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Parasol Waddle Doo

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Parasol Waddle Doo
File:KSqS Parasol Waddle Doo art.png
Artwork of Parasol Waddle Doo from Kirby: Squeak Squad.
First game Kirby's Dream Land (1992)
Latest game Kirby: Planet Robobot (2016)
Other game(s) Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Dream Course
Kirby Super Star
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Kirby: Squeak Squad
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby Mass Attack
[[Kirby's Return to Dream Land|Template:KRtDL KAW]]
Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition (New Challenge Stages)
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Copy Ability Parasol
Beam (without parasol)
Similar entities Waddle Doo, Parasol Waddle Dee
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This article is about Waddle Doos who carry parasols. For Waddle Doos in a general context, see Waddle Doo.
KA Parasol Waddle Doo sprite.png

Parasol Waddle Doos[Japanese title] are variants of Waddle Doos who hold a Parasol, allowing them to float and sway gently through the air. If inhaled with its parasol, Kirby gains the Parasol ability. If attacked and not defeated, a Parasol Waddle Doo will drop its Parasol and become a regular Waddle Doo, while its parasol becomes a separate entity, either floating away, or becoming hostile in its own accord.

Game appearances

Kirby's Dream Land

Parasol Waddle Doo made its first appearance in Kirby's Dream Land. It gently floats down on a Parasol until touching the ground, with the parasol being let go after that point. If defeated while holding the parasol, Parasol Waddle Doo is worth 600 points.

Parasol Waddle Doo appears in the Bubbly Clouds and Mt. DeDeDe stages.

Kirby's Adventure / Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land

Parasol Waddle Doo first appears in Kirby's Adventure and would appear again in its remake Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land. As might be expected, Parasol Waddle Doo does not appear as often as its relative Parasol Waddle Dee.


Parasol Waddle Doo appears in the following levels and stages:

Parasol Waddle Doo locations in Kirby's Adventure & Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land  
Stage Vegetable Valley Ice Cream Island Butter Building Grape Garden Yogurt Yard Orange Ocean Rainbow Resort
Stage 1 No Yes No No Yes No No
Stage 2 No No No No No Yes No
Stage 3 No No No No No No Yes
Stage 4 No No Yes Yes No Yes No
Stage 5 N/A Yes No No No No No
Stage 6 N/A N/A No No No No Yes

Kirby's Dream Course

KDCWaddleDoo.png Parasol Waddle Doo appears as an enemy on the courses in this game. When defeated, he gives Parasol abilty to Kirby. This is the only game in the series with Parasol Waddle Doo, but not normal Waddle Doo.


In Kirby's Dream Course, Parasol Waddle Doo can be found in the following courses and holes:

Parasol Waddle Doo locations in Kirby's Dream Course (Main Game) 
1P Mode
Course Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course 6 Course 7 Course 8
Hole 1 No No No No Yes No Yes No
Hole 2 No No Yes No No No No No
Hole 3 No No No No No No No No
Hole 4 No No No No No No No No
Hole 5 No No No No No No No No
Hole 6 Yes Yes No No No No Yes No
Hole 7 No No No No No No No No
Hole 8 No No No No No No No No
2P Mode
Course Whispy Woods Course Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright Course Kracko Course Gordo Course
Hole 1 No Yes No Yes
Hole 2 No Yes No No
Hole 3 No No Yes No
Hole 4 No No No No
Hole 5 No No No No
Hole 6 No No No No
Hole 7 No No No No
Hole 8 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Parasol Waddle Doo locations in Kirby's Dream Course (Extra Game) 
1P Mode
Course Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course 6 Course 7 Course 8
Hole 1 No No No No No No No No
Hole 2 No No No No No No Yes No
Hole 3 No No No No No No No No
Hole 4 No No No No No No No Yes
Hole 5 No No No No No No No No
Hole 6 Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes
Hole 7 No No No No No No No No
Hole 8 No No No No No No No No
2P Mode
Course Whispy Woods Course Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright Course Kracko Course Gordo Course
Hole 1 No Yes No No
Hole 2 Yes No No No
Hole 3 No No No No
Hole 4 No No No No
Hole 5 No Yes No Yes
Hole 6 No No No No
Hole 7 No No Yes No
Hole 8 No No No No

Kirby Super Star / Kirby Super Star Ultra

In Kirby Super Star and its remake, Parasol Waddle Doos gently fall, and when they touch ground, their parasol flies away.


Parasol Waddle Doo can be found in the following places in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra:

Parasol Waddle Doo locations in Kirby Super Star & Kirby Super Star Ultra  
Stage Appearance? Stage Appearance?
Green Greens No RoMK Chapter 4 No
Float Islands No RoMK Chapter 5 No
Bubbly Clouds Yes RoMK Chapter 6 No
Mt. Dedede No RoMK Chapter 7 No
Peanut Plains No Floria No
Mallow Castle Yes Aquarius No
Cocoa Cave No Skyhigh Yes
Candy Mountain No Hotbeat No
Trial Room 1 No Cavius No
Trial Room 2 No Mekkai No
Sub-Tree No Halfmoon No
Crystal No ???? No
Old Tower Yes Purple Plants No
Garden No Illusion Islands No
RoMK Chapter 1 No Crash Clouds Yes
RoMK Chapter 2 No The Revenge No
RoMK Chapter 3 No

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

Parasol Waddle Doo returns in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, looking and behaving exactly as it did in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land.

Parasol Waddle Doo can be found only in Mustard Mountain - Room 6 and Radish Ruins - Room 20.

Kirby: Squeak Squad

Parasol Waddle Doo returns in Kirby: Squeak Squad, looking and behaving exactly as it did in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land. Notably, when possessed by Ghost Kirby, Parasol Waddle Doo will immediately drop its parasol.


Parasol Waddle Dee can be found in the following levels and stages:

Parasol Waddle Doo locations in Kirby: Squeak Squad  
Stage Prism Plains Nature Notch Cushy Cloud Jam Jungle Vocal Volcano Ice Island Secret Sea Gamble Galaxy
Stage 1 No No No No No No No Yes
Stage 2 No No No No No No No No
Stage 3 No No No No No No No No
Stage 4 No No No No Yes No No N/A
Stage 5 No Yes No No N/A No No N/A
Stage EX No No No No No No No N/A

Kirby Mass Attack

Parasol Waddle Doos appear in the Strato Patrol EOS Sub-Game where they are summoned by Kracko. Unlike usual, they shoot large lasers out of their eyes down the screen before floating away.

Template:KRtDL KAW

Parasol Waddle Doo makes its debut in 3D, but being otherwise unchanged.


In Template:KRtDL KAW Parasol Waddle Doo can be found in the following levels and stages:

Parasol Waddle Doo locations in Template:KRtDL KAW  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Cookie Country No No No No No
Raisin Ruins Yes No No No No
Onion Ocean Yes No No No N/A
White Wafers No No No No No
Nutty Noon No No Yes No No
Egg Engines No No No No No
Dangerous Dinner No No No N/A N/A

Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition

In Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition, Parasol Waddle Doo appears in Kirby's Adventure and Kirby Super Star as it had originally. It also appears in the Sub-Game New Challenge Stages, taking its appearance and behavior from Template:KRtDL KAW.

Kirby: Triple Deluxe

Screenshot of a Parasol Waddle Doo from Kirby: Triple Deluxe.

Parasol Waddle Doo appears just as it did in Template:KRtDL KAW. It is only found in Stage 1 and Stage 6 EX of Lollipop Land.

Kirby: Planet Robobot

Parasol Waddle Doo remains unchanged and has not been mechanized.


In Kirby: Planet Robobot Parasol Waddle Doo can be found in the following levels and stages:

Parasol Waddle Doo locations in Kirby: Planet Robobot  
Stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 EX Stage 7 EX Stage 8 EX
Patched Plains No No No No N/A No N/A N/A
Resolution Road Yes No No No N/A No N/A N/A
Overload Ocean No No No No No N/A No N/A
Gigabyte Grounds Yes Yes No No No N/A No N/A
Rhythm Route No No No No No N/A No N/A
Access Ark Yes No No Yes No N/A Yes Yes


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese パラソルワドルドゥ
Parasoru Wadorudō
Parasol Waddle Doo
