Rainbow Route

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Rainbow Route is a location found in and around the

File:KatAM S RainbowRoute1.PNG
The center of the Rainbow Route.
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of the Mirror World, a dimension that lies parallel to Dream Land. It is mostly composed of an overgrown forest path that leads around the world in a circle. While mostly located in a forest, the Rainbow Route also features caves, tunnels, and mountain trails. At certain points, the path branches and connects to the many other locations of the Mirror World. In the

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of the Rainbow Route there lies a giant rainbow from which a sanctuary-like building can be accessed. This building, which seems to be located in the sky since it is surrounded by clouds, serves as the resting place of an important mirror. During the Kirby series, Kirby visits this place only in one game, namely Kirby and the Amazing Mirror.

General Description

Kirby travels through the Rainbow Route while attempting to save the Mirror World from Dark Mind during Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. When he first arrives at the world's sanctuary after pursuing the foe who split him into four, he witnesses a fight between Meta Knight and his counterpart Dark Meta Knight, the latter being responsible for Kirby's split. Dark Meta Knight then manages to trap Meta Knight inside the mirror and breaks it into eight shards, which he spreads over the whole world.

After that the Rainbow Route serves as the game's hub, connecting to all the areas Kirby needs to explore. Hidden throughout the different areas are several big switches which activate gateways between the areas and Rainbow Route's sanctuary. Kirby can use these gateways as shortcuts to travel faster through the Mirror World. After collecting all of the eight Mirror Shards, the mirror in the

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of the world becomes the passage leading to the final boss. After Kirby defeats Dark Mind, this is also the place where Meta Knight leaves his sword behind.

From all nine areas found in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Rainbow Route is the only one that features Mid Bosses, but no Bosses and therefore no Mirror Shards. It is also one of the two levels to be not named after a certain kind of food, the other one being Moonlight Mansion.

Enemies, Bosses, and Abilities on Rainbow Route

Regular Enemies on Rainbow Route Mid-Bosses on Rainbow Route

Abilities on Rainbow Route


Template:AMRRNavMap Rainbow Route is one of the largest areas in the game, consisting of 51 separate rooms. It also bears the Grand Central Hub in the center, which, by the end of the game, links to all the other areas in the world. The area can be described as fairly circuitous, with a single primary path leading from the central zone to the surrounding areas.

Rainbow Route is bordered to the east by Moonlight Mansion, to the south by Cabbage Cavern, to the north-east by Mustard Mountain, and to the west by Carrot Castle. Each border links to these areas by several routes, making access fairly straightforward.

Rainbow Route has three Goal rooms. Completing these rooms takes Kirby and his clones to the Goal Game, then returns them to the Grand Central Hub.

Full Synopsis

  Notice: Stop right there, stubby little pink thing!
Spoilers abound! If you do not wish to read them, skip ahead to the next heading or find a different article.

Grand Central Hub

This is the room that Kirby and his chromatic clones begin their adventure from, and to which they return after completing each Goal Game, defeating each Boss, and calling the Warp Star to return them here. The room itself consists of a wide open area, situated inside a shiny blue Colosseum-like structure atop a cloud. Several pillars and platforms adorn the area, and in the center, the great Dimension Mirror sits. At first, the mirror is broken, and the only way out of this room is the door directly to the right, which leads to Room 1. However, as Kirby ventures through this world, he will cause more doors to appear in this room, situated on the various platforms, which lead to all of the hubs in the other areas. One door in particular will appear in the upper-left corner on a cloud, which takes Kirby to a separate chamber containing pedestals for nearly all of the Copy Abilities. Once all the pieces of the Great Mirror are found, it will lead to the final Boss confrontations.

After completing the game, the Master ability can be obtained in this room.

Hub 1

This hub connects from Room 7 to the left and Room 42 on the right. In order to reach this room from the Grand Central Hub, it is necessary to press the Big Switch in Room 9 of Moonlight Mansion.

A large chest can be found in this room, which contains the Rainbow Route map. Additionally, the Beam and Stone abilities are available on Copy Pedestals.

Hub 2

This hub connects from Room 15 to the left and Room 14 on the right. Once this room is reached, it also links back to the Grand Central Hub. Additionally, once the appropriate hub is reached, this room also links to Cabbage Cavern.

The Laser and Cutter abilities are available in this room on Copy Pedestals.

Hub 3

This hub connects from Room 31 to the left and Room 34 on the right. Once this room is reached, it also links back to the Grand Central Hub. Additionally, once the appropriate hub is reached, this room also links to Mustard Mountain.

The Beam and Tornado abilities are available in this room on Copy Pedestals.

Hub 4

This hub connects from Room 24 to the left and Room 25 on the right. Once this room is reached, it also links back to the Grand Central Hub. Additionally, once the appropriate hub is reached, this room also links to Carrot Castle.

The Parasol and Spark abilities are available in this room on Copy Pedestals.

Goal 1

One door links to this area, from Room 11 above. The top entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return to Room 11 from this room.

This room consists of rocky terrain underground. When Kirby reaches a ladder and go down through it, he will fight Master Hand. If Kirby inhales him after he is defeated, he will get the Smash ability. This will allow him to break through some metal blocks and access a chest containing a Maxim Tomato. This room also contains multiple Waddle Doos, Chips and Snooters. The bottom of the room has a door with three stars. Entering it leads to the first of many Goal Games that Kirby can partake in to obtain bonus items, then return to the Hub.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses


Goal 2

One door links to this room, from Room 19 to the right. The right entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return to Room 19 from this room.

This goal room consists of woody terrain. Kirby starts at the top right of the room, with a Roly-Poly in front of him. If he goes all the way down, he will fight Batafire. He will get the Burning ability, if he inhales Batafire, after defeating him. To the right of where Batafire is fought, there is a treasure chest. There are also a few Blockins hiding in star blocks, so be careful. The top left of the room is where the three star door to initiate the Warp Star minigame is located.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses


Goal 3

One door links to this area, from Room 29 to the right. The right entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return to Room 29 from this room.

This room consists of woody terrain. There are a few Flamers below the bomb blocks. If Kirby goes down a bit, he will see the three-star door with the Warp Star to initiate the Goal Game. If he goes all the way down, and to left, he will fight Box Boxer.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses



One door links to this area, from Room 5 to the left. The left entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 5 from this room.

This room consists of several elevated cliff faces in the deep forest, with a looming chasm to the far right. The left entrance is a flat part of the cliff-face, with rising areas to the right. Shadow Kirby appears almost immediately with a dramatic music queue, though he does not actually attack. Hitting him will cause him to flee, leaving behind a 1Up. otherwise, he will simply leave on his own, not leaving anything behind. If Kirby wishes to receive the gift, it is advisable not to inhale Shadow Kirby. If nothing else, a Sliding Kick or an air puff will do.

Up the hill, sandwiched in a valley can be found a Warp Star. Taking it will transport Kirby and any clones with him to the Entry point of Moonlight Mansion.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 1

Two doors link to this area, from the Grand Central Hub to the left and to Room 2 on the right. The left entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to the Hub from this room.

From the left, the room is an open path within a deep forest area. Along this path, a Waddle Doo and its binocular escorts greet Kirby with the usual welcome. A number of other ability-granting enemies patrol the path as it becomes more staggered, opening up to a small pit in the middle. This leads to a larger pit further right, bridged by a floating soft platform. The rightward door is guarded by a Sparky, and a cherry can be found on a floating rock block above the door.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 2

Two doors link to this area, from Room 1 to the left and to Room 3 on the right. The left entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 1 from this room.

This room is a continuation of the forest walkway from Room 1. Enemies patrol on the ground and keep watch from floating soft platforms. From the left, the flat path eventually reaches a small hill, down which a Roly-Poly will tumble toward Kirby. From here, the path breaks up into several small platforms over an abyss. Along the way, a cache can be accessed under the main walkway, containing a cherry. After a few more hills, a chest can be found in the open. Opening it reveals a 1Up. At the right end of the path, two doors appear against a cliff. Both lead to Room 3, but take Kirby along different passageways.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 3

Four doors link to this area, two from Room 2 to the left, one to Room 4 on the upper-right, and one to Room 6 on the lower-right. The left entrances are one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 2 from this room.

This room is characterized by its two separate paths, both continuing through the deep woods. While the two paths are stacked on top of each-other, and largely mirror each-other, they both go to different rooms. The upper path leads to Room 4, and the lower one leads to Room 6. Both are characterized as being composed of various dirt chambers and passageways, blocked off in places with Star Blocks and minor foes. On both paths, a Boxin can be seen trapped inside a wall, and can be swallowed for the Fighter ability. The doors to Rooms 4 and 6 are carved into a tree trunk.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 4

Two doors link to this area, from Room 3 to the left and to Room 5 on the right. The left entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 3 from this room.

This room is another forest walkway, but littered with various obstacles, stones, trees and baddies, almost resembling a cemetery. A Sword Knight guards the left entrance-way, and other enemies can be seen patrolling the stones ahead. From there, a small pond can be found, in which a Maxim Tomato can be bobbed for. Another Sword Knight guards a dugout leading to Room 5.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 5

Three doors link to this area, from Room 4 and Room 6 to the left and to the Warp room on the right. The left entrances are one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 4 or 6 from this room. Additionally, the Room 4 and 6 entrances both lead to the same point.

This room consists of a large cliff, leading upward from the left entrance-point. A Bang-Bang and Scarfy guard the base, as soft platforms lead up the cliff face. A cherry can be found on the first of these platforms. More enemies patrol the area above, and the door to the Warp room can be found at the top of the cliff.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 6

Four doors link to this area; Room 3 to the left, Room 8 from below, Room_5 to the upper-right, and Room_7 to the lower-right. The left entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 3 from this room.

The area is characterized by a path leading through a dark section of woods, past headstones and bare trees. There is also a cavernous section below the main path, not accessible from above. On the surface, past a few minor enemies, there is a pond with a Maxim Tomato at the bottom. The cavern below link to Rooms 6 and 8, and a Bomb Block can open up the way to the surface. To the left, in the cave is a water-filled path with a chest at the end. Kirby will need to utilize the Wheel ability to get it before it is blocked off. Opening the chest reveals a 1Up.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 7

Two doors link to this area; Room 6 to the left and Hub 1 to the right.

This area is composed of a single extended hallway underground, with pillars of rock extending from the ceiling, but not quite touching the ground. A number of enemies patrol this area, but the Wheel ability can allow Kirby to easily plow through them.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 8

Three doors link to this area; Room 6 from above, Room 12 to the lower-left and Room 9 to the right.

This room consists largely of a vertical underground shaft, with ladders, bomb block barriers and pools set therein, among numerous enemies. Either way Kirby goes will require him to bust through many blockades. The two doors at the bottom of the shaft are both submerged in pools. If the door to Room 9 is desired, Kirby will need to acquire an ability that can hit a bomb block through a wall. Some of the enemies above could provide something that could do the trick.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 9

Two doors link to this area; Room 8 to the upper-left and Room 10 to the right.

This room consists of a wide underground grassy cavern, with sloped terrain and some suspended platforms. Numerous Rockies and Noddys patrol it. At the upper-right end is a Ham guarded by a Roly-Poly. The primary slope leads downward and to the right, where Kirby can find the door to Room 10. Also, he may find a bomb block barrier, which opens a very thin passageway to the left. In this passageway are some more enemies, and a pocket room containing a Cell Phone Battery. This path eventually leads back up to the door to Room 8.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 10

This room serves as an intermediate between Room 9 and Room 11. Kirby can only proceed to Room 11 from here.

The room is set in a deep underground cave the snakes downward on steep slopes. Some enemies patrol the path, but are not prepared for rolling stones. Further down, a bomb block opens up to reveal an underground current, containing a Shooty. If Kirby swims against the flow, he can obtain a 1Up past another bomb block wall, and doom a Sword Knight in the process. Below the water, one more passage leads down to the door, though Kirby should mind the spikes at the bottom.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 11

This room serves as an intermediate between Room 10 and Goal 1. Kirby can only proceed to Goal 1 from here.

The room consists of a wide purple cave that extends to the right, with sloped floors and ceilings. Some enemies patrol the cave, and should be dealt with appropriately. The door can be reached at the other end of the cave.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 12

Two doors link to this area; Room 8 from above and Room 13 below.

This room consists of a long vertical underground shaft, with straight walls and many intermediate platforms. The lower platforms are made of star blocks, while the upper ones are fall-through platforms. Numerous enemies patrol this shaft. At the bottom, a spinning cannon can be used to gain some height. A Wheelie can be found at the bottom, running repeatedly into the walls of its closed-off chamber.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 13

Three doors link to this area; Room 12 from the right, Room 13 to the left and Room 4 of Cabbage Cavern below.

This room features an underground grassy slope, patrolled by many enemies. The Wheel ability could come in handy here. On the left side, a small passage leads downward, which will take Kirby to Cabbage Cavern.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 14

Three doors link to this area; Room 13 from the right, Hub 2 to the lower-left and Room 33 to the upper-left.

This room consists of several interconnected underground chambers, patrolled by various enemies. Numerous star blocks and bomb blocks barricade the various cave pockets. In the middle of this path is a large pool with no bottom, so Kirby should not swim too deep in! The left-most part of the cave has two doors, one below, and one above, leading to Hub 2 and Room 33 respectively. This section is also filled with Foleys and spikes, so watch out.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 15

Three doors link to this area, one from Hub 2 on the right, one from Room 10 below, and one from Room 16 on the left.

This room is one of several rooms that are located within the cave. Kirby can start on either the left, middle, or right side depending on which room he enters from. The room is mostly straightforward. There are two 1Ups and a Cell Phone Battery that can be found here.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 16

Three doors link to this area, one from Room 15 on the right, one from Room 17 on the left, and one from Room 23.

The room consists of grassy, rocky terrain with the forest in the background. The room goes upwards via ladders with Heavy Knights, Gordos, a Metal Guardian, and Waddle Doos in the way. There is a star block that can be destroyed to reveal a hidden door leading to Room 17.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 17

Three doors link to this area, one from Room 16 on the right and two from Room 18 on the left.

This room consists of woody and grassy terrain. It is a straightforward area with two paths: the grassy terrain on the surface or the woody terrain beneath the surface. If Kirby takes the surface path, he will be ambushed by Haleys, a Gordo, and Foleys, so he'd better make a run for it! The Flamers and Roly-Polys don't make the lower path very appealing either.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 18

Five doors link to this area, the surface and underground doors from Room 17, one from Room 19 below left, one from Room 20 on the left, and one that leads to Cabbage Cavern on the right. The doors from Room 17 and the one that leads to Room 19 are one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return to Room 17 and Room 18, respectively.

Like Room 17, the grassy and woody terrain continue. It is recommended to take the left door on the surface of Room 17 because Kirby will be able to access both the surface and underground through destroying a Bomb Block on the surface of Room 18. Room 18 has a small treasure chest on its surface. On the underground, there are two doors: one that is blocked by a heavy star block that can be removed by inhaling on the right, and another one that leads to Room 19 on the left.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 19

Three doors link to this area, two from Goal 2 on the left and one from Room 18 on the right. The right entrance is one way, meaning that Kirby cannot return to Room 18 directly from this room.

This is an underground room with woody terrain. There are three groups of Bomb Blocks. The first group holds a 1-UP. The other two have Maxim Tomatoes. Kirby should be careful when destroying the Bomb Blacks because of hidden spikes that will be revealed. The aforementioned items are between the spikes. There is also a Mirra that contains one of two entrances leading to Goal 2.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 20

Two doors link to this area, one from Room 18 on the right and one from Room 21 on the left. These entrances are two-way, meaning that Kirby can return directly from these rooms to Room 20.

This room is relatively straightforward with grassy terrain and floating wood platforms. It goes right to left and vice versa. Bronto Burts, Gordos, and Sir Kibbles patrol this area.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 21

Two doors link to this room, one from Room 20 below and one from Carrot Castle above. These entrances are two-way, meaning that Kirby can return to Room 20 from either of these two areas.

This room goes upwards. It has woody terrain, like most rooms preceding it. As Kirby goes up, he will encounter a group of Bomb Blocks blocking the way. There are also 4 Gordos surrounded by Star Blocks. Destroying the Star Blocks eases the process of ascending through the room. At the top, Kirby can go to Carrot Castle via the mirror door.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 22

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 23

Two doors link to this area, one from Room 16 on the right and one from [[Rainbow Route#Room_23|Room 23 on the left. These entrances are two-way, meaning that Kirby can return to this from either of the two aformentione drools.

This room goes upwards. It consists of wood platforms and ladders. Bomb blocks that destroy portions of wood will allow Kirby to get cellphone batteries and a Maxim Tomato. He will encounter multiple Gordos, Sword Knights, and Bombers along the way.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None.


Room 24

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 25

Two doors link to this area; Hub 4 from below and Room 26 from the upper-right.

In this forest room, there is a Noddy on a platform in front of the door and a Wheelie enclosed below the door. The level is a series of slopes along the ground that the Wheel ability can cross. Above this is a bomb block line that can release enemies, a Shotzo, a Cherry and a battery to the platforms below. Next to the bomb block on the left side is an Invincibility Candy. On the far left is the door to Hub 4.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None


Room 26

Two doors link to this area; Room 25 to the lower-left and Room 27 from the upper-right.

This forest room with wood platforms has an S shaped layout. After going down the ladder, Kirby can go to the left and find a Cookin. When inhaled, Chips and a Snooter will appear in the enclosed space under the Cookin, to allow Kirby to cook a large amount of food. Down the ladder Kirby can find a pep brew. Kirby goes to the right to find a Droppy in front of the ladder down. Then to the left is a Prank and the two way door to room 25.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None


Room 27

Three doors link to this area; Room 28 to the left, Room 26 to the lower-left and Room 30 from the right.

The door to room 30 is at the top of a long one way platform with a ladder at the left side. Below this are three cannons, with platforms above them. The middle cannon shoots Kirby to the top cannon, and the top cannon shoots Kirby into a Rocky, at the top of the platform. Below the bottom cannon is a small pool of water with a bottom, which has a pep brew in it. At the bottom of the room is the two way door to room 26 and the bottom cannon. When entering from this door, the cannon is the only way to exit the small bottom area because there are black blocks above the hole in the ceiling. There is another cannon, behind star blocks, that shoots into a spike covered section towards metal blocks. Above the metal blocks are ladders leading up to the two way door to room 28. To the left of the door are a pep brew and a bomb block that allows access to the middle cannon and back to the rest of the room.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None


Room 28

Two doors link to this area; Room 29 to the left and Room 27 from the right. The right entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 27 from this room.

The ground from the door has a series of ramps that can be rolled over with wheel going left but not right. Below that, the ramps go the opposite way. Chips, Sparkys and Waddle Doos are along these paths. At the end of the second path are a lot of star blocks, and two bomb blocks. If Kirby hits the bomb block in front, he can reach a cherry, but the treasure chest is blocked. This bomb block makes a way up to the door to leave the room and try again. If Kirby hits the lower block only, then he can get green spray paint from the chest. This can be achieved by using Beam while standing on the edge of the platform just past the star blocks. Continue left along the lowermost level to reach the one way door to room 29.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None


Room 29

Two doors link to this area; Goal 3 to the left and Room 28 from the right. The right entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 28 from this room.

This level is linear, with Twisters, Waddle Doos, and a Sword Knight boxed in bomb blocks, along with food. A battery is not boxed in. The Twisters can leave the boxes. None of the bomb blocks block off any area when hit. The door at the end of the room leads to Goal room 3.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None


Room 30

Two doors link to this area; Room 27 from the left and Room 31 to the right.

To the left of the door are a series of bottomless pits, separated by small pieces of land, with small platforms above them. Some of the platforms are ground, some are star blocks. At the far left is a two way door to room 27. The room has a mountain and forest appearance.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None


Room 31

Two doors link to this area; Room 30 from the left and Hub 3 to the right. Additionally, a cannon from Room 32 will blast Kirby into this room.

Entering from Hub room 3, Kirby begins inside of a mountain. Hit the bomb block to open the large wall, then continue along to the left. The lower path ends in a tomato, and the upper path allows access to the outside of the mountain. Also along the upper path is a treasure chest which cannot be reached when entering from the cannon in room 32, due to the bomb blocks at the entrance to the mountain blocking the chest when destroyed. The area outside the mountain is where Kirby begins when entering this room by cannon. At the far left of the room, there is a two way door to Room 30.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None


Room 32

Two doors link to this area; Room 31 from above and Room 33 below. The lower-right entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 33 from this room.

The cave themed room begins in a small bottom area with a ladder leading to the next level. A Boxin and Bronto Burt are in this section. The next level has a floor almost covered in spikes, and above are star blocks arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Trapped in the star blocks are a Waddle Doo and two Sparkys. Their abilities are little more than a distraction, however, because at the uppermost level is a cannon with a Hot Head next to it. To use the cannon, Kirby will need to obtain the Fire ability to light the fuse to proceed to Room 31.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None


Room 33

Two doors link to this area; Room 32 from above and Room 14 to the lower-right. The lower-right entrance is one-way, meaning that Kirby cannot return directly to Room 14 from this room.

This room is a cave area with a sideways U-shaped layout. The right side of the room, where Kirby enters from 14, begins with a passage that includes Chips and Soarars. There is a battery on the lower left of the room, and above, there are two Twisters trapped in blocks, allowing Kirby to get the Tornado ability. Now on the upper level of the room, to the right are two pits of spikes with Scarfies and a Cupie, and another Soarar. A battery and a ham lie beyond a wall after the spike pits (the ham behind star blocks). The door at the upper right of the level is one way to room 32.

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses

  • None


Room 34

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 35

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 36

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 37

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 38

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 39

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 40

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 41

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.

Room 42

Enemies, Mid-Bosses, and Abilities

Regular Enemies Mid-Bosses
  • None.
  • None.

  • None.

  • None.
  • None.


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