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Mecha Knight

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Mecha Knight
KPR Mecha Knight.png
Mecha Knight, as he appears just after activation.
First game Kirby: Planet Robobot (2016)
Latest game Kirby Battle Royale (2017, reference)
Copy Abilities Bomb (missiles)
Relative(s) Meta Knight, Mecha Knight+
Similar to Stock Mecha Knight, Metal General
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Let me tell you a story. Not long ago, I met someone who impressed me very much. He was strong and full of confidence... A knight of the highest order. I was so impressed... I gave him a complete remodel! And I hired him as a company security guard. Heehee! I wonder what you'll make of him? Please allow me to present... Model #M-7110. Mecha Knight... ENGAGE!
— Susie in Kirby: Planet Robobot

Mecha Knight is a Boss fought in Kirby: Planet Robobot, appearing as the boss of Gigabyte Grounds. He is Meta Knight, but has been subdued, mechanized and taken over by the Haltmann Works Company to do their bidding. He wields a laser Galaxia, and possesses several robotic upgrades and implements, including jet wings, missile launchers and a laser eyepiece.


During his introduction, Mecha Knight is brought in by Susie to deal with Kirby at the end of Gigabyte Grounds. She speaks of him as if he were merely a security guard hired and upgraded by the company. She claims he is Model #M-7110. After his activation, she leaves the scene using her helicopter unit, and Mecha Knight is forced to battle with Kirby. Even when the fight has concluded, Kirby does not appear to recognize Mecha Knight for who he really is, since his mask does not break.

Mecha Knight is also fought in The Arena.

Upgrade Models[edit]

Mecha Knight+[edit]

Main article: Mecha Knight+

Meta Knight is not freed yet after being defeated as Mecha Knight in Gigabyte Grounds. He is recycled by the Haltmann Works Co. and upgraded into Mecha Knight+, fought in President Haltmann's office inside Access Ark. When Mecha Knight+ is also defeated by Kirby, Meta Knight is finally freed from control, and will help Kirby fight Star Dream with his newly repaired battleship Halberd.

Stock Mecha Knight[edit]

Main article: Stock Mecha Knight

In Meta Knightmare Returns, rather than having Meta Knight fight himself in Gigabyte Grounds, he instead fights a mass-produced replica known as Stock Mecha Knight. This synthetic robot is the equivalent of Mecha Knight 2.0, and is equipped with the same giant claw of Mecha Knight+. Thus, this model can use both the movesets of Mecha Knight and Mecha Knight+, and Meta Knight does not have to fight Mecha Knight+ in Access Ark.

It is also fought by Kirby in The True Arena.

Boss Battle[edit]

The sword fighter from Popstar who single-handedly took on the army of Haltmann Works Co. He was defeated and turned into a cyborg soldier who's been programmed to attack Kirby.
— Vs. Mecha Knight Pause Screen description in Kirby: Planet Robobot (American English)
The warrior from Planet Popstar who tried to single-handedly take on the army of Haltmann Works Co. He was defeated and turned into a cyborg soldier programmed to attack Kirby.
— vs Mecha Knight Pause Screen description in Kirby: Planet Robobot (British English)

The following lists all of Mecha Knight's attacks in Kirby: Planet Robobot. Most attack names are taken from Japanese strategy guides while others are derived from other sources or are conjectural.

Throughout the battle, Mecha Knight may take a guarding stance. Any attacks that hit him during this pose deal no damage.

Attacks - Phase 1  
Attack Description
Overhead Slash
Mecha Knight throws out a quick strike with his sword, with very little forewarning.
Triple Slash
Mecha Knight slashes three times with his sword, leaving a star after finishing the third slash. In the second phase, Mecha Knight can immediately follow it up with a Multisword Attack.
Drill Stab
Mecha Knight thrusts his sword a good distance, leaving a star in front of him when the attack concludes.
Up Thrust
Mecha Knight quickly thrusts his sword upward, only if Kirby is above him at the time.
Down Thrust
Mecha Knight leaps into the air, then thrusts his sword downward, leaving stars when he impacts the ground.
Spin Slash
Mecha Knight charges up, then releases a powerful spin attack that can catch his opponent in the motion and leaves four stars when finishing. If Kirby is airborne during the charge up, Mecha Knight spins in the air instead of staying grounded à la Twister Slash.
Multisword Attack
Mecha Knight spins his sword in a fan-like motion, then finishes off by firing a Crescent Shot from it straight forward, leaving two stars when the attack concludes.
Spinning Beam Sword
Mecha Knight jumps through the air, and performs a quick spinning sword strike. He can continue spinning until he lands, leaving a star as he does.
Final Beam Sword
Mecha Knight jumps with a continuous vertical spinning slash. When he lands, his sword sends out a shockwave that travels across the floor. This is very similar to an attack possessed by Galacta Knight.
Crescent Beam Shot
Mecha Knight charges up and then throws out a Crescent Shot that travels across the stage and leaves a star on impact.
Shoulder Launcher
Mecha Knight leaps into the air, then fires two missiles from his launchers that home in on the location Kirby stood at before the first one gets fired. These can be swallowed for the Bomb ability.
Eye Beam
Mecha Knight fires a series of five lasers from his eyepiece. The last three leave stars on impact with the ground.
Spark Tornado Attack
Mecha Knight spins into a tornado, then flies off into the background. From there, he aims for his opponent and attempts to ram his target, leaving two stars as he passes. After this, he spins back down in a wave pattern from the top of the stage, leaving four more stars when he lands.
Thunder Tornado
Mecha Knight charges up, then thrusts its sword into the ground, creating a wall of lightning that travels across the stage, leaving stars as it goes, before eventually dissipating.

When Mecha Knight is knocked down to half health, he intensifies his attacks, using new weapons and techniques.

Additional attacks - Phase 2  
Attack Description
Plasma Walk
Mecha Knight moves to the center of the arena and charges a large electric field around himself, which will hurt Kirby if he gets too close. As he walks towards Kirby, he leaves behind harmful electric conflagrations that eventually fizzle and offer up stars. After a short time, Mecha Knight will stop, and the electric field will burst, leaving behind plenty of stars.
Shoulder Launcher
Mecha Knight leaps into the air, then fires four missiles from his launchers that home in on the location Kirby stood at before the first one gets fired. These can be swallowed for the Bomb ability.
He may do this a second time after repositioning.
Mega Eye Beam
From the center of the stage, Mecha Knight charges up and fires four large lasers upwards from his eyepiece. Each one leaves a star behind. Afterwards, Mecha Knight flies off the stage, and causes debris to fall on Kirby in three waves. The larger pieces leave stars on impact.
Eye Beam
Mecha Knight fires a series of six lasers from his eyepiece. Three of them leave stars on impact.
He may do this a second time after re-positioning.
3D Eye Beam[conjectural title] Mecha Knight charges up, then releases a continuous laser from his eyepiece. This laser zooms across the area, grazing the camera and sweeping across the stage, leaving two stars on the other side of the battleground.
Thunder Tornado
Mecha Knight charges up, then thrusts his sword into the ground, creating a wall of lightning that travels across the stage, leaving stars as it goes. It is impossible to dodge the attack unless Kirby gets behind Mecha Knight during the charge-up.
Crescent Beam Shot
Mecha Knight charges up and then throws out three Crescent Shots that travel across the stage, leave stars on impact and home in towards Kirby's current positioning.

Upon his defeat, Mecha Knight's jets malfunction, causing him to crash. He gets up, staggers, and falls backward into a chasm, exploding. This leaves Kirby to do his dance, and proceed to the next area.

For information concerning the battle with Mecha Knight+ later in the game, see Mecha Knight+.

Other appearances[edit]

The Mecha Knight Mask in Kirby Battle Royale
This headgear is based on a certain cyborg look. Looks tough!
— Mecha Knight Mask description from Kirby Battle Royale


  • Mecha Knight's model number, M-7110, is a pun on Meta Knight's pronunciation in Japanese. A similar case occurs with Dedede Clone.
    • M = Meta
    • 7 (na) + 1 (i) + 10 (to) = Naito (Knight)


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese メタナイトボーグ
Meta Naito Bōgu
Meta Knight Borg
French Méca-Knight Mecha Knight
German Mecha-Knight Mecha Knight
Italian Mecha Knight -
Korean 메타 나이트 보그
Meta Naiteu Bogeu
Meta Knight Borg
Russian Механайт[1]
Mecha Knight
Analogous to the spelling of Meta Knight (Метанайт)
Spanish Meca Knight Mecha Knight
