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Olive Ocean - Goal 2

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Olive Ocean - Goal 2
KaTAM Olive Ocean Goal 2.png
Kirby chills his already chilly opponent in Goal 2.
Host area Olive Ocean
Linked from Room 14
Links to Rainbow Route - Central Circle (via Goal Game)
Treasure Chest(s) Yes (Sound Effects)
Mid-Bosses Mr. Frosty
Theme music

Clip of the "Deep Sea Area" theme from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

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Olive Ocean - Goal 2 is a room in Olive Ocean, the sixth area of Kirby & The Amazing Mirror.


This room leads into the Goal Game, which then takes Kirby and any friends with him back to the Rainbow Route - Central Circle.


The room begins at the bottom of a two-way chute, with different enemies and items on each side. Upward from there, Kirby has to do battle with his familiar foe, Mr. Frosty (whose name is still misspelled as "Mr. Flosty"). Defeating him yields the Ice ability, assuming Kirby didn't already have it. From there, a Treasure Chest can be seen inside a chamber locked by a switch gate. The switch is inside the chamber as well, which means Kirby will have to keep his cool, and be crafty to find a way to open it. Should he succeed, the chest will yield some Sound Effects. From there, the door to the Goal Game can be accessed just above.

Enemies and Mid-Boss[edit]

Sprite Name Copy Ability
KNiDL Hot Head sprite.png Hot Head Fire
KNiDL Pengi sprite.png Pengy Ice
KNiDL Waddle Dee sprite.png Waddle Dee None
Sprite Name Copy Ability
KNiDL Mr Frosty sprite.png Mr. Frosty Ice


Olive Ocean Area Map
Olive Ocean - HubOlive Ocean - Room 1Olive Ocean - Room 2Olive Ocean - Room 3Olive Ocean - Room 4Olive Ocean - Room 5Olive Ocean - Room 6Olive Ocean - Room 7Olive Ocean - Room 8Olive Ocean - Room 9Olive Ocean - Room 10Olive Ocean - Room 11Olive Ocean - Room 12Olive Ocean - Room 13Olive Ocean - Room 14Olive Ocean - Room 15Olive Ocean - Room 16Olive Ocean - Room 17Olive Ocean - Room 18Olive Ocean - Room 19Olive Ocean - Room 20Olive Ocean - Room 21Olive Ocean - Room 22Olive Ocean - Room 23Olive Ocean - Chest 1Olive Ocean - Chest 2Olive Ocean - Goal 1Olive Ocean - Goal 2Moonlight Mansion - Room 12Cabbage Cavern - Hub 1Cabbage Cavern - Hub 1Olive Ocean - BossKaTAM Olive Ocean Map.jpg
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