
Revision as of 14:30, 2 September 2020 by Gigi (talk | contribs) (→‎Game appearances: Grammar, also I'm going to not consider the Marx Soul cameos as he has his own page, unless I should (if so, feel free to add them back))
First appearance [[Kirby Super Star|Template:KSS KFP]]
Latest appearance Kirby Star Allies (Kirby series)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (overall)
Other appearance(s) Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby Mass Attack
Cameo appearances [[Kirby: Squeak Squad|Template:KSS KMA]]
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
[[Kirby's Return to Dream Land|Template:KRDL KAW]]
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Theme music

Clip of Marx's boss battle theme from Template:KSSU

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I did it! It all went according to plan! I got the sun and moon to fight. I got you to go into space... it was all according to my perfect little plan! Now I can cause all the mischief I want! Haha! See you later!
— Marx in Milky Way Wishes, Kirby Super Star Ultra

Marx is the final boss and main antagonist of Milky Way Wishes from [[Kirby Super Star|Template:KSS KFP]] and its remake, Kirby Super Star Ultra. He also appears in Kirby Star Allies as a Dream Friend and cameoing in several other games.

Physical appearance

In his default form, Marx is light purple and round with large eyes, no arms, a red bow tie, brown shoes, and a jester hat. He often moves around on a jester ball of blue and red.

Marx's true form has a large pair of wings made of glowing crystals, which are supported by two yellow arms. His true form has a longer bow tie and much more menacing eyes. He is somewhat larger in his true form, and is about as big as his smaller form as a Dream Friend.

Battle style

Marx uses a variety of moves in battle. His main ability is teleporting, but he has many other attacks, as detailed below.

Marx's Attacks
Attack Description
Shooter Cutter Marx appears to teleport, but instead shoots out four cutter boomerangs.
This attack has since appeared on many later final bosses in Kirby series.
Seed Attack Marx flies off the screen, dropping four damaging seeds in random places in the arena.
About a second later, thorn vines spring up from locations of the seeds.
Shadow Uppercut Marx appears as a flashing circle on the ground that follows Kirby.
After a few seconds, he springs up in an attempt to ram into Kirby.
Marx Laser Marx assumes a strange expression, then attempts to fire an enormous, damaging beam out of his mouth.
Cannot be guarded at all.
Jester Ball Spit-Drop
(Ice Ball)
Marx assumes a strange expression, then drops a bomb out of his mouth.
After reaching Kirby's height, it explodes into two icy shockwaves that may freeze Kirby in the air or on the ground.
(with arrows)
Marx flashes, then releases hundreds of damaging arrows from his body.
After the arrow barrage, he swoops off the stage.
Black Hole Marx splits in half, creating a black hole. If Kirby is sucked in, he is transported to an alternate dimension in which he takes massive damage.
Cannot be guarded but can be avoided by dashing to one end of the stage. The dimension appears to be a maelstrom of energy.
Attacks names are taken from Japanese guide book and Marx's Moveset in Kirby Star Allies.

Game appearances

Marx's video game appearances  
Game Role Notes
Kirby series
[[Kirby Super Star|Template:KSS KFP]] Main antagonist and final boss Marx is the final boss of Milky Way Wishes and doesn't appear anywhere else outside of The Arena.
[[Kirby: Squeak Squad|Template:KSS KMA]] Cameo Appears in one of the Graphics along with other Final Bosses.
Template:KSSU Main antagonist and final boss As this is a remake of Template:KSS KFP, his role doesn't change.
Kirby Mass Attack Final boss Marx is the final boss of the Kirby Brawlball Sub-Game.
[[Kirby's Return to Dream Land|Template:KRDL KAW]] Cameo Appears as one of the Stone Kirby transformations. He is also among the audience in the Kirby Master video.
Kirby: Triple Deluxe Cameo Appears as one of the Stone Kirby transformations, paired with Magolor. He is also among the audience in the Kirby Master video. A keychain of his boss form also appears.
Kirby Fighters Deluxe Reference One of the Rare Outfits for Beam Kirby bears his likeness.
Kirby: Planet Robobot Reference Appears as a sticker.
Kirby Star Allies Playable character Available since Version 2.0.0.
Super Kirby Clash Reference One of the gear sets is based on him. Additionally, a sticker of him also appears.
Super Smash Bros. series
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Boss

Template:KSS KFP (Ultra)

File:Marx's wish KSS.png
Marx wishing to Nova for control over Popstar

Marx first appears at the beginning and end of Milky Way Wishes, a game mode of Template:KSS KFP and Kirby Super Star Ultra. Initially, Marx seems to be a friendly character. He alerts Kirby that the Sun and the Moon of Pop Star are fighting, and sends Kirby on an adventure to gather the power of the surrounding stars and awaken Nova.

After completing the levels, Kirby manages to awaken Nova. Just as Kirby wishes for the Sun and Moon to stop fighting, Marx appears and knocks Kirby out the way. In an act of betrayal, Marx wishes to rule Pop Star, and reveals that he started the fight between the Sun and Moon, as part of his plot to rule Pop Star. Nova accepts his wish and transforms Marx into a more powerful form, complete with a pair of two large wings. Marx sends Nova on a collision course into Pop Star. After destroying Nova, Kirby goes after Marx, and the two engage in a final boss fight. Like most other bosses, Kirby must continue to hit Marx until he gets defeated.

Boss fight against Marx in Template:KSS KFP (left) and Ultra (right)

While in battle, Marx teleports frequently and taunts Kirby with his high-pitched laugh. Some of his many attacks include:

  • Throwing purplish-white crescents at Kirby
  • Flying above to drop seeds that rapidly grow into spiked vines
  • Appearing on the ground as a shadow and then suddenly springing out
  • Spewing bombs that turn into spheres of ice when they get near Kirby
  • Firing arrows from either side of the screen
  • Spewing out a massive, large beam taking up most of the screen
  • Splitting into two halves and forming a black hole in the center; if Kirby is sucked in, he gets slammed into the ground, sustaining serious damage

As Marx is defeated by Kirby, he is sent flying into Nova, causing it to explode.

Marx is fought as one of the bosses in The Arena. In Kirby Super Star Ultra, Marx has a role near the end of The True Arena mode. It is revealed that, after his destruction at the ending of Milky Way Wishes, Marx's body began to absorb remaining energy from Nova. With the power, Marx brought back his evil soul as Marx Soul, the final boss of The True Arena.

Kirby: Squeak Squad

In [[Kirby: Squeak Squad|Template:KSS KMA]], Marx (True Form) appears in a Graphic featuring various final bosses.

Kirby Mass Attack

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In Kirby Mass Attack, Marx appears in the sub-game Kirby Brawlball as the fourth and final boss. He is much bigger than in his previous appearances. His Quad Cutter and Arrow Flurry attacks serve as objects that can push Kirby down. His Light Beam can freeze Kirby for a few seconds if he's caught in it. With his Black Hole attack, he will suck up random enemies, then shoot them out of his mouth. These enemies can't touch Kirby, but he can be sucked by the attack as well, which may cause the player to lose sight of him. His Vines appear as obstacles in the field. Copies of his original form, known as the Minimarx[from internal data], also appear in the field. Kirby can defeat him for two extra Kirby balls, though this can only be done up to five times.

Kirby's Return to Dream Land

In [[Kirby's Return to Dream Land|Template:KRDL KAW]], Marx makes two cameo appearances. He appears as a statue (in his small form) Kirby can get with the Stone ability. He can also be seen among the audience in the Kirby Master video.

Kirby: Triple Deluxe

In Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Marx again appears as a Stone sculpture, again riding his ball, but this time paired up with Magolor. He also appears among the audience in the Kirby Master video. Both Marx and Marx Soul appear as Keychains.

Kirby Fighters Deluxe

In Kirby Fighters Deluxe, the Beam Ability's Rare Outfit is made in Marx's likeness. When being worn, Kirby will wear Marx's Hat and a staff with a purple orb.

Kirby: Planet Robobot

In Kirby: Planet Robobot, Marx appears as a sticker.

Kirby Star Allies

Marx fires the Team Attack laser with Kirby Piggybacking on him.
The famous jester from Kirby Super Star has finally arrived to get in on the action! Sure, he's had a diabolical past as a final boss, but he'll be your buddy if you keep him well-fed. It's a dream come true!
— Flavor text of Marx in Story Mode and The Ultimate Choice
"Got a plan? Glad to help!"
The cosmic jester from Kirby Super Star sensed danger from afar and is ready to roll across galaxies on his ball! This final boss is here to help!

— Guest Star Marx Galactic Ambition Pause Screen description in Kirby Star Allies

Marx appears as a Dream Friend in Kirby Star Allies, added with Version 2.0.0 of the game on March 28th, 2018. His appearance here marks the first time he is playable in the Kirby series.

Marx's attack style revolves around his ability to kick jester balls at his opponents and - while flying - use several attacks from his boss form. He is able to receive elemental powers from other allies which can further boost his arsenal.


Marx's Dream Friend Moveset in Kirby Star Allies  
Skill Button Execution Skill Button Execution
Jester Ball Ride
Black Hole
Press and hold B during Radiant Flight, then release
Ball Kick
B during Jester Ball Ride
Marx Megaspin
Dash and press ↓ + B in midair
Change Kick Angle
Press and hold B + (direction) during Jester Ball Ride
Marx Flip Ultima
↓ + B in midair
Ball Kick Shot
Dash + B
Shadow Uppercut
Fly into the ground using Marx Flip Ultima
Time-Bomb Jester Ball
↓ + B
Dash + B in midair
Prank Kick
B near an enemy
Flip Ultima Combo
↓ + B during Rush
Radiant Flight
A in midair
Spin Combo
↑↓ + B during Rush
Jester Ball Spit-Drop
Press and release B during Radiant Flight

When given a certain element, many of Marx's attacks take on additional effects which are reminiscent of some of his boss moves:

  • Using Jester Ball Spit-Drop with Blizzard causes ice shockwaves to spread out after the ball is dropped, resembling his 'Ice Ball' as boss.
  • Using Jester Ball Spit-Drop with Bluster causes him to shoot out 4 cutters all around himself, resembling his 'Shooter Cutter' as a boss.
  • Using Jester Ball Spit-Drop with Splash causes spiky vines to shoot out of the ground, resembling his 'Seed Attack' as a boss.
  • Using Rush with Zap causes him to shoot numerous lightning arrows forward, resembling his arrow barrage attack as a boss.
  • Using Rush with Sizzle causes him to shoot numerous fireballs forward. This is an new move for Marx because he has never used any fire element attack before.

In addition, when Marx performs the Team Attack with his allies, it resembles the strange expression with which he fires laser in Kirby Super Star (Ultra).


  • Since Version 2.0.0, the Stone ability can transform into Marx's true form splitting in half.
  • Since Version 2.0.0, a hidden stone plate of Marx's true form can be found after activating the Pull Switch at the end of Extra Planet β.
  • Marx appears as a surprise bonus boss in the Happy Ending credits of Heroes in Another Dimension, where he'll utilize all of his moves from the original boss fight. Interestingly, he is given his laugh from Kirby Super Star Ultra while the playable Marx uses his Kirby Super Star laugh.
  • Marx appears in three Celebration Pictures: "Super Ultra Battle", "Crazy Mischief in the Stars" and "Bad Boss Brothers".

Super Kirby Clash

In Super Kirby Clash, Marx has two gear in his likeness. These items are a weapon named "Marx's Staff" and an armor called "Marx's Hat". Marx also has two stickers, one on his regular form with the caption "Hey heyyy!", and another on his soul form with the caption "Ha-HAAA!".

Super Smash Bros. Series

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

  SmashWiki has more information about this subject here.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Marx retains his role as a boss and his moveset from Kirby Super Star (except the arrow attack), but has three new attacks which can greatly weaken the fighter's shield:

  • Marx's eyes turn dark and black bouncy balls appear, which deal darkness damage.
  • Marx goes into the middle of the arena, retracts his wings and causes veins to come out and spread across the arena, which deal fire damage.
  • Marx's eyes grow into the size of a kinball and his pupils multiply, causing him to shoot out multiple purple lasers out of his eyes, which deal electric damage.

Marx's cutters and ice balls can be inhaled or reflected. After beating Marx, he bounces on the stage sporadically while screaming before he lands on the floor with his wings separated.

In Classic Mode, the only characters to fight Marx so far are Kirby, Rosalina & Luma and Inkling.

In Adventure Mode: World of Light, Marx is one of the three bosses of Dharkon's army in The Dark Realm, first fought at the end of Mysterious Dimension. Defeating him in Mysterious Dimension rewards the Primary Spirit of Marx in his small form (★★ Advanced, Grab-type, 3 slots; Skill: none, attack: 1,001 base, 4,004 max, defense: 587 base, 2,351 max), which can be enhanced into Marx (True Form) (★★★★ Legend, Grab-type, 3 slots; Skill: Magic Attack ↑, attack: 2,533 base, 6,333 max, defense: 1,654 base, 4,153 max). Later, Marx and the other five bosses of Galeem's and Dharkon's armies will be fought again in a boss rush during the final battle.

Additionally, a hat based on the one Marx wears can be worn by Mii Fighters.


Main article: Vs. Marx

Marx's theme song is "Vs. Marx" (also titled "Meddlesome Marx"). Originally his boss battle theme in [[Kirby Super Star|Template:KSS KFP]] and its remake, his theme is remixed to make a surprise appearance in Kirby Star Allies.


  • The Japanese manual of [[Kirby Super Star|Template:KSS KFP]] describes Marx as a magician (魔法使い).[1] In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the Spirit of Marx (True Form) has the Magic Attack ↑ skill, which possibly refers to him being a magician.
  • The planet Marx is fought on is referred to as ????, which is the same name as that of the secret planet (which is where Kirby gets the Copy Essence Deluxe of Copy).
  • Marx has no hands, so he uses his hat to grab things like Pull Switches in Kirby Star Allies. However, he does have hands in some manga series.
  • In Kirby Star Allies, Marx's Black Hole can suck Kirby's dropped Ability Star.
  • Some unused data in Marx's boss battle in the Heroes in Another Dimension credits in Kirby Star Allies has been found, including a health bar and unique music. This music is notably the same music that plays when fighting Morpho Knight as Marx. This may indicate that Marx was planned as an actual secret boss at one point.[2]


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Category:Marx images


Marx's Dream Friend trailer for Kirby Star Allies


Quotes from Marx in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra  
  • "Hey, hey, hey."
  • "Can you make peace between the Sun and Moon?"
  • "You need to ask the giant comet NOVA for help!"
  • "But first, there's something we must do."
  • "To ask NOVA, we must gather power from all the stars around us."
  • "It will be difficult, Kirby, but you can do it!"
  • "We are counting on you. Good luck!"
  • "Well, I want to control POPSTAR!"
  • "WOW! It worked."
  • "The Sun & Moon are fighting. Go find NOVA."
  • "All my plans worked!"
  • "POPSTAR is all MINE!"
  • "Now, I can do anything! I must be going now."
  • "Hahahahahahahah...."
  • "Hey, hey, hey."
  • "Can you make peace between the Sun and Moon?"
  • "You need to ask the giant comet Nova for help!"
  • "But first, there's something we must do."
  • "To ask Nova, we must gather power from all the stars around us."
  • "It will be difficult, Kirby, but you can do it!"
  • "We are counting on you. Good luck!"
  • "Well, I want to control Pop Star!"
  • "I did it! It all went according to plan!"
  • "I got the sun and moon to fight. I got you to go into space..."
  • "It was all according to my perfect little plan!"
  • "So now Pop Star is mine! All mine!"
  • "Now I can cause all the mischief I want! Haha! See you later!"
  • "Ho ho ho ho! Ohh ho ho ho! Ho ho ho ho ho! Ohh ho ho ho...!"

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese マルク
An uncommon spelling of the name "Mark" (usually マーク Māku); rendered "Marx" in official romanizations.
Traditional Chinese 魔嚕酷
mó lū kù
Transcription of Maruku
  • The character 魔, while having many meanings, here means "demon" considering Marx's characteristics. There is a "Demon" Kanji sticker in Kirby: Planet Robobot.
  • The character 酷 can mean "cruel" or "cool" in different contexts.
Simplified Chinese 魔噜酷
mó lū kù
Dutch Marx -
French Max -
German Max -
Italian Mark -
Korean 마르크
Russian Маркс
Spanish Marx -


  1. "魔法使いのマルクは、ポップスターのそばにある星々をつなげることで大彗星を呼べば解決することを教えてくれました。" –Japanese Template:KSS KFP instruction manual (page 26)
  2. YouTube
