponents away. Water Gun Kirby shouts "peeewww!" when using this move, which does not match Squirtle's cry.
Bullet Seed SSBU Kirby Ivysaur.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pokémon Trainer (Ivysaur) Kirby shoots seeds out at opponents above him. Bullet Seed Kirby mimics Ivysaur's cry when using this move.
Flamethrower Kirby SSBU Charizard.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pokémon Trainer (Charizard (Brawl and Ultimate only)), Charizard Kirby breathes a narrow cone of fire which causes enemies to flinch, though it grows shorter over time. Flamethrower
Robo Beam SSBU Kirby ROB.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate R.O.B. Kirby can fire lasers from his eyes at three levels of charge, which are capable of bouncing off of floors and ceilings. This move originated in Smash Bros. Kirby shouts "beeeeep!" when using this move. It is very similar to the copy ability Laser.
Hand Grenade SSBU Kirby Snake.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Snake Kirby can pull out and toss grenades at his opponents. He can sidestep while holding them, but can hurt himself with them too. They detonate after some seconds, or being exposed to fire. Hand Grenade If a grenade explodes close to Kirby, he will mimic Snake by covering his "ears".
Homing Attack SSBU Kirby Sonic.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sonic Kirby jumps up in the air, curls up into a ball and flies as fast as he can at opponents. Homing Attack In Ultimate, Kirby can adjust the timing for when he flies at opponents.
Chomp SSBU Kirby Wario.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Wario Kirby bites his opponents, holding them in place and chomping to deal damage. Chomp In Ultimate, each bite also heals Kirby a little bit. Unlike Wario, Kirby has no teeth to chomp with, so it is unclear how he grabs his opponents.
Wolf Blaster SSBU Kirby Wolf.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Wolf Kirby fires a powerful laser shot from a blaster. Opponents in melee range will get struck by the blade on the gun. Wolf Blaster
Paralyzer SSBU Kirby Zero Suit Samus.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Zero Suit Samus Kirby uses a paralyzer pistol to stun his opponents. It can be charged to varying levels of power. Paralyzer
Hero's Bow SSBU Kirby Toon Link.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Toon Link Kirby uses the Hero's Bow to fire slow, but far-traveling arrows. Toon Hero's Bow
Water Shuriken SSBU Kirby Greninja.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Greninja Kirby throws shurikens made of water at opponents. A weak charge travels faster, while at full charge they can carry opponents away. Water Shuriken
Straight Lunge SSBU Kirby Little Mac.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Little Mac Kirby charges up a punch. When he unleashes it, the punch carries him across the stage, dealing massive damage if charged long enough, but also leaving him vulnerable. This move originated in Smash Bros. In Ultimate, Kirby can reverse his direction before the lunge and also cancel it by shielding. If Kirby copies this ability from Little Mac in his wireframe colors, this attack will use that costume's unique sound effects.
Shield Breaker SSBU Kirby Lucina.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Lucina Kirby thrusts with a replica of the Parallel Falchion, breaking shields at full charge. Unlike Marth's variant, this version has equal power all around the blade. Shield Breaker In Ultimate, this attack can be angled slightly up or down. Rather than gaining any of Lucina's normal features, Kirby gains the mask she dons while masquerading as Marth in early chapters of Fire Emblem Awakening.
Metal Blade SSBU Kirby Mega Man.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mega Man Kirby throws saw blades at his opponents; he can throw them in any direction. If the blade hits the ground, he can pick it up to use it as an item. Metal Blade
Charge Blast SSBU Kirby Mii Gunner.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mii Gunner Kirby charges up a ball of energy with his hands, which can then be released or stored for later use. This move originated in Smash Bros. Kirby makes a shout when firing in Ultimate. Despite this attack's animation being changed in Ultimate, Kirby's animation for this move remains unchanged.
Gale Strike SSBU Kirby Mii Swordfighter.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mii Swordfighter Kirby conjures a tornado using a sword which travels forward and carries opponents away. This move originated in Smash Bros.
Shot Put SSBU Kirby Mii Brawler.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mii Brawler Kirby throws a heavy shot put ball ahead of himself. This move originated in Smash Bros.
Bonus Fruit SSBU Kirby PAC-MAN.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pac-Man Kirby cycles through the Bonus Fruit from Pac-Man to throw at opponents, with different damage outputs and trajectories. Bonus Fruit
Autoreticle SSBU Kirby Palutena.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Palutena Kirby can lock onto opponents and fires three laser blasts at them, which fire toward the enemy's last position. Autoreticle Kirby mimics Palutena's voice when using this move.
Thunder SSBU Kirby Robin.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Robin Kirby pulls out a Thunder tome and shoots magical lightning out of his hand, with four different levels of power. Once the Thunder tome's meter is fully depleted, Kirby loses the ability. Thunder Kirby mimics Robin's voice when using this move.
Luma Shot SSBU Kirby Rosalina.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Rosalina Kirby conjures and launches a Luma at opponents, which immediately vanishes after it hits. Luma Shot
Pocket SSBU Kirby Villager.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Villager Kirby can take most projectiles or items thrown at him, hold onto them, and throw them back later. Pocket
Sun Salutation SSBU Kirby Wii Fit Trainer.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Wii Fit Trainer Kirby absorbs energy from the sun as a ball, he can then launch it at opponents at any time. If it is fully charged when shot, Kirby is slightly healed.
Monado Arts SSBU Kirby Shulk.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Shulk Kirby wields the Monado, allowing him to switch between 5 different styles of fighting, known as the Monado Arts (Kirby doesn't actually swing the blade). Buster, Shield, Speed (Jump and Smash originated in Smash Bros.) Kirby mimics Shulk's voice when using this move. Kirby benefits greatly from the Jump art, though it does not affect his Final Cutter like it does with Shulk's Air Slash.
Clown Cannon Kirby SSBU Bowser Jr.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bowser Jr. The Clown Car's cannon extends from Kirby's mouth and fires cannonballs. The attack can be charged for greater distance. Clown Cannon
Silver Bow Kirby SSBU Dark Pit.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Dark Pit Kirby pulls out a replica of the Silver Bow and fires black arrows at opponents, which can be slightly guided after firing. He can aim up or backwards before releasing the shot. Silver Bow
Trick Shot SSBU Kirby Duck Hunt.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Duck Hunt Kirby kicks a can out on the stage, then an unseen Zapper wielder shoots it, causing it to bounce forward or backwards and eventually explode. Trick Shot Unlike Duck Hunt, Kirby will not flinch if the can is shot while he is close to it.
Hadoken SSBU Kirby Ryu.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ryu Kirby fires a blast of energy from his fists, which travels slowly across the screen; the nature of the blast depends on how the player inputs the attack. Hadoken Kirby mimics Ryu's voice when using this move.
Blade Beam Kirby SSBU Cloud.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Cloud Kirby takes out a (smaller) copy of the Buster Sword and uses it to shoot a straight horizontal Final Cutter-like beam that travels a fair distance and can hit one target; the beam is slightly weaker if used in midair. Blade Beam Kirby does not copy Cloud's Limit meter, and thus cannot use the Limit Break version.
Dragon Fang Shot Kirby SSBU Corrin.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Corrin Kirby's hand becomes a gaping dragon jaw which shoots out a ball of paralyzing water, which can travel a fair distance and be charged for greater effect; the dragon fang hand can also be used to bite nearby opponents. Dragon Fang Shot
Bullet Climax Kirby SSBU Bayonetta.png Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bayonetta Kirby pulls out two copies of the Love is Blue handguns and fires them from either his hands or feet in an upward diagonal motion; the bullets can rack up a fair amount of damage and interrupt foes, and can be charged for greater damage and knockback. Bullet Climax
Splattershot SSBU Kirby Inkling.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Inkling Kirby uses a Splattershot gun to fire ink at his opponents, the color of which depends on what the other Inkling(s) are using. Kirby does not gain the ability to replenish his supply of ink, and he loses this ability once it runs out. Splattershot
Toad Kirby SSBU Daisy.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Daisy Kirby summons a blue-spotted Toad to guard himself with, who shoots spores at would-be attackers. Toad
Plasma Breath SSBU Kirby Ridley.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ridley Kirby can launch a variable number of fireballs from his mouth which bounce along the ground, but will take heavy damage if he is hit in the face while charging the move. Plasma Breath
Axe SSBU Kirby Simon.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Simon Belmont Kirby tosses a hefty axe in an arc in front of him. The axe can travel through platforms. Axe
Axe SSBU Kirby Richter.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Richter Belmont Kirby tosses a hefty axe in an arc in front of him. The axe can travel through platforms. Axe
Flare Blade Kirby SSBU Chrom.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Chrom Kirby pulls out a replica of the Sealed Falchion and charges wind-energy through the blade to deal a massive explosion, though it hurts Kirby if overcharged. Flare Blade
Charge Shot SSBU Kirby Dark Samus.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Dark Samus Kirby charges a dark ball of energy which he can release at any time. Charge Shot
Blunderbuss SSBU Kirby King K Rool.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate King K. Rool Kirby pulls out a blunderbuss and shoots a cannonball from it; he can then use the blunderbuss again to suck in nearby objects or fighters and shoot them back out in several directions. Blunderbuss Despite not donning a pirate hat like K. Rool, Kirby will mimic the animation of K. Rool removing his pirate hat after finishing the move.
Pocket SSBU Kirby Isabelle.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Isabelle Kirby can grab most projectiles or items, store them, then throw them back later. Pocket
Hadoken SSBU Kirby Ken.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ken Kirby shoots a ball of energy from his hands, with the nature of the attack depending on how the player inputs the attack. Hadoken Kirby mimics Ken's voice when using this move.
Darkest Lariat SSBU Kirby Incineroar.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Incineroar Kirby spins around like a cyclone, hitting opponents nearby and doing massive damage to shields. Darkest Lariat Kirby cries like a small house cat when using this move, which is a humorous analogue to Incineroar's "roar".
Ptooie SSBU Kirby Piranha Plant.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Piranha Plant Kirby spits a spike ball out of his mouth and blows on it to keep it afloat as long as the special button is held; if the player inputs left or right, Kirby will launch the spike ball in that direction. Ptooie
Gun SSBU Kirby Joker.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Joker Kirby pulls out a handgun and can fire one bullet at a time. He can also perform dodging and jumping maneuvers while shooting. Gun Kirby's copy of Joker's mask features red eyes. Kirby does not gain Joker's Rebellion Gauge when copying this move, and thus cannot use Arsène.
Frizz/Frizzle/Kafrizz SSBU Kirby Hero.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Hero Kirby can charge and release a ball of fire at three different sizes, with each one costing a proportionally larger amount of MP. MP can be recharged slowly over time or by attacking with other moves. Frizz/Frizzle/Kafrizz Kirby wears Erdrick's/Arusu's headband even though the default Hero (Luminary/Eleven) doesn't wear one.
Egg Firing/Breegull Blaster Kirby SSBU Banjo & Kazooie.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Banjo & Kazooie Kirby utilizes a plush toy version of Kazooie that shoots eggs from its throat. If the button is held, Kirby will pull the toy Kazooie out of his backpack and hold it like a rifle while repeatedly firing eggs. Egg Firing/Breegull Blaster
Power Wave SSBU Kirby Terry.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Terry Bogard Kirby can punch the ground to create a shockwave that travels slowly, but for a good distance. If used in the air, he will conjure a small flame in front of himself that knocks opponents away. The distance the shockwave travels can be altered slightly. Power Wave Kirby mimics Terry's voice when using this move.
Failnaught Kirby SSBU Byleth.jpg Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Byleth Kirby pulls out a copy of the Failnaught bow and can fire powerful arrows at great distance. This attack can be charged for even more power, but cannot be canceled at this point. Failnaught
Punch SSBU Kirby Min Min.jpg Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Min Min Kirby punches forwards with the Dragon ARM. If the button is held, it shoots out a beam at the end. Punch Despite Kirby using the neutral input, it behaves like the smash input. The Dragon ARM is always copied regardless of which one Min Min is using when they are copied.
Mine / Craft / Create Block SSBU Kirby Steve.png Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Steve If this is used on the ground, Kirby mines the ground or a wall to get dirt, wood, stone, or iron. If this is used in the air, Kirby uses the mined resources to build blocks that break either over time or when the blocks are attacked. Kirby cannot craft. Mine/Craft/Create Block Kirby cannot gather redstone, gold, or diamonds. If Kirby loses this ability, all blocks placed by him despawn immediately. Kirby always uses iron tools.
Flare / Megaflare / Gigaflare SSBU Sephiroth Kirby Hat.jpg Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sephiroth Allows Kirby to charge up energy and direct it in front of him to cause an explosion, depending of the charge level. The greater the charge, the more power it has, but it will travel a shorter distance. Flare, Megaflare and Gigaflare
Flame Nova SSBU Pyra Kirby.jpg Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pyra Allows Kirby to perform a flaming spin attack with Pyra's sword that can catch multiple opponents. Flame Nova Kirby mimics Pyra's voice when using this move.
Lightning Buster SSBU Mythra Kirby.jpg Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mythra Allows Kirby to perform a series of quick swipes with Mythra's sword on opponents in front of him. Charging the move lets it reach slightly further. Lightning Buster Kirby mimics Mythra's voice when using this move.
Devil Blaster SSBU Kazuya Kirby.jpg Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Kazuya When used, Kirby transforms using the Devil Gene and fires a laser that can travel a great distance and pass through foes. This laser can be angled slightly up or down. Devil Blaster
Magic SSBU Sora Kirby.jpg Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Sora Kirby can use three spells: Firaga (shots of fire that can be thrown forward repeatedly), Thundaga (three vertical bolts of lightning one after the other), and Blizzaga (a short-range ice shot that freezes opponents). Each time the move is used, it will cycle between the spells in the same order. Magic Kirby mimics Sora's voice when using this move. Kirby does not wield Sora's Keyblade, instead using an illusory version of the blade that matches the color of the spell.



Super Smash Bros.[edit]

Super Smash Bros. Melee[edit]

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U[edit]


External Links[edit]