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Star Coin

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Revision as of 06:26, 31 March 2022 by Aeon Hero (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia: added tidbit about Waddle Dees helping Kirby regain roughly half of his lost coins if he loses too many in a stage)
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Star Coin
KatFL Star Coin screenshot.png
Screenshot of a yellow Star Coin from Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Use Scoring, spending in Waddle Dee Town
Obtained Various points in stages, reward for various actions.
Game(s) Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Comparable to Point Star, Score Coin, Gem Apple
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Star Coins are objects which serve as a form of currency and a means of scoring in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. They take the place of Point Stars from previous main-series Kirby games, and have a similar appearance and function, though with the following key differences: Star Coins are not exchanged for 1-Ups (since 1-Ups do not exist in Kirby and the Forgotten Land), and instead are spent in Waddle Dee Town to obtain various things, and they do not cap off at 100, instead continuing to accumulate through the course of the game.

Star Coins can be found in a variety of places and earned via various actions, including the following:

  • Finding them out in the open or inside stage devices like containers, Pop Flowers, or foliage.
  • Obtaining them from defeated enemies.
  • Obtaining them from cages that previously held Waddle Dees.
  • Earning them for completing a stage in Wild Mode difficulty.
  • Obtaining them from using amiibo.
  • Obtaining them from Sub-Games.
  • Clearing target times in Treasure Road stages.
  • Finding them by searching around the World Map.


Kirby and a Blue Star Coin in Point of Arrival.

There are four main denominations of Star Coin, which are analogous to Point Stars in previous main-series titles, as follows:

  • Yellow - worth 1 point
  • Green - worth 5 points
  • Red - worth 10 points
  • Blue - worth 30 points

Additionally, piles of Star Coins can be found, which are worth varying amounts depending on their size and composition.

Spending Star Coins

Star Coins are spent in Waddle Dee Town on the following things:

Additionally, whenever Kirby is defeated, 100 Star Coins are subtracted from his total. When Kirby loses in the Colosseum, he can spend Star Coins to continue (the price increases for each subsequent defeat) and restart from the last battle, but the timer resumes from the time he was defeated. If Kirby loses in a Treasure Road stage then he will not lose any star coins, but will be forced to start over.


  • Collected Star Coins only add to Kirby's total if he completes the stage where he collected them. This rule also applies to deductions incurred by being KO'd, so if Kirby is KO'd multiple times in a single stage, it may be advisable for the player to restart the stage in order to get those coins back.
    • If Kirby does lose a lot of coins in a stage, then upon returning to Waddle Dee Town, a present will be waiting next to Kirby's House. If Kirby talks to Elfilin near this present, he will explain that the Waddle Dees will help Kirby regain "roughly half" of his lost coins if he loses too many.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese コインスター
Coin Star
German Sternmünze Star coin