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User:Gigi/Sandbox/Kirby: Big Trouble in Patch Land!

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  • Kirby goes to Kawasaki's restaurant, but there is a sign saying it's closed
  • Even so Kirby calls for Kawasaki, saying he's hungry
  • Kawasaki replies telling Kirby the restaurant will be closed for... some time
  • Kawasaki's voice sounds different for some reason
  • Kirby asks if Kawasaki got a cold, Kawasaki says... yes, and Kirby tells him to rest
  • Before Kirby leaves, Kawasaki warns Kirby that, if he sees anyone made of yarn, he should stay away from them
  • Kirby, confused, asks if that is who gave him the cold. Kawasaki says no, and is about to tell Kirby the truth, but Kirby just continues believing on the cold version of the story, ignoring Kawasaki's attempt
  • Kawasaki attempts to reaffirm his warning to Kirby, but Kirby is too busy daydreaming about what he will eat when Kawasaki's restaurant reopens
  • Getting hungry due to his daydreaming, Kirby just leaves, while Kawasaki tries to get him to come back and listen to him, but in vain

  • Inside the closed restaurant, Kawasaki sits down
  • He is not the usual Kawasaki: his whole body is made of yarn
  • Earlier, when Kawasaki went to gather ingredients, he met someone completely made out of yarn
  • When they spotted each other, that person attacked Kawasaki, and when he realized he was now made of yarn
  • Kawasaki says to himself that he regrets lying to Kirby about the cold at first, but also comments how he's so embarrassed of his current state
  • Kawasaki is worried about Kirby: although he's strong, if he's turned into yarn like him, he would be hopeless. He doesn't like that Kirby didn't listen to his warning seriously
  • Thinking about the upcoming crisis that could happen in Dream Land, Kawasaki is in pain

  • Back to Kirby, he keeps wondering what he will eat
  • Suddenly, a tomato rolls in front of him
  • Kirby is happy: tomatoes are his favorite food. However, due to how hungry he isn't, he doesn't realize the tomato actually is made of yarn
  • Kirby opens his mouth and starts to inhale. Then, from the bushes nearby, some yarn person with a hat shows up
  • He yells at Kirby to not eat his magic tomato, the Metamato, but it's too late, Kirby just eats it
  • As Kirby swallows it, he finds its taste strange
  • Kirby then finally notices the yarn person in front of him, and realizes that's who Kawasaki warned him about. He gets worried he will catch a cold from them
  • Angry, the yarn person starts sucking Kirby with a sock he has with him. Kirby is surprised and confused about what is going all, after all usually he's the one that sucks up enemies
  • Kirby can't do anything and gets sucked up inside the sock

Chapter 1: Yarn Kirby?![edit]

  • Kirby is falling until he lands somewhere
  • He looks around and realizes the whole landscape is weird, almost as if everything was made of fabric and yarn
  • Kirby wonders where he is, when he hears someone calling for help
  • This person is a blue boy, who is being chased by a horned monster
  • Kirby opens his mouth to inhale the monster, but he cannot. He realizes his body is also made out of yarn
  • Worried and not sure how he can help the boy, Kirby suddenly transforms into a car. Although he's confused, he dashes in front of the boy and tells him to get in. He jumps on Kirby and tells Kirby to head for a castle he points to, and so Kirby does that
  • The monster is gone

  • In front of the castle, Kirby breaks and the boy jumps off from him, and says thanks
  • Kirby turns back to his original form... or rather, the form he was before
  • The boy introduces himself as Fluff, and Kirby says he's Kirby
  • Fluff asks where Kirby is from, and he says Dream Land, but Fluff does not recognize it
  • Fluff concludes that Kirby is a traveler from a faraway place, and asks him to tell his story
  • Kirby ends up agreeing, thinking that Fluff can help him go back home, and how he feels he can trust him
  • Narrator points out how Kirby thinks he will be able to have a quick chat with Fluff and go back home, but that's he's mistaken: Kirby's yarn adventure has just begun

Chapter 2: A Great Adventure with Prince Fluff![edit]

  • The two enter the castle
  • Fluff introduces himself again, and says he's the prince of Patch Land (the yarn country)
  • Kirby listens but is busy observing everything in the castle is made of yarn. Fluff comments about it, saying that's how this country is ("Cool huh?")
  • Fluff says it's a peaceful country... well that is, until someone evil came
  • Kirby asks who and Fluff says Yin-Yarn and describes him a bit, and how he basically tore apart Fluff's country. Kirby wonders if it's the same guy he met, and describes him as well, which Fluff says it's him
  • Fluff says Yin-Yarn wants to conquer the world
  • Fluff says how he was about to go a journey to get the continents stitched together, but was attacked by one of Yin-Yarn's henchman, and that Kirby came on the nick of time to save him
  • He says that Kirby is cool, he can transform into a car
  • Embarrassed, Kirby says he has no clue how he did that, and how it was the first time he transformed into a car
  • Fluff asks then how Kirby came to yarn country, since he mentioned he was from Dream Land
  • Kirby starts to explain what happened earlier: he was walking, a tomato rolled in front of him, some guy with a hat appeared. Fluff interrupts him
  • Fluff wonders if Kirby ate a tomato made of yarn. Kirby says he isn't sure, since he didn't pay much attention, but later thought it tasted weird
  • Fluff says he likely ate a Metamato. Hearing the name, Kirby remembers and says that was what the guy with the hat said
  • Fluff says the Metamato that gave him these powers. He explains the Metamato is a rare tomato said that can give powers to those who eat one, but he didn't know for sure since they are so rare he had never seen one before
  • Kirby laments that he cannot use "inhale" and "copy abilities" in this world, but at last he has other powers
  • Kirby comments how he finds fun to be able to transform into a car
  • Fluff decides to ask Kirby a favor: to lend him his strength. He says again what he said earlier: that the world was torn apart by Yin-Yarn and he aims to restore it. However, he was so quickly attacked earlier, he feels he can't do it alone. He feels bad to ask Kirby who is from far away, but he feels he needs his help
  • Kirby agrees without thinking twice. Although at first he was anxious to go back to Dream Land, after hearing that story, Kirby couldn't just leave Fluff alone
  • Kirby also says he wants to beat Yin-Yarn, since he gave Kawasaki a cold (Kirby still thinks Yin-Yarn gave Kawasaki a cold, says the narrator) and made him close his restaurant
  • Confused, Fluff asks about what Kirby is talking about
  • Kirby, of course, starts to gush about Kawasaki's restaurant and its food. Fluff is super confused. Kirby is on a trance
  • "In other words, we will defeat Yin-Yarn!" says Kirby
  • Fluff is relived to hear and they just celebrate together and stuff
  • Fluff says they better get ready for the trip, it will be long
  • But before, Kirby asks something... he wants food! He says only that tomato made of yarn didn't do it
  • Fluff laughs and calls Kirby a glutton. Kirby says that's not it, he just missed lunch
  • Anyway Fluff says sure, and asks his chef(s) to prepare food for them
  • They bring in a bunch of food... but it's all yarn food. Kirby is disappointed, while Fluff says "Doesn't it look delicious?"
  • Kirby says he wants real food, not yarn food. Fluff says that in the yarn country, that is "real" food, and even points out how Kirby is also made of yarn
  • Realizing he can't do much, Kirby grabs a yarn fork to eat a yarn steak, and he loves it and surprised that it actually tastes like "real" steak. Fluff repeats that it's because that's "real" food for them
  • Kirby eats the food happy. However, he starts to remember of the food by Kawasaki and basically misses it. No matter how good that yarn food is, he just is the biggest fan of Kawasaki's
  • Fluff, realizing Kirby isn't eating, asks if he's full. Kirby comes back and realizes it's no time to daydream about Kawasaki's food
  • They both ask for seconds
  • They eat really well and are happy and mention how now they have energy
  • Narrator specifically points out how they are in sync despite having barely just met (similar body shape and eating habits?)
  • They leave the castle in high spirits

  • Kirby and Fluff are walking around a grassy field (and narrator once again points out how it's all made of fabric/yarn)
  • Fluff says this area is called Grass Land, and used to be peaceful until Yin-Yarn came and monsters appeared
  • And surely enough, after Fluff says that an Uniclod appears
  • Kirby tries to inhale again out of instinct, but it doesn't work yet again
  • Fluff tells Kirby to transform into a car again and they flee, but Kirby isn't sure
  • Fluff says the horns of Uniclods are strong and dangerous
  • However, before Kirby can transform into a car, the Uniclod goes in front of Fluff and is ready to attack
  • Panicking, Kirby basically extends his hand as if trying to reach for Fluff to help him. As he does so, somehow some woolen yarn like a whip comes out of his hand
  • Surprised still, the whip reaches the Uniclod and basically torns him apart, since he's made of yarn
  • Kirby and Fluff are confused, but happy that Fluff is safe
  • Fluff asks what Kirby did and he isn't sure, he just extended his hand to help Fluff and that whip came out... and now it's gone
  • Kirby spots an apple tree in the distance and extends his hand towards it. Like that, the whip shows up again and grabs an apple from the tree. Kirby finds it convenient
  • Kirby eats the apple and Fluff concludes this is another power from the Metamato. He's relived now that they can just defeat the monsters like that

Chapter 3: Big Fierce Fighting with Metamortex Transformations!![edit]

  • They hear some evil laugh
  • Fluff wonders if it's another monster, Kirby says he can beat it
  • Then a hole opens and they see an eyeball. Fluff says it's bad, they were found by the people of the... lining? (裏地)
  • Kirby is confused, and Fluff explains is those who live on "the other side of the cloth" (布の裏側), so in the other side of their world. And they are twisted and like pranks
  • After Fluff explains, the creature on the other side makes the hole larger, and finally gets through it. They are round and purple, have bat-like wings, and an eyeball
  • The creature flies around while laughing maniacally. They make a round black ball appear, and Fluff at first thinks it's not as bad as he thought. The ball is dropped on his direction, and just before it his him, spikes appear from it. It hits Fluff and he gets hurt
  • Seeing Fluff hurt, Kirby gets mad, and attacks the bat creature with a yarn whip. They dodge and try to drop a ball at Kirby, but he dodges as well. The creature comments how it's so much fun. They do that in a repeat a couple times
  • Kirby realizes just the yarn whip won't do, and he wonders if he can throw something bigger at the creature. He turns around, and the creature taunts Kirby, asking if he's fleeing. But Kirby is looking towards the apple tree from earlier, and grabs the biggest apple he finds with the yarn whip. He thinks of eating it but overcomes it, and throws the apple at the creature. They cannot dodge and are hit right away. They comment how it was fun, but how Kirby is strong, and just laugh a lot
  • Fluff asks if they are a subordinate of Yin-Yarn, and they say no. They ask who they are, and they say they are Me-Devil (yes, he uses オレ as a first person pronoun, I would be mad if that wasn't the case). He says he heard the battle with Uniclod and figured whoever battled them was strong, and wanted to battle them as well
  • Me-Devil says that as a prize for having fun with him, he will tell him secret information only people of the lining know. He asks what kind of information they want, and Kirby without even thinking says "gourmet information"! He starts to ramble about possible restaurants when Fluff quietly interrupts him to instead ask "we want information on how to restore the continents". Kirby realizes and pretty much just gives in and lets Fluff's information request take priority
  • Me-Devil says that for that they need the Magic Yarn. Asking where they could be, Me-Devil says that Yin-Yarn's henchman must each hold a piece. One guards each continent. For example, the one guarding in their current area, Grass Land, is... Fangora. Me-Devil talks a bit about it
  • Kirby asks where Fangora is, and Me-Devil says that likely in the sky, in the clouds
  • Kirby wonders how they can battle them, when Fluff suggests to make them angry. Kirby is confused, Fluff explains that basically if they go wrecking around, Fangora will think they will eventually go to its territory, and go after them
  • Kirby goes to grab another apple, but Fluff says that won't be enough, they will need some weapon... and Fluff asks Me-Devil if he knows anything
  • Me-Devil says that Kirby ate a Metamato, and Kirby confirms. Me-Devil tells them to go find a Metamortex... They ask what it is
  • Me-Devil explains that Metamortexes give someone who ate a Metamato a Metamortex Transformation. They ask where they can find one, and Me-Devil goes, "Dunno lol"
  • Fluff thinks for a bit, and tells Kirby for them to go back to the castle. Kirby wonders why, and Fluff says the castle has many treasures, maybe a Metamortex will be there
  • Fluff is already going when Kirby says bye and thanks to Me-Devil

  • In the castle, Fluff is looking through many treasures, until he finds a seven-colored ring
  • He says his ancestors found it deep in a forest long ago, but never found what it is, and it's probably what Me-Devil was talking about
  • Fluff gave the ring at Kirby and he transformed into a big robot. Surprised, Fluff asks if Kirby is fine, and Kirby answers he has no clue what happened. As he speaks, a missile flies off and hits a wall of the treasure room
  • Fluff is in shock. Kirby says he's sorry, and as he speaks more missiles fly off. Fluff then realizes and tells Kirby not to speak. Kirby asks why, and another missile flies off, and Fluff explains that missiles fly when he speaks
  • Kirby finally realizes and doesn't speak anymore. Relieved, Fluff celebrates that it was really a Metamortex, and how Kirby is strong now, and they can beat Fangora easily. Fluff jumps on top of Kirby and enters the robot's cockpit, and says he will give instructions. Kirby says "Understood!" which makes a missile fly
  • Fluff laughs and say he wants to call this transformation "Tankbot"... because it's a bot that is a tank (Japanese version: "I call it Big Robot because it's a big robot!")
  • Fluff pulls a lever inside the cockpit and a punching glove rotates around the Tankbot. Fluff is happy that he can attack with the glove and Kirby can fire missiles. Fluff says they will beat Fangora. They go through the destroyed wall back to Grass Land

  • Kirby and Fluff go around Grass Land shooting missiles at and punching various monsters with the Tankbot
  • As they defeat enemy after enemy, they wonder when Fangora will show up... When it does
  • They try to shoot missiles at Fangora, but it flaps its wings, and with gusts of wind the missiles explode before they can reach Fangora. They get worried that the missiles aren't working, and Fangora shoots fireballs at them. Getting hit, Kirby complains about the heat
  • Kirby basically spins his arm around, it catches on a tree nearby, and he basically rolls back to his regular form (like Reel Gates). Fluff just falls down
  • Fangora shoots fireballs at them again. Fluff gets hit, but Kirby manages to dodge. Fangora keeps trying to hit Kirby, but he keeps dodging. Fluff then understands that a small opponent is harder for Fangora, since he's big: it's easier for him to hit a bigger target
  • Fluff goes grab a rock and, as Fangora is about to hit Kirby, he throws a rock at it. Fangora looks at Fluff, who tells it that he will be its opponent
  • Kirby decides to do the same, and also throws a rock at Fangora. The two keep doing that over and over, as Fangora looks at one, then the other, as the rocks are being thrown. Dizzy, Fangora lets its tongue out, which appears to have some sort of button. Noticing that, Fluff tells Kirby to pull it. Kirby throws his yarn whip at it, and starts pulling it. Fangora panics, and pulls back as well. Fluff goes to help Kirby pull, and Fangora also starts to try to fly away
  • Fluff says "Now!" and they two let go of the tongue, that goes right back at Fangora, hitting it so strong that it body starts to fall apart, revealing a strong light: a piece of the Magic Yarn
  • They realize it's as Me-Devil said. The Magic Yarn flies to the sky and the ground starts to shake. Fluff and Kirby hold hands and Kirby wonders what is going on, and Fluff says the Magic Yarn is putting the continents together ("It's like sewing two pieces of cloth together")
  • The tremor stops and Fluff says next they should find Hot Land. Fluff starts to run, and Kirby goes running after him. And so they run to a new adventure

Chapter 4: The Dedede Castle Takeover Operation?![edit]

  • Meanwhile...
  • At castle Dedede, Bandana Dee is cleaning things. He comments how the day is great, and later he wants to invite Kirby for a walk
  • A voice calls Bandee, saying he's done cleaning. It's two Waddle Dees, but their voices sounds weird. Regardless, Bandee tells them what to clean next
  • The two repeat what to clean next with the weird tone, and Bandee decides to turn back to them to see what is up. That is when he realizes the two are made of yarn, in shock
  • Bandee asks who they are, and they just reply they are regular Waddle Dees. Bandee says that's not true, they are completely made of yarn
  • The two Dees completely change stance, and start laughing. They attack Bandee, and tie him in yarn, making it impossible for him to move
  • From the shadows, a man made of yarn appears, seeing that the operation was a success. Bandee at first flinches but gathers courage to ask what he is doing, and he says he also wants to take over this world
  • The two knitting needles he holds start to knit yarn Waddle Dees
  • Realizing that the yarn Waddle Dees are infiltrating among to real Waddle Dees, Bandee says he has to tell King Dedede, but Yin-Yarn laughs, and says that he already took over the castle, and even Dedede is doing as he says
  • Bandee says that is not true, King Dedede would never be fooled, and Yin-Yarn says "Well we'll see", laughing
  • Bandee is certain Dedede won't fall for this, and will do something

  • Dedede is sat down eating snacks. He's bored, saying that Dream Land is too pacific
  • A Waddle Dee brings him more snacks, but his voice sounds weird. But Dedede doesn't realize and just replies back to the Waddle Dee, telling him to put them on the table and bring him a drink
  • Another Waddle Dee comes and says (slowly like the other Dees) that the king is tired, and they should take care of his shoulders. Dedede finds it weird, as a Waddle Dee has never pointed out, but he agrees, that his shoulders are tired from him doing his Great King duties
  • The Waddle Dee answers, but Dedede notices his slowness in the voice. Dedede tells him that he should answer faster as his subordinate, and the Waddle Dee answers "Yes" still slowly, but not as slow
  • The two Waddle Dees put his hands on Dedede's shoulders, and that was when he realized something strange: that he can see through those Waddle Dees. As he says that, the Dees pretty much flee from the subject, as Dedede wonders if they are alright. That is when he realizes his arms are tangled in yarn
  • Dedede finds it weird and wonders if that is a new massage that uses yarn, but the Waddle Dees just keep tangling him even more until his body is completely tied in yarn, and he realizes too late
  • A yarn man with two knitting needles shows up, and mocks Dedede, saying he expected more of an opponent that is a great king
  • Angry, Dedede asks him how he got in the castle, and Yin-Yarn doesn't exactly explain, but says it was like an empty house, ready to be taken over
  • Yin-Yarn introduces himself, and says that now Dedede will be his subordinate, and that he can call him "master"
  • Dedede just keeps building up anger, and is about to rip the yarn that is around him. Yin-Yarn notices that and panics
  • Yin-Yarn says he needs to send Dedede to Patch Land asap, and the sock around his neck starts to glow. Dedede is sucked inside the sock
  • Yin-Yarn celebrates that his conquest of Dream Land is one step closer, and he commands the yarn Waddle Dees to turn all Dream Land residents into yarn, which they (slowly) say yes

  • Kirby and Fluff don't know what is happening in Dream Land, says the narrator
  • They are in Hot Land, that, unlike Grass Land, is just filled with sand and mountains
  • Kirby gets tired of walking under the scalding sun, and suggests for them to sit down to rest for a bit, but Fluff says that doing that will only tire them more
  • Kirby looks around and cannot find a single tree, just a cactus. The only thing casting a shadow
  • Kirby gets nostalgic of Dream Land's windy and cozy weather
  • Fluff points to a big mountain, and says he thinks there is a cave there, where they can rest. Hopeful, the two head in that direction

  • Reaching the cave at the mountain, a hot wind comes out from it. They realize it's actually a volcano, and should be even hotter inside
  • Fluff says sorry to Kirby, he just knew of the cave in the mountain, but Kirby says it's alright, and they should just give up on the cave and move forward
  • They are hopeful they can find the next Magic Yarn soon, put together another continent, and head to the next one already
  • When suddenly... a hole opens up. They realize it's someone from the world of the lining again. They wonder if it's Me-Devil, but it's not: it's a creature with a triangular helmet like a drill and a single eye
  • They wonder who they are, but before they can do anything, the creature charges at them. It just keeps doing that over and over, laughing
  • Fluff wishes they had a Metamortex, but realizes all they can do is run away. He asks Kirby to transform into a car and he does, and Fluff jumps on him, and they start to run away
  • However, the creature is really fast, and keeps following them (still laughing), no matter how fast Kirby runs
  • Fluff realizes they are about to hit a cactus, and screams for Kirby to break. Fluff just closes his eyes as Kirby is about to hit it, but Kirby instead jumps over the cactus
  • The creature, however, at full speed, hits the cactus and gets pierced, and starts to scream
  • Fluff jumps off Kirby and Kirby transforms back
  • When the creature recovers, the first thing they do is start laughing, without any injures. They got up and says it was fun and it's as Me-Devil said, they are strong
  • Fluff asks who they are, and he answers: Ye-Devil. Fluff asks why he attacked them, and Ye-Devil says it's just that Me-Devil told him there was someone really strong in their world
  • Intercalating between looking at Kirby and Fluff, Ye-Devil continues that, when he saw Kirby and Fluff, he couldn't believe small and cute kids like them could be that strong, so he basically attacked them to see if it was true, and he was surprised to see it was
  • Kirby and Fluff realize he's like Me-Devil: not really evil, just... playful in dangerous and weird ways. Anyway, Fluff asks if he can give top-secret info, and Ye-Devil says yes
  • Fluff asks who has the Magic Yarn of Hot Land, and Ye-Devil says that probably Hot Wings. Fluff asks where, and Ye-Devil points to a mountain. He says that that mountain is so steep that it cannot be climbed in regular ways, but if they go through the cave, they can find a way to reach the top
  • Fluff points out how they cannot go through the cave, and Ye-Devil laughs. He shows them something he has: a Metamortex. Ye-Devil says he found one in the lining world. Anyway, with the transformation it gives, they can pass through the cave easily
  • They ask if it's Tankbot again, and Ye-Devil says no, it's the Fire Engine one. Kirby and Fluff are confused, and Ye-Devil just gives the ring to Kirby, and he transforms
  • Fluff realizes he turned into a... fire engine (in Japanese the transformation is called スプラッシュ (splash) so that is why they were confused and now understand LOL). Ye-Devil explains that he can shoot water with the hose
  • Kirby tries and shoots some water, wetting the dry ground of Hot Land
  • Fluff is happy and thanks Ye-Devil, and he says it's nothing. With the continents scattered, his world is as well and it's boring, so he also wants the continents to put stitched together
  • Kirby and Fluff nod and say they will do their best. They head towards the mountain, as Ye-Devil quietly mentions how the future of the world of the lining depends on them

Chapter 5: New Powers, Ravel Abilities![edit]

  • The cave is really hot and has boiling lava, Fluff can't even enter it. He asks Kirby for help
  • Kirby, with the Fire Engine transformation, uses the hose to shoot water and put out the fires and lava around, which makes Fluff happy
  • So they do like that, going through the cave, which actually is full of inclines so they are basically climbing it from the inside of it
  • They start to wonder what kind of creature Hot Wings is, and Kirby says it's probably as strong as Fangora
  • Suddenly, a molten rock appears in front of them and causes an explosion. They find a creature that tells it will burn the two for opposing Yin-Yarn: it's a Calderon. It continues to shoot fire rocks
  • Fluff dodges them in a panic and tells Kirby to do something, and he shoots water at it. In panic, the creature decides to flee due to the water
  • Fluff laughs and says that with this transformation, they can easily deal with anything in that cave
  • Before they continue, Fluff realizes the Calderon left behind something shiny. They take a look and it's some sort of yarn ball with two needles in it
  • Kirby wonders if it's a Metamortex, and Fluff says no, and that somehow that is familiar to him... when he remembers: it's a "Ravel Essence" (さいほうのもと) (boring English name is "Ravel Ball")
  • Fluff explains it's a tool to use Ravel Abilities, from the Ravel department (ministry?) of the castle (さいほう能力を使うための道具だよ。城のさいほう省で、使われていた!)
  • Excited, Fluff continues and says that the Ravel department/ministry is the one responsible for ravel, and the most important job/business of his country. And that the officials of the department/ministry use the Ravel Essences to do all sorts of things (さいほう省っていうのは、おさいほうを担当する役所なんだ。わが国で、いちばん大事な仕事だよ。さいほう省の役人たちは、倉庫に保管されているさいほうのもとを使って、いろいろな物を作り出すんだ!)
  • "Kirby does not understand."
  • Fluff stops and tells Kirby to drop the Metamortex Transformation. Kirby says yes and rolls around a rock, reverting back to normal
  • Fluff gives the Ravel Ball to Kirby, and it goes on his head and transforms into a hat. Fluff sees it's the Knitting Needles Ravel ability
  • Kirby is confused but Fluff says that with the needles Kirby can now knit things, but Kirby says he doesn't know hot to knit
  • Fluff says it's easy, and that he's surprised because in his world anyone can knit, and apparently in Kirby's world it's hard. But then he continues that tells Kirby that since he has the ability, he can probably do something
  • Kirby isn't so sure, but he decides to try. He imagines something he wants to knit, when the needles in the hat move by themselves and start to knit it. Kirby is surprised. They make a yarn ball with a star on it
  • Fluff wonders if this can be used as a weapon, and Kirby throws it at a rock, and it makes a loud sound. Fluff celebrates, saying that with that they can beat Hot Wings
  • They continue going up

  • At the peak of the mountain, Kirby and Fluff look around, trying to find Hot Wings
  • They hear rattling and the ground rumbles, and lava comes from it. They manage to dodge staying on top of rocks
  • Then they realize Hot Wings emerged from all that
  • Hot Wings opens her beak and starts shooting fireballs from it
  • Kirby and Fluff dodge, and Kirby says he will battle Hot Wings with his Ravel Ability
  • Hot Wings attacks Kirby, but he dodges and throws a yarn ball at Hot Wings. However, she simply shoots it away with the wind from her wings flapping
  • Fluff shouts, worried that Kirby's ability isn't working, but that calls the attention of Hot Wings, who starts attacking Fluff. Kirby notices and tells Fluff to watch out, extending his hand towards him, which causes the yarn whip to come out of his hand. It grabs one of the fireballs and unravels it, and the knitting needles from the Ravel Ability use that yarn to create an even bigger and stronger yarn ball
  • Fluff realizes that, with yarn materials, Knitting Needles can make even bigger yarn balls, and he suggests Kirby to attack Hot Wings with it. And as Hot Wings is about to attack again, Kirby throws the yarn ball, which Hot Wings tries to shoot it away again, but this time it doesn't work because it's bigger, and it hits Hot Wings
  • Attacked, Hot Wings becomes weaker and stunned for a moment, and Fluff tells Kirby to go for her weak point, but Kirby doesn't know what it is. He looks around and sees a button like the one from Fangora's tongue in Hot Wings' chest
  • Kirby uses the yarn whip on the button, grabbing Hot Wings and throwing her against a rock. With the impact, her body tears apart
  • As that happens, a shiny yarn appears: another piece of the Magic Yarn. It flies up and the ground starts to shake. Fluff says another continent was put together, and Kirby celebrates, saying he wants to be gone from this hot place. The two go towards the next continent

  • In the skies of Dream Land, the battleship Halberd is flying, and Meta Knight is on the deck
  • He is looking down at Dream Land and saying that something is wrong, and wonders what is going on
  • Someone calls him: Captain Vul. He says the cameras are showing indeed that... everyone in Dream Land has turned into yarn
  • Meta Knight asks about Kirby and Dedede, and Vul says they weren't spotted. Meta Knight asks if he's really sure, and Vul says that he is. Meta Knight finds it stange, and comments how he doesn't think they would have fallen for the enemy behind this anyway
  • Meta Knight says he needs to investigate this better, and wonders who could behind all this before heading inside. And that is when he hears a laugh, and a man made of yarn shows up: Yin-Yarn
  • Even Meta Knight is startled. Yin-Yarn says that the Halberd will be his too. Angry, Meta Knight goes to grab Galaxia, but Yin-Yarn is faster: he makes his sock start sucking up Meta Knight, who cannot resist, and goes inside the sock
  • Yin-Yarn laughs, and says that now he's the new supreme ruler of Dream Land. And indeed, all of Dream Land is looking to be made of yarn, but just the residents, but the land, plants, everything

Chapter 6: The Three One-Eyed Devils![edit]

  • (Oh there is a time skip)
  • Kirby and Fluff continue their journey, going continent after continent, defeating their bosses and getting Magic Yarn, until they reach a snowy continent. As Kirby and Fluff start to tremble due to the cold, Fluff says that's Snow Land
  • Fluff says it's cold all year, and Kirby says he prefers to go back to Hot Land. Fluff is like "but you said Hot Land was too hot Kirby"
  • Fluff can barely talk, it's REALLY cold. He also doesn't want to continue in Snow Land, but he is determined to get the Magic Yarn, so he tells Kirby they need to find that continent's boss asap
  • Fluff continues walking and Kirby follows, when they notice a hole in the fabric. They realize it's someone from the world of the lining. They wonder if it's Me-Devil or Ye-Devil... but it's someone else
  • It's a pink creature with a ribbon on their head, and a heart-shaped tail. They start laughing and point their tail towards Kirby and Fluff, and start shooting lasers at them. Kirby and Fluff try to run away, but they go after the two, saying they just want to play, still shooting lasers
  • Fluff comments how they are like the other two devils, and just want to play with them. Kirby wishes they wanted to play "normal" games, but Fluff says that doesn't satisfies them
  • The two realize they need to do something, but Kirby has no transformation or Ravel Ability, and his Yarn Whip won't do against the devils. Kirby then has the idea to make snowballs and throw at the devil
  • Fluff agrees and they make snowballs and throw at them, but the devil just dodges, and finds it even more fun. Fluff starts to get worried, and he realizes Kirby hasn't given up yet and is still throwing snowballs... and seems to be having fun as well
  • Realizing that Kirby has basically forgotten about the cold due to all that, Fluff decides to just join in. However, as he starts making a snowball with the snow on the ground, his hand touches something underneath it
  • Fluff realizes what it is and shows it to Kirby: a Ravel Ball. Seeing it, Kirby remembers his adventure with Fluff, and remembers he needs to beat that devil girl. Fluff gives the ball to Kirby
  • The Ravel Ball goes to Kirby's head and Kirby notices it's a pillow with needles in it, Fluff says they are Marking Pins. Fluff starts to explain what they are to Kirby, but Kirby says he knows: it's a pin to hold a piece of cloth still when knitting
  • Fluff is happy to see Kirby knows, and he says he knows because of Waddle Dee. Just then, he wonders what Waddle Dee has been doing, and if Kirby's sudden leave left him worried or something... But it's not time to think about that, as a laser goes in Kirby's direction
  • Kirby remembers he needs to battle, and he extends his hand towards the devil, which causes many pins to fly. The devil dodges them all... except one, that hit their tail
  • They attack back but Kirby attacks again and hits them. Fluff celebrates, commenting how Kirby got used to the ability fast
  • The devil falls on the snow, and Kirby goes after them, saying sorry and asking if they are hurt. But the devil just shakes off the pins and says it might have hurt but it was fun
  • The devil introduces them as We-Devil. She says she heard from Me-Devil and Ye-Devil about them and wanted to play with them too, so she came
  • Kirby, saying that he won, then asks if he can get information, and We-Devil says yes. Kirby and Fluff ask about the boss of Snow Land
  • We-Devil changes to a serious expression, and says to Kirby specifically that he is about to go on a very challenging battle. Kirby is like "yeah, we need to battle Yin-Yarn" but We-Devil says that before they beat Yin-Yarn they need to beat others
  • Fluff goes "yeah, we need to battle the boss of this continent, so tell us more about them", but We-Devil basically ignores Fluff and continues saying something else to Kirby. She tells Kirby that he will battle an opponent that he doesn't want to battle. And in fact, there are two of those. And their journey can't continue until they are beaten
  • Kirby is like "what do you mean?" but We-Devil doesn't explain more. She instead says something else important: for them to not be tricked by Yin-Yarn
  • Fluff says of course, they won't be tricked by him. But We-Devil says that Yin-Yarn is not like what he appears to be. He is actually but more wicked inside
  • Fluff and Kirby are confused about what We-Devil is saying, and wonder if Yin-Yarn's true form is even stronger than Hot Wings, or if he will transform
  • Suddenly We-Devil just starts laughing, and a hole appears. She declares she gave the important information, and is going back home. Fluff tells her to wait, but she just leaves
  • Both Kirby and Fluff stand there, confused. They wonder who We-Devil was talking about, about them being their opponent, and why Kirby wouldn't want to battle them. Fluff wonders if it's someone that intimidates Kirby a lot, but Kirby says he won't be intimidated by anyone
  • Fluff continues to wonder worried, but he comments how Me-Devil and Ye-Devil gave valuable but direct information, but We-Devil's was vague. Fluff wonders out loud if We-Devil even actually knows anything
  • Anyway, they realize that they still need to continue and beat the boss of that continent, and they continue forward. Or at least they would, but the hole reappears and We-Devil peeks from it. She asks Fluff if she really just heard someone trash-talk her behind her back
  • Fluff, in a panic, says that wasn't it. She says she's relived because she brought something for them, and she shows a Metamortex. She says she found it and was going to give it to them, but they really talked bad things about her she won't give it to them anymore
  • Fluff says sorry, and that while he said too much, that Kirby didn't say anything bad, and so she should give the Metamortex to Kirby
  • We-Devil laughs and throws it at Kirby, who transforms: his appearance doesn't change much, but he gets a snowboard
  • Fluff asks what transformation this is, and We-Devil says it's Spin Boarder. She says it's useful for sliding in the snow
  • Fluff says it doesn't look very powerful, then he realizes he shouldn't complain and shuts his mouth. Annoyed, We-Devil says that this Metamortex Transformation is the best way to get through Snow Land
  • Kirby says it looks fun, and thanks We-Devil. She answers that with this, Kirby and Fluff can go through Snow Land, where their enemy is
  • Kirby asks her to tell her what enemy it is, someone he won't want to fight, but We-Devil just laughs and leaves

Chapter 7: A Formidable Yarn Foe Appears![edit]

  • Fluff comments how that transformation doesn't look strong, but Kirby says it looks fun. He says he can slide through the snow and starts going, when Fluff jumps on him telling him to not leave him behind
  • Kirby starts going fast, and even jumping on cliffs. Fluff realizes this ability really is fast and useful for going through the dense snow
  • They go faster and faster until they get close to a tree. In a panic, Kirby turns to try to dodge but he loses balance and falls along with Fluff. Thankfully however, the soft snow lessens their fall
  • The two are relived and say it was fun, when they realize a forest is in front of them. Kirby realizes he will need to drop his transformation to continue, and Fluff agrees. Kirby throws his hand towards a nearby tree and drops it
  • As they walk through the forest, Fluff comments it's dense and perhaps the boss is here. They hear something, and realize someone is coming
  • Kirby and Fluff looks through the trees to try to find them. That is when the boss emerges and Kirby's non existent jaw drops: "DE...DE...DE?!"
  • Fluff looks at Kirby and asks if he knows him, but Kirby just says "KING DEDEDE!"
  • Kirby goes in Dedede's direction, relived to see someone from Dream Land. Dedede's body is like Kirby's, completely made of yarn
  • Kirby asks Dedede if he was also ambushed by Yin-Yarn and that's how he came to Patch Land. Worried, Fluff tells Kirby to be careful, but Kirby says that's Dedede, and he's not an enemy
  • Kirby asks if Dedede is alright, but Dedede just... isn't answering, and his eyes look devoid of life. Fluff tells Kirby to look closer at Dedede, and Kirby finally realizes: not only does Dedede look lifeless, from the top of his body there are puppet strings, basically controlling him like a doll
  • Dedede grabs a hammer and tries to attack Kirby, who dodges. He realizes this is the enemy he doesn't want to battle
  • Fluff says that Dedede is being controlled by someone, and they look up and see a manipulator/controller (what is the proper word lol) with four buttons pulling the strings. Fluff says that if they beat it, Dedede will come back to his senses
  • Kirby realizes that and is more than ready to save Dedede. He calls him to go somewhere, and he follows. Dedede grabs his hammer and attacks Kirby, and Kirby dodges jumping. When Dedede's hammer hits the ground, a star appears as Kirby predicted. Kirby grabs it with his yarn whip, and makes a yarn ball from it. He throws it at Dedede, who falls
  • Fluff says Kirby should now attack the manipulator, and Kirby agrees. He jumps on Dedede and aims for it. He manages to grab a button, and pull it, making one of the strings break
  • Dedede gets up and looks at Kirby, furious. Instead of attacking with his hammer, he does a Head Slide. Kirby dodges and Dedede hits a tree. Kirby uses the opportunity to pull another button and another string from him
  • Dedede wakes up again and grabs his hammer, and attacks with it while jumping. He hits a tree, which makes stars drop again. Kirby grabs one and throws it at Dedede, and once again goes up on him and pulls a button and a string. There is only one left
  • Dedede gets up angry and tries the hammer attack again. He hits the ground, causing a star to appear. Kirby grabs it and attacks, Dedede falls, Kirby goes on him, attacks the last button and string and defeats it
  • The thing controlling Dedede falls and disappears, revealing another piece of the Magic Yarn. It goes up and connects two more continents
  • Fluff says that now they can go to the next continent, but Kirby asks him to wait
  • He walks to Dedede, who is unconscious. Kirby calls for Dedede, but he doesn't answer. After being called for a while, Dedede finally wakes up
  • He recognizes Kirby, but wonders why he can see through him: has he not been eating well? That's when he remembers: the weird massage, the yarn guy, and all that
  • Kirby asks if it was Yin-Yarn, and Dedede thinks that maybe? He is still very confused, and wonders where he is, what happened, who that was and all that
  • Fluff realizes Dedede is confused, and invites him to go rest in his castle. He says that since he's Kirby's friend, he can stay there and rest for a while
  • Hearing castle, Dedede wonders if it will have a banquet there: he's hungry. Fluff says his chefs are the best and will please him. Kirby agrees, and says the food is excellent... although Kirby is once again nostalgic for Kawasaki's food. But Dedede doesn't realize and just celebrates hearing the food talk
  • However, Kirby realizes... how will Dedede reach the castle? They are so far from it now. But before he can even finish, a hole appears and the three devils from earlier peek from it
  • They say they heard them earlier, and could lend their strength. They offer to take Dedede to the castle, but Kirby wonders why, after all the castle is really far from where they are and it could take days. But they say it's fast if they go through the world of the lining
  • Kirby agrees and getting the confirmation, the three devils go flying and grab Dedede. Dedede, confused, asks what they are doing, but the devils ignore and just say they will "deliver the baggage" to Fluff's castle. They go with Dedede to the hole, and it closes
  • Fluff just casually continues basically saying that, anyway, now they have to go to Space Land, the one next to Snow Land. But Kirby doesn't reply. Fluff tries to call him, but Kirby is thoughtful
  • Kirby looks up and says "We-Devil said there would be two enemies that I wouldn't want to battle. If the first was Dedede, then the second..." but he doesn't name them
  • Fluff asks if he knows who it will be, and Kirby says yes, but that he will battle them nonetheless, as he has no choice. And thus, the two continue

Chapter 8: An Even More Formidable Yarn Foe Emerges[edit]

  • They are in Space Land and narrator describes it (I'm too lazy to type)
  • Kirby is impressed by what he's seeing. Fluff says it's the most advanced continent and also the last one that was torn apart... which means that once they beat the continent's boss and get the last Magic Yarn, all of Patch Land will be restored
  • Fluff mentions that the last boss will also be a friend of Kirby, manipulated by Yin-Yarn, and likely in the depths of Space Land. To get there, he points at a long road
  • The two head in its direction, but they are stopped by a guar with a spear who tell them they do not have permission to enter, and it's a road for rockets. Kirby asks if a car is fine, and he transforms into one, but they say no, only rockets. The two decide to leave before they are attacked
  • Disappointed, they comment how it would had been useful if the devils could help them, but they went to Fluff's castle, so they are busy. As they say that, the guard comes to ask if they heard them say "Fluff"
  • They come look at Fluff, and look at his crown and ask if they are Fluff, prince of the yarn country, and Fluff says yes. Hearing that, the guard apologies and bows down to Fluff
  • He explains they are the guardian of the Stellar Way (スターハイウェイ) and that their name is "Spear Soldier". They heard stories about Fluff going around and patching up the continents together with the help of a hero of another world
  • Spear Soldier is happy, realizing that if Fluff reached Space Land, that their world is almost fully fixed. Fluff says that yes, and that's why they want to use the Stellar Way
  • Spear Soldier looks around to verify that one one is looking, and he shows a Metamortex he has with him. He says that it's one that gives the Rocket transformation. He asks if what he hears is true, that the hero from the other world ate a Metamato
  • Kirby says he has done his research, and Spear Soldier says that he has friends from the world of the lining, and they tell him all sorts of stuff. Anyway, he asks Kirby to transform into a rocket, then they can go through the Stellar Way
  • Fluff says thanks, but Spear Soldier says they should keep quiet about that, as there are many of Yin-Yarns minions around, and he could get in trouble if they learned about what he did
  • Spear Soldier guides them to the gate, and he explains that to take care of enemies they should use "Star Shot". They thank him again, and he gives the Metamortex to Kirby, who transforms into a rocket
  • Fluff jumps on Kirby and tells Spear Soldier that they will definitively restore the continents. Moved, Spear Soldier wishes them the best of luck. Kirby takes off through Stellar Way

  • Kirby flies when they spot a swarm of insects: Orbitflies. Kirby shoots at them and defeats them
  • Then, a group of UFOs appears. They attack Kirby, but Kirby dodges and attacks back. Fluff comments how they are some of Yin-Yarn's henchmen, perhaps they know they went to Stellar Way
  • Then a Spore Jelly appears. Kirby takes a couple shots to defeat it, but he does anyway
  • And so Kirby continues going around shooting enemies, until he reaches the end, and there is a big horizontal bar that rolls Kirby around and reverts his transformation
  • They reach a building that looks like a space station, and Fluff says that's the deepest part of Space Land, so the boss, Kirby's friend, should be there
  • Fluff doesn't hear or see anything, but he senses a... bloodlust
  • Kirby tells Fluff to stay back and not get involved, and Fluff ends up agreeing. They hear some wind, and someone shows in front of Kirby, and he shouts his name... Meta Knight
  • Meta Knight slowly lifts up his sword, made of yarn, but even so you can feel his bloodlust
  • Kirby calls for Meta Knight, saying he doesn't want to battle him, but Meta Knight doesn't answer. He attacks Kirby, who dodges, who realizes he has no choice but to battle
  • Kirby attacks with a sword beam (crescent slash? idk names lol) and shoots a wave at Kirby. He grabs it with his yarn whip. Meta Knight tries to slash at Kirby, but he dodges and goes behind Meta Knight, and throws the wave back at him. Hit, Meta Knight becomes venerable and Fluff realizes there is a button on his sword, and that it's likely his weak point
  • Kirby pulls the button with his yarn whip, and his sword is torn apart. Meta Knight's bloodlust only appears to grow bigger, as he grabs a new sword
  • Worried, Fluff is surprised at Meta Knight's preserverance
  • Once again, Meta Knight attacks with a wave, Kirby grabs it and throws at Meta Knight. (Narrator mentions that if Kirby misses the timing he will be torn apart, ok narrator) Kirby pulls his sword button again and the sword once again gets destroyed
  • Fluff is about to applaud when Meta Knight grabs yet another sword. But Kirby isn't intimidated, and his fighting spirit is only growing stronger as well
  • Kirby dodges a bunch of attacks in a row, to Fluff surprises. He thought he had seen how Kirby was strong before, but this was in a whole other level
  • Fluff realizes Meta Knight is preparing a strong attack, and alerts Kirby. Hearing that, Kirby, who was expecting another wave attack, dodges Meta Knight's Mach Tornado. With that, Kirby finds an opening to attack Meta Knight with another wave, and then pulls apart his sword
  • Meta Knight is basically out of energy now and falls. Kirby goes after him asking if he's okay. Fluff alerts Kirby to be careful, he could be pretending to be defeated, but Kirby says Meta Knight would never do that
  • Surely enough, a shining yarn thread flies from Meta Knight: another Magic Yarn, the last one. It flies up and connects the two last continents together. With that, the whole world is fixed
  • Hearing that, Kirby and Fluff grab hands and celebrate. As they do so, Meta Knight slowly gets up and asks where he is, and if that is Kirby. Happy, Kirby goes after Meta Knight
  • Kirby explains that they are in Patch Land, that had been split apart by someone called Yin-Yarn, and that they just finished putting it back together
  • Hearing Yin-Yarn and yarn, Meta Knight remembers what is going on, and he tells Kirby that he should go back to Dream Land immediately, saying that something is going on there. He tells Kirby that Yin-Yarn is turning all of Dream Land into yarn
  • Surprised, Meta Knight explains he is turning really everything into yarn, not just the residents
  • Fluff is annoyed, commenting how Yin-Yarn didn't just destroy Patch Land, but even went to invade other worlds
  • Decided, Kirby says he will go back to Dream Land right away... when he realizes he has no clue how
  • Fluff asks how the two of them got to Patch Land, and Kirby says he was sucked in by a sock. Meta Knight says it was the same for him
  • Fluff realizes, and says that Yin-Yarn stole those socks from his castle. He explains he had a pair of Magic Socks from ancient times in the treasure room, but Yin-Yarn stole one of them. The one that stayed in the castle lost its magic powers, but Yin-Yarn's still worked thanks to his magic
  • Fluff says that perhaps now that the continents are all together the magic has come back, and the sock could bring them to Dream Land
  • Kirby gets happy and excited, when he realizes they have to go back to Fluff's castle, and how it's far away... When Fluff laughs. Fluff explains that Patch Land was originally a circle, and now that all continents are together, they connect with one another. And the continent connecting to Space Land is the one with his castle in it, aka their origin point, so they don't have to go all the way back to reach it
  • Happy, the two go towards the castle, while Meta Knight follows them

  • As they reach his castle, the minister is there, crying Fluff for help. Fluff is confused, as he tells him they connected all continents back. Yes, but... the problem is the guest the devils brought to the castle: King Dedede
  • Fluff tells the minister to be kind to Dedede, as he's Kirby's friend, but the minister is still at tears, worried. Annoyed, Fluff enters the castle, and sees Dedede, asking for more food
  • The chefs are in a panic, saying they run out of food, and Dedede is disappointed that such a small breakfast made them run out of food. He wants more, but the chefs said he ate 50 portions of breakfast. They continue discussing this, as the chefs are in a panic
  • Kirby and the group arrives, and Meta Knight is the first to speak up: he tells Dedede to not be so harsh with the people of Patch Land. Dedede notices Meta Knight, and asks if he was also sucked up by the sock, making fun of him. Meta Knight ignores it, and repeats for him to not be harsh with the people of Patch Land
  • He is about to tell what Kirby has been up to to Dedede, but he notices Kirby also went to the chefs to say he's hungry too. Kirby names one million foods. Disappointed, Meta Knight goes to Kirby and reminds him that Dream Land needs their help asap
  • Fluff calls the minister and asks him to bring the sock from the treasure room, which is now glowing, as Fluff expected. He says they can now go to Dream Land and help it. Hearing that, Kirby stops crying at the chefs and goes to Fluff, and tells him he will go to Dream Land and beat Yin-Yarn
  • Meta Knight tells Kirby to be careful, as Yin-Yarn is strong. And Fluff says it's alright, he will go with Kirby, which makes both Meta Knight and the minister surprised
  • Fluff says that Kirby helped him restore Patch Land, and now it's only right he helps him restore Dream Land. He says he will go with Kirby and beat Yin-Yarn
  • Happy, Kirby grabs Fluff's hand and says they will go. Kirby goes first through the sock, followed by Fluff. Meta Knight also goes, and King Dedede also goes as well, not wanting to be left behind

Chapter 9: The Final Decisive Battle to Save the World![edit]

  • Kirby and co. arrive in Dream Land, and realize it transformed: it's all made of yarn. Kirby is furious at Yin-Yarn
  • Dedede asks why they are still made of yarn if they came back to Dream Land, and Meta Knight says they are still under the effect of Yin-Yarn's magic
  • They wonder where Yin-Yarn could be, and Meta Knight says that likely in castle Dedede. Dedede is annoyed at that possibility
  • Kirby runs towards it, and Dedede too, and then Fluff and Meta Knight

  • In front of castle Dedede, they were blocked by Waddle Dees. Kirby is worried and says how Yin-Yarn turned the Waddle Dees into yarn too, but Dedede says these are imposters created by Yin-Yarn, and that the real ones are captured and tied up
  • Hearing that, Meta Knight grabs his sword and attacks the Waddle Dees. Seeing that, Kirby runs inside the castle with the three others following
  • Kirby mentions they need to save the Waddle Dees, but Dedede says beating Yin-Yarn is more important. Hearing that, Fluff says that a king should care about his subordinates. He says Dedede can go rescue them while they go after Yin-Yarn
  • Dedede realizes and agrees, and goes after the Waddle Dees, who he believes are in the basement. He splits up from the three others

  • The three arrive in the main hall, who is completely transformed: not only is it now made of yarn, it's more sinister. Seeing that, Kirby is angry. He shouts for Yin-Yarn to reveal himself
  • Yin-Yarn appears and says that they are too late, and that Dream Land is now his. Kirby shouts for him to revert everything back to normal, but Yin-Yarn just starts knitting
  • Meta Knight points out for them to be in alert, as he finished knitting... it's Fangora. They realize it's Yin-Yarn who created those boss creatures they battled
  • Meta Knight goes attack it with his sword, but he is almost hit by the fireballs. Seeing that, Fluff tells Meta Knight to let Kirby battle, as he knows how to battle Fangora and is the only one that can defeat it
  • Kirby grabs a fireball from Fangora and makes a yarn ball with it. He throws it at it, and then pulls the button from its tongue, until it is defeated
  • Seeing all that, Meta Knight understands, and agrees to let Kirby battle, and goes watch it alongside Fluff
  • Seeing that, Yin-Yarn tells Kirby (or rather, "pink yarn ball" (ピンク毛糸玉)) that he is angry, and Kirby answers that he has already been angry for a while
  • Yin-Yarn goes knitting again: four Uniclods. They go after Kirby, and Kirby dodges them, but grabs one with his yarn whip. He makes a yarn ball and throws it at Yin-Yarn
  • Getting hit, his weak point shows up: a button under his hat. As Fluff points this, Kirby goes after it and pulls it with his yarn whip, and slams Yin-Yarn against a wall. With the impact, Yin-Yarn's body disappears, only leaving the knitting needles behind
  • Fluff applauds and goes to Kirby, commenting how he defeated Yin-Yarn so easily. Meta Knight feels embarassed to have been captured by someone so weak like him
  • Kirby is happy, saying that Dream Land is saved... When he and Meta Knight realize: why are they still made of yarn if they beat Yin-Yarn?
  • That is when Fluff realizes: the needles left behind are growing in size. They realize their top both have faces, which are now more visible
  • One of the needles says that it was rude of them to break their "art". The other needle comes and comments as well. That is when the others realize that the voice of the needles is the same as Yin-Yarn's voice. Which means... Yin-Yarn this whole time was actually the needles?
  • Fluff thinks this is what We-Devil meant and she warned them that Yin-Yarn wasn't what he appeared to be
  • While they talk, the needles start to knit something, but they are so fast that they cannot stop it. They knit a giant round yarn body similar to the capped man Yin-Yarn was
  • Yin-Yarn, the needles, say this is Mega Yin-Yarn. It shoots missiles at Kirby and co., who panic. Kirby wonders how he can battle it
  • Yin-Yarn goes after them, while Fluff wishes they had a Metamortex, and the narrator comments how the devils can't come because they aren't in Patch Land
  • Hearing "Metamortex", Meta Knight asks what it is, and Kirby explains. Meta Knight tooks out something from his cape and asks if it's that, much to Kirby and Fluff's surprise
  • They ask where he found it, and he says he found it while walking through Patch Land. He could feel a strong power from it but couldn't use it
  • While he explains, missiles are still thrown at them. Kirby asks for it, and Meta Knight says sure, and Kirby runs and grabs it, transforming. Kirby transforms into a robot, and Fluff shouts that it's the Tankbot transformation
  • Seeing that, Yin-Yarn taunts Kirby, saying they are a bigger and stronger robot. They shoot a missile at Kirby, who shoots his own, and the two collide and get destroyed, much to Yin-Yarn's dismay
  • They each trade a couple missiles, but Kirby shoots more, and they hit Yin-Yarn, who cannot dodge due to being really large. Meta Knight says they should be done for
  • But then the needles have an idea: they place themselves on the ground and left up Mega Yin-Yarn's body, which allows them to shoot at Kirby with more precision, and Kirby's missiles don't reach them. With so many missiles in his direction, Kirby is pretty much cornered. Meta Knight wants to Kirby, but he cannot reach them due to the many missiles
  • Then Fluff jumps towards Kirby, and enters the robot's cockpit and pulls a lever, that lets the Tankbot aim upwards towards Yin-Yarn. Fluff continues shootings missiles until the reach Yin-Yarn again
  • Missiles fly around and destroy everything (rip)
  • Yin-Yarn is cornered and gets the final blow. Mega Yin-Yarn's body disappears and the needles shrink down again, back to the size of regular knitting needles
  • Fluff jumps from the cockpit and Kirby unravels to undo his transformation. Kirby approaches the needles, who are trembling, and they tell Kirby they are sorry, they were just messing around
  • Kirby grabs them with yarn whip. Kirby throws them as far as he can, telling them to not go back to Dream Land. They disappear from sight
  • That is when Kirby and Meta Knight realize they went back to normal, and so did everything around them. Dream Land is back to normal
  • Kirby is happy when he sees a quiet Fluff, who is still in yarn form; after all, he is from Patch Land, and that's who he is. That is when he remembers Fluff needs to go back to his world. Kirby is sad
  • Fluff says he's happy that Kirby is back to his normal form, and that it's weird to see him like that
  • Then King Dedede walks in with his Waddle Dees following, yes back to normal, and he says he is ready to beat Yin-Yarn
  • Meta Knight tells him he should know Yin-Yarn was defeated because they are back to normal. He says Kirby did it
  • Dedede is disappointed that Kirby stole his spotlight again. He says there were too many Waddle Dees to save, and the Dees apologize
  • Bandana Waddle Dee comes from the many Waddle Dees and thanks Kirby for saving Dream Land. The many Waddle Dees start to say "Thanks, Kirby!" in a choir and Dedede complains they are too loud, and he says Kirby couldn't beat Yin-Yarn without his strength as well... Then they start going, "Thanks, Great King!" instead, and Dedede is still annoyed
  • Kirby goes to Fluff and Fluff says it's time to say goodbye. While Fluff's voice is happy, Kirby's is sad. He doesn't want to say goodbye to his new friend
  • Fluff points out that with the Magic Socks, he can visit him anytime, and he says that if anything bad happens in Dream Land, he can come help. Now happier hearing that, Kirby says the same about Patch Land, and Fluff says he hopes nothing bad will happen again
  • Fluff says bye and goes through the sock. It looks like a regular sock. Kirby wonders about Patch Land
  • Bandana Dee calls Kirby, and says they need to throw a party for Dream Land being saved. The Waddle Dees repeat "Party! Party!". Dedede complains about the loudness again, saying that if they have time to be loud, they have time to organize a party
  • Dedede also looks at his castle, that is now destroyed, and is angry at Yin-Yarn. Kirby offers help with the party and castle repairs, back to his bright self


  • A bunch of people gather in castle Dedede for a feast. Everyone is happy. They are eating a lot
  • The Waddle Dees bring food from Kawasaki, who is happy he can cook again. Kirby sees it and Kawasaki realizes and tells him not to inhale, and to savor the food... But too late, Kirby inhales and a bunch of food goes to his mouth. He comments how Patch Land food was good, but Kawasaki's is much better
  • ...Everyone gets mad at Kirby for eating basically everything. They run after him
  • Kirby is confused as to why everyone is angry at him, he saved Dream Land
  • Everyone is angry until the Waddle Dees bring more food
  • (The end)

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