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Latest revision as of 12:20, 1 July 2024

KSA Spider Artwork.png
Artwork of Spider Kirby from Kirby Star Allies.
First game Kirby Star Allies (2018)
Usage type Unlimited use
Obtained from Como
Power(s) Ensnares foes in webs.
Helper Como
Similar to Taranza, Ice, Hi-Jump
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What predator is more impressive? None shall escape such a hunter! You can spin threads with skill to execute the Friend Bounce, which will get your friends up high. Ready, set...jump!
— Pause screen text from Kirby Star Allies

Spider is a Copy Ability that debuted in Kirby Star Allies which allows Kirby to ensnare his enemies in thick webs, encasing them in cocoons which he can then kick out of the way, much like when enemies are frozen using the Ice and Freeze abilities (bosses and mid-bosses cannot be encased, and will instead take damage while touching a web). When Kirby has the Spider ability, he gains a purple top hat with spider eyes and web decals, along with small 'legs' that hang off the rim. In addition to ensnaring enemies, Spider Kirby can also use his webs as trampolines to perform the Friend Bounce technique. As implied by the name, these webs can also be used by Kirby's friends.

Spider is obtained from the enemy Como (who up to that point never provided an ability), and Como also serves as the ability's representative friend.

Game appearances[edit]

Kirby Star Allies[edit]

Using Spider, Kirby can wrap foes up in cocoons and then kick them as projectiles to hit other enemies.

Spider made its debut in Kirby Star Allies. Using this ability, Kirby can ensnare his foes in webs and kick them aside or toss them, and can create web trampolines which he can use to bounce himself and his friends safely through hazards and toward objectives. Kirby can also wrap himself in silk for protection, with any enemies touching the guard pod taking damage from spikes that jut out from the pod. In addition to Spider Kirby and Como, Taranza also has some elements of the Spider ability in his moveset, along with his own Friend Bounce.


Spider's moveset in Kirby Star Allies  
Skill Button Execution Description Damage
(Star Bullet=52)
String Shot
Press and release B
Kirby shoots out a small string which encases foes in pods upon contact. 16
Net Work
Press and hold B, and then release
Kirby releases a large web around himself that encases all nearby foes in pods. 22
Skyward Web
↑ + B
Kirby shoots out a tall needle made of web, damaging airborne foes. 16
Web Sling
Dash + B
Kirby shoots out a large web forwards which lingers for a moment and encases foes into pods. 18 (8 as a projectile)
Web Scatter
Dash + B in midair
Kirby throws out three smaller webs with similar effect to Web Sling. 18 (8 as a projectile)
Downward Web
↓ + B in midair
Kirby tosses a web below him with similar effect to Web Sling. 18
Pod Kick
When touching pod
Kirby kicks an encased foe away, which can also damage other foes in the way. 48
Pod Snatch
B when near a pod
Kirby grabs hold of an encased foe. 16
Pod Slam
Pod Snatch + B / Pod Snatch + forward
Kirby slams the pod in front of himself, causing it to fly forward. 48
Pod Slamabam
Pod Snatch + ↑, ←, or ↓
Kirby slams the pod on either side of him, damaging any foes caught in the arc, then sends the pod flying. 48
Pod Guard
Kirby hides inside a pod. If a foe or projectile touches the pod, a spike attack will be activated. Releasing the guard damages nearby foes. 16 (for both the spike attack and releasing the guard)



Official Kirby Portal video showcasing Spider

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese スパイダー
Chinese 蜘蛛
zhī zhū
Dutch Spin Spider
French Araignée Spider
German Spider Spider
Italian Ragno Spider
Korean 스파이더
Polish Spider[1] -
Portuguese Aranha[2] Spider
Russian Паук[3]
Spanish Araña Spider
Thai Spider
