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List of Kirby JP Twitter game reports - Kirby and the Forgotten Land

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This page covers a frequently-updated subject matter.
As such, continuous attention will be needed to ensure this page remains up to date.
Notice: This article is in need of videos.
Reason: Some posts have videos and need them uploaded here.

The following is a complete list of all Kirby and the Forgotten Land game reports from Kirby JP Twitter, also known as Elfilin's Heart-Pounding Discoveries! Forgotten Land Travelogue (translated from Japanese - エフィリンのドキドキ発見!ディスカバ紀行). The channel presenter is Elfilin.


This section is incomplete. You can help WiKirby by expanding it.
in need of competent translations, and missing posts still
Post date Image Description Original text and translation Source URL
Feb 9, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Elfilin.jpg Elfilin introduces himself. うぅ…緊張するな~。

これからNintendo Switchソフト『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で発見したことを、いっぱいお届けしていくよ。

Uh... So nervous~.
I'm Elfilin!
From now on, I will report on everything I've discovered about the "Kirby and the Forgotten Land" Nintendo Switch game.
What do I do... I'm so nervous I forgot what I was going to say!
Er... It's nice to meet you!

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KatFL Twitter - Mouthful Mode image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Mouthful Mode image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Mouthful Mode image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Mouthful Mode image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows Mouthful Modes abilities. カービィの「ほおばりヘンケイ」を紹介するよ!


I will introduce Kirby's "Mouthful Mode"!
Kirby suddenly acquired this ability when he arrived in this world.
It's so surprising that he can transform into so many shapes depending on what he has in his mouth!
His body is so stretched out... but it looks fun, so I guess it's ok?

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KatFL Twitter - Car Mouth.jpg Elfilin shows Car Mouth Mode. カービィが車をすいこんで「くるまほおばり」に変形したよ!


Kirby inhaled a car and transformed into "Car Mouth"!
Accelerate for a "Turbo Dash"! It's fun and refreshing to drive around while you destroy obstacles.
In the circuit stage, it looks like you can use shortcuts by jumping!
I'm sure you will be safe if you crash into things but... please drive safely!

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KatFL Twitter - Evolved Copy Abilities image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Copy Abilities image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Copy Abilities image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Copy Abilities image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows Evolved Copy Abilities, which are formed by finding blueprints in stages and bringing them to Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop in Waddle Dee Town. みんな知ってた?カービィが使うコピー能力が進化できるんだって!


Did you all know? The Copy Abilities that Kirby uses can evolve!
Your attacks will be more powerful and your appearance will change.
If you take the "blueprints" that you find in your adventure to the Weapon Shop in the town, you can evolve them.
Let's collect all of them and test all the Ability evolutions! Kirby!

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KatFL Twitter - Beast Pack image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Beast Pack image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Beast Pack image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Beast Pack image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows the Beast Pack. 世界のあちこちでボクたちをねらっている、ビースト軍団を紹介するよ…!


Now I will introduce them that have been after us all over the world, the Beast Pack!
It seems that there are many strong beasts in this pack, as well as tougher opponents called the leaders. They all seem to attack in various ways!
I can't recognize that last one because it's dark, but... who is it? So scary!

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KatFL Twitter - Waddle Dee Town image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Waddle Dee Town image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Waddle Dee Town image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Waddle Dee Town image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows some parts of the Waddle Dee Town. ワドルディの町についてお話しするね!


Now I will talk about the Waddle Dee Town!
The Waddle Dees that Kirby rescues repair broken buildings and build new facilities.
Prepare for the adventure in the Weapon Shop, enjoy fishing at leisure, or take a nap at home... Sometimes it's nice to just relax in town!

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Feb 14, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Clawroline.jpg Elfilin shows Clawroline. 「エフィリンのドキドキ発見!ディスカバ紀行」だよっ!


It's "Elfilin's Heart-Pounding Discoveries! Forgotten Land Travelogue"!
She is one of the leaders of the Beast Pack, Clawroline.
Run away from the "Thrill Edge", where she jumps onto a pillar and then throws flying objects one after another!
I'd be helpless if I was attacked from that high up... what to do, Kirby!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Feb 18, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Evolved Cutter.jpg Elfilin shows two evolved forms of Cutter. 今回のディスカバ紀行は、カッター能力の進化を紹介するね!


Now from the Forgotten Land Travelogue, I will introduce Cutter's Copy Ability Evolutions!
"Chakram Cutter" is a two-handed cutter that can be thrown and can attack with its wide range!
"Buzz-Saw Cutter" attacks with a large cutter that bounces off the walls!
They're both so cool, I can't pick only one... Let's try both evolutions!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Feb 23, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Awoofy image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Awoofy image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Awoofy image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Awoofy image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows a new common enemy, Awoofy. 今回のディスカバ紀行は、ビースト軍団の「ガルルフィ」を紹介するね。


Now for the Forgotten Land Travelogue, I will introduce the "Awoofies" of the Beast Pack.
It looks like they are seeking for us everywhere in this world.
If you're found, fight back by inhaling or with a Copy Ability!
They may look docile but... don't be careless, Kirby!

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Mar 15, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Difficulty settings image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Difficulty settings image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Difficulty settings image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Difficulty settings image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows two difficulty settings - "Spring-Breeze Mode" and "Wild Mode". みんな、体験版は遊んでくれた?


Everyone, have you played the demo version?
Today on the Forgotten Land Travelogue, I will introduce the difficulty levels of the adventure!
"Wild Mode" increases the number of Star Coins you receive when clearing a stage!
"Spring-Breeze Mode" increases your health, and is recommended for those who aren't that good in action games.
Choose the way of playing that is the best for you!

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KatFL Twitter - Co-op image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Co-op image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Co-op image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Co-op image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows Bandana Waddle Dee and the multiplayer mode. 『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』では、製品版でも体験版でも、2人で遊ぶことができるんだって!


In both the demo and the full version of "Kirby and the Forgotten Land", two people can play together!
Your friend can play as Bandana Waddle Dee, and use a variety of spear-based techniques.
It's reassuring to have more friends! Nice to meet you, Bandana Waddle Dee!

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Mar 17, 2022 KatFL Twitter - King Dedede image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - King Dedede image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - King Dedede image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - King Dedede image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows King Dedede. ビースト軍団の幹部には、「デデデ大王」っていうヤツがいるんだって!


I heard that one of the leaders of the Beast Pack is some guy named "King Dedede"!
I think he is accompanied by beasts because he is a pretty remarkable guy... and I think he is Kirby's acquaintance.
But he doesn't look like he wants to be friends... he looks strong, but don't lose, Kirby!

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Mar 21, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Overview trailer.jpg Elfilin informs that an overview trailer can now be viewed. みんな~!『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』の紹介映像は見てくれた?


Everyone! Did you see the introductory video of "Kirby and the Forgotten Land"?
The new "Mouthful Mode" and "Evolved Copy Abilities" are also introduced, and you can discover Kirby in various forms!
I wonder what kind of adventure is waiting for me... I'm worried, but I'm sure it will be fun with Kirby!

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KatFL Twitter - Running Through the New World.jpg Elfilin shows a new theme from the Kirby and the Forgotten Land, titled "Running Through the New World". 今回のディスカバ紀行は、冒険をいろどる音楽を紹介するよ!


Now for the Forgotten Land Travelogue, I will introduce some music that will color your adventure!
This song is called "Running Through the New World"!
I can picture Kirby adventuring through these wide grasslands, it's so exciting!
I wonder what other kinds of tones we will hear in other places...? Let's get going, Kirby!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Mar 22, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Tropic Woods.jpg Elfilin shows Tropic Woods and the boss battle theme, "VS. Dangerous Beast". ボスの戦闘曲「VS. デンジャラスビースト」をバックに現れたのは、大きな木のボス「トロピカルウッズ」だよ!


With the boss battle theme "VS. Dangerous Beast" playing in the background, the big tree boss "Tropic Woods" appears!
To keep Kirby from getting close to it, it'll send air bullets over a wide area or extend its roots to attack him!
If you get attacked, you will be blown back, so watch out!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Mar 23, 2022 KatFL Twitter - More Mouthful Modes image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - More Mouthful Modes image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - More Mouthful Modes image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - More Mouthful Modes image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows more Mouthful Modes. 今回は、「ほおばりヘンケイ」を紹介するよ!


Now, I will introduce "Mouthful Mode"!
It looks like you can inhale a large staircase and then carry it around, or inhale a water tank to open it.
If you inhale a pipe, you can roll around to progress!
Inhale a big chunk of water to spill it out and make the dirty ground sparkling clean~!

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Mar 24, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Tomorrow's release.jpg Elfilin informs that Kirby and the Forgotten Land releases tomorrow. ゴクリ…いよいよ明日、3月25日は『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』の発売日だね…!


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Mar 25, 2022 KatFL Twitter - MOUTHFULMODE Code JP.jpg Elfilin reveals new Present Codes. Edited artwork showing only the English code was also posted by various international Nintendo accounts. 『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』が発売されたよっ!さっそく遊んでくれたみんな、どうもありがとう!


Twitter link (Japanese) Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - MOUTHFULMODE Code EN.jpg ⭐ Float into #Kirby and the Forgotten Land with 100 Star Coins and 1 food item! ⭐

Enter this present code in-game to claim your reward: MOUTHFULMODE
Twitter link (English) Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - Waddle Dee-liveries.jpg Elfilin shows how Present Codes can be used in the game. 「プレゼントキーワード」は、ワドルディの町にある「おとどけワドル便」で使うことができるよ。


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Mar 27, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Taunting.jpg Elfilin shows emotes. 今回のディスカバ紀行は、カービィのちょっとした豆知識を紹介するね!


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Mar 29, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Evolved Ice image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Ice image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Ice image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Ice image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows the Ice Copy Ability and its two evolved forms, Frosty Ice and Blizzard Ice. 今回はアイス能力について紹介するねっ!


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Apr 1, 2022 KatFL Twitter - World Hub secrets.jpg Elfilin informs that there are secrets hidden in the World Map and shows few of them. 今日は、ワールドマップに隠されたヒミツを紹介するね!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - Discovery Kirby Cafe Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「カービィカフェでディスカバリー」. 東京ソラマチ®とキャナルシティ博多の「カービィカフェ ザ・ストア」では『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるキーワードを掲示中!


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Apr 3, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Gotcha Machine Alley.jpg Elfilin shows Gotcha Machine Alley. コインスターを入れて…何が出るかな?


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Apr 5, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Evolved Drill and Ranger image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Drill and Ranger image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Drill and Ranger image 3.jpg
Elfilin shows a few evolved forms of Drill and Ranger, Pencil Drill and Space Ranger. 今回は、新しいコピー能力の進化を紹介するね!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Apr 8, 2022 KatFL Twitter - ICONELEMENTS Code JP.jpg Elfilin reveals two new Present Codes:「ユーザーアイコンでディスカバリー」 and "ICONELEMENTS". Edited artwork showing only the English code was also posted by various international Nintendo accounts. Nintendo Switch Online加入者限定ギフトに、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』のアイコンパーツが期間限定で登場したよ!


Twitter link (Japanese) Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - ICONELEMENTS Code EN.jpg Float into #Kirby and the Forgotten Land with 300 Star Coins and 1 food item!

Enter this present code in-game to claim your reward: ICONELEMENTS
Twitter link (English) Twitter favicon.png
Apr 10, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Car-Mouth Cake in Kirby Cafe.jpg Elfilin informs that the Car-Mouth Cake from Kirby and the Forgotten Land can now be eaten in real life at Kirby Café. カービィカフェに『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』とのコラボメニュー「ヘンケイ!くるまほおばりケーキ」が新登場!


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Apr 12, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Treasure Road image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Treasure Road image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Treasure Road image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Treasure Road image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows Treasure Roads. みんな、「トレジャーロード」って知ってる?


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Apr 15, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Meta Knight image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Meta Knight image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Meta Knight image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Meta Knight image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows Meta Knight. あれは…孤高の騎士「メタナイト」!?


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - Pop-Up Shop Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「カービィポップアップショップ」. 朗報ですっ!2022年4月15日(金)よりJR池袋駅南口改札外で開催される「星のカービィ ポップアップショップ」にて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されるとのこと!


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Apr 19, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Sword moveset.jpg Elfilin shows a few moves that Sword can perform. 今回はソード能力の連続技を紹介!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Apr 20, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Kansai Pop-Up Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「かんさいでポップアップ」. 朗報ですっ!2022年4月20日(水)より大阪のLUCUA1100の1Fで開催される「星のカービィ ポップアップショップ」にて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されるとのこと!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Apr 27, 2022 KatFL Twitter - THIRTIETH Code JP.jpg Elfilin reveals two new Present Codes:「さんじっしゅうねん」and "THIRTIETH". Edited artwork showing only the English code was also posted by various international Nintendo accounts. みんな~っ!「星のカービィ」は今日で30周年を迎えたんだって!


Twitter link (Japanese) Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - THIRTIETH Code EN.jpg Float into #Kirby and the Forgotten Land with 1 food item and 1 Rare Stone!

Enter this present code in-game to claim your reward: THIRTIETH
Twitter link (English) Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - Hakata Pop-Up Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「はかたでポップアップ」. 朗報ですっ!2022年4月27日(水)よりJR博多駅のEKIHAKO博多店で開催される「星のカービィ ポップアップショップ」にて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されるとのこと!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - Discovery Kiddy Land Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「キデイランドでディスカバリー」. みなさーん!「KIRBY'S PUPUPU MARKET」キデイランド大阪梅田店・原宿店にて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で2022年4月27日(水)から使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されますよ~!


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May 3, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Sub-Games.jpg Elfilin shows Sub-Games that can be played in Waddle Dee Town. 町で遊べるサブゲームは、プレイしてみた?


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May 10, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Captured Waddle Dee image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Captured Waddle Dee image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Captured Waddle Dee image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Captured Waddle Dee image 4.jpg
Elfilin reveals that side paths within the various stages may hold captured Waddle Dees. あれ?どこ行くの、カービィ。トビラはこっちにあるよ~?


Huh? Where are you going, Kirby? The door is this way~.
Oh-?! There was a side room here?!
How was a captured Waddle Dee in such place... you discovered it skillfully!
I bet there are even more hidden routes elsewhere. Let's search every nook and corner of the stages!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
May 13, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Nagoya Pop-Up Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「なごやでポップアップ」. 朗報ですっ!2022年5月13日(金)より名古屋タカシマヤ8階で開催される「星のカービィ ポップアップショップ」にて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されるとのこと!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
May 17, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Evolved Needle image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Needle image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Needle image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Evolved Needle image 4.jpg
Elfilin shows the Needle Copy Ability and its two evolved forms, Clutter Needle and Crystal Needle. 今日はニードル能力とその進化を紹介っ!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
May 20, 2022 KatFL Twitter - CRYSTALSHARDS Code JP.jpg Elfilin reveals two new Present Codes:「ろくよんでもだいぼうけん」 and "CRYSTALSHARDS". 「NINTENDO 64 Nintendo Switch Online」に『星のカービィ64』が追加されたよ!

ボクからは『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードをお届けするね!

Twitter link (Japanese) Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - CRYSTALSHARDS Code EN.jpg Float into #Kirby and the Forgotten Land with 150 Star Coins, 2 food items, and 1 Maxim Tomato!

Enter this present code in-game to claim your reward: CRYSTALSHARDS

Twitter link (English) Twitter favicon.png
May 27, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Arch Mouth.jpg Elfilin shows Arch Mouth. みんな~!「アーチほおばり」は体験したかな?


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jun 2, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Hiroshima Limited Time Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「ひろしまできかんげんてい」. ニュースですっ!2022年6月2日(木)より開催の「星のカービィ 期間限定ショップ」広島PARCO 7Fにて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されるとのこと!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jun 7, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Sillydillo.jpg Elfilin shows Sillydillo. 暗い洞窟で待っていたのは、ビースト軍団の幹部「アルマパラパ」だよっ!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jun 10, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Sendai Pop-Up Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「せんだいでポップアップ」. 朗報ですっ!2022年6月10日(金)より仙台PARCO 6Fで開催される「星のカービィ ポップアップショップ」にて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されるとのこと!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - Wise Waddle Dee introduction.jpg Wise Waddle Dee informs he will temporarily join Elfilin as a presenter of "Elfilin's Heart-Pounding Discoveries! Forgotten Land Travelogue". はじめまして!わたしは「ものしりワドルディ」です。

このフシギな本を使って、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』のさまざまな情報をお届けしますよっ!

Nice to meet you! I am Wise Waddle Dee.
I will be joining Elfilin's "Heart-Pounding Discoveries! Forgotten Land Travelogue".
Using this mysterious book, I will share various information about "Kirby and the Forgotten Land"!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - Wise Waddle Dee.jpg Wise Waddle Dee explains what he does. 「Nintendo Switch Online」に加入すると、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』の情報を、もっとお話しできるようになりますよ。


If you are a Nintendo switch Online subscriber, I will be able to talk about even more information regarding "Kirby and the Forgotten Land".
The most popular Copy Ability among players around the world, sub-games and time attack records, and more...
Please come and talk to me in the town!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jun 11, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Yokohama Pop-Up Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「よこはまでポップアップ」. みなさーん!2022年6月11日(土)よりアニメイト横浜ビブレで開催中の「星のカービィ ポップアップショップ」にて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されるとのことです!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jun 16, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Sapporo Pop-Up Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「さっぽろでポップアップ」. みなさーん!2022年6月11日(土)よりアニメイト横浜ビブレで開催中の「星のカービィ ポップアップショップ」にて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されるとのことです!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jun 17, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Billion slaughtered Awoofys.jpg Wise Waddle Dee informs that a billion (1,000,000,000) Awoofys have been slaughtered since the game's release. みなさん、こんにちは!ものしりワドルディです。


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Jun 24, 2022 KatFL Twitter - PRESENTFORYOU Code.jpg Elfilin reveals the PRESENTFORYOU Present Code. 『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』が発売して、3ヵ月になるんだって!


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Jul 1, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Waddle Dee's Item Shop.jpg Elfilin talks about the items that can be purchased at Waddle Dee's Item Shop. 「ワドルディのどうぐ屋」には行ってみた?


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jul 8, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Kirby Cafe Food Items image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Kirby Cafe Food Items image 2.jpg
Elfilin reveals new Kirby Café food items themed around the Beast Pack and King Dedede. 「カービィカフェ Summer 2022」で『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』とのコラボメニューが追加されたよ!


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - Car-Mouth Food Item.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Kirby Café food item based on the Car-Mouth in the "Welcome to the New World!" cutscene. さらに、くるまほおばりケーキも景色を変えて新登場してるみたい!

新世界をくるまほおばりでドライブする思い出のシーン、「WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD!」の景色が再現されているんだって!

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Jul 15, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Everbay Coast image 1.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Everbay Coast image 2.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Everbay Coast image 3.jpg
KatFL Twitter - Everbay Coast image 4.jpg
Wise Waddle Dee shows the enemies of Everbay Coast. こんにちは!ものしりワドルディです。


Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jul 22, 2022 KatFL Twitter - JOYSOUND New World.jpg Elfilin reveals that the song, Welcome to the New World!, will be streaming on the karaoke service JOYSOUND. みんな~!「WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD!」がカラオケ配信されたよ!

今回は『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で、この歌が流れるオープニングシーンをお届け!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - NEWWORLD Code JP.jpg Elfilin reveals two new Present Codes:「うたおうニューワールド」 and "NEWWORLD". Edited artwork showing only the English code was also posted by various international Nintendo accounts. 「WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD!」がカラオケ配信されたことだし、ボクからはプレゼントキーワードをお伝えしようかな!

『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』でキーワードを入力して、プレゼントをぜひ受け取ってね!
さぁ準備は できたかい? 見えたよ NEW WORLD~♪

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
KatFL Twitter - NEWWORLD Code EN.jpg ⭐ Float into #Kirby and the Forgotten Land with 150 Star Coins and 1 Car-Mouth Cake! ⭐

Enter this present code in-game to claim your reward: NEWWORLD

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Jul 27, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Discovery Round One Code.jpg Elfilin reveals a new Present Code:「ラウンドワンでディスカバリー」. 朗報です!!全国のラウンドワンで開催中の「星のカービィプププオーシャン」にて、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で2022年7月27日(水)から使えるプレゼントキーワードが掲示されるとのこと!


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Jul 29, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Circuit Speedway.jpg Elfilin shows Circuit Speedway. 今回は、ワンダリア跡地の「サーキットでGO!」を紹介するね!


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Aug 5, 2022 KatFL Twitter - Deedly Dees.jpg Elfilin shows the Deedly Dees. ワドルディの町に「町かどワドライブ」ができたよ!


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Aug 11, 2022 KatFL Twitter - MUSICFEST Code JP.jpg Elfilin reveals two new Present Codes:「たのしもうミュージックフェス」 and "MUSICFEST". Edited artwork showing only the English code was also posted by various international Nintendo accounts. 今日は『星のカービィ 30周年記念ミュージックフェス』が開催されるんだ!


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KatFL Twitter - MUSICFEST Code EN.jpg ⭐ Float into #Kirby and the Forgotten Land with 300 Star Coins and 1 Maxim Tomato! ⭐

Enter this Present Code in-game to claim your reward: MUSICFEST

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Aug 17, 2022 KatFL Twitter - DREAMBUFFET Code JP.jpg Elfilin reveals two new Present Codes:「カービィのグルメフェス」 and "DREAMBUFFET". Edited artwork showing only the English code was also posted by various international Nintendo accounts. 今日から、『カービィのグルメフェス』が配信開始されたよ!

ボクからは、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』で使えるプレゼントキーワードを公開しちゃうよ。

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KatFL Twitter - DREAMBUFFET Code EN.jpg ⭐ Float into #Kirby and the Forgotten Land with 300 Star Coins and 4 Food Items! ⭐

Enter this Present Code in-game to claim your reward: DREAMBUFFET

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  • The game report's title, エフィリンのドキドキ発見!ディスカバ紀行 (Elfilin's Heart-Pounding Discoveries! Forgotten Land Travelogue), is a reference to The Dream Discoveries Tour (ドキドキ発見ドリームツアー Heart-Pounding Discovery Dream Tour in Japanese).