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Moonlight Mansion - Room 6

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Moonlight Mansion - Room 6
KaTAM Moonlight Mansion Room 6.png
Kirby burns through the defenders of the laboratory in Room 6.
Host area Moonlight Mansion
Linked from Room 5
Links to Goal 1
Treasure Chest(s) No
Theme music

Clip of the "Castle/Building Area" theme from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

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Moonlight Mansion - Room 6 is a room in Moonlight Mansion, the second area of Kirby & The Amazing Mirror.


This room is one-way, leading directly into Moonlight Mansion - Goal 1.


This area consists of halls leading downward, past guards and blockades of various kinds. On the way down, Kirby can find a delicious sparerib sitting next to a whirring machine of unknown purpose. Near the bottom, an angry Giant Rocky is hopping about. Despite its size, Kirby can swallow it like anything else. From there, a Bomb Block in the floor opens up a secret basement full of strange machinery and more guards. The path continues downward in a zig-zag fashion, until the door to Goal 1 can be found at the bottom.


Sprite Name Copy Ability
KNiDL Flamer sprite.png Flamer Burning
KatAMGiantRocky.png Giant Rocky Stone
KNiDL Rocky sprite.png Rocky Stone
KNiDL Scarfy sprite.png Scarfy N/A
KNiDL Sword Knight sprite.png Sword Knight Sword


Moonlight Mansion Area Map
Moonlight Mansion - EntryMoonlight Mansion - HubMoonlight Mansion - Room 1Moonlight Mansion - Room 2Moonlight Mansion - Room 3Moonlight Mansion - Room 4Moonlight Mansion - Room 5Moonlight Mansion - Room 6Moonlight Mansion - Room 7Moonlight Mansion - Room 8Moonlight Mansion - Room 9Moonlight Mansion - Room 10Moonlight Mansion - Room 11Moonlight Mansion - Room 12Moonlight Mansion - Room 13Moonlight Mansion - Room 14Moonlight Mansion - Room 15Moonlight Mansion - Room 16Moonlight Mansion - Room 17Moonlight Mansion - Room 18Moonlight Mansion - Room 19Moonlight Mansion - Room 20Moonlight Mansion - WarpMoonlight Mansion - Goal 1Moonlight Mansion - Goal 2Rainbow Route - Room 41Rainbow Route - Room 42Rainbow Route - WarpOlive Ocean - Room 13Candy Constellation - Room 4Moonlight Mansion - BossMoonlight Mansion Map.jpg
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