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List of Dedede Directory posts - 2020

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The following is a complete list of all Dedede Directory posts from the Kirby JP Twitter during the year 2020.


Most translations were contributed by Kaialone, who granted permission to use their work.

Post date Subject Image Image details Original text and translation Source URL Notes
Jan 1, 2020 The Squeaks (Daroach, Spinni, Storo, Doc, & Squeakers) Dedede Directory 27 - Squeaks.jpg The image contains five pieces of art and a screenshot representing the members of the Squeaks. In clockwise order from the bottom-right, the images are artwork of Storo, Doc, Spinni, three Squeakers, and Daroach (all from Kirby: Squeak Squad), and a screenshot from Kirby Star Allies showing Daroach in action. よし、お前たち!この1年もデデデン大名鑑を一緒に楽しもう!

Alright, guys! Let's keep enjoying the Great Dedede-Directory together this year!
Looks like it's "the Year of the Rat". So here's some rat-like fellas: "the Squeaks"!
In Kirby: Squeak Squad they fought Kirby over treasure chests.
Maybe I should form my own squad and look for treasures, too! How does "the Dededes" sound?!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png Each of the characters represented also appeared in the New Year's Day illustration from 2020 which was posted on the same day. The text mentions that it is the year of the rat in the Chinese zodiac, hence the representation of the Squeaks.
Jan 8, 2020 Gooey Dedede Directory 28 - Gooey.jpg The image contains seven pieces of art and a screenshot representing Gooey. In clockwise order from the bottom-left, the images are a screenshot from Kirby Star Allies with Kirby on Piggyback, artwork from Kirby's Dream Land 3 for the next five, artwork from Kirby's Dream Land 2, and lastly, artwork from Kirby Star Allies. 紺色のプヨプヨ生物「グーイ」!

It's "Gooey", the wibbly wobbly dark blue life form!
He went on a big adventure with Kirby in Kirby's Dream Land 3. With his overly long tongue, he can catch enemies and then copy their abilities!
And also, Kirby can apparently recover health if he swallows Gooey! What the heck is up with this guy's body?!
Well, he's full of mysteries that he doesn't even understand himself, from what I've heard...

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png Artwork includes one of Gooey eating a Cappy, and one of him being spawned in by Kirby. The text alludes to Gooey's mysterious origin and the fact that Kirby regains a little health when swallowing Gooey in Kirby's Dream Land 3.
Jan 15, 2020 Nago Dedede Directory 29 - Nago.jpg The image contains four pieces of art and two screenshots representing Nago. Each piece of artwork is from Kirby's Dream Land 3, and the screenshots are from Kirby Star Allies (upper-right) and Kirby's Dream Land 3 (lower-right). ネコのような、カービィのなかま「ナゴ」!

It's Kirby's feline friend: "Nago"!
This guy's friend abilities are kinda unique!
Like slamming Kirby against the ground like a rock, or sliding around with him like a rag, he's got all kinds of moves with thrilling ways to use Kirby!
Though apparently, if another friend gets picked, he'll open his eyes and just glare. D-don't give in to such pressure!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The lower-right screenshot and the text describe how Nago becomes miffed if not picked as the primary friend. Several of the images shown also feature Kirby.
Jan 22, 2020 ChuChu Dedede Directory 30 - ChuChu.jpg The image contains three pieces of art and four screenshots representing ChuChu. Each piece of artwork is from Kirby's Dream Land 3, and the screenshots are from Kirby Star Allies (lower-right) and Kirby's Dream Land 3 (other three). 『星のカービィ3』で登場したなかま、「チュチュ」を紹介するぞ!

Let me introduce "ChuChu", a friend who appeared in Kirby's Dream Land 3!
She can stick to the ceiling, and even fly a little.
The way she wears that ribbon or rides parasols, she actually doesn't look half-bad!
Her friend "Nyupun" wears a hat, too. I guess they both got a sense for fashion, but... nothing beats my crown!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The screenshot in the middle features Nyupun, who is named in the text as well. Several of the images shown also feature Kirby.
Jan 29, 2020 Pitch Dedede Directory 31 - Pitch.jpg The image contains three pieces of art and three screenshots representing Pitch. Each piece of artwork is from Kirby's Dream Land 3, and the screenshots are from Kirby Star Allies (upper-middle) and Kirby's Dream Land 3 (other two). 今回も『星のカービィ3』のなかま、「ピッチ」を紹介しよう!

Today, let me introduce "Pitch", another friend who appeared in Kirby's Dream Land 3!
This brave fellow will carry Kirby on his back, who's actually bigger than him.
He's a little squirt, but when you combine with him, he'll show off some surprising skills!
You can have fun with him as an ice shaver, an RC plane, or even a boomerang - he's better than any toy! I wanna play with this guy, too!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png Several of the images shown also feature Kirby.
Feb 5, 2020 Como Dedede Directory 32 - Como.jpg The image contains two pieces of art and three screenshots representing Como. The artwork is from Kirby's Dream Land 3 (upper-middle) and Kirby: Canvas Curse (lower-left), and the screenshots are from Kirby's Dream Land 3 (upper-left) and Kirby Star Allies (other two). このクモみたいなヤツは「コモ」!

This spider-looking fella is "Como"!
Normally he'd just hang down from a thread, but when he became a Friend in Star Allies, this guy did a complete 180!
Now he's running around, doing all sorts of moves using his webs, and even pulling off Friend Abilities, too!
Were you secretly training?! Hnng...! You've grown so much! Good job!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png One of the screenshots shows Como using a Friend Bounce on King Dedede. In the text, Dedede praises Como's promotion to a playable Friend in Star Allies and asks if he secretly trained for the role. This may be a reference to how Dedede himself secretly trained to learn how to Hover after his first defeat, as mentioned in his Super Smash Bros. Melee trophy.
Feb 12, 2020 Blocky Dedede Directory 33 - Blocky.jpg The image contains two pieces of art and five screenshots representing Blocky. The artwork is from Kirby's Dream Land 2 (upper-middle) and Kirby's Dream Land 3 (lower-right), and the screenshots are (in clockwise order from the top-right) from Kirby's Dream Land 2, Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Kirby's Block Ball, Kirby's Dream Land 3, and Super Kirby Clash. 四角い石のような「ブロッキー」を紹介してやる!

Let me introduce "Blocky", who's like a block of stone!
This guy looks dense, but he rolls around and jumps surprisingly quickly.
If you're not careful, he'll smash you flat as a pancake!
That's not all! When he hardens his body, his defensive power is so strong that it can repel a lot of attacks!
...Does Kirby have what it takes to break through this iron wall of defense...? Grrr...!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Feb 19, 2020 Pon & Con Dedede Directory 34 - Pon & Con.jpg The image contains one piece of art and three screenshots representing Pon & Con. The artwork is from Kirby's Dream Land 3 (lower-right), and the screenshots are from Kirby's Dream Land 3 (lower-left), Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (upper-left), and Kirby Star Allies (upper-right). 2体で1組のアニマル、「ポン&コン」だ!

It's the Animal Duo "Pon & Con"!
Their debut was in Kirby's Dream Land 3, and quite a while later, they've appeared again in Star Allies!
Together with their many kids, they clutter up the stage and run around.
These two always seemed to get along well... but who'd have thought that their bond was strong enough to do comedy together?! I wanna see your show, too!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The Kirby and the Rainbow Curse screenshot is of Pon & Con's comedy show from the Secret Diary, which is also mentioned in the text.
Feb 26, 2020 Dark Matter Dedede Directory 35 - Dark Matter.jpg The image contains three pieces of art and four screenshots representing Dark Matter. In clockwise order from the bottom-right, they are artwork from Kirby's Dream Land 3, a screenshot from Kirby Mass Attack, a screenshot from Kirby's Dream Land 3, two pieces of artwork from Kirby's Dream Land 2, a screenshot from Kirby's Dream Land 2, and a screenshot from Kirby's Dream Land 3 of King Dedede possessed by Dark Matter. 今回紹介するのは、オレさまにとって因縁の敵、「ダークマター」だ。

This time I'll introduce "Dark Matter", a fated enemy of mine.
He's a dangerous fella with a swordfighter form and a spherical form, he got a single creepy eye, and he attacked Pop Star in Kirby's Dream Land 2 and 3!
He has the power to possess the bodies of others, and while I hate to admit it, I was also...
Wait, why is that picture of me here?! D-delete that...!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The Kirby Mass Attack screenshot is from Kirby Quest. King Dedede comments on the picture of him being possessed, wanting it removed from the collage.
Mar 4, 2020 Zero Dedede Directory 36 - Zero.jpg The image contains one piece of art and four screenshots representing Zero. All images in question are from Kirby's Dream Land 3. コイツは、ダークマターを従える謎の存在「ゼロ」!

This is "Zero", a mysterious being which leads Dark Matter!
Accompanied by Dark Matter, this one was behind the invasion of Pop Star in Kirby's Dream Land 3! Whoa, that white mass keeps bringing forth more and more Dark Matter to attack!
H-hmph! I'm the great king! No matter what sorta guy comes to face me, I'll pulverize 'em!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The image in the lower-right is an illustration that appears in-game if Kirby loses to Dark Matter and Zero in Boss Butch. The images are distinctly from the Virtual Console edition of the game, as the Boss Butch Hyper Zone arena uses this version's palette (orange and green clouds rather than red and blue).
Mar 11, 2020 Bouncy Dedede Directory 37 - Bouncy.jpg The image contains three pieces of art and three screenshots representing Bouncy. In clockwise order from the upper-left, these are a screenshot from Kirby Star Allies, artwork from Kirby's Dream Land 2, artwork from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, a screenshot from Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, a screenshot from Kirby's Dream Land 3, and artwork from Kirby: Canvas Curse. 今回はバネみたいな「バウンシー」を紹介しよう!

This time I'll introduce the spring-like "Bouncy"!
These appear in Kirby's Dream Land 3, Kirby 64, and many others, so they're familiar faces at this point.
There's also big ones and fancy ones among 'em, but they all bounce around!
Apparently they're jumping around 'cause they enjoy the view from up there.
Gah ha ha! You just keep doing that, but nothing beats the view from my castle!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The Kirby and the Rainbow Curse image is of the Bouncy Figurine.
Mar 18, 2020 Ribbon Dedede Directory 38 - Ribbon.jpg The image contains two pieces of art and three screenshots representing Ribbon. From the center, then in clockwise order from the lower-right, these are artwork from Kirby Star Allies, artwork from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, a screenshot from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, a screenshot from Kirby Star Allies, and another screenshot from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. 妖精「リボン」は『星のカービィ64』で登場したぞ!

The fairy "Ribbon" first appeared in Kirby 64!
When Ripple Star was being attacked by dark clouds, she flew into space and asked Kirby for help. While looking for the crystal shards, we did stuff like playing at the beach, or having a snack in the desert. That sure was a fun adventure.
...Whoops! Sorry, kinda got myself lost in nostalgia there.

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The screenshot in the upper-right is a drawing of Ribbon from the Staff Credits sequence for Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.
Mar 25, 2020 Adeleine Dedede Directory 39 - Adeleine.jpg The image contains two pieces of art and four screenshots representing Adeleine. From the center, then in clockwise order from the lower-right, these are a screenshot from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, artwork from Kirby Star Allies, a screenshot from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, artwork from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, a screenshot from Kirby Star Allies, and one more screenshot from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. 赤いベレー帽がトレードマークの「アドレーヌ」!

『星のカービィ64』でリップルスターを救うため、共に冒険した仲間だ! 描いた絵が実体化する、不思議な力の持ち主だぞ! いろんなたべものも出していたが、オレさまも絵を上手く描ければ食べ放題も夢ではないな…よし、上達するコツを教えてくれ!

It's "Adeleine", with her trademark red beret!
She's an ally who went on an adventure with us to save Ripple Star in Kirby 64!
She has a mysterious power that lets the pictures she paints become real!
She also made lots of food like that, but man, just imagine the all-you-can-eat buffet if I could paint that well... Alright, teach me the secret behind it!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The post does not mention either Kirby's Dream Land 3 or Ado, keeping the relationship between Ado and Adeleine a mystery.
Apr 2, 2020 Kapar Dedede Directory 40 - Kapar.jpg The image contains two pieces of art and four screenshots representing Kapar. In clockwise order from the lower-right, these are two screenshots from Kirby's Dream Land 3, artwork from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, two screenshots from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, and artwork from Kirby's Dream Land 3. 今回は「カパー」の紹介だ!

コイツは水中での動きが得意…と言いたいところだが、実は驚くほど高く飛び上がり、攻撃してくるぞ!カッパのような姿のクセに、読めんヤツだな。 ちなみに、頭の輪っかはいくら投げてもすぐ生えてくる便利なモノらしい。どれどれ、オレさまにもちょっと投げさせろー!

This time I'm introducing "Kapar"!
This guy's great at moving around in the water... Or so you'd think, but instead he'll actually jump up ridiculously high to attack you! He may look like a kappa, but it's hard to get a read on the guy.
Also that ring on his head is pretty nifty, 'cause it apparently grows right back, no matter how many times he throws it. Hey, come on, let me try throwing it around a bit, too!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png This post was unusually made on Thursday rather than Wednesday, likely to avoid interfering with April Fool's Day.
Apr 8, 2020 Plugg Dedede Directory 41 - Plugg.jpg The image contains five screenshots representing Plugg: two from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards and three from Kirby Star Allies. 今回紹介する「コンセ」は、『星のカービィ64』で初登場!

頭を地面にさして電気を流す姿は、なかなかかわいいじゃないか。 ウワサによると『スターアライズ』でプラズマを放てるほど強くなったのは、改造でパワーアップしたかららしい。 なるほど!昔は無かった背中のネジを見れば、それも納得だぜ!

This time I'm introducing "Plugg", who first appeared in Kirby 64!
He actually looks kinda cute when he plugs his head into the ground to send out electricity.
There's rumors that the reason he's gotten stronger, to the point that he can use Plasma in Star Allies, is apparently 'cause he underwent some modification that powered him up.
I see! He didn't have that screw on his back before, so I'd believe it!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The text reveals that the reason Plugg grants the Plasma ability in Kirby Star Allies as opposed to Spark is because it was modified to become more powerful, as shown by the screw on its back.
Apr 15, 2020 Chacha Dedede Directory 42 - Chacha.jpg The image contains two screenshots and two pieces of artwork representing Chacha in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. マラカス振ってダンシング!「ビバコ」を紹介するぞ!

『星のカービィ64』に登場し、海辺や火山などあちこちでダンスしていたな。 カービィが近寄らない限りずっと踊っているようだが…いったい、何がお前をそこまで熱くさせるんだ! オレさまも、タンバリンでビバコとセッションでもしてみるかな?

Shake those maracas and dance! Time to introduce "Chacha"!
They appeared in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards and were constantly dancing all over the place around the beach and volcano.
Looks like they really just keep on dancing, unless Kirby gets close to them... What the heck got them so fired up?!
Maybe I should break out the tambourine and have a little jam session with Chacha?

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png Dedede mentioning his tambourine is a reference to Dedede's Drum Dash.
Apr 22, 2020 Acro Dedede Directory 43 - Acro.jpg The image contains one piece of artwork and three screenshots from Kirby's Dream Land 3 and one piece of artwork and two screenshots from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. 海のあばれんぼう、「アクロ」を紹介するぞ!

『星のカービィ3』や『64』で水中を暴れ回り、カービィを苦しめたな。 大きな口からはドクロやあのゴルドーに、触れると爆発する「ギョックン」まで吐き出してくるのだ! オレさまがうまいたべものを教えてやるから、そんな危ないものは飲みこむなーっ!

Introducing "Acro", the hooligan of the sea!
In Kirby's Dream Land 3 and Kirby 64, it was on an underwater rampage, giving Kirby a hard time.
From that giant mouth of its, it spits up things like skulls, those Gordos, and even "Pedos", which explode when you touch them!
I'll be so nice and teach you about the wonders of food that actually tastes good, so stop swallowing dangerous stuff like that!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The image in the middle-right is an illustration that appears if Kirby loses to Acro in Boss Butch.
Apr 27, 2020 Kirby Dedede Directory 44 - Kirby's Birthday.jpg The image contains artwork of: Kirby inhaling from Kirby Air Ride, Mini Kirby from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, Sword Hero Kirby from Super Kirby Clash, Normal Kirby from Kirby's Dream Land, sleeping Kirby from Kirby Super Star, Quick Draw Kirby from Kirby's Adventure, Stone + Rick Kirby from Kirby's Dream Land 2, Ghost Kirby from Kirby: Squeak Squad, Robobot Armor Kirby from Kirby: Planet Robobot, injured Kirby from Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, and Cutter Kirby from Kirby Battle Royale. なにやら今日は、カービィの大切な記念日だそうだな!



Oh yeah, looks like today's Kirby's precious anniversary!
I've already introduced him, but... Eh, whatever, here's a special something for you! Let me show off some more of this guy's various forms!
...Well, it is a pretty important day. Celebrating it every now and then isn't so bad, I guess. Gah ha ha!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png This was a special post made outside of the usual schedule to celebrate the 28th anniversary of Kirby's Dream Land; April 27th fell on a Monday in 2020. King Dedede acknowledges the fact he already covered Kirby in another Dedede Directory post (and even links the tweet), but decides to do another one because "it is a pretty important day".
Apr 29, 2020 Bobo Dedede Directory 45 - Bobo.jpg The image contains one piece of artwork and three screenshots from Kirby's Dream Land 3, one screenshot from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards and one piece of artwork and one screenshot from Kirby: Canvas Curse. コイツは「ボボ」!…雨に降られるとヤバそうだな。

カービィがのみこむと「バーニング能力」を得ることができるぞ。 『星のカービィ3』では、体の炎の大きさによって歩く速さが違うらしい。 よし、一番大きいボボを呼び出せ!オレさまがハンマーからくり出す炎と、どちらの燃え方が上か…勝負だっ!

This is "Bobo"! ...Probably doesn't do well in the rain.
Kirby can get the "Burning Ability" when he swallows these.
In Kirby's Dream Land 3, their walking speed apparently varies with the size of their bodies' flames.
Alright, get me the biggest Bobo of them all! Let's see which burns higher - it, or the flames I cast from my hammer... Bring it on!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
May 6, 2020 HR-H / HR-E Dedede Directory 46 - HR-H-HR-E.jpg The image contains two pieces of artwork and two screenshots from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. ブルブルスターのビル群に現れるロボ「HR-H」は、『星のカービィ64』のボスだ!

巨大な腕を振り回し、ミサイルやレーザーを放ってくるぞ。変形することもでき、一度倒しても「HR-E」となって再び襲いかかってくるのだ。 シリーズに登場するオレさま似のロボたちにも、変形機能があっても良かったな!

The robot "HR-H" appears among the buildings of Shiver Star, and is a boss of Kirby 64!
He'll come at you swinging his giant arms, or shoot missiles and lasers. And he can transform too, so even if you beat him, he'll just become "HR-E" and attack again.
It's nice that the robots in this series who look like me also got that neat transformation feature!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The last line is likely referring to HR-D3, another robot in the HR "series" that resembles Dedede and can transform into a laser cannon.
May 13, 2020 Bronto Burt Dedede Directory 47 - Bronto Burt.jpg The image contains screenshots from Kirby and the Rainbow Curse and Kirby Battle Royale and artwork from Kirby's Epic Yarn, Kirby Super Star, Kirby's Dream Land and Kirby: Triple Deluxe. 今回は「ブロントバート」を紹介しよう!

シリーズの常連だが、よく名前を間違えられるらしい。「ブロントバート」だぞ? あちこちでパタパタ飛んでいて、『コロコロカービィ』などではアイテムを運んでいたりもしたな。 中には帽子のヤツもいるが…手もないのにいったいどうやってかぶったんだー!?

This time, I'll introduce "Bronto Burt"!
They're regulars in the series, but apparently people get their name wrong a lot. It's "Bronto Burt", alright?
These guys flutter about here and there, and in stuff like Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble they also carry items.
Some of them wear hats, too... They don't have any hands, so how in the world are they putting those on?!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png King Dedede reiterates the proper spelling of "Bronto Burt", as it is commonly misspelled (especially in Japanese, given that "Burt" is one character away from "Bird"). He is also confused by how the Bronto Burts can carry items if they have no hands.
May 20, 2020 Orbservor Dedede Directory 48 - Orbservor.jpg The image contains screenshots of the four Orbservor variants from Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble, as well as artwork for the green and blue variants. どこからともなく現れるナゾの目ん玉「メガイター」だな!

『コロコロカービィ』でなんどもカービィの前に立ちはだかったヤツだ! ぶつかっても痛くないが、ワナや場外にはじきとばされないよう注意が必要だぞ。 いいか?いくらボヨヨンとはじかれる感覚が楽しくても、むやみやたらにつっこむなよ!

A mysterious eyeball appears out of nowhere - it's "Orbservor"!
This one kept showing up before Kirby in Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble!
Hitting it doesn't hurt, but you gotta be careful to not get knocked into traps or outta bounds by it.
Got it? No matter how fun it is to get bounced around like that, you can't just rush in all willy-nilly!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
May 27, 2020 Parasol Waddle Dee Dedede Directory 49 - Parasol Waddle Dee.jpg The image contains screenshots from Kirby Star Allies (showing Dedede crouching underneath a Parasol Waddle Dee's Chumbrella) and Kirby's Epic Yarn, and artwork from Kirby: Squeak Squad, Kirby Star Allies, Kirby Super Star Ultra, and Kirby Super Star. コイツは「パラソルワドルディ」!

ワドルディがただパラソルを持っただけ、と思うなよ?高いところもゆっくり降りることができ、敵の攻撃も防げるぞ! さらに『スターアライズ』では、大きなかさで仲間も守れるのだ!うむ、なかなかやるな。 ただ、オレさまがいる時は、もう少し高くさして欲しいぞ?

It's "Parasol Waddle Dee"!
You think this is just a Waddle Dee with a parasol? Well, they can actually get down slowly from high places, and even block enemy attacks!
And in Star Allies, they protect their buddies with a huge umbrella! Hm, not too shabby!
Though, could you hold it a bit higher when I'm under there?

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png In the text, Dedede notes that Parasol Waddle Dee could just be considered a Waddle Dee holding a parasol. He also comments on the Kirby Star Allies screenshot, asking Parasol Waddle Dee to "raise the parasol a little higher when I'm around".
Jun 3, 2020 Bugzzy Dedede Directory 50 - Bugzzy.jpg The image contains screenshots from Kirby Super Star, Kirby Mass Attack (specifically, the Strato Patrol EOS sub-game), and Kirby Star Allies, as well as artwork from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land and Kirby Super Star Ultra. 初代こん虫キング「バグジー」を紹介しよう!

大アゴで敵をつかんでふっ飛ばすのだが、手に入るコピー能力が作品によって違うぞ。 『夢の泉デラックス』などでは「バックドロップ」、『スターアライズ』などでは「スープレックス」で、どちらも投げ技が得意だ! くぅ~見てるだけでも爽快だぜっ!!

Let me introduce "Bugzzy", the original king of insects!
He grabs enemies with his big mandibles and sends them flying, but the Copy Ability you get from him varies between installments.
In some like Nightmare in Dream Land he yields "Backdrop", while in others like Star Allies he yields "Suplex", both of which got great throwing moves!
Hnng... Even just watching him is so invigorating!!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png Bugzzy is referred to as as the "original king of the insects", referencing his Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! pause screen description, which mentions that he passed his title on to Beetley.
Jun 10, 2020 Paint Roller Dedede Directory 51 - Paint Roller.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby's Adventure and Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, as well as screenshots from the aforementioned games and Kirby: Canvas Curse. コイツは「ペイントローラー」だ!

『星のカービィ 夢の泉の物語』で初登場したぞ。 実はシリーズで初めて、描いた絵を実体化させたヤツなのだ! 1本のクレヨンでカラフルに描いてみたり、ローラーがついた足の片足立ちで絵を描いてみたり、 自然にやっていることが、まるで大道芸なみのスゴさだな…。

This is "Paint Roller"!
He first appeared in Kirby's Adventure.
This guy was actually the first one in this series who could make his drawings become real!
It's impressive how he manages to draw colorful pictures with one crayon, and draw them while standing on one leg with those roller skates on - almost like he's doing a street performance...

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jun 17, 2020 Mr. Tick-Tock Dedede Directory 52 - Mr. Tick-Tock.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Super Star Ultra and Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, as well as screenshots from the same games. 「ミスター・チクタク」は、『夢の泉デラックス』などで登場した中ボスだ!

「マイク」能力をコピーできる数少ないキャラの1人で、頭のベルを鳴らして音で攻撃するぞ! 気合いが入っているのか、その音は実にけたたましいのだ。 昼寝中のカービィやノディの耳元で鳴らしたら…どうなるのか楽しみだわ!

"Mr. Tick-Tock" is a mid-boss who appears in Kirby's Adventure and others!
He's one of the few characters that the "Mike" ability can be copied from, and he attacks with the sounds from the bells on his head!
He must really be giving it his all, 'cause that sound is incredibly loud.
Maybe he could start ringing right by Kirby's or Noddy's ears... Now that's something I'd like to see!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png
Jun 24, 2020 Coner Dedede Directory 53 - Coner.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land and Kirby's Block Ball, and screenshots from Kirby's Adventure and Kirby Star Allies. コイツは、ヤドカリのような見た目の「コナー」!

大きなハサミで攻撃するかと思いきや『夢の泉の物語』をはじめ、どの作品でもただ歩いてるだけの、のんびり屋だ。 カラにこもった姿も見せるが、よくそのハサミと両目が納まるな。 よし、たべものを用意しろ!コイツを観察しに海へくり出すぞー!

This hermit crab-looking fella is "Coner"!
You'd think this one would attack with its huge claws, but it's actually pretty chill and has been doing nothing but walk around in any installment since Kirby's Adventure.
It can also retreat into its shell, but those claws and eyes barely fit, I guess.
Alright, grab me some snacks! I'm going out to sea to watch these guys!

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Jul 1, 2020 Heavy Mole Dedede Directory 54 - Heavy Mole.jpg The image contains two artworks and two screenshots, one of each for Kirby's Adventure on the left and Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land on the right side. 今回紹介するコイツは「ヘビーモール」!

『夢の泉の物語』などで、カービィと地中で戦ったボスだ! 回転ノコギリで地中を掘り進み、後ろにミサイルを放つぞ。 赤いミサイルをのみこむとカービィは寝てしまうので、その隙にヤツにトドメだー! …ってお前、カービィが寝てもそのまま前に進むのかーっ!

Today I'm gonna introduce "Heavy Mole"!
This is a boss who had an underground battle with Kirby in Kirby's Adventure!
He digs through the earth with his rotating saws, and fires off missiles behind himself.
Kirby will fall asleep when he swallows the a red missile, so use that opportunity to finish him off!
...Hang on, why do you just keep going forward still while Kirby's asleep?!

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Jul 8, 2020 Dedede Mechs special edition Dedede Directory 55 - Dedede Mechs.jpg The image contains screenshots of various robots that look like King Dedede - Robo Dedede from Kirby's Dream Course, Dededestroyer Z, HR-D3, Dedede Robo, and another Dedede Robo appearing as third boss of Scope Shot sub-game from Kirby's Return to Dream Land. 2年目に突入した大名鑑、今回は「デデデメカ特集」だ!

オレさまを模した、実にかっこいいロボが勢ぞろいだぞ! ドリルやミサイルを武器に、リングや荒野、ときには別の星でカービィと激戦をくり広げたな。 地上を動くヤツはそろっているから、あとは水中や空を自由に動けるロボもあれば完ぺきだぜっ!

We are now entering the second year, so let's celebrate with a "Dedede Mechs Special Edition"!
Here's some really cool robots that look like me!
They got weapons like drills and missiles, and they've had some fierce battles with Kirby in the ring, out in the wilderness, and even on a different planet sometimes.
We already got plenty of these that move along the ground, so all we'd need next is some that can move about underwater, or across the sky, and then it'd be perfect!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png This post celebrates entering the second year of Dedede Directory, acting as a special edition.
Jul 15, 2020 Chilly Dedede Directory 56 - Chilly.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land in the center, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, and Kirby's Block Ball on the left, and Kirby: Canvas Curse on the right, as well as screenshots from Kirby's Dream Course and Kirby Star Allies. たくましいまゆげの雪だるま「チリー」!冷気を放つ攻撃が得意だ!

『星のカービィ64』ではコイツを持ち上げて投げると、バラバラになってしまうぞ。 弱そうに思うかもしれないが、ヘルパーとなればたとえ火山のステージでも力を貸してくれるのだ! 体は冷たくても心は温かいヤツ、といったところか?

It's "Chilly" - the snowman with the powerful eyebrows! Attacks that give off a chill are his specialty!
In Kirby 64, if you pick him up and throw him, his body will fall apart.
He might seem like a weakling, but as a Helper he'll even help you out on volcanic stages!
His body may be cold, but his heart is warm, huh?

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Jul 22, 2020 UFO Dedede Directory 57 - UFO.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby's Block Ball, Kirby: Squeak Squad and Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, with screenshots from Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Kirby's Block Ball and Kirby Battle Royale. 「ユーフォー」は空飛ぶナゾの円盤だ!

コイツからはなんと、レアな「U.F.O.能力」が手に入るぞ! 『夢の泉の物語』では予測不能な素早い動きに、カービィも振り回されていたな。 他にも、なぜかアイテムをばらまくヤツや、エアホッケーをするヤツもいるらしい。 うーむ、本当にコイツは何なんだ…?

Alright, "UFO" is a mysterious disk that flies through the air!
And this thing actually yields the rare "UFO Ability"!
In Kirby's Adventure, even Kirby could barely keep up with their quick, unpredictable movements.
Also, for some reason there's a few of them that dispense items, and even some that play air hockey.
Hmm, what exactly are these things...?

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Jul 29, 2020 Blipper Dedede Directory 58 - Blipper.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby's Adventure, Kirby: Canvas Curse, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Kirby: Squeak Squad, Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, and a screenshot from Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. コイツは「ブリッパー」!海などでよく見かけるヤツだな。

多くが赤色の体をしている中、『スーパーレインボー』では緑色の珍しいヤツもいたぞ! 水中で生きてるくせにゴーグル姿なのは…まさか、水の中で目を開くのが怖いのか? まあお互い長年登場しているよしみだ、オシャレってことにしてやろう!

This is "Blipper"! You often see these guys in water.
Most of them are red, but in Rainbow Curse, there's also some rare green ones!
They're wearing goggles even though they live in water... Don't tell me these guys are scared of opening their eyes underwater?
Well, we're basically old friends, since we've been appearing in the same stuff for years now - so I'm just gonna say they're fashionable!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The Kirby and the Rainbow Curse image is of the Blipper Figurine, showing both the red and green variants.
Aug 5, 2020 Flappy Dedede Directory 59 - Flappy.jpg The image contains a piece of artwork and two screenshots from Kirby Air Ride. ハート形のしっぽが目を引く「フラッピィ」を紹介していくぞ!

『カービィのエアライド』では、このカラフルなつばさで飛び回っていたな。 近づいても気にしない様子を見るに、一緒にレースを楽しんでいるのかもしれん! よーし、オレさまのウィリーバイク・デデデカスタムと勝負してみないか!?

Let me introduce "Flappy", with its eye-catching heart-shaped tail.
With those colorful wings it got, this one was flying around in Kirby Air Ride.
As far as I can tell, it doesn't mind it if you get close, so maybe it likes racing together?
Alright, how about you try going up against my Wheelie Bike Dedede Custom?!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png Dedede mentions the Wheelie Bike Dedede Custom, his personalized Wheelie Bike which he uses in Kirby Air Ride.
Aug 12, 2020 Caller Dedede Directory 60 - Caller.jpg The image contains a piece of artwork, and two screenshots from courses Sky Sands and Checker Knights from Kirby Air Ride. 『カービィのエアライド』で登場した「カーラー」!

コイツからは「トルネイド」能力が手に入るぞ。エアライドマシンをスピンさせるほど強力な風を身にまとい、レースを邪魔してくる! …のだが、カービィはその風ごとお構いなしにヤツをすいこんでしまうのだ。 ぐぬぬ、やはりあなどれん強さだな…!

This is a "Caller", which appeared in Kirby Air Ride!
You can get the "Tornado" ability from it. Its wind is powerful enough to make the Air Ride Machines spin, so it get's in the way of the races with that!
...Though, Kirby still swallows all that wind without any trouble.
Ugh... You really shouldn't underestimate HIS power...!

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Aug 19, 2020 Wheelie Dedede Directory 61 - Wheelie.jpg The image contains artwork of Wheelie from Kirby's Adventure and Kirby: Squeak Squad, artwork of King Dedede from Kirby Air Ride, artwork of Wheelie Rider Kirby from Kirby Super Star Ultra, and a screenshot from Samurai Kirby in Kirby Super Star. 今回は「ウィリー」を紹介しよう!

この姿の通り、走ることが大得意だ。実はメタナイトの「戦艦ハルバード」は、中でコイツを走らせることで動力源を得ていたぞ。 『エアライド』ではオレさまに相応しいモデルも登場し、共に走ったな! 高速で駆け抜けながらカービィをふっとばして気持ちよかったぜ!

This time, I'm introducing "Wheelie"!
As you can see from his looks, this guy is really good at running. Actually, Meta Knight's "Battleship Halberd" was powered by having these running around inside of it.
In Kirby Air Ride there was also a model that fit me, and we raced together!
Man, it was so nice to zip around at high speeds and leave Kirby in the dust!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png Dedede again mentions the Wheelie Bike Dedede Custom, and also brings up that the Halberd is powered by Wheelies.
Aug 26, 2020 Pichikuri Dedede Directory 62 - Pichikuri.jpg The image contains a piece of artwork and two screenshots from Kirby Air Ride. 魚のような見た目で、なぜか空中を飛んでいる「ピチクリ」だ!

『エアライド』ではよく仲間と行動し、近づくと鋭いトゲを出してくるぞ。 コピー能力「ニードル」が得られるのも納得だな! それにしても…その小さな羽で飛べるとは思えんのだが、まさかお前もホバリングの使い手!?…なわけないか。

It looks like a fish and somehow flies through the sky - it's "Pichikuri"!
In Air Ride, they usually act in groups, and if you get close, their sharp spines come out.
And obviously, you get the "Needle" Copy Ability from them!
But still... I don't think it should be able to fly with those tiny wings. Could it be that you too, are a user of the hovering technique?! ...Yeah, like that'd ever happen.

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Sep 2, 2020 Soarar Dedede Directory 63 - Soarar.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, Kirby: Canvas Curse, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirby: Triple Deluxe, and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, as well as a screenshot of Dedede Resort - Stage 4 from Mass Attack. 『鏡の大迷宮』で初登場、「ソアラ」の紹介だ!

空中を一直線に飛んでいて、作品によってはアイテムを運ぶヤツもいるぞ! 『あつめて!カービィ』のデデデリゾートには、ソアラが持つパネルを狙うゲームがあってな。なかなか楽しかったぞ。 くぅ~っ、思い出したらあのリゾートにまた行きたくなるぜ!

Introducing "Soarar", who first appeared in The Amazing Mirror!
These guys fly in a straight line, and depending on the game, there's also some of them that carry items!
In the Dedede Resort from Kirby Mass Attack, there was a game where you had to aim at panels that Soarar were carrying. It was pretty fun.
Hnngh, now that I've remembered it, I wanna go to that resort again!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png Dedede mentions Dedede Resort and its Soarar game, saying that he'd like to visit it again.
Sep 9, 2020 Boxy Dedede Directory 64 - Boxy.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror and Kirby: Squeak Squad, as well as screenshots from the same games. 大きなリボンがトレードマークの中ボス「ボクシィ」!

貴重な「マジック能力」が手に入る、唯一のキャラだ! 攻撃でくり出す箱からは様々なものが出てくるのだが、マキシムトマトなどが出てくることもあるらしい。 何が出てくるかお楽しみだな!…って、チラリと見える姿はまさか、ワドルディーっ!?

It's "Boxy", the mid-boss with her huge trademark ribbon!
She's the only character who yields the precious "Magic Ability"!
There's many things that can come out of the boxes she creates with her attacks, apparently even Maxim Tomatoes.
I'm so excited to see what's gonna come out! ...Wait, am I seeing this right? Is that a Waddle Dee?!

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Sep 16, 2020 Dark Meta Knight Dedede Directory 65 - Dark Meta Knight.jpg The image contains artworks from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror (center) and Kirby Star Allies (top right), as well as his card from the Kirby Card Swipe Sub-Game from Kirby Super Star Ultra, and a screenshot from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. 仮面の剣士と瓜二つ、「ダークメタナイト」だ!

影を感じる姿通り、コイツはメタナイトの心の闇を写し取った存在で、『鏡の大迷宮』では事件のカギを握るヤツだぞ。 狙いは謎だがカービィを一撃で4人に分裂させたり、メタナイトを一騎打ちで倒しているのだ! さすがのオレさまもコイツは侮れんな…!

It's the spitting image of the masked swordfighter - "Dark Meta Knight"!
As you can guess by his shadowy look, this guy's a being who was copied from the darkness in Meta Knight's heart, who's important to the events in Amazing Mirror.
It's unclear what he was after, but he divided Kirby into 4 people with one strike, and defeated Meta Knight in a one-on-one fight!
I'd really better not underestimate this guy...!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png The image notably does not include his appearance in Kirby: Triple Deluxe.
Sep 23, 2020 King Golem Dedede Directory 66 - King Golem.jpg The image contains King Golem's artwork and two screenshots from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. まるでタワーのようなコイツは、『鏡の大迷宮』のボス、「キングゴーレム」!

ムーンライトマンションの最深部で、カービィを待ち受けているぞ。 本人はその場から動かず、ゴルドーや岩を落として攻撃してくるのだ。 コイツの上に登って一番上からカービィを見下ろしたら、さぞ気持ちが良いだろうな!

This guy who looks like a tower is "King Golem", a boss from Amazing Mirror!
He awaits Kirby in the final room of Moonlight Mansion.
He himself doesn't move from his spot, and attacks by dropping Gordos and rocks.
Man, it'd probably feel great to climb to the top of this guy, and then look down on Kirby from all the way up there!

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Sep 30, 2020 Shadow Kirby Dedede Directory 67 - Shadow Kirby.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror and screenshots from Amazing Mirror, Kirby Fighters Deluxe, Kirby Star Allies, and Kirby Fighters 2. カービィ!またお前…ん?コイツは「シャドーカービィ」か!

『鏡の大迷宮』で登場した鏡の国の住人で、ちょこまかと現れるイタズラ好きなヤツだ。 コピー能力を使うことができ、最新作の『カービィファイターズ2』ではカービィと同じ能力で挑んでくるぞ! だが、残念だな!ヤツを倒すのはオレさまだ!

Kirby! You again... hm? Oh, this is "Shadow Kirby"!
This guy's a resident of the Mirror Land who appeared in Amazing Mirror - he loves to play pranks and is always running around when he shows up.
He can use Copy Abilities, and in the new game Kirby Fighters 2, he'll challenge Kirby with the same ability as him!
Well, too bad! The one to defeat him will be me!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png This confirms that the Shadow Kirbys featured in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror and the Kirby Fighters series are the same individual, which was previously a minor point of confusion.
Oct 14, 2020 Box Boxer Dedede Directory 68 - Box Boxer.jpg The image contains artwork from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror and Kirby: Squeak Squad, as well as some screenshots from these games. 『鏡の大迷宮』で初登場した「バウファイター」!

体が重そうに見えて意外と機敏に動き、長い耳を腕のように振って相手を殴ったり捕まえようとしたり、油断ならんヤツだぞ! この強さ、弟子がいるのもわかる気がするな。 オレさまも『カービィファイターズ2』参戦記念に、弟子の1人でもとってみるか?

This is "Box Boxer", who debuted in Amazing Mirror!
This guy's tricky, he is surprisingly fast for his size, and swings his long ears around like arms, trying to hit or catch his opponents!
With that sort of strength, he must have disciples as well, huh.
Well, to commemorate me joining the battles in Kirby Fighters 2, maybe I should try taking a disciple myself?

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png This post skipped a week from the previous one, presumably due to the introduction of the ongoing Kirby Fighters 2 segment. Later posts would be uploaded with similar delay.

The last paragraph seems to be a reference to Boxin, as one Amazing Mirror guidebook claims that Boxins are disciples of Box Boxer, and Boxin's Japanese name is a corruption of the Japanese word for "disciple".

Nov 11, 2020 Cupie Dedede Directory 69 - Cupie.jpg The image contains two screenshots and two pieces of artwork, one each from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror and Kirby: Squeak Squad. 今回は、『鏡の大迷宮』で登場した「アニー」の紹介だ!

登場作品が少なく、アニーからしか入手できない「エンジェル能力」は非常に珍しいといえるな! 実はコイツが放つハートの矢は、カービィでもすいこめない代物だ。 この矢が当たったらメロメロになってしまいそうだが…安心しろ、痛いだけだぞ!

This time I'm introducing "Cupie", who appeared in Amazing Mirror!
They only appear in a few titles, so you could say that the "Cupid Ability", which you can only obtain from Cupie, is pretty rare!
Actually, those heart arrows they shoot are the darndest thing, even Kirby can't inhale them.
You might think you'll turn all lovey-dovey if an arrow hits you, but... Don't worry, they just hurt you!

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Dec 9, 2020 Master Hand & Crazy Hand Dedede Directory 70 - Master Hand and Crazy Hand.jpg The image contains two screenshots from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror; one of Master Hand from Amazing Mirror's Boss Endurance, and one of Master Hand and Crazy Hand as a boss in Candy Constellation. It also contains artwork of Master Hand and Crazy Hand from Amazing Mirror, and artwork of Master Hand alone from Super Smash Bros. 宙に浮く不気味なボス「マスターハンド&クレイジーハンド」!

左右のコンビネーションで次々と技をくり出す厄介なヤツらだ。 中ボス戦で出会うマスターハンドからは、貴重な能力「スマブラ」が手に入るらしい。ちなみに…そいつは右手か?左手か? え~い、どっちかわからん!手のひらに名前を書け!

It's some creepy bosses that float in the air - "Master Hand & Crazy Hand"!
By combining left and right, these annoying fellas keep on attacking one after the other.
Apparently you can get the prized "Smash" ability from Master Hand when you face him in a mid-boss battle.
By the way... is he the right hand? Or the left?
Ugh, I can't tell which is which! Go write your names on your palms!

Twitter link Twitter favicon.png This is the first Dedede Directory post to use artwork that isn't from a Kirby game.
Dedede expresses confusion over which hand is which; Master Hand is the right hand, while Crazy Hand is the left.