Talk:Normal (disambiguation)

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Give "Normal" ability a proper page

I admit this is an odd one, and there may be an overlap with the Kirby page (more on that), but honestly, I feel this is worth discussing, or at least to see if this page redirecting to Kirby makes sense.

"Normal" has been, oddly enough, often referred to as a Copy Ability, in particular in recent years. The most notable example has been on Kirby Portal and the Kirby Twitter, which introduced it alongside many other abilities some years ago, specifically calling it a Copy Ability like the others. It is listed on the Kirby Portal ability list on the website alongside all other regular copy abilities, and has its own section, and video. The Japanese Kirby wiki has a page for it, and also mentions that the semi-recent book that documents Copy Abilities also has "Normal" listed as the first ability ever.

The definition of "Normal" is different from just, you know, "Kirby", also. The Kirby Portal page's appearances lists all games where Kirby can inhale and spit and/or copy abilities, not every single game where Kirby appears. It lists games where Kirby can only inhale but not copy abilities (Kirby's Dream Land, Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition (see notes later), Kirby's Blowout Blast), and games where Kirby can't inhale but can copy abilities (Kirby's Dream Course, Kirby's Block Ball, Kirby: Canvas Curse, Kirby's Dream Buffet). Note that it lists games where Kirby can copy abilities, and not all games with copy abilities; in particular, the Kirby Fighters and Team Kirby Clash games aren't listed, because Kirby can't copy abilities in those, so they have no "Normal". Meanwhile, games were Kirby appears and can attack, but cannot copy abilities, aren't listed, like Kirby's Pinball Land, Kirby Mass Attack and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. Normal is about Kirby's main things, which are inhaling and copying abilities, but only one of them is enough for it to count as "Normal".

Cool, but what then? You may argue these are all external sources and this was never acknowledged in a game. Well, it was, many times actually:

Okay, but what about overlap in coverage? Honestly, I feel this would be similar to Swim, that basically describes more broadly Kirby's state when he's on water, which I feel would be a similar coverage of this page. Considering "Normal" is different from Kirby as a character, I feel it's worth a separate page even if not a lengthy one, due to the content it will have, and more than one games having content surrounding said Normal state.

So, what do you all think? - Gigi (talkedits) 00:02, 26 December 2023 (UTC)

I think this is a little silly, but I also see that there's legitimate justification here. I think it's worth doing, but if we're playing nose-goes to figure out who's responsible for redirects, consider me safe. Waddlez3121 (talk) 01:25, 26 December 2023 (UTC)

I definitely think that there's enough reason for Normal to have a page (in addition to the points mentioned, it's not a Kirby-exclusive thing since Keeby has an abilityless state). Would the best formatting be similar to other existing Copy Ability pages, or would it be different since Normal is a special case? ---PinkYoshiFan 02:10, 26 December 2023 (UTC)
Oh yeah, good point about Keeby. And good question. I feel it would be worth formatting as a Copy Ability page since it's considered one in a way, just that it's not really obtainable in any form (it's just Kirby's default state), but I guess that's similar to Wrestler. And it's also a weird case like Ghost is. I could make a draft of a possible page for it soon. - Gigi (talkedits) 12:18, 26 December 2023 (UTC)
Working on a draft here. Honestly the biggest question I have right now is how we want to address movesets. Do we want to carry over what we have in the Kirby page or what? - Gigi (talkedits) 14:45, 26 December 2023 (UTC)
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