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KSqS Ghost Kirby Artwork.png
Artwork of Ghost Kirby from Kirby: Squeak Squad
First game Kirby: Squeak Squad (2006 - only appearance as a proper Copy Ability)
Latest game Kirby's Dream Buffet (2022, reference)
Other game(s) Kirby Super Star Ultra (cameo)
Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition (cameo in New Challenge Stages)
Kirby: Triple Deluxe (Fighters version)
Kirby Fighters Deluxe (Fighters version)
Kirby Star Allies (reference)
Kirby Fighters 2 (Fighters version)
Usage type Unlimited uses
Obtained from Tedhaun
Power(s) Possess enemies and control them.
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This article is about the Copy Ability and the state in the Kirby Fighters games. For the enemy and stage hazard from Kirby Battle Royale, see Ghost (enemy). For other uses, see Ghost (disambiguation).

Ghost refers to the state where Kirby or another playable character has become a ghost-like entity, losing their feet in favor of a waving sheet-like appendage. While in this state, the character only has limited ways of interacting with their surroundings, but gains the ability to hover off the ground indefinitely, albeit slowly. In the Kirby series, ghostly characters manifest in two primary ways; one is via the Copy Ability in Kirby: Squeak Squad, which allows Kirby to possess his enemies and control them, and the other is in the Kirby Fighters games, where fighters can become ghosts after being KO'd, and get a chance to come back to life if they hit an opponent before a winner is decided. Aside from these two sources, Ghost Kirby has also appeared a handful of times in other Kirby games as cameos or references, most notably serving as a placeholder for the player's best pace in Gourmet Race in Kirby Super Star Ultra and in the New Challenge Stages in Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition.

As a Copy Ability[edit]

When Kirby has the Ghost ability, he can float around and possess enemies, but do little else.

Ghost first appeared as a Copy Ability in Kirby: Squeak Squad. When obtaining this ability, Kirby gains the look and manner of a stereotypical "bedsheet" ghost, becoming pale in color and hovering off the ground, trading his feet for a wavy lower-body. Similar to Metal, Ghost will not get a monochromatic hue when the Chalk Spray Paint is active.

With the Ghost ability, Kirby can haunt and take control of certain enemies to use them to fight other enemies or eliminate obstacles. When the Select button (or X button) is pressed or the mind-controlled opponent dies, Kirby loses control of the enemy, which will defeat it regardless. The Ghost ability is the first Copy Ability in the whole series that must be unlocked, with Kirby needing to put the entire Ghost Medal together in order for Tedhaun, the mid-boss that gives it, to appear. Doing this also unlocks the ability in bubble form in the Copy Ability Room.

When without a possessed target, Kirby can use an aerial dash in Ghost form. This move can break through Star Blocks and similar, but cannot be used as a direct attack. It can however be used to pass through hazards such as Gordos without taking damage.


Ghost Kirby possessing a Waddle Dee, who can only be made to attack by collision.

Unlike most Copy Abilities, Kirby is limited in some actions while he has the Ghost ability. The limitations are as follows:

  • Kirby cannot walk, dash, or slide on the ground or jump and use Air Bullets in the air, being only able to float slowly around in a similar manner to the Cupid ability.
  • Kirby cannot drop down through thin floors or use ladders.
  • Kirby cannot use this ability underwater, and will revert to his normal form when swimming, though he will still be pale in color.
  • Kirby cannot attack mid-bosses or bosses without using a possessed enemy. If without one, his only recourse is to drop the ability if he wants to win the fight or wait for a possessable enemy to drop where applicable.

Additionally, Ghost Kirby cannot possess the following entities:

List of possessable enemies[edit]

Most enemies which Kirby can possess gain access to the Infinity Jump if they are not already a flying enemy. This allows Kirby to move them over larger obstacles. However, enemies are incapable of using ladders or dropping down through thin floors, and cannot enter doorways. Enemies that are not aquatic or amphibious will be lost control of and die if they are made to enter water. Many enemies do not have an attack, meaning they can only harm foes by collision, which causes them in turn to take damage. Unlike Kirby's, the player cannot see a possessed enemy's HP, but it generally matches that of equivalent unpossessed enemies.

The following table outlines what enemies Kirby can possess, and what he can do with each one:

List of possessable enemies in Kirby: Squeak Squad  
Name Appearance Actions Notes
KSqS Acchi Sprite.png
Acchi cannot walk, but can be made to hop in short bursts left or right. It can also charge up and shoot fire balls which can be angled two different ways. Acchi is the only ground-based possessable enemy which cannot walk.
KaTAM Batty.png
Batty can be made to fly around and perch on a ceiling. It can only attack by collision.
Big Waddle Dee
KaTAM Big Waddle Dee Sprite.png
Big Waddle Dee can be made to walk left or right and jump. It can only attack by collision.
Bio Spark
KSqS Bio Spark Sprite.png
Bio Spark has a large array of moves which he can use when possessed. He can throw knives, use his sword to slash, hide with his cape, and use the Air Drop move. Bio Spark cannot walk on the surface of water like Ninja Kirby can.
KNiDL Blipper sprite.png
Blipper can swim through water and be made to leap out from the surface. If on land, it can only flop about and move slowly or jump through the air. Blipper cannot exit floating water cubes through the sides or the bottom.
Kirby cannot move Blockin while it is in block form. He can make it transform into its monster form and fly around, but it will automatically revert to block form after a few seconds. Blockin can only attack by collision, and will not interact with enemies at all while in block form.
Boxin can be made to shuffle left and right, jump, and throw out short-range punches. Interestingly, Boxin moves forward when using a punch in the air, but not on the ground.
Bronto Burt
KNiDL Bronto Burt sprite.png
Bronto Burt can be made to fly around. He can only attack by collision.
Bubble Head
KSqS Bubble Head sprite.png
Bubble Head can be made to walk, jump and fire bubbles at enemies. Appropriate targets will be transformed into bubbled objects when defeated by the bubble attack.
KSqS Bun Sprite.png
Bun can be made to walk, jump, and grab normal enemies to toss them straight forward. Bun cannot break Star Blocks or other obstacles.
Chip can be made to move in short hops or can be made to do a large jump after releasing the A button. It can only attack by collision.
KSqS Cret Sprite.png
Cret can be made to hover around and drop Coconuts on enemies. The coconuts do not do very much damage.
KSqS Crimp.png
Crimp can move up and down walls and fire its projectile at enemies. It can be made to bounce along walls and floors, and can also come to rest on a floor, but it cannot walk or fire its projectile while on a floor. Interestingly, Crimp can be made to bounce in place while on a floor, but will always bound up and away from a wall, which can make traversal of tight passages tricky.
Cupie can be made to fly around and fire arrows at enemies. Unlike the Cupid ability, these arrows cannot be angled or charged.
KNiDL Flamer sprite.png
Flamer can move in either direction while clinging to walls or other surfaces. It can be made to detach from a wall and charge up its flame tackle before flying either left or right, and can freely move in the air while charging. Flamer's flame tackle cannot be used to break metal blocks, nor can its hover pass through walls like it can normally.
Foley can be made to hover around. If triggered to attack, it will drop to the ground and explode, thus being used up and forcing Kirby to find another enemy to possess.
Gaw Gaw
KSqS Gaw Gaw Sprite.png
Gaw Gaw can be made to walk, jump, and use its claws to swipe at enemies. It can dig through soft dirt in any direction. It can also climb up walls and be made to do a leaping attack, but only when clinging to a wall.
KNiDL Glunk sprite.png
Glunk can move slowly left or right, can jump, and can fire its projectiles straight upward. It can also move freely through water. Glunk cannot pass through the bottom of a suspended body of water, but it can pass through the sides.
Gold Waddle Dee
KSqS Golden Waddle Dee.png
Gold Waddle Dee can be made to walk and jump. When B is pressed, it will briefly make a shocked expression, similar to when it falls from a platform. It can only attack by collision.
KSqS Gussa Sprite.png
Gussa can be made to swim, leap out of water, and jump in midair. It can use its propeller to gain horizontal speed in the water, but moves very slowly on land. It can only attack by collision, and will get stuck briefly if it rams into a wall.
Heavy Knight
Heavy Knight can be made to walk (very slowly), jump, and slash its sword at enemies. It can either slash straight forward or do a dashing slash.
Hot Head
KNiDL Hot Head sprite.png
Hot Head can be made to walk, jump, and spit fire at enemies. Releasing the B button quickly causes Hot Head to shoot a longer range fireball, while holding it down longer causes Hot Head to breathe a continuous cone which lasts a few seconds.
Laser Ball
KNiDL Laser Ball sprite.png
Laser Ball can be made to hover around and fire a set of one or three lasers straight forward, which do not bounce off of slopes.
KSqS Maiga Sprite.png
Maiga moves by leaping about, and will make a larger leap when the B button is pressed. It can only attack by collision.
KSqS Metalun Sprite.png
Metalun can be made to walk, jump, and curl up to roll around. It will shift a total of 12 times while rolling before returning to normal, and will rebound on obstacles like Star Blocks along with breaking them. It can only attack by collision.
KNiDL Noddy sprite.png
Noddy can be made to move and jump. If B is pressed, it will fall asleep, though unlike Kirby's sleeping, this can be canceled by moving or by pressing B again. It attacks only by collision. For some reason, Noddy takes on its sleeping pose while jumping.
KNiDL Pengi sprite.png
Pengy can be made to slide around, jump, and breathe ice at enemies, which will freeze them solid once defeated.
KSqS Perara sprite.png
Perara can hover, though only left and right. Pressing B causes it to start wafting toward the ground. Once on the ground, pressing A will cause it to leap back up again, which it can also do in the air. It only attacks by collision.
KNiDL Scarfy sprite.png
Scarfy can be made to hover around. If B is pressed, he becomes angry, causing him to move faster, but will revert to normal after a few seconds. He attacks only by collision.
Sir Kibble
KNiDL Sir Kibble sprite.png
Sir Kibble can be made to move, jump, and throw his cutter boomerang straight forward, though its trajectory cannot be altered, and Sir Kibble has a short wind-up time before throwing it.
KatAM Snooter.png
Snooter can be made to move and jump. If B is pressed, it becomes angry, causing it to move faster, though it will revert to normal after a few seconds. It only attacks by collision.
KNiDL Sparky sprite.png
Sparky can be made to hop around, make larger jumps, and generate a spark barrier around itself, though it takes some time to charge.
KNiDL Starman sprite.png
Starman can be made to walk and jump. When B is pressed, he can start flying in any given direction, but will fly faster and bust through obstacles when flying upward. He can only attack by collision.
Sword Knight
KNiDL Sword Knight sprite.png
Sword Knight can be made to walk, jump, and slash its sword at enemies. It can either slash straight forward or do a dashing slash.
KNiDL Twister sprite.png
Twister can be made to move very slowly and start spinning around briefly. Twister cannot jump in the normal sense, but it can gain height while using its tornado spin.
KNiDL UFO enemy sprite.png
UFO can be made to hover around and fire a laser beam straight forward. If A is pressed, it will veer a short distance in a random direction.
KSqS Uja Sprite Hand.png
Uja can be made to float around. It will randomly change forms between a hand and scimitar. As a hand, it cannot deal damage aside from collision. As a sword, it can thrust to attack enemies and cut ropes and foliage. Uja has a unique upward and downward-facing hand sprite when it is being moved by Ghost Kirby.
Waddle Dee
KNiDL Waddle Dee sprite.png
Waddle Dee can be made to walk left or right and jump. It can only attack by collision.
Waddle Doo
KNiDL Waddle Doo sprite.png
Waddle Doo can be made to move, jump, or fire his beam, though he needs some time to charge it up.
KNiDL Wheelie sprite.png
Wheelie controls like Wheel Kirby in perpetual Wheel form, though it does gain a continuous jump.

As a mechanic in the Kirby Fighters series[edit]

Screenshot of gameplay in Kirby Fighters 2, showing a yellow Ghost Kirby on the field
Even if you are knocked out, you can continue to fight as Ghost Kirby! Attack others to be resurrected!
— "About Ghost Kirby" notice from Kirby Fighters

In all three installments of the Kirby Fighters series, playable characters can turn into Ghosts when defeated in regular matches, either in free for all or in team battles. Once a fighter is KO'd, they can turn into a ghost after a short amount of time, where they then can wander around the battlefield slowly. The goal in this state is to find an opponent to hit using Ghost's rather slow moveset. While Ghost characters cannot take further damage, they can still be knocked away by attacks unless they Vanish. If the Ghost character manages to hit an opponent, the fighter in question can be revived with a fraction of their original health and continue fighting. However, if a winner is decided via only one fighter or team being left standing or if time runs out, any ghosts on the screen will lose their chance to revive. Additionally, if a revived fighter is KO'd again, it will take longer and longer for them to reappear as a ghost with each subsequent KO. Unlike in Kirby: Squeak Squad, Ghost characters in the Kirby Fighters games retain their original body color.

Ghost characters can appear in games with default rule-sets in all three Kirby Fighters games, whenever more than two players are fighting. However, the Ghost mechanic can be manually disabled in all three games as well if the players see fit. In addition, Ghost as a mechanic cannot be utilized in the Single Player modes of Kirby Fighters or Kirby Fighters Deluxe (unless a team round is being played), nor in Single-Handed Mode in Kirby Fighters 2.

In Story Mode: The Destined Rivals, there are special Story Items that interact with the Ghost mechanic in various ways. These items are as follows:

  • Cursed Anti-Ghost Ring - When selected, prevents anyone from becoming a Ghost during battles.
  • Ghost Stones - Using these allows the player to become a Ghost faster after being defeated, move faster as a Ghost, and revive with more health if they catch an opponent. There are five different varieties of these, each with different power levels.


The moveset of Ghost characters in the Kirby Fighters games is as follows:

Ghost moveset in the Kirby Fighters series  
Skill Button Execution Description Notes
The user makes a quick hand swipe with short range.
Double Attack
Press and hold B, then release
After charging for a moment, the user performs two swipes in succession while moving forward slightly.
Dash + B
The user dashes forward a short distance.
Hold A
Allows the user to disappear and move invisibly while the button is held, but cannot attack. The user's name tag is still visible at all times.

Smaller appearances[edit]

Aside from Ghost's appearance as a Copy Ability or in the Kirby Fighters games, Ghost Kirby has also appeared in the following games:


Flavor text[edit]

Image Game Flavor text
USCover KSqS.jpg Kirby: Squeak Squad I will possess... I will control... I'm a spooky soul... I'm not scary, though. Right?


Image Game Tips
KTD Boxart NA.jpg Kirby: Triple Deluxe (Kirby Fighters) Even if you are knocked out, you can continue to fight as Ghost Kirby! Attack others to be resurrected!
KFD Cover art.jpg Kirby Fighters Deluxe In a team battle, fight on as Ghost Kirby after you are defeated. Attack your foes to return to life!
Kirby Fighters 2 Banner.jpg Kirby Fighters 2

If you run out of health, you'll turn into a ghost, but don't worry. You can revive by hitting an enemy!

Ghost Appearance
The time it takes to become a ghost gets longer every time you repeat becoming a ghost!

Don't Give Up!
Even if you turn into a ghost, the battle isn't over if your buddy is still standing.

While you're a ghost, if you can hit an enemy, you'll revive! Having a Ghost Stone makes it easier.

Ghost Stone
This reduces the time it takes to become a ghost. It also increases your speed as a ghost and health once you're revived!

Cursed Anti-Ghost Ring
This prevents enemies from reviving. It's a good way to help get a high score!


  • Ghost is the only standard Copy ability in Kirby: Squeak Squad which does not have an Ability Scroll associated with it.
  • Interestingly, when possessing certain hovering enemies such as Cret and Cupie, holding down the A button will make them slowly move backwards in the air. This does not apply to more traditional flying enemies such as Scarfy and Bronto Burt.
  • For unknown reasons, in the Kirby Portal page of Ghost Kirby, it is listed as appearing only in Kirby: Squeak Squad, Kirby: Triple Deluxe and Kirby Fighters Deluxe, omitting Kirby Fighters 2, a game that features Ghost Kirby with the same mechanics as the two other Kirby Fighters games.







Official Kirby Portal video showcasing Ghost

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ゴースト
Chinese 幽灵
Dutch Spook Ghost
French Fantôme Ghost
German Geist Ghost
Italian Fantasma Ghost
Korean 고스트
Portuguese Fantasma Ghost
Russian Дух[1]
Spanish Fantasma Ghost
