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Artwork of the Artist ability from Kirby: Star Allies.
First game Kirby Star Allies
Latest game Kirby Star Allies
Usage type Unlimited uses (unless Painbrush is used)
Obtained from Vividria
Power(s) Attacks using a paintbrush and canvas.
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Set out on a voyage of training with a colorful paintbrush on your side! Materialize yummies to share with your friends. It's like magic! Art has the power to change the world!
— Kirby Star Allies quote

Artist is a Copy Ability that debuted in Kirby Star Allies. It gives Kirby a magical paintbrush which can be used to splatter enemies in paint, and paint entities that can attack autonomously. Kirby also gains the ability to sculpt stone statues which he can then use to bash enemies with. Artist has two distinct Friend Abilities - in Still Life and Rock Painter.

Artist is obtained from Vividria, who also can use this ability when recruited as a Friend. It gives both Kirby and the Vividria Friend a red painter cap adorned with a star and splattered with paint. The ability is unlimited use unless the 'Painbrush' technique is used, which causes Kirby to lose the ability. If Vividria uses it, she will have to wait a while before she can use it again.


Artist move-set for Kirby Star Allies  
Skill Button Execution Description Skill Button Execution Description
Brush Slash
Kirby swings his brush forward, splattering enemies ahead with paint. Sculpture
↓↑ + B
Kirby gets out a pillar of marble and sculpts it into either a statue of Kabu, the Dreamstalk, or Susie in a classical style.
Brush Splash
Dash + B
Kirby lunges as he sweeps with his brush, splattering in a large area. Creative Destruction
Press B after Sculpture
Kirby swipes several times with his sculpture, causing it to smash into bits on the final swing.
↓ + B
Kirby takes out a canvas and crudely renders either Bandana Waddle Dee, King Dedede, or Meta Knight. The painting then springs to life, jumps off the canvas, and steps forward, attacking enemies ahead before disappearing. Painbrush
Press and hold ↓ + Y
Kirby can charge his paintbrush up to three levels of power. Once released, he splatters the entire area in paint, dealing huge damage. Once the move finishes, Kirby loses the Artist ability.


  • This ability draws heavy inspiration from the character Ado/Adeleine, whose main power was the ability to paint things that came to life.
  • One of the things Artist Kirby can paint is a refrigerator that spits out Food. This is a direct reference to the Ice-Spark Power Combo from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.
  • The internal file name for the Susie sculpture made by the Sculpture move is 'Goddess'.
  • The 'Painbrush' move is directly based off of the Paint copy ability from Kirby Super Star (Ultra), even mimicking its limited-use nature.
  • The standard paintbrush swipes are capable of putting out burning logs, like Water and Ice.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
French Artiste Artist
Spanish Artista Artist

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