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There are several Moons in the Kirby series, and more than one hang around Popstar at any given moment.[1] Aside from being typical astral bodies, the various moons serve as either backdrops, or locations that Kirby and other characters visit.

Notable Moons[edit]

  • Mr. Shine is a moon, but also jumps down to the ground to fight Kirby alongside Mr. Bright, who acts as the Sun. Kirby fights these two menaces in several games in the series.
  • A large moon serves as the battleground where Kirby fights Nightmare at the end of Kirby's Adventure and Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land. After this fight concludes, a large part of the moon is destroyed, making it permanently crescent-shaped. This moon also makes a notable appearance in the opening cutscene of Kirby: Triple Deluxe.[1]
  • During the events of Milky Way Wishes, Kirby has to stop the Sun and Moon from fighting.
    • Also in Milky Way Wishes, Kirby visits a planet called Halfmoon. Technically, it is not a moon, but it is named as such.
  • A large, full moon can be seen hanging in the sky of Popstar at various times. Its most striking appearance is in the background during the fight with Queen Sectonia in Kirby: Triple Deluxe.[1] A similar moon can also be seen in the sky in the opening stages of Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby: Planet Robobot.

Moon Stages in Kirby Star Allies[edit]

Each major planet in Far-Flung Starlight Heroes has a moon which can be visited after the host planet is cleared. Each moon has a Boss residing on it, who must be fought to clear the way to Jambandra. These moons are as follows:

Minor Moons[edit]

  • There are several small crescent moons that hang about in the background of various stages, first appearing in Bubbly Clouds. Sometimes, Kirby can use them as a secret doorway.
  • Shiver Star has a moon which closely resembles Earth's.
  • The second area of Spectacle Space takes place around a waning crescent moon-like structure.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "There are several moons which can be observed on Kirby's home planet of Popstar. For example, there's a sun and moon duo known to cycle so aggressively you wouldn't know if it was day or night, and a moon that in a previous story got smashed into the shape of a crescent. In the opening cut-scene of this game, when a shooting star trails across the sky, the moon that can be seen above Kirby's house is that crescent moon.

    In this game, it is a different moon that can be seen during the final battle, but the fact both a moon and finally a sun appear in this symbolic battle scene illustrates how important stars and celestial bodies are to the game's imagery.
    " –Shinya Kumazaki (Miiverse)