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KPR Poison artwork.png
Artwork of Poison Kirby from Kirby: Planet Robobot
First game Kirby: Planet Robobot (2016)
Usage type Unlimited use
Obtained from Venog, Miasmoros, Dakuga
amiibo: Ganondorf, Inkling
Power(s) Performing lingering attacks with noxious fluids
Similar to Water
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This is a rather dangerous ability for all life-forms, organic and otherwise. It can be used to attack enemies with a corrosive liquid that contains damaging substances.
— Kirby: Planet Robobot pause caption (American English)

Poison is a Copy Ability that has so far appeared exclusively in Kirby: Planet Robobot. It is obtained by swallowing a Venog enemy, a Dakuga enemy, or the Miasmoros Mid-Boss after defeating it. When acquiring this ability, Kirby obtains a skull-adorned headband, with poisonous fluid spewing out the top, similar to other fluid-based hats. The rim of the headband has a color pattern very similar to that of coral snakes, which are known for their dangerous venom.

The attacks Kirby gains with the Poison ability are similar to the Water ability. However, enemies hit with this attack are continually damaged for a period of time. Among the attacks are simple spewing moves, a geyser-type move, a surfing move that leaves puddles of poison on the ground and allows Kirby to glide over water, a Final Cutter-like series of punches involving poison, and exhaling clouds of toxic gas. The gas clouds in particular linger for a good while, and can be pushed by wind currents in some stages. Like the Water ability, all attacks from Poison can put out Flame Blocks.


Poison's moveset in Kirby: Planet Robobot  
Skill Image Button Execution Description Damage
(Star Bullet: 52)
Sticky Toxin
KPR Sticky Toxin clip.png
Press and release B
Kirby throws a small blob of poison that becomes a lingering puddle that deals damage over time. 16 (Sticky Toxin)
16 (poison)
Poison Pummel - Toxic Swamp
KPR Poison Pummel - Toxic Swamp clip.png
B repeatedly near an enemy
In a similar style to Cutter's Final Cutter, Kirby throws a barrage of toxin infused punches and finishes with a high AOE splash of poison.
  • Kirby is invincible during Toxic Swamp.
Poison Pummel:

Toxic Swamp:
1 (ascend/descend)
40 (swamp/close)
32 (swamp/far)

Toxic Slide
KPR Toxic Slide clip.png
Dash + B
Like Water's Wave Surf attack, Kirby rides a wave of poison to plow through enemies while leaving a trail of poison puddles.
  • Can be used in midair. (Dash + Hold B in midair)
  • Can surf on water surface.
  • Kirby is invincible during Toxic Slide.
24 (Toxic Slide)
16 (poison)
Toxic Smog
KPR Toxic Smog clip.png
Hold B
Kirby spits out a cloud of poisonous smog that damages any enemy inside it.
  • It can be moved by air currents.
  • Only two smogs can stay at the same time.
8→4 (2nd hit onward)
Toxic Tower
KPR Toxic Tower clip.png
↑ + B
Similar to Water's Geyser attack - Kirby fires a geyser of poisonous liquid straight up, which can be held indefinitely. 12→8 (2nd hit onward)
Tilted Toxic Tower
KPR Tilted Toxic Tower clip.png
←/→ during Toxic Tower
While using Toxic Tower, Kirby can tilt to the left or right, causing the toxic gush to splash on either side of him in an arc. Same as Toxic Tower
Sticky Strike
KPR Sticky Strike clip.png
↓ + B in midair
Like Leaf's version of this attack, Kirby throws 2 poison blobs in a fan-like motion downward that leave behind lingering puddles when reaching the ground. 16 (Sticky Strike)
16 (poison)
Toxic Ball
KPR Toxic Ball clip.png
Dash + quickly tap B in midair
Kirby chucks a ball of poison that rolls across the ground—similarly to Bomb's Bomb Bowl move—and becomes a puddle when it stops. 18 (Toxic Ball)
18 (poison)
The poison from Toxic Ball does more damage than the other moves.

Flavor text

Image Game Flavor text
KPR Box.png Kirby: Planet Robobot American English: This is a rather dangerous ability for all life-forms, organic and otherwise. It can be used to attack enemies with a corrosive liquid that contains damaging substances.

British English: This dangerous ability can be used to attack enemies with a corrosive liquid that damages organic and inorganic life forms alike.




Official Kirby Portal video showcasing Poison

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ポイズン
Dutch Gif Poison
French Poison Poison
German Gift Poison
Italian Veleno Poison
Russian Яд
Spanish Veneno Poison


  1. Nintendo Dream, June 2016 Issue, p.21