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KatRC Figurine shelf 1.png
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KatRC Figurine shelf 5.png
Use Collectable
Obtained From Treasure Chests in main game, and completing challenge stages.
Game(s) Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Comparable to Keychain, Sticker, Picture Piece, Figure
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This article is about figurines from Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, and should not be confused with figures from Kirby and the Forgotten Land.

A figurine is a collectible object in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. They are found in Treasure Chests hidden throughout the Story Mode. Some of them, however, can only be unlocked by completing the Challenge Mode. There are 76 figurines in total.

Each figurine is a fully 3D clay sculpture of a character or object, and can be viewed from any given angle. They each come with a description as well, some of which share interesting trivia. Collecting every figurine is necessary for 100% completion of the game.


The following is a list of every figurine that can be collected:

List of figurines in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse  
Figurine Description Notes
Our heroic hero is on a roll! He's on a mission to restore the color that's been stolen from dear old Dream Land. His preferred method of travel is rainbow rope, and he can transform into three amazing Kirbys!
Elline and Claycia used to rule this world, but then Claycia went a little cuckoo. Now Elline has teamed up with Kirby to solve the mystery of Claycia's utter madness. Elline can draw magic rainbow ropes in the air and transform Kirby too! Elline is made of many separate floating parts, that could not keep their position if sculpted in the real world.
Red Waddle Dee
This is Kirby's faithful companion during this adventure. He likes to poke enemies with his trusty spear, and he can even pick up and throw Kirby! To be honest, he's just happy getting his fair share of the spotlight...
Green Waddle Dee
When one's not enough, we've got a second Waddle Dee right here! This fellow and his other Waddle Dee buddies like to throw Kirby around. He's scared of heights, so if he climbs up high, he refuses to look down.
Yellow Waddle Dee
This little guy is the third Waddle Dee. He's made the bold decision to pick up his spear in defense of Dream Land. His biggest thrill is running along the rainbow rope just as it begins to fade, but he'd rather keep that a secret.
Kirby Tank
Elline uses her power to transform Kirby into a powerful tank, which helps him advance over rough terrain. He can shoot at enemies using his mouth cannon too! Just be sure to support him using a rainbow rope.
Waddle Dee
It's not easy keeping your hands up over your head like this, but Waddle Dee never makes a fuss about it. It's one of those things that everyone knows, so he doesn't feel the need to point it out over and over.
Underwater Kirby
You know Kirby's ready for an underwater adventure once he puts on those snazzy blue goggles! Swimming can't be easy for the little pink puffball, but floating sure is fun.
Kirby Submarine
Kirby can turn into a cute little submersible when he has to work underwater. You can guide his missiles with a rainbow rope to hit hard-to-reach targets. But that periscope is just for show--Kirby doesn't even know how to use it.
Kirby Rocket
Kirby takes this form when he takes to the skies. He can only fly in a straight line, so you need to guide his course with a rainbow rope. He can even zap enemies with the shock wave radiating from his head!
Waddle Dee
Waddle Dee has a water transformation that's a lot like Kirby's. His bandanna turns into a propeller, which is great. But afterward he has a wet bandanna, which isn't much fun to wear.
Kirby and Kirby
A magical device split Kirby in two, but they're both the real deal! Two bodies, one mind, if you know what I mean. They have to work together to accomplish anything, but who wouldn't want to give himself a helping hand?
The Cotta were the first creatures Claycia and Elline made for their new world. Claycia sculpted them out of clay, and Elline painted each one. These little critters aren't very good for fighting, but don't tell them that!
Cannon Cotta
This is what happens when you're a Cotta and you mouth off to Claycia. She turns you into a cannon! Some folks think that's pretty mean of her. But that certainly is a fine-looking cannon, don't you think?
Cotta Knight
This Cotta got its grubby little hands on a special helmet and turned into a knight of some esteem. But it immediately forgot what a knight is supposed to do, so now it just wanders around and shows off its helmet.
Everyone knows the only reason Bouncys like to bounce so high is 'cause they like the view from up in the air. Things just seem more...peaceful up there. Every day is a good day to Bouncys. No one's gonna keep 'em down!
If you touch a Gordo, he'll definitely do damage. But I don't think he means to hurt anyone. I asked him once, and he just stared at me with those big eyes of his. Maybe he doesn't even know the answer...
This scrappy little fish has just one goal in life: to swim straight up a waterfall. He's had that dream for a while, though. Maybe he's worried about what comes after he's reached the top of that metaphorical waterfall.
Drill Cotta
This Cotta comes with a drill, which he uses to, you know, drill. He tried to drill for treasure once, but that clay was just too hard and broke his drill. Unfortunately, it did even more than that--it broke his heart.
Bombzways would rather carry stars than bombs, since stars are far less heavy than bombs. But orders are orders, and more often than not, Claycia's orders are "Go drop some bombs!" What's a Bombzway to do?
Blado certainly looks like he's doing his job, but it's becoming more and more obvious his heart is no longer in it. Part of him wants a co-worker to say something about it; the other part of him dreads that conversation.
Some enemies do it for the respect, but Grinkey is in it for the thrill of the chase. He spends so much time running away from people who want to unlock doors that he never remembers to lock his own door.
Dethskullks suck the life force out of anyone they touch, so proceed with caution when you see one. This bizarre crew travels by pirate ship, where they try very, very hard not to bump into each other.
This crabby character shoots foam-covered bombs out of his head. He'd love to use these bombs to unearth a hot spring on the ocean floor, but he's still not sure how to throw them down instead of up.
Mini Deepsee
This creature loves to fire torpedoes at poor little Kirby for no good reason at all. And he's not getting paid to do this--he just does it for fun. It's almost like it's just some sort of game to him.
You'd think Soarar is in another stratosphere, but he's actually a rather approachable sort. If he starts attacking, however, best to just get out of his way. I mean it. Run!
This gun-for-hire will work for the highest bidder, so Claycia pays him a fair wage. But this is pretty dangerous work. Who knows how long he can last under these crazy conditions!
Bronto Knight
Bronto Knight has to wear heavy armor and fly at the same time--it's a wonder he's not constantly collapsing on the ground. But that sort of behavior would not become a knight!
Spear Cotta
The only reason this guy took up spear throwing was to practice snagging delicious apples from Whispy Woods. No one wants to tell him that the Whispy Woods on this world doesn't grow apples.
Spear Cotta Knight
As soon as this round fellow got his hands on that fancy helmet, he stopped focusing on the important part of being a Spear Cotta Knight--the spear throwing. His aim is really bad now.
Shotzo can fire a ton of bullets, true. But other than that, it's not really all that scary. It's strong physically, but it doesn't have the same strength of character as Kirby.
If you defeat a Sportle, it'll turn into a bunch of these little creatures. No one knows how to put them back together, but they don't seem to mind. We could learn a lot from them about not living in the past.
This little creature is more delicate than it looks--it'll explode the second you touch it. It's not an easy life, but that's what it was born to do.
Gondola Bzztbulb
This Bzztbulb hopped into a gondola to take it for a joyride, but he never figured out how to exit the vehicle. Now he spends his days swinging around and has no major issues to report, thank you very much.
Hot Head
This critter's body is literally made of flames, and he can spit fire to boot. There's little doubt that he must have a warm heart and a fiery personality, but no one is willing to get close enough to find out.
This little bulb glows with the love of a pure heart, but no one wants to get anywhere near him. It's tough to make friends when you electrocute anyone who touches you. Still, he keeps on glowing, 'cause that's what you do.
Our pink adventurer blew into Dream Land one day on a spring breeze. Since then, he's spent countless hours saving the day with his amazing abilities. He can swallow anything and spit it out. He can also use his copy ability. The phrase 'blew into Dream Land one day on a spring breeze' is a reference to the story of the original Kirby's Dream Land, which is also from which the name of the Spring Breeze game in Kirby Super Star was based on.
When that strange light came to steal his colors, Cappy found himself utterly frozen with fear. It was a new kind of fear too--the fear that he wouldn't have a very important role in this new story. He was right.
Waddle Doo
Waddle Doo was shocked when he saw that bright light shining down from the sky, but he was too scared to run. He'll be OK as long as that giant eye of his doesn't dry out. Ugh. Can you just imagine what that would feel like?
Broom Hatter
Broom Hatter didn't see the strange light in the sky because of that big hat--and didn't even notice going from unfrozen to frozen and back again to unfrozen. Maybe it's better that way.
Mega Kirby Tank
This is Kirby Tank's most powerful form. He can unleash a brutal attack, but he needs a bit of time to recover afterward. That's why he can't take on a more powerful form when he's Kirby Rocket or Kirby Submarine.
Bronto Burt
Red Bronto Burts are perfectly happy just flapping in place, but the blue ones will almost always swarm Kirby if they get a chance. Don't give them that chance!
These giant blocks drop down on you from above, so they're pretty nasty. However, their eyes and mouths open really wide right before they take that plunge, so maybe they're as surprised as you when they fall down!
Bouncy Sis
Bouncy Sis desperately wishes she could jump as high as Bouncy, but she's a bit too big to get much air between her spring and the ground. This, of course, bothers her to no end, but you'll never get her to admit it.
Mecha Cotta
This Cotta was designed with a can-do attitude. But it takes 30 Bzztbulbs to keep each one running, so it's not really all that cost effective. Plus, when it comes to fighting, its heart really isn't in it.
Are you wondering why sea creatures like Blippers have to wear goggles underwater? The truth is, they've had them on for so long, they're scared to take them off. Or maybe they just forgot they ever had them on in the first place...
Dethskullk King
This guy is kind of a big deal. He's the solid-gold leader of the Dethskullk gang. Next time you get trapped in a pirate ship, you're probably gonna need to get a key from this guy. Good luck with that.
Sawgill is the rowdiest, most rambunctious fish in the sea, and he knows it. He takes great pride in that magnificent saw of his, but no one will come anywhere near him. Can you blame them?
Sportles are all about meeting new people and seeing new places, so it should come as no surprise that they simply must follow Kirby the second they spot him. Pink Sportles are the rarest of the species.
Grab Hand
This hand's got sticky fingers, and he's been trying to nab Elline since she escaped. Kirby can't seem to defeat him, but at least Waddle Dee can knock him back a bit with a well-thrown spear!
Dangle Sloth
These droopy creatures used to hang peacefully from vines and throw bombs to catch fish. But then someone was like, "Hey! That's dangerous!" So now they just throw bombs at Kirby.
Cotta General
This fellow is the leader of the Cotta Knights. But he's in no big rush to assemble his army. He needs to mentally prepare himself for battle before he does anything strenuous!
These unusual creatures can store energy in the form of electricity, which is a pretty amazing thing. But all they do is creep around aimlessly, and that is a complete waste of time and energy.
Shieldster really doesn't want you to get past him. He's going to block each and every one of your attempts, just to prove he's stronger than you. Try not to look him right in the eye as you go by. He's got a creepy stare.
Kirby in the Cannon
Don't worry about Kirby when he's shot out of a cannon. He has to do it in order to break blocks or hit a wall, and he's perfectly fine afterward. But for the rest of you, no crawling in cannons, OK?
Chef Kawasaki
Chef Kawasaki has a busy schedule, so he's only appearing in this game as a figurine. He rarely uses his frying pan and ladle to do any real cooking. He finds they actually work better as weapons. It would be quite a neat trick to get the egg to stay afloat in a real world version of this sculpture.
Meta Knight
This mysterious masked swordsman helms the battleship Halberd. He hasn't always been the most trustworthy ally, but you can count on him when you really need him. He appears in this game as a figurine.
King Dedede
The self-proclaimed king of Dream Land loves to swing his giant hammer and breathe in lots of air. He spends countless hours in training in order to learn how to fly just like Kirby. He appears here in figurine form only.
Mega Grindarr
We've all got a job to do, and Mega Grindarr's job is to drop down on you. It weighs 10 times more than a typical Grindarr, so it makes quite an impact. But that's what it signed up for, so it just grins and bears it.
This is what happens to a Mini Deepsee when it grows up. It looks like it lives in symbiosis with some other creature, but I have no idea what. I bet Claycia would know! Someone should totally go ask her.
The young Thornsbys think they're hot stuff, but the middle-aged Thornsbys definitely have more wisdom. And the old Thornsbys don't really care what you think about them.
These baddies use their tongues to scoop up anything in front of them and spit them out in another place. They must think Kirby tastes like cotton candy, because they keep swallowing him over and over!
Kirby's Feast
Kirby is happiest when he's surrounded by food. Delicious, yummy, lovely food like grapes and milk and hot dogs! We can only hope he doesn't eat too much and get a tummyache... This figurine features all eight varieties of Food that can be found in the game.
Treasure Found
As long as Kirby and Elline are being forced on this adventure, they might as well earn some treasure along the way! I hope they don't fight over the contents of the Treasure Chests. That'll ruin their new friendship!
Painting with Elline
Kirby wants to learn how to paint, so his new friend Elline is teaching him some basics. He seems pretty proud of that self-portrait. It's quite... interesting. But it looks like he's having fun, and that's all that matters.
Fearful Grab Hand
Looks like Grab Hand is trying to get ahold of Kirby! No one wants to see Kirby dragged off to who knows where, so it's up to Waddle Dee to use his spear and save the day. Hurry up and save Kirby, Waddle Dee!
Originally designed for pleasure cruises, this flying monstrosity is now a giant battleship. There were plans to build a second one, but do you have any idea how much clay costs nowadays? More than you'd think.
Whispy Woods
When most people think Whispy Woods, they think apples! But this Whispy Woods can't grow apples, so he simply drops bombs instead. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but I don't think the same thing can be said for bombs.
Claycia turned to some ancient blueprints in order to sculpt this new enemy. She even used ancient clay to give it that old world feel, but don't tell Hooplagoon that. He thinks he's all cool and modern.
The Claykken
You don't want to get all up in the Claykken's ink, or he'll come after you--and I'm not squiddin'! He may be a baddie, but he only uses his pipe for the most innocent of purposes: he likes to blow sea-foam bubbles.
Whispy Woods
Whispy Woods has gone metal, so normal attacks can't touch him. Sure, he may be powered up. But can he grow apples? The answer is still no. This figurine would be hard to make in real life because the Barampas are floating in the air.
Claycia had to mix new clay with old clay in order to repair Hooplagoon after his last battle, so it's been quite a process. But Hooplagoon was willing to endure just about anything to face Kirby one more time.
The Claykken
The Claykken lost his underwater battle with Kirby, so he upped his game by becoming lava proof. But then Kirby beat him again, so he's probably thinking maybe he's just not cut out to be a boss.
Claycia used her powers to create Seventopia, but while she was busy sculpting, something took over her physical form. Everyone breathed a big sigh of relief when she came back to her senses and reunited with Elline! This figurine depicts two different iterations of Claycia, with her possessed Boss form taking up the foreground.

Claycia's normal hands are separated from her body, thus requiring an advanced clay technique to replicate this figurine.

Dark Crafter
This mysterious being took control of Claycia's body and then tried to disguise himself with sunglasses. He wanted to steal the vibrant colors from Dream Land and take over the world, but Kirby put a stop to that! This figurine also has a lot of floating pieces, making a faithful real world recreation tricky, to say the least.
This powerful sorceress once turned Kirby into a rolling pink ball and Dream Land into a world made of paint. Her name is awfully similar to that of Claycia's, but no one knows for sure if the two are actually related. This figurine is unlocked once the Challenge Mode is complete.

Names in other languagesEdit

Language Name Meaning
German Figur Figure