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Official artwork of Tiff in Kirby: Right Back At Ya!
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Tiff (フーム Fumu) is a main character of the anime Kirby: Right Back At Ya!. She is the eldest daughter of King Dedede's Cabinet Minister, Sir Ebrum, and Sir Ebrum's wife, Lady Like. She lives with her parents and younger brother, Tuff, in Castle Dedede. Tiff is one of Kirby's closest allies and is mentored by Meta Knight.


Tiff is a young girl of an unknown alien species about twice Kirby's height. Her skin is pale yellow, as is her long hair which she keeps in a tight ponytail held by purple and orange beads. She always wears a one-piece outfit which is pink on the top and green on the bottom, separated by a zigzag pattern that she uses frequently to decorate her belongings. She has green eyes that makes her look angry or bored even when she isn't, something that is sometimes pointed out by other characters.

Neither Tiff nor her family are Cappies. The only similarity between them is the yellow skin color. Other than that, the design of their heads, eyes, and limbs are completely different.


Tiff is best known for her intelligence and short temper. She loves to read, learn, and teach. Her favorite subject is marine biology, and she has a large collection of seashells. She also enjoys archeology, and often joins Curio in his research. Despite her intelligence and maturity for her age, she can still be naive and idealistic, reflective of her youth and inexperience.

She's very interested in the environment and Dream Land in general. She's very proud of her home, and nothing annoys her more than when people like Dedede try to ruin it.

Growing up constantly having to deal with Dedede and his tricks has made her suspicious of all his actions- but to her credit, she's usually right to question him.


  • Kirby: Tiff is the first person that Kirby meets after crashing on Pop Star. She had hoped Kirby would be a tall, dashing knight when she first heard about him, and was disappointed at first to find that he was just a little pink creature. She quickly became Kirby's strongest supporter, and is the only person who can summon his Warp Star from Kabu because she cares for him. They have a relationship somewhat like a mother and child, or older and younger siblings. Tiff tends to be protective of him, and is one of the few characters who tries to keep in mind that he's just a baby.
  • Tuff: Tiff and Tuff have a stereotypical older sibling/younger sibling relationship. Tiff often scolds Tuff for his rash behavior while Tuff wishes his sister was less strict. Despite their banter, the two are close and are often seen playing together.
  • Sir Ebrum & Lady Like: She has a positive relationship with her parents, but has little in common with them, aside from sharing a temper with her mother. Her parents aren't nearly as bright as their daughter, and often go along with what Dedede wants, much to her annoyance.
  • Meta Knight: Meta Knight is a friend and mentor to her. They get along due to their intelligence and mutual dislike of Dedede, but Tiff gets annoyed with Meta Knight's coldhearted and careless way of handling things and frequently calls him out on it. In addition, Meta Knight tends to be very laid back in contrast to her quick temper. He often helps Tiff when she needs advice to foil Dedede's plots, but will only give her hints to allow her to figure things out on her own. He is still more helpful to her than any other character. She and Meta Knight are the primary two who watch over Kirby. She relies on Meta Knight's knowledge and experience as a Star Warrior to understand and aid Kirby in battle.
  • King Dedede: Tiff's least favorite person in the world. She's openly critical of him, and knows perfectly well that most of the things Dedede does are schemes to harm Kirby or the environment of Dream Land. Dedede also knows that there is little that Tiff can do to stop him most of the time, and so he regularly taunts and teases her.
  • Escargoon: She is occasionally sympathetic towards Escargoon, and has been known to help him but only when she absolutely has to.
  • Kine : Tiff's biggest fan is Kine the sunfish. Despite being a completely different species, he has a huge crush on her. Even though they can't feasibly be together, Kine asks about her whenever he gets the chance. He always calls her 'Fumu-san' (Miss Fumu) in the original version.
  • Cappytown: The villagers of Cappytown respect Fumu's opinion, even the adults, but they don't always listen when she warns them about Dedede's schemes. She often tries to teach the other Cappy children in a makeshift school, but they don't share her love of learning.

Prototype Design

While it isn't confirmed, it's suggested that the yellow-skinned female character in the Kirby of the Stars Pilot is an early design of Tiff. As they have the same color of skin and basic body design, as well as being a friend of Kirby, it's a strong possibility.

The early design doesn't seem to wear any clothes, her entire body being yellow. Her hair is instead in two pigtails with red bows. Her eyes are just black ovals with no whites, and she wears an ornate tiara. She also has the ability to fly.

She is the first person Kirby encounters in the pilot. She has no known official name.
