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From WiKirby, your independent source of Kirby knowledge.
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General info
Paint Roller KCC sprite.png This user headbangs to rock 'n' roll!
KSS Paint Sprite.png This user's favorite color is Crimson.
KNiDL Wait icon.png This user might be a little bit slow at doing things...
KNiDL Hot Head sprite.png This user is sometimes a Hot Head.
KSSU Kong Barrel Treasure Sprite.png This user is a big Donkey Kong fan!
KPR Remote Robot Controller.png This user is interested in early history of video games.
Get Linux Mint! This user is using Linux Mint.
KSqS Ghost Kirby Sprite.png This user says this wiki is Haunted!
Mergist-logo.png This user is a Mergist.
Redirect arrow.png This user finds inline redirects to be acceptable.
KSS Programmer.png This user likes to optimize templates.
Firefox Logo.png This user contributes using Firefox.
Kirbo favorites
KNiDL Ball icon.png This user's favorite Copy Ability is Ball.
KatAMShadowKirby.png This user's favorite character is Shadow Kirby.
KA Mr Bright sprite.pngKA Mr Shine sprite.png This user's favorite boss are Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright.
KNiDL Bronto Burt sprite.png The most annoying enemy to this user is Bronto Burt.
KSS Mario Cameo.png This user likes video game cameos.
Do you feel lucky?
3,398 edits and counting!
1000 edits - 2021/02/12
2000 edits - 2021/11/24
3000 edits - 2022/04/27
5 years! - 2023/04/25

Hello there, I am Wiz, a member of a couple of the NIWA wikis, having joined WiKirby on April 25th, 2018. I have been introduced to the Kirby franchise through a somewhat unpopular main series title Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, and since have played most earlier entries too. I'm not especially active on the wiki at the moment, but reactivating is always an option.


  • Lost, obscure and canceled entries of the franchise.
  • Pre-release, beta and unused content preserved at Unseen64 and TCRF.
  • TAS-ing and learning technicalities (& bugs/glitches).
  • Hunting websites, magazine/manual scans, missing footage.
  • Eventually playing more games than I have.




Custom themes[edit]

Here's a list of custom themes you can use and modify, usually for seasons and holidays. Listed here are my designs based on YFJ's and Kirb's previous work and Fabric patterns. Most will likely be improved with time.

Winter holidays[edit]

Useful Firefox CSS for the wiki[edit]

To use custom CSS scripts, either get an extension like Stylish, or type into the search bar "about:support", find and open "Profile directory", create a "chrome" folder, then create userContent.css there with any of this code.

New tab image transparency[edit]

Modified from this repository to hide white background added by the browser itself, useful for checking bad fansparency of Category:Low quality images.

@-moz-document regexp("(.*\.(apng|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp|avif|ico|bmp|APNG|PNG|JPG|JPEG|GIF|WEBP|AVIF|ICO|BMP)([\?#].*)*$)|(^data:image/.*)"){

  @media not print {
      background: none !important;