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Magolor's Magical Skills

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Image of the Magolor's Magical Skills screen in Magolor Epilogue.
This article is about each of Magolor's upgradeable attacks and abilities. For the stages named after them, see Category:Stages in Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler.

Magolor's Magical Skills are a mechanic in Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe that allow Magolor to enhance his abilities. There are twelve different skills Magolor can get with some needing to be unlocked through collecting Fruit Fragments. The twelve skills include: Magic Sphere, Upward Magic Sphere, Levitation, Health, Magic Barrier, Trickery, Magic Bomb, Magolor Surge, Magolor Cannon, Deadly Needles, Dimensional Vanish, and Black Hole. While most of the skills are attacks to increase Magolor's combo, some are more utility based such as Health and Levitation. Magolor starts the game with only his Magic Sphere attacks for damage, but he unlocks the rest through progression, allowing for more combo potential. At the start he also has access to Levitation, Health, Magic Barrier, and Trickery, but he does not gain many other utility skills throughout the game.

Magolor's skills are not very powerful upon gaining them, but they can be enhanced through the use of Magic Points. All skills may be leveled up at least once, but also have a max level that increases once the Rampaging Doomers are defeated. Each level-up takes a higher amount of Magic Points than the last, but Magolor will be able to get higher combos throughout the game with these upgrades. Most skills do not level up with linear progression (such as making an attack deal more damage each time), but instead upgrade different aspects of the power, such as gaining a new attack and increasing range of an attack. Trickery in particular has a different effect for each level up, sometimes increase movement speed or increasing the combo time. If certain skills are upgraded enough, they can also unlock challenge stages where Magolor must use the enhanced ability.

List of Skills

Magolor has a variety of skills he can use and upgrade. The following sections include all of these upgrades and skills in detail. Upgrades in italics are only obtainable after defeating the Rampaging Doomers.

Magic Sphere

Magolor uses his Magic Sphere to hit a switch.

Magic Sphere is Magolor's default attack, used by just pressing the B button. It starts out as a single small sphere with low damage and range, but it can be upgraded to travel further, and to be able to use Revolution Flame, which is a charged version of the attack. It starts as having a maximum of six upgrades, but after defeating the Rampaging Doomers it gets nine possible upgrades. The following is a list of upgrades Magic Sphere can gain.

Magic Sphere upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor fires a small, quick-moving sphere that travels a small distance before disappearing.
"I can still attack whatever's in front of me with a ball of magic. It's a start...'"
Unlocked from the start of the game.
Use three attacks in a row
50 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Allows Magolor to fire three magic spheres in a row, allowing for higher combo potential.
"What if I could unleash up to 3 attacks in a row? That might help me get my powers back a little quicker."
Opens the Ordeal Door to Aerogree Dimension - Magic Sphere Stage.
Increased attack range
200 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
The magic spheres travel a slight bit farther, with the third sphere in the combo traveling even farther than the other two.
"If my attacks could travel farther, distant enemies would become easy targets!"
Revolution Orbs attack
800 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor gains a new move, Revolution Orbs which can used by pressing and holding B, then reasing the button. The attack has three small orbs swirl around each other which can hit multiple enemies multiple times.
"If I charge up my attacks, I could unleash Revolution Orbs (press and hold B, then release). Now we're talkin'!"
Decreased Revolution Orbs charge time
1900 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Makes the Revolution Orbs charge time slightly shorter.
"Aha! I should make the charge time for my Revolution Orbs (press and hold B, then release) shorter! I'm so smart.
Revolution Flame attack
2800 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Adds a new attack, Revolution Flame which allows Magolor to fire an attack with flaming spheres by pressing and holding B and waiting even longer before releasing. This attack has flaming orbs swirl around each other in a quick manner that combos everything in its path. It has a large charge time though.
"If I keep charging, I could make a Revolution Flame (hold B even longer before releasing) that melts ice...and torches marshmallows."
More range
2800 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor fires the Magic Spheres much longer distances, allowing it to hit faraway enemies.
"If I make my attacks fly way farther, then nothing will be able to stand (directly) in my way!"
Shorter Revolution Flame charge time
2800 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Makes the charge time for the Revolution Flame attack much shorter.
"What my Revolution Flame (hold B even longer before releasing) could really use now is a shorter charge time..."
More powerful Revolution Flame
3000 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
The Revolution Flame gets much large and faster, giving it the ability to hit most things on the screen.
"I bet I could make my Revolution Flame (hold B even longer before releasing) waaay more powerful. That would really heat things up."
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but there's plenty of potential. I'll throw some ideas out there and see what happens..."
"So much power! This attack might even be a match for a certain spherical someone..."

Upward Magic Sphere

Magolor uses Upward Magic Sphere to destroy some Star Blocks.

This attack is very similar to Magic Sphere, but it instead goes upward instead of forward. Despite being so similar, the two upgrades follow different upgrade paths, and can be used together for different combos. At the start of the game, the upgrades only go up to level four, but after beating the Rampaging Doomers it gets six. The following is a list of upgrades Upward Magic Sphere can gain.

Upward Magic Sphere upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor fires a small shock above himself that has very little range. This attack is nearly useless until it is upgraded due to the short range and small combo potential.
"Attacking upward...the mark of true power."
Unlocked from the start of the game.
More range
50 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor fires the sphere farther, allowing it to hit enemies above him much easier.
"If I make my attacks fly higher, I'll be able to hit things that are waaay up above me."
Two spheres instead of one
300 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor fires two spheres instead of one for the attack, meaning the combo meter goes up by two for each hit.
"I know! I'll unleash 2 upward attacks at once. Double the damage and doubly as devious."
Upward Revolution Flame attack
1800 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
By holding B and then releasing, Magolor will fire some flaming orbs that travel upward before stopping to swirl around each other and explode allowing for huge combo potential,
"Attacking above me with Upward Revolution Flame (Up + press and hold B, then release) would be super handy. I do like to aim high..."
Required to open the Ordeal Door to Pyred Dimension - Upward Magic Sphere Stage.

Unlike the regular Magic Sphere upgrades, this path completely skips the Revolution Orbs attack and goes straight to Revolution Flame.
More range
2000 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Makes the range of Upward Magic Sphere attacks higher, allowing them to travel further before disappearing.
"Hm. I should make my attacks fly even higher. With my skill, they might keep soaring forever!"
More powerful Upward Revolution Flame
2500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Upward Revolution Flame becomes extremely strong, gaining another swirling ball with increased speed and range.
"If I made my Upward Revolution Flame (Up + press and hold B, then release) a TON more skies would be safe from me!"
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but I'll come up with something eventually. Just have to think uppity thoughts..."
"So much power! I could use this to attack and rule over a floating kingdom in the sky...if I wanted to, that is."


Magolor uses his levitation to get past some fire balls.

Levitation is Magolor's ability to fly. This allows Magolor to jump over larger gaps and dodge enemy attacks. This is one of the few linear upgrade paths in the game, with each upgrade just being more flight time with varying increases. The maximum amount of levels Levitation gets at the start of the game is four, with it being able to go up to six after defeating the Rampaging Doomers. The following is a list of upgrades Levitation can gain.

Levitation upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor can fly a very short distance before floating down. He gains almost no height from the flight.
"Awww! I can't fly anymore? I can still glide a little bit,'s just not the same."
Unlocked from the start of the game.
Slightly increased flight time
150 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Allows Magolor to fly a tiny bit farther than before, acting as almost a double jump instead of a fly.
"If I can just fly for a little while, then I'll be able to cross some of the bigger gaps."
Required to open the Ordeal Door to Aerogree Dimension - Levitation Stage.
Increases flight time by quite a bit
500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Allows Magolor to fly for quite a while, allowing him to recover from most falls and get up most platforms.
"A bit more flight time should help me reach those extra-high places. Then I'd really be gettin' somewhere!"
Increases flight time by quite a bit
1300 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Increases flight time by enough to traverse all regular obstacles in stages without too much concern.
"What if I could fly for even longer? Then I could float my way back up if I start to fall down a hole. That'd be fantastic!"
Increases flight time by a lot
1300 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Increases flight time to be enough to get almost anywhere in the game that Magolor wishes.
"I’m not gonna turn down even MORE time flying. There'd be no gap I couldn't cross!"
Infinite flight time
1500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor can stay in the air forever using this upgrade.
"With a last little boost, I could stay in the air forever! Yes! Magolor’s almost back, baby!"
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but I'm definitely not done yet. Just need to get my head out of the clouds..."
"So much power! I'm finally flying high again! Now I can soar through endless skies friends..."


Image of Magolor's health bar at level 5.

Health is the most basic and linear skill in the game, only consisting of an increase in Magolor's health stat by about 1/5th of the health bar each upgrade. Magolor's maximum health starts at about half of the health bar, but can be increased to have a whole extra health bar over the first health bar. This is indicated by a green health bar over Magolor's original blue health bar. The maximum levels before defeating the Rampaging Doomer is six, but it is increased to nine once they are defeated. The following is a list of upgrades Health can gain.

Health upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Health Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor's starting health is a little less than half the health bar.
"I don't have a lot of health, so I'll have to be careful not to get hit. Maaan, losing powers is no fun..."
Unlocked from the start of the game.
Health increase
50 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor's health increases to be about 3/5ths of the health bar.
"I should have a little more health. Then it'll be harder for enemies to take me down."
Health increase
250 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor's health increases to about 5/6ths of the health bar.
"Having even more health would really come in handy if I get surrounded."
Required to open the Ordeal Door to Aerogree Dimension - Health Stage.
Health increase
600 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Gives Magolor a full, blue health bar.
"Even more health? All this hard work is really paying off!"
Gives Magolor his first full health bar.
Health increase
1600 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Gives Magolor the start of his extra green health bar which is about a 1/5th of his regular health bar.
"What if I had—just spitballing here—even more health? Then strong enemies wouldn't stand a chance against me!"
Starts Magolor's second health bar.
Health increase
2500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor's second health bar increases to about 2/5ths of his normal health bar.
"There's still room to have even more health. I want to be as tough as they come!"
Health increase
2500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor's second health bar increases to about 3/5ths of his normal health bar.
"I'll never turn down a chance to have even more health. Being unstoppable is fun!"
Health increase
2500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor's second health bar becomes very close to reaching the same amount as his normal health bar.
"I suppose I could have even more health...I mean, what's the downside?"
Health increase
3000 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor finally gets the double health bar he has been trying to obtain for so long.
"Should I have even more health? Only if I want to make sure I never lose again…sooo, yes. Hee hee!"
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but there must be a way to make me even tougher! Just need the right idea to hit me..."
"So much power! I've surpassed my own limits. Surprising, considering how things were going before... Guess I'm a real tough guy now!"

Magic Barrier

Magolor uses the Magic Barrier to avoid damage from some Gordos.

Magic Barrier allows Magolor to block attacks (L/R) without taking damage. Level one of the skill gives Magolor a very weak block which still makes him take a bit of damage when hit. The second level gives Magolor a barrier that lets him avoid damage which becomes the level one block after five hits. The third level is unlocked after defeating the Rampaging Doomers, and it gives Magolor's barrier a counter attack when hit. This is one of the few skills in the game to have only a few levels, as it starts with one upgrade and only gains a new one late into the game. This upgrade is definitely important though, as using Magolor's block without the upgrade can be dangerous, and can sometimes lead to even more damage taken if not blocked. The following is a list of upgrades Magic Barrier can gain.

Magic Barrier upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor uses a very weak block that still makes him take damage even while using it.
"I can guard against enemy attacks but it still kinda hurts a bit when they hit. Ow..."
Unlocked from the start of the game.
Magic Barrier obtained
1100 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor gains a Magic Barrier which fully protects him from five attacks until breaking which becomes his normal, weak guard again.
"I'll conjure a Magic Barrier (L/R). If an enemy attacks that, I won't get hurt at all!"
Required for unlocking a Ordeal Door to Poseiblu Dimension - Magic Barrier Stage.
Magic Counter attack
1500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor gains the ability to use Magic Counter, which deals damage to enemies that attack him while he uses Magic Barrier.
"I’ll cast Magic Counter too. Then if my Magic Barrier gets attacked, it’ll attack back. Way to stand up for yourself, Magic Barrier!"
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but my barriers could definitely be even stronger. Just need to get past this creative block..."
"So much power! Now I can protect everything I care about...and everyone else too, I guess."


Magolor can upgrade Trickery to drop food from defeated enemies, as seen here.

Trickery is the most unique of every skill, as it does not focus on one specific thing to upgrade, but instead upgrades something different almost every time it is leveled up. Most of these upgrades buff Magolor's basic skills, such as movement speed or combo time. This makes Trickery usually one of the most useful skills to upgrade because of the many uses it can have. Trickery's max level starts at six, but goes up to nine once the Rampaging Doomers are defeated. The following is a list of upgrades Trickery can gain.

Trickery upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
"Me? Get up to my sneaky, dirty tricks again? I would never...unless no one is looking."
Unlocked from the start of the game.
Combo time extension
600 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Increases the amount of time before a combo ends.
"Maybe I could extend how long it takes before my combos end. That would make it easier to perform them...and I'd feel a little cooler too."
Food from enemies
1200 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Gives a chance for enemies to drop food items when defeated by Magolor.
"Oh! What if food sometimes appears after I defeat an enemy? That'd really help me keep my health up!"
Better movement speed
2600 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Increases Magolor's walk and run speed by a little bit.
"I suppose I could walk and run a little bit faster...I'm a busy guy, after all."
Combo time extension
3000 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Increases the amount time before a combo ends.
"If I had a LOT more time before my combos ended, I could score some seriously big numbers!"
More invincibility frames after taking damage
3500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Increases Magolor's invincibility time after taking damage from an enemy.
"Being invincible for a while after I take damage would fool so many enemies. Their confused faces... Oh, now I'm giggling! Hee hee hee!"
Required to unlock an Ordeal Door to Locandra Dimension - Trickery Stage.
More Magic Energy
3500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor obtains Magic Energy more quickly allowing him to use Magolor Cannon and Black Hole more often.
"Being able to earn more Magic Energy would let me unleash my Magolor Cannon and Black Hole spells more often!"
More food from enemies
3500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Food appears more often from enemies.
"Having food appear more often when an enemy is defeated would make things a LOT less stressful for me. Gotta look out for myself!"
More Magic Energy
5586 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Even more Magic Energy is earned from enemies, allowing for even more uses of Magolor Cannon and Black Hole.
"Earning even more Magic Energy means even more Magolor Cannons and Black Holes. Look out, enemies! You’re about to have a bad day."
This is the most expensive upgrade in the entire game, and is also a reference to HAL Laboratory.
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but there's still more room for Trickery. Just need to think up new kinds of trouble to cause..."
"So much power! With mischief this mighty, I could create an entire amusement park full of fun attractions and devious challenges..."

Magic Bomb

Magolor uses some Magic Bombs to destroy a bomb block.

Magic Bomb is the first unlocked skill Magolor gets, obtained by beating Magolor Epilogue - Opening Stage. This gives Magolor the ability to throw bombs beneath himself. These bombs explode after a while, or on contact with an enemy. The upgrades of Magic Bomb let Magolor create more bombs, and even let him conjure larger ones too. These bombs are very good for combos early in the game, but they become less useful later when Magolor gets more abilities. Magic Bomb's max level starts at four, but it is increased to six once the Rampaging Doomers are defeated. The following is a list of upgrades Magic Bomb can gain.

Magic Bomb upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor conjures a Magic Bomb with his hand which fall to the ground and explodes after a while.
"Thank badness, I can still make bombs with my magic. They even wait before exploding!"
Unlocked after beating Magolor Epilogue - Opening Stage.
Large blast
200 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
The Magic Bombs gain a larger blast radius than before, allowing it to hit through some walls.
"What if I made the blasts from my bombs a bit bigger? I might even hit things through walls."
Two bombs at once
500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor throws two bombs instead of one, both at different angles. If enemies are close enough to Magolor, he can use this to get a decent combo by having them both hit the same enemy.
"Maybe I could unleash 2 bombs at once...Why not? I can always conjure more, and blasting stuff is fun!"
Required to unlock an Ordeal Door to Pyred Dimension - Magic Bomb Stage.
Mighty Magic Bomb attack
2200 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor can use the Mighty Magic Bomb attack, which lets him throw a giant bomb that creates a large blast when exploding.
"Creating Mighty Magic Bombs (Up, then Down + B) would be fun…and so would watching my enemies try to enemies try to escape the blast! Hee hee!"
Three bombs at once
2200 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor throws three bombs instead of two, all at different angles in front of him.
"Unleashing 3 bombs at once? Sure, why not! That would blast all of my enemies in one go. Hee hee!"
More powerful Mighty Magic Bomb
2500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
The Mighty Magic Bombs become extremely powerful. They explode and release exploding shockwaves that combo enemies
"If I make my Mighty Magic Bombs (Up, then Down + B) a TON more powerful, it’ll be way harder for enemies to get away from their explosions!"
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but there must be ways to make it stronger... Normally, I'd be bursting with ideas!"
"So much power! Feels like I've perfected my pyrotechnics. This much firepower could make for a flashy fireworks show in the future..."

Magolor Surge

Magolor uses Magolor Surge to get though a gate.

Magolor Surge is possibly one of the best combo tools available to Magolor. It allows Magolor to dash quickly with a windy effect while catching and dealing damage to enemies in his path. Its upgrades allow it to be used multiple times in a row, allowing for even more combo potential. It is obtained after defeating Electricky Dooter. Before defeating the Rampaging Doomers, the max level is four, but once they are defeated the max level goes up to six. The following is a list of upgrades Magolor Surge can gain.

Magolor Surge upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor uses a very short version of Magolor Surge that gives him a quick burst of speed, but does not last very long.
"My Dash is still strong enough to hurt enemies and put out fires. Phew!"
Unlocked after defeating Electricky Dooter.
Increases dash distance
500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Increases the distance that the dash travels, hitting enemies for longer and allowing for a higher combo.
"Dashing a longer distance would make it much easier to hit enemies…and help me get my powers back a bit faster."
Required to unlock an Ordeal Door to Pyred Dimension - Magolor Surge Stage.
Extra dash
1500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor can use a second dash during his first, comboing enemies even more.
"I should try to activate a second Magolor Surge while I’m already in the middle of one. That would really speed this whole thing up."
Surge Burst attack
2800 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor can use Surge Burst which allows him to explode during Magolor Surge, launching enemies.
"I bet I could add on a Surge Burst (A during a Magolor Surge). First I’ll ram ‘em, then I’ll slam ‘em. Hee hee hee…"
Another extra dash + Directional dashes
2800 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor can use three dashes in a row, and can change his direction anywhere in-between dashes.
"Doing 3 Magolor Surges in a row sounds like a pretty good idea. I bet I could aim it in a few new directions too!"
Stronger Magolor Surge
3000 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor Surge becomes much stronger, letting it hit enemies from farther away.
"Y'know what ? I think I’ll treat myself to a waaay stronger Magolor Surge (Dash + B). Then I’ll tackle a bunch of enemies all at once!"
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but I'm close to figuring it out... Feels like my mind is racing!"
"So much power! I'm so fast it's frightening. There's no danger I can't outrun now...except the kind I cause myself, I suppose. Hee hee."

Magolor Cannon

Magolor uses his Magolor Cannon to clear the way while comboing some enemies as a bonus.

Magolor Cannon is the first of the two attacks in the game to require the Magic Meter, which is covered later in this article. This attack allows Magolor to fire a giant laser beam which combos all enemies that are hit many times before launching them away. This attack is best used in an area with a lot of enemies, as there Magolor can get the most value out of the attack. This attack does require a full Magic Meter to use, however. This skill only gets a few upgrades in the game, and is unlocked once Electricky Dooter is defeated. It starts with a max of two levels, but it increases to three once the Rampaging Doomers are defeated. The following is a list of upgrades Magolor Cannon can gain.

Magolor Cannon upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor fires a cannon which destroys and combos everything in its path.
"With one attack, I can wipe out every enemy in front of me. As soon as I’ve stored up enough Magic Energy, it’ll be time to cut loose!"
Unlocked after defeating Electricy Dooter.
More hits
2200 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
The cannon gains the ability to hit enemies more, allowing for even higher combos.
"Maybe I could squeeze a few more hits in when I fire my Magolor Cannon. Then my enemies will definitely know what hit ‘em… Me!"
Required to unlock an Ordeal Door to Locandra Dimension - Magolor Cannon Stage.
Bigger Magolor Cannon
2500 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor Cannon becomes much larger, allowing it to hit even more enemies at once.
"I should make my Magolor Cannon HUGE. That would knock out any enemies that dare to stand in my way! Or in front of me, at least."
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but there's room to grow. Just have to maintain a cannon-do attitude!"
"So much power! With an attack this fierce, I could be a big, bad boss again...maaaybe..."

Deadly Needles

Magolor uses Deadly Needles to hit some bomb blocks.

Deadly Needles is one of the harder to use attacks in Magolor's skill set. It requires the use of the Down, Up, and B input, which can be difficult to pull off in a pinch. It can, however be useful againsted bosses, especially ones that are mostly stationary. The needles themselves will hit enemies multiple times before disappearing, allowing for a little bit of combo potential. Deadly Needles are unlocked after defeating Fiery Puffer for the first time. Its starting max level is four, but is increased to six once the Rampaging Doomers are defeated. The following is a list of upgrades Deadly Needles can gain.

Deadly Needles upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor summons a small, purple needle on both of his sides from the ground.
"I can use my magic to summon spikes that pop out of the ground and pierce enemies. They’ll even linger for a while! That’ll come in handy"
Unlocked after defeating Fiery Puffer.
Large size
300 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Increases the size of the Deadly Needles, making it easier to hit enemies.
"Deadly Needles are cool and all, but even bigger Deadly Needles would make it easier to hit enemies. I like the sound of that…"
Double Deadly Needles attack
600 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
By charging Deadly Needles, Magolor can use the Double Deadly Needles attack which summons an additional large needle on both sides of himself.
"I should summon Double Deadly Needles (Up Down + press and hold B, then release). Twice the chance to get my point across!"
Required to open an Ordeal Door to Poseiblu Dimension - Deadly Needles Stage.
Shorter Double Deadly Needles charge time
1800 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Shortens the charge time for the Double Deadly Needles attack.
"I’ll shorten the charge time for Double Deadly Needles (Up Down + press and hold B, then release). They’re just too fun!"
Bigger Deadly Needles
1800 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor’s Deadly Needles become even larger. They can hit even more enemies.
"Yep! I’m gonna make my Deadly Needles even bigger. I’m talkin’ huge!"
Double Deadly Needles Deluxe attack
2000 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor gains the attack, Double Deadly Needles Deluxe which summons four needles on both sides of Magolor for a total of eight needles which get larger the farther they are out from Magolor.
"It’s time for…Double Deadly Needles Deluxe (Up Down + hold B extra long before releasing)! Fresh kebabs, comin’ right up! Hee hee."
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but it definitely could be stronger. Just need to point myself in the right direction..."
"So much power! I never imagined such a spike in the strength of my, uh, spikes. I could use this to take over all the terrain I want!"

Dimensional Vanish

Magolor uses Dimensional Vanish to get some Magic Points.

Dimensional Vanish is a very useful tool to have. Before being obtained, Magolor has a regular air dodge like every other character - with Dimensional Vanish Magolor can move during the air dodge and gain large amounts of invincibility, but if used too often before touching the ground, the move will let him stay invisible for less and less time. In combination with Magic Barrier, Magolor can dodge most attacks with these two skills alone. This is a skill that can only be upgraded a few times, as it only starts with one upgrade going up to two, but it gets a max of three upgrades once the Rampaging Doomers are defeated. The following is a list of upgrades Dimensional Vanish can gain.

Dimensional Vanish upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor gains a short version of Dimensional Vanish, which only lasts about a second, but can still get him somewhere if used.
"Sneaking around invisibly AND passing through certain walls? Don't mind if I do!"
Unlocked after defeating Fiery Puffer.
Longer lasting Dimensional Vanish
2100 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Magolor can disappear for longer, allowing for more time to get away from attacks.
"What if I stay hidden for even longer? Hee hee! I'm so sneaky!"
Required to open an Ordeal Door to Poseiblu Dimension - Dimensional Vanish Stage.
Easier to hit enemies
2200 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Makes it easier to hit enemies when coming out of Dimensional Vanish. It is difficult to combo out of this, however, so Magolor must be careful if he wishes to combo.
"Aha! I bet I can make it easier to damage enemies when I reappear. First I’ll hide, then I’ll hit ‘em with an explosion!"
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but if it was even more powerful...then I could, um... Oh, shoot. Thought just vanished."
"So much power! Better stop here. If this attack gets any stronger, I could end up warping to other worlds! Ooo, scary."

Black Hole

Magolor uses a Black Hole to suck up some blocks for a key.

Black Hole is the final skill obtained in Magolor Epilogue, being obtained after the defeat of Hydriath. To use it, it requires the use of a full Magic Meter, and is the second of the two skills to use the Magic Meter. When Black Hole is used, it hits all enemies around itself and combos them many times. This can be used instead of Magolor Cannon in many cases when there are not many enemies in a straight line, but there are instead enemies grouped across a vertical space. Black Hole is not directly better than Magolor Cannon, but is just an alternative that can be used instead in some scenarios. Black Hole only gets a single upgrade when first unlocked, meaning its max level is two. This goes up to three when the Rampaging Doomers are defeated, however. The following is a list of upgrades Black Hole can gain.

Black Hole upgrades in Magolor Epilogue  
Upgrade Level Cost Description Quote Notes
Base skill
Magolor summons the Black Hole which combos everything around it, and also sucks up certain blocks.
"If I store up enough Magic Energy, this attack can pull in any enemies around me. It’ll suck up special blocks too. Practical and powerful!"
Unlocked after defeating Hydriath.
Hits more times
2900 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
The Black Hole hits more often, allowing for higher combos.
"I bet I could fit a lot more hits into each attack with this move. Any enemies that get sucked up would have a reeeal bad time…hee hee."
Required to open an Ordeal Door to Locandra Dimension - Black Hole Stage.
Larger Black Hole
3000 KRtDLD Magic Point sprite.png
Black Hole becomes even larger, allowing it to hit more enemies.
"If I make my Black Hole attacks super huge, no will be able to escape me! Muahaha!"
Other quotes
"I can't boost this any further for now, but there are definitely ways to make it stronger. Too many ideas swirling around..."
"So much power! If this attack gets any hungrier, it might slurp up entire dimensions!"

Magic Meter

Sprite of the Magic Meter flask found in some areas.

The Magic Meter is obtained after the defeat of Electricky Dooter, and is used for two skills. Magolor can fill the Magic Meter by defeating enemies, and also by finding containers throughout the game that increase the meter to max when collected. The Magic Meter is used by two skills: Magolor Cannon and Black Hole. Magolor can upgrade Trickery to make his Magic Meter fill up more when enemies are defeated, allowing for more uses of Magolor Cannon and Black Hole. Magolor can check how full the Magic Meter is at all times by pressing X if it is not full.

Full move list

The following is a table of every move Magolor will learn if he has every skill maxed out.

Magolor's Moveset in Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler  
Skill Button Execution Skill Button Execution
A in Midair
Double Deadly Needles Deluxe
↓↑ + hold B even longer before releasing
Magic Sphere
Press and release B
Magolor Cannon
X with full Magic Energy
Upward Magic Sphere
↑ + B
Black Hole
↑ + X with full Magic Energy
Revolution Orbs
Hold B briefly before releasing
Magic Barrier
Magic Bomb
↓ + B
Magic Counter
Gets attacked during Magic Barrier
Mighty Magic Bomb
↑, then ↓ + B
Magolor Surge
Dash + B
Revolution Flame
Hold B even longer before releasing
Magolor Surge Stream
During Magolor Surge, + B (2 times max)
Upward Revolution Flame
↑ + press and hold B, then release
Surge Burst
A during Magolor Surge
Deadly Needles
↓↑ + tap B
Dimensional Vanish
L/R in midair
Double Deadly Needles
↓↑ + hold B briefly before releasing



Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese マホロアきょう
Mahoroa Kyōka
Magolor's Enhancements
Dutch Magolors magie Magolor's magic
Portuguese Talentos mágicos de Magolor Magolor's magic talents