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From WiKirby, your independent source of Kirby knowledge.
Revision as of 17:11, 18 May 2022 by ButterDee (talk | contribs) (Adding other areas I appear at.)
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Something about Kirby is so unbelievably charming, and yet he is one of the most powerful characters to ever exist. By far, he is probably the most powerful Nintendo character ever created.

Kirby games owned

Kirby Star Allies

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

I also own the NSO Expansion Pack.

Percent Completion for Kirby titles

Kirby Star Allies

84%, Soul Melter EX (High score with 5 owned non-Kirby Amiibo, and a Kirby Amiibo: 699,581. Team: 4 of The Three Mage Sisters) and Heroes in Another Dimension complete, all 120 friend hearts acquired, Chop Champs and Star Slam Heroes finished. Guest Star completion: Marx and NESP finished. Mage Sisters, on first checkpoint, same with Gooey.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

100%, almost all copy abilities powered up to + ★. The only copy abilities left are Ice and Frosty Ice.

Editor's Status

5-18-21: Adding to the trivia section of Morpho Knight.

Kirby Status

Going to work on Crown% for Star Allies. (Requirements are already met, just need to 100%) I need to unlock secret stages, and obtain all Rare Picture Pieces. Dream Land and Planet Popstar are fully completed.

Also, grinding out The Ultimate Cup Z for no good reason.

Other areas that I work/appear on

I am commonly found in the lobby chat room of Pokémon Showdown, under the same username.

My username on the Nintendo Switch: FuryBowser

Steam account name: Terrasheen

Links to other websites I appear on (Showdown account) (Steam Account)