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Latest revision as of 03:50, 1 June 2024

Guard KSSU artwork.png
Artwork of Kirby in Guard from Kirby Super Star Ultra.
This article is about the technique. For the enemy from Kirby Star Allies, see Guard (enemy).
To guard...Push L or R. It can reduce the enemy's attack power.
— Tutorial from The Beginner's Show, in Kirby Super Star

Guard is Kirby's primary defensive action that appeared in many games. By holding down the appropriate button, Kirby assumes a defensive posture until the button is released. While guarding, Kirby takes no damage from weak attacks and minimal damage from most stronger attacks, in addition to retaining his ability and not getting knocked off the ground. Enemies that contact a guarding Kirby also take minimal damage.

Generally, guarding is ineffective against attacks which involve grabbing. Guarding also has no effect on environmental elements such as wind or lava, and will typically not defend against the strongest boss attacks. Kirby can only guard while standing still. However, in Kirby: Triple Deluxe and beyond, if Kirby guards in midair or moves to the side while guarding, he will Dodge.

In Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra, guard does 1 damage to enemies including bosses. Starting with Kirby's Return to Dream Land, the default guard does 4 damage to enemies excluding bosses.

In Kirby and the Forgotten Land, guarding is merged with crouching, and this is reflected in the Japanese name (しゃがみガード shagami gādo, "Crouching Guard"). As such, all actions that would normally be taken by crouching (such as sliding and swallowing) are now taken by guarding.


Tip image of Kirby guarding against an attack from Blade Knight in Kirby Star Allies

Guarding in the Kirby Clash and Kirby Fighters games/sub-games[edit]

The Team Kirby Clash and Kirby Fighters games use a special version of Guard which more closely resembles the shield in the Super Smash Bros. games. In particular, with this guard, the player cannot hold it indefinitely, since a meter will decrease over time. When the meter is empty, the guarding character will be launched up then become dizzy after coming down and getting up, leaving them open to attacks from enemies or opponents for a while.

Super Smash Bros. series[edit]

SmashWiki has more information about this subject here.

The shield mechanic in the Super Smash Bros. series is heavily based on the guard mechanic from the Kirby series, with the energy bubble very reminiscent of the Mirror ability's Reflect Guard. The primary difference is that shields shrink as they are held or take damage and will eventually break if not deactivated, stunning the user.

Eventually, this concept went full circle in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, when the ability to dodge after guarding, developed in Super Smash Bros., made its way into this game.

Special Guard techniques[edit]

Copy Abilities[edit]

Sand Kirby using "Sand Hide" to solve a puzzle in the Sand Challenge in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe

These Copy Abilities (and/or their respective Helpers) have their special version of guard with additional features. As a result of these particular guarding techniques, the user may be unable to dodge on the ground (or at all) when employing some of them.

  • Bell - While guarding with Bell, Kirby hides inside of his bell helmet, and cannot be harmed. Releasing the Guard or being hit will cause the bell to reverberate, damaging nearby foes.
  • ESP - If a foe hits Kirby shortly after the guard is activated, Kirby will vanish, then reappear and counter with a shock wave that deals substantial damage (PK Evade). When timed perfectly, the counterattack is more powerful, and Kirby will shout as he performs it (PK Insight).
  • Gigant Sword - Kirby holds a spiked shield that fully absorbs damage.
  • Ice - From Kirby's Return to Dream Land onward, while guarding with Ice, Kirby produces a spherical ice formation around himself which blocks more damage than a regular guard.
    • Blizzard Ice - Same as Ice, but deals damage to enemies on contact.
  • Leaf - While guarding with Leaf, Kirby is intangible instead of invincible; attacks will simply pass through him regardless of their power. This guard also makes Kirby immune to grabs. Releasing the guard causes minor damage to nearby foes.
  • Mecha - This ability has a unique counterattack, Shock Counter, activated if B is pressed right after Kirby is attacked while guarding.
  • Mirror - While guarding with Mirror, Kirby forms a shining bubble of energy around him. This bubble negates damage from even strong attacks and can reflect projectiles. In Kirby: Planet Robobot, the shield will eventually vanish if held too long.
  • Ninja - Starting with Kirby: Triple Deluxe, guarding with Ninja right before being hit by an attack will cause Kirby to use Clone Technique, which transforms him into a log that damages the attacking foe(s). However, it can only be used for a brief moment.
  • Sand - While guarding with Sand, Kirby is intangible instead of invincible; attacks will simply pass through him regardless of their power. This guard also makes Kirby immune to grabs. Releasing the guard causes minor damage to nearby foes. He can also press B to use Sand Geyser while guarding, attacking nearby foes but also losing his guard in the process.
  • Smash Bros. - In Kirby: Planet Robobot, while guarding with Smash Bros., Kirby produces a bubble shield resembling the one from the Super Smash Bros. series. (See Guard#In the Super Smash Bros. series section of this article.) This shield protects him from more damage than the standard guard, and can't break, unlike the Super Smash Bros. equivalent.
  • Spider - While guarding with Spider, Kirby encases himself in a string pod, preventing more damage than a standard guard. The pod also shoots out small spikes when hit, dealing more damage than normal collision.
  • Staff - If a foe hits Kirby shortly after the guard is activated, Kirby will perform a counterattack simply called Staff Counter.
  • Sword Hero - In all three Team Kirby Clash games, guarding as Sword Hero will create a large bubble shield which other Kirbys can take cover under to protect them from damage as well.
  • Tac - Tac, as a helper for Copy, becomes intangible while guarding.

There are some Copy Ability actions that provide similar functions, but are not true guards.

  • Crouching with Archer causes Kirby to become intangible as long as he remains still, acting as a pseudo-guard. In this state, he can fire arrows or crawl along the ground, but doing either will make him vulnerable.
  • Trying to crouch with Parasol in Kirby's Dream Land 3 makes Kirby or Gooey put their parasols in front of them similar to a guard, which deals damage to enemies and provides cover from any incoming projectile. Their backs aren't covered, however, so any attack coming from behind will hurt them as usual.

Dream Friends[edit]

Some Dream Friends in Kirby Star Allies also have their own special version of guarding.

Special Guard Properties[edit]

The following summarizes properties of the above-mentioned special guards.

User Guard Description Immune to damage? Ground dodge? Air dodge? Counterattack?
Adeleine & Ribbon Canvas Cover Hides behind a canvas and becomes intangible. Releasing the guard causes paint to spray out. Yes
(Also immune to grab attacks)
No Yes When released
Bell Bell Block Hides into the bell hat, which can reverberate to damage enemies in contact. Yes No No Contact
(No effect to bosses or mid-bosses)
Dark Meta Knight Reflector Shield Guards with an reflective shield that reflects projectiles. Yes No Yes Reflects projectile
ESP PK Evade
PK Insight
Performs a special counter attack before/when getting hit. Only during PK Evade/Insight Yes Yes Yes
Gigant Sword Shield Guards with a riot shield that negates all damage. Kirby can move while the shield is up, but can't dodge. Yes No N/A Contact
Ice Ice Block Guards with an ice shield. Releasing the guard (known as the move Ice Scatter) scatters the ice shield which deals minor damage and freezes nearby foes. Yes
(Kirby's Return to Dream Land onward)
No Yes
(except in Kirby and the Forgotten Land)
When released
Leaf Leaf Hide Hides into a pile of leaves and becomes intangible. Releasing the guard causes a burst of leaves that deal minor damage to nearby foes. Yes
(Also immune to grab attacks)
No Yes When released
Magolor Magic Barrier Guards with a five-piece star shield, which deals damage when a piece breaks. Yes
(With durability)
Yes Yes When a piece breaks
Mecha Shock Counter Performs a special counterattack after getting hit. Only during Shock Counter Yes Yes Yes
Mirror Reflect Guard Guards with an reflective shield that deflects projectiles. Yes
(Kirby: Planet Robobot only & with durability)
Yes Yes Reflects projectile
Ninja Clone Technique Performs a special counter attack before getting hit. (Kirby: Triple Deluxe onward) Only during Clone Technique Yes Yes Yes
Rick & Kine & Coo
Protective Bag Hides into a bag that resembles the one they are trapped inside from Kirby's Dream Land 2. Yes No Yes No
Sand Sand Hide
Sand Geyser
Hides into a pile of sand and becomes intangible. Releasing the guard or pressing B causes a burst of sand that deals minor damage to nearby foes. Yes
(Also immune to grab attacks)
No Yes When released/pressing B
Smash Bros. Shield Guards with the shield from the Super Smash Bros. series. (Kirby: Planet Robobot only) Yes Yes Yes No
Spider Pod Guard Hides into a string pod, which can spike out to damage foes in contact. Yes No No Contact
(No effect to bosses or mid-bosses)
Staff Staff Counter Performs a special counter attack before getting hit. Only during Staff Counter Yes Yes Yes
Sword Hero Hero Shield Guards with the shield equipment to create a barrier that also protects teammates inside. Its durability decreases in time. Yes
(With durability)
Yes Yes No
Tac Tac Hide Becomes intangible. Yes No No No
Taranza Magic Guard Guards with a magic shield, which can spike out to damage enemies in contact. Yes
(Also immune to grab attacks)
Yes Yes Contact
(No effect to bosses or mid-bosses)



KPR Kirby Guard clip.png
From Kirby: Planet Robobot
KPR Shield clip.png
Smash Bros. Kirby uses his shield.
KPR Ice Block clip.png
Ice Kirby using his Ice Block.
KPR Clone Technique clip.png
Ninja Kirby using Clone Technique.



Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ガード
French Se protéger Guard
Portuguese Defender-se Guard (yourself)
Spanish Cubrirse Guard
