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m (→‎Chapter 4: Galacta Knight Cometh!: I love how casual Galacta Knight is in this series. Like, you have Chip, Snooter, Waddle Doo, and then this dude)
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===Chapter 4: Galacta Knight Cometh!===
===Chapter 4: Galacta Knight Cometh!===
Main characters:
*[[Galacta Knight]]
*[[Box Boxer]]
Supporting/minor characters:
*[[Chef Kawasaki]]
*[[Knuckle Joe]]
*[[Gao Gao]]
*[[Cool Spook]]
*[[Meta Knight]] (mentioned)
[[Chef Kawasaki]] advertises his one-of-a-kind cake roll. As Kirby goes to get it, he is halted by a mysterious figure, who itroduces himself as [[Galacta Knight]]. Galacta Knight is on quest to find the greatest sweets in the galaxy. After an initial confusion about his identity (and similarity to [[Meta Knight]], he demands the cake roll, but Kirby runs off with it without paying attention.
Kirby reaches a cozy spot to eat the cake roll, but Galacta Knight interrupts and demands Kirby to forfeit the cake roll, which he would use to propose to a sweets-loving girl. Annoyed by the situation, [[Box Boxer]] heads home, only for Galacta Knight to tear it apart with a devastating blow. Kirby runs towards the house, where Galacta Knight finds him raiding the frdige. Galacta Knight chases after Kirby, but Box Boxer runs into and past them, placing a bow on Kirby's head in the process. The bamboozled Galacta Knight mistakes Kirby for a girl and offers the cake roll. When he gathers the courage to propise, he finds that the girl is gone. At first saddened by rejection, the delusional knight then believes that she ran off simply because she was very shy. He sets off to search for her all over the galaxy but could never find the shy girl, unaware that it was Kirby.

Revision as of 11:47, 10 January 2024

Notice: Open sandbox
This is ShadowKirby's personal sandbox. Feel free to contribite to this page as necessary.
This page is a hub for information about the Kirby of the Stars! Moretsu Pupupu Hour! manga series. Due to WiKirby's currently abysmal manga coverage, the project will take long, and may be disorganized. It heavily depends on existing translations or the ability of editors to work with Japanese text.

Main resources:

Series overview

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  • Note: playful writing used. This is a rough overview, not a mainspace-ready draft. Need to sort by chronology when possible.
  • Kirby: gluttonous to an extreme, playful and often takes threats on a more minor scale lightly. Cares deeply for his friends and stands up for Dream Land when things get dire. Can use his Copy Ability at will bssides inhaling.
  • King Dedede: ruler of Dream Land, Kirby's nemesis, with whom he often fights for food. Relatively unexaggerated traits, with the exception of his ego.
  • Meta Knight: masked swordsman and Kirby's rival, prides himself on skill and elegance. Ego and quirks often grotesquely exaggerated.
  • Marx: mischievous alien who plots to take over or destroy Dream Land, depending on his mood, often just picks a fight with Kirby for petty reasons. Has hands.
  • Box Boxer: laid-back and accepting of Kirby's plot armor, his bad puns and jokes stun just about everyone.
  • Knuckle Joe
  • Cool Spook
  • Chilly
  • Paint Roller
  • Gao Gao
  • Daroach
  • Galacta Knight
  • Magolor
  • Taranza
  • Queen Sectonia
  • Susie
  • Many, many more, need to split roles.

Volume 1

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Empty for now.

Volume 2

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Chapter 4: Kirby the Art Prodigy!?

Volume 3

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Chapter 8: Meta Knight Causes a Commotion!

Volume 4

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Chapter 6: The End of Dream Land!? (Part 1)

Chapter 7: The End of Dream Land!? (Part 2)

Volume 5

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Chapter 4: Kirby on Ice!!

Major characters:

Supporting/minor characters:

Dream Land's residents host a figure skating contest at the ice rink. As King Dedede showcases a four-spin jump, Kirby steals the spotlight with a jump cyclone of his own. After this, he gets hungry. Mr. Frosty conveniently passes by, offering a last bowl of fried pork. When Kirby goes for it, clashes with Meta Knight, who also has sights for it. The latter decides to settle the dispute with a figure skating duel.

Meta Knight's techniques showcase his prided elegance, while Kirby's skating is full of passion for food. After tying in an axel competition, they continue by jumping high, busting the ceiling and eventually reaching outer space. Meta Knight strikes Kirby with a Mach Tornado, but as he prepares to claim victory, Kirby retaliates with the Fire copy ability. The final challenge has the two spin. Despite Meta Knight's more refined technique, Kirby wins over the hearts of the judges by spelling out "fried pork" (and by extension in a play of words, "victory") on the ice. As everyone congratulates Kirby, Meta Knight lets out a maniacal laughter and jumps high with a promise to meet again. However, his spectacular exit is cut short by freshly placed wooden boards on the ceiling, causing him to fall back to the rink in an anticlimactic fashion.

Chapter 5: A Wish at the End of a Stick

Chapter 11: Patch Land Pandemonium

Volume 6

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Chapter 1: A Supreme Snowball Showdown

Chapter 7: Meta Knight's Missing Mask

Volume 7

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Chapter 5: The Challenge of Momotaro

Volume 8

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Chapter 3: Kirby of the Wasteland! ~Intense Battling Action!~

Chapter 4: Galacta Knight Cometh!

Main characters:

Supporting/minor characters:


Chef Kawasaki advertises his one-of-a-kind cake roll. As Kirby goes to get it, he is halted by a mysterious figure, who itroduces himself as Galacta Knight. Galacta Knight is on quest to find the greatest sweets in the galaxy. After an initial confusion about his identity (and similarity to Meta Knight, he demands the cake roll, but Kirby runs off with it without paying attention.

Kirby reaches a cozy spot to eat the cake roll, but Galacta Knight interrupts and demands Kirby to forfeit the cake roll, which he would use to propose to a sweets-loving girl. Annoyed by the situation, Box Boxer heads home, only for Galacta Knight to tear it apart with a devastating blow. Kirby runs towards the house, where Galacta Knight finds him raiding the frdige. Galacta Knight chases after Kirby, but Box Boxer runs into and past them, placing a bow on Kirby's head in the process. The bamboozled Galacta Knight mistakes Kirby for a girl and offers the cake roll. When he gathers the courage to propise, he finds that the girl is gone. At first saddened by rejection, the delusional knight then believes that she ran off simply because she was very shy. He sets off to search for her all over the galaxy but could never find the shy girl, unaware that it was Kirby.

Volume 9

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Chapter 1: Let's Take a Trip!

Chapter 2: Danger in Dedede's Dungeon

[Has Find Kirby!! (series) reference]

Chapter 4: Catch it, Kirby!

Chapter 5: Kirby's Summer Vacation!

Chapter 7: Sticky Statue Situation

Chapter 9: The Unstoppable Rolling Stone!

Chapter 10: Yummy, Yummy, Christmas

Chapter 11: Mochi-Pounding Mayhem! Who Will Be the Main Character!?

Chapter 12: Dream Land in Crisis!? Taranza Attacks!!!

Volume 10

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Chapter 6: Attack of the Queen!

Chapter 12: Kirby's Pet ____!

Main characters:

Supporting/minor characters:


Kirby and Taranza fight over a leftover donut and decide to settle the argument with rock-paper-scissors. Being an arachnid, Taranza cheats and smacks Kirby with his other hands, then runs away with the donut. In his hideout at the base of the Dreamstalk, he decides to write down the incident in his diary while commanding his third hand to do the chores. Overwhelmed, the hand eventually flees. It gets caught under the rain and seeks shelter in a dumpster. Kirby finds it here and brings it home, where he takes care of and plays with it. Days fly by, and the two grow attached to each other.

By the end of a month, Kirby showcases his new pet, now named Pooch. They perform tricks in front of Kirby's friends, who are impressed and confused by the "dog". Kirby and Pooch enter and win a dog show. Taranza passes by and notices his hand. Later, Kirby and Pooch go on a stroll, and Kirby remembers something and asks Pooch to wait for him. During Kirby's absence, Taranza finds the hand, which tries to escape his grasp. By the time Kirby returns with a box in his hands, he finds that Pooch is missing. Meanwhile, Marx flies by and decides to bully Kirby. However, Kirby is so devastated that he makes no notice of Marx. Just as Marx is about to strike at Kirby, Pooch appears and punches him out of the way. Kirby is overjoyed by his pet's return and gives Pooch a ribbon with its name, which moves the hand. An upset Taranza watches from a distance. He makes the mistake of telling Marx it was his hand, and Marx returns its original owner the favor by blasting Taranza.

Volume 11

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Chapter 1: Invasion of the Shadow Army

Major characters:

Supporting/minor characters:


On the day of the Dream Festival, the residents of Dream Land prepare to celebrate. Kirby leaves to the forest to get some apples. Here he finds Box Boxer, who noticed Galactic Nova approaching Popstar. Marx shows up, revealing that he plans to use the Nova to take over Dream Land, to which King Dedede retaliates as the current ruler of the land. Just then, a rainbow appears over the town. Kirby and friends find everyone asleep. Meta Knight comes and warns them that the rainbow was created by Marx with the power of the Fountain of Dreams and is the cause of their sleep, and evacuates his friends when the warning proves to be somewhat late. Marx is ready to claim victory, but in that moment, a new group appears and contests it. This crowd is the Shadow Army, the nightmare counterparts of Dream Land's residents that came to this world when Dream Land was put to sleep. With Shadow Kirby in the lead, they intend to replace the residents of Dream Land with the power of the Galactic Nova. However, the trio stands in their way.

As Meta Knight prepares to strike, Shadow Kirby readies the Dimension Mirror, and Meta Knight's blade crosses with Dark Meta Knight's. At the same time, King Dedede faces his own Shadow version. Using the Shadow Army for distraction, Shadow Kirby runs towards the Galactic Nova. Kirby and his counterpart clash with Fire and Ice, Parasol and Beam, until Kirby falls to Burning. Meta Knight gives Kirby encouraging words, and the pink puffball chases after his shadow. In the meantime, Meta Knight and King Dedede fight against their counterparts but end up bonding with their evenly matched opponents.

Shadow Kirby reaches the Galactic Nova and begins to say his wish, but Kirby continuously interrupts him by wishing for the Shadow Army to join them for the Dream Fesival. After a long time quarreling, Shadow Kirby accidentally says Kirby's wish instead od his own. A flash occurs, everyone and their shadow counterpart have fun at the festival, and even the grumpy Shadow Kirby ends up enjoying it. As dawn approaches, they bid the Shadow Army farewell, and Shadow Kirby that they'll still appear in nightmares. Kirby cheerfully accepts this, saying that scary dreams are fun. The shadow counterparts are moved by this, and they soon fade away in the light. Kirby wishes to go to bed to see them in his sleep right away.

Chapter 2: Kirby's Stamp Rally

Major characters:

Supporting/minor characters:

Kirby partakes in a Stamp Rally in order to win a folder with an apple on it. His friends Box Boxer and Cool Spook join him since they have a lot of free time on their metaphorical hands.

The first step is Mega Titan's Mega Bakery. After an initial whop, Mega Titan demands high-level kneading techniques from Kirby. A long training session later, Kirby hits the punching ball through a wall. Satisfied and proud, Mega Titan gives Kirby a stamp. The following stop is Chilly's house. Kirby and company expect an easy stamp as Chilly is their friend, but the requires them to make him say "too cold". After failed attempts, they deem the challenge impossible and start to freeze, but Box Boxer makes a harsh pun that gets the desired reaction out of Chilly, who reluctantly stamps.

For the dinal destination, Kirby and the others climb the Dreamstalk up to Floralia. Queen Sectonia, who signed up to get her mind off of conquering the world, happily prepares to add her stamp, but once she does, her castle comes crumbling down due to her sheer force. As they fall, Kirby notices that the stamp is upside down, so she promises to fix it. Near the ground, Kirby saves his friends by protecting them with the Bubble ability. After this adventure, Kirby finally wins the treasured folder.

Chapter 3: The New Year's New Dawn

Major characters:

Supporting/minor characters:


The New Year arrives in Dream Land, and its residents set out to stay up and see the sunrise for good fortune during the rest of the year. Adjusting to the cold, Kirby reveals a full-body fur coat the size and shape of himself, while Meta Knight and King Dedede stack up on masks and hats, respectively, although this proves to be less effective. To kill some time, Kirby reads a book with a flashlight, which brings false hopes to the rest who thought it was the sunrise.

As time passes, the residents grow tired, and Cool Spook and Gao Gao fall asleep. Kirby makes a hot tub out of a giant cup of coffee, which Meta Knight joins in for. Marx, who was eavesdropping, decides to make some mischief and tries to hypnotize Kirby to sleep. However, he falls victim to his own trap.

Knuckle Joe and Box Boxer help each other stay up, but this ends in them collapsing and agreeing to try next year, leaving only Kirby, Meta Knight and King Dedede. The three slap each other to keep themselves awake, and they finally witness the beautiful sunrise. Kirby hurries to savor the sunrise and gobbles it up whole, much to his friends' annoyance.

Chapter 4: Meta Knight's New Game!

Major characters:

Supporting/minor characters:


Kirby and his friend play Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, a new hit game, at his place. On their way home, Meta Knight overhears two Bandana Waddle Dees talking about the game and presents his own idea, Meta Knight and the Rainbow Curse.

As he tries to prove the superiority of his idea to the Waddle Dees, he rolls into a tree, knocking down a wasp nest and angering its residents. Covered in wasp bites, he continues rolling, passing through burning flames for Sweet Potatoes and ending up in a bog. He realizes the difficulty of rolling and trains intensely, until he is ripped to the point his new human-like musculature could prevent him from rolling.

Chapter 5

Characters, not separated:

Chapter 6

Characters, not sorted:

Cameos (clay):

Chapter 7

Characters, sorted from context without nuance:

Main characters:

Supporting/minor characters:

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10: Dream Academy! Class is in Session!

Takes place in an alternate, school-based reality.

Main characters:

  • Kirby, gluttonous student of comically ambiguous gender
  • Claycia, the 1st year teacher
  • Meta Knight, president of the student council
  • Box Boxer, principal of the school
  • Magolor, ambitious vice-principal

Supporting/minor characters:


Kirby runs into the school as the bell rings and makes it to class. Everyone is greeted by Claycia. The day starts with art class, and Claycia asks the students to make a clay pot. However, the student council barges in, enforcing discipline with a harsh surprise inspection. Indignated by Kirby's lack of clothes, they cover him up as censorship for the manga's target audience. Kirby agrees to put on a uniform, a feminine outfit that prompts Meta Knight to propose. As he rambles on, Claycia clobbers him with her pot, excusing her act as a practical example of the necessity of care towards arts supplies.

Principal Box Boxer is made aware of the racket the class is making and decides to pay them a disciplinary visit together with vice-principal Magolor. Marx sets up a trap for the principal, which the latter triggers upon entrance. Kirby confronts Marx but accidentally strikes at Box Boxer instead. With the principal's safety as an excuse, Magolor throws out bombs at his superior, causing him to fly out of the window. After briefly feigning mourn, Magolor prepares to take over his position. However, Box Boxer happens to bounce back up with a transported trampoline. Chaos ensues upon his return.

Volume 12

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Chapter 5: The Kirby Contagion

Chapter 9: An Ice-Cold Concert

Volume 13

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Chapter 1: Gryll's Flying Broom

Chapter 4: Attack of the Haltmann Works Company!

Chapter 5: Kirby Needs Our Help!!!

Chapter 6: Kirby Vs. Susie