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President Haltmann

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President Haltmann
Screenshot of President Haltmann from Kirby: Planet Robobot.
First appearance Kirby: Planet Robobot (2016)
Latest appearance Kirby Star Allies (2018, cameo)
Similar Susie
Theme music

30 second clip of "The Noble Haltmann" from Kirby: Planet Robobot

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Well... Allow me to elaborate. In compliance with the business plan drafted by Star Dream... effective today, you are... terminated!
— President Haltmann in Kirby: Planet Robobot

President Haltmann (full name Max Profitt Haltmann[1]) is a character in Kirby: Planet Robobot, serving as the game's primary antagonist. He is President of the Haltmann Works Company, even receiving the dignity of an anthem in his glory, and is responsible for the invasion of Planet Popstar and many worlds before it. He manages this invasion from the comfort of his executive suite on the Haltmann Works' flagship, the planet-sized Access Ark, powered by an ancient relic which he refers to as the Mother Computer. He is voiced by Mugihito.

Physical appearance

Haltmann is fairly large and egg-shaped, with pale skin, and disembodied hands and feet. He sports solid cyan eyes, a prominent brow, and purple hair and moustache. He wears a very dark indigo suit with a maroon tie and pink collar. He also sports a small golden radio piece on the side of his head. His gloves and body are adorned with gold-encrusted rubies.

When not piloting his mech, he moves about by means of his hovering golden chair, which suggests a generally sedentary lifestyle.

Game appearances

President Haltmann's video game appearances  
Game Role Notes
Kirby: Planet Robobot Primary antagonist
Kirby Star Allies Reference He is referenced in Susie's Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! description. He also appears in the "Robobot Memories" Celebration Picture, and as a portrait in Echo's Edge since Version 4.0.0

Kirby: Planet Robobot

Story Mode

President Haltmann
KPR President Haltmann.png
President Haltmann, in his mech and ready to fight.
First game Kirby: Planet Robobot
Relative(s) Susie
Theme music

30-second clip of Haltmann's Boss theme from Kirby: Planet Robobot

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President Haltmann's likeness is first seen in Stage 1 of Access Ark, after Kirby has already boarded the mothership. He is later encountered directly at the end of that same level, in the Haltmann Works executive office. He dismisses Susie after Mecha Knight+ is defeated, and then proceeds to address Kirby directly. Haltmann then shows him Star Dream, explaining that they'd managed to reactivate it using the knowledge of lost ancient civilizations. He then mans a large mech made of pure gold, presumably built by the computer, and engages Kirby with it.

When he is defeated, he runs a tantrum, calling Kirby and his friends savages. In his rage, he turns to Star Dream and begins to activate it using a special helmet. As he boots it up, however, Susie steals the helmet from him, causing him to black out. As it turns out, Susie was aiming to betray Haltmann this entire time, and take Star Dream for herself. Star Dream itself then intervenes, knocking Susie out as well with a lightning bolt. Star Dream then uses Haltmann's body to declare that it will destroy all of history up to this point, in order to pave the way for 'infinite prosperity'.

At this point, it is explained, primarily through Pause Screen notes, that Haltmann's mind and soul have been intertwined with Star Dream's OS. It is this fusion that sends the computer on a berserk fury. When the machine is finally destroyed, along with Access Ark, Haltmann is destroyed with it.

Meta Knightmare Returns

President Haltmann is encountered at the end of the Access Ark stage, this time as Pres. Haltmann 2.0. After his defeat at the hands of Meta Knight, Star Dream appoints the victor as the new admin. Haltmann is not seen again after this point.

Other appearances

President Haltmann is encountered as a Boss in The Arena, and his 2.0 form in The True Arena. He is also seen again during the special performance video which is unlocked upon 100% completion of the game.

Haltmann's likeness can be collected as a sticker, which is awarded for collecting every Code Cube in the game.

Boss Battle

The following lists all of President Haltmann's attacks in Kirby: Planet Robobot. Haltmann's attack names listed are taken from the Japanese guide book, which mostly are related to office and business.

Phase 1
Haltmann prepares to launch his drones in Phase 1 of the battle.
Attacks - Phase 1
Attack Description
Ms. Officer Haltmann launches his four Susie-shaped drones, which home in on Kirby and leave stars on impact. They can be swallowed for the Spark ability (or Bomb ability if swalled during explosion). Haltmann 2.0 uses six drones.
  • This is similar to Susie's Drillbit missles.
Office Excecutive Rotate Haltmann attaches to the central platform, and spins repeatedly around it, leaving two stars when the attack concludes. If any drones are out, they will spin in sync with him.
  • This is similar to Susie's Spin Cycle Dash, which is named "Heavy Rotate Dance" in the Japanese version.
Drone Dance Haltmann deploys two drones, then hops down to the ground level, while the drones do the same. Then all three entities hop around the stage in synchronicity. Haltmann 2.0 uses four drones.
  • This is similar to Susie's Driver Slam.
Phase 2
Haltmann summons a Yesman robot to deal with Kirby in Phase 2 of the battle.

When Haltmann has lost one-fifth of his Stamina, he lowers the central column in the battlefield, changing the arena into a straightforward one.

Attacks - Phase 2
Attack Description
Assign the OJT Haltmann rises into the air, and summons a large robot bodyguard to deal with Kirby. Haltmann himself takes severely reduced damage during this attack. The minion leaves a star whenever it punches.
  • OJT is the abbreviation of 'On-the-Job Training'.
  • The robot is called イエスマン (Yesman).
Excecutive Rotate Haltmann charges up and does a spin dash across the stage, several times, and in several different patters. He occasionally leaves a star in his wake.
  • This is similar to Susie's Spin Cycle Dash, which is named "Heavy Rotate Dance" in the Japanese version.
Excecutive Missile Haltmann jumps into the air, hovers for a moment, then fires the ruby attached to the bottom of his mech on the ground, leaving a magenta conflagration where it hits. This attack repeats several times. Each shot can be swallowed for the Bomb ability.
Phase 3
Haltmann has more cash than he knows what to do with...

When Haltmann is down to half health, he smashes a hole in the middle of the arena, making it a circular one again.

Attacks - Phase 3
Attack Description
Kickoff Party Haltmann fires a multitude of drones, which bombard the arena in a large wave.
  • Susie 2.0 can also use this attack.
Haltmoney Cash Haltmann fires a multitude of Haltmann dollar bills into the air, which partially obscure the screen.
Agile Haltmann does a spin dash around the arena, occasionally jumping across the hole and leaving stars on impact.
  • This is similar to Susie's Spin Cycle Dash.
Business Trip Haltmann performs a series of bounces across the arena, leaving stars wherever he lands. Haltmann 2.0 may also do some spin attacks in-between jumps.
Assign the OJT Haltmann summons two Yesmen into the arena. Haltmann takes minimal damage while they are out.
Phase 4
Haltmann goes a little cube-crazy in Phase 4 of the battle

When Haltmann is down to one-fifth health, he conjures a large square platform to appear in the middle of the arena, and conjures holes in it.

Attacks - Phase 4
Attack Description
Assign the OJT Haltmann summons two Yesmen into the arena. Haltmann takes minimal damage while they are out. Haltmann 2.0 summons four Yesmen.
Restructuring Shock Haltmann jumps into the cube, and causes it to fire large beams outward. The third attack causes the cube to swivel before it commences (during the attack for 2.0).
  • Even the Yesmen are fired by the beams, ironically.
  • The lasers can be dodged by simply hovering to the top of the stage.
Office Strike Haltmann fires his mech like a drill into the cube, which causes him to warp after firing through. He may then crash into the ground and produce shockwaves and stars. Haltmann 2.0 fires as the cube swivels.
  • This is an upgrade of Susie's Tower Strike.
Kickoff Party Haltmann fires a multitude of drones, which bombard the arena in a large wave.

Once Haltmann is defeated, he attempts to pilot his mech further, but it short-circuits and explodes on him, leaving him helpless in his chair, as singed Haltmann dollars rain down on him.

Kirby Star Allies

The pause flavor text of Guest Star Susie Extermination By Blaster❤ reconfirms that President Haltmann and his company have been destroyed during the events of Kirby: Planet Robobot.[2] Thus, he is deceased as of Kirby Star Allies. However, his portrait still makes some cameo appearances in Kirby Star Allies:


Main article: The Noble Haltmann
Main article: Crazy Rolling in Money

President Haltmann is often associated with these musical themes:

  • The Noble Haltmann - The anthem of his company in his own glory. His boss battle Special Page shows verse 1 of its lyrics. The song is performed by Susie several times during the course of Planet Robobot, and the full version can be heard in the 100% completion bonus movie.
  • Crazy Rolling in Money - His boss battle theme with oddly shifting time signature.


  • Even though Susie is Haltmann's daughter, he does not seem to recognize her anymore.
  • The dollar bills that spew out of Haltmann's mech have his face on them. The purple bills that spew out of Haltmann 2.0's mech however, have Susie's face on them.
  • Haltmann's voice can be heard when the last phase of Star Dream Soul OS takes damage and is destroyed.
  • The Invader Armor/Robobot Armor and Sword Hero's Haltonium Helm are made of a "Haltonium alloy" which is named after Haltmann himself.
  • When Haltmann was defeated by Kirby, he insulted Kirby and other habitants on Popstar as "savages". In the Japanese version, Haltmann said ヤバン ("barbarian"), which interestingly has the same pronunciation as Yaban the enemy.


Names in other languages

President Haltmann

Language Name Meaning
German Präsident Haltmann President Haltmann
Korean 프레지던트 할트만
Peurejideonteu Halteuman
President Haltmann

Max Profitt Haltmann

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ゲインズ インカム ハルトマン
Gains Income Haltmann
German Max Profitt Haltmann Max Proffit Haltmann


  1. "His full name is Max Profitt Haltmann. Ever since losing his only child in an accident long ago, he's dedicated his life to the company. However, his only wish is to see his daughter once again..." -Pause Screen Description for Pres. Haltmann 2.0
  2. "The company he built... I will bring it back!
    Cool and collected, Susie from Kirby: Planet Robobot is all business. Following in the footsteps of her employer, she uses science to advance her mission- mechanizing new planets and peoples.
    " –Guest Star Susie (Kirby Star Allies)