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User talk:Luigifan18

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Welcome to WiKirby![edit]

Hi there Luigifan18, and welcome to WiKirby! We hope you'll enjoy editing here; check out our help guide for editing tips and information on do's and don'ts. Also, please keep in mind that all edits are subject to moderation until you become autoconfirmed (5 edits and 24 hours)! If you need any help, just contact one of the administrators. Thanks! — The WiKirby Staff

-- Kirbot (talk) 04:59, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

Regarding your edits[edit]

Hi Luigifan18. You often do minor edits to pages, often claiming to correct grammar. While in some cases that is true, and we appreciate that, we want to call attention to edits that don't really correct anything. Recently, we added a new mantra in writing specifics that reads:

Don't correct what is correct - Unless something is incorrect, don't correct it. Things like the Oxford comma or whether periods go inside quotes, for example, are correct either way.

So in the future, please focus on correcting what is incorrect, and if something isn't wrong, please do not edit it. Thank you. - Gigi (talkedits) 16:38, 20 April 2024 (UTC)

Since you didn't reply to this message specifically, I want to remind you of this guideline due to recent edits. - Gigi (talkedits) 21:25, 21 April 2024 (UTC)

Clawroline image[edit]

Hi, you claim File:KatFL Clawroline - claw on robe.png was captured by Samwell, yet it doesn't have native resolution, nor am I aware of him capturing this screenshot. Where did you get it from? - Gigi (talkedits) 16:40, 20 April 2024 (UTC)

It's a screenshot I captured on my iPad from his video footage of the Danger under the Big Top stage, as embedded on WiKirby. I figured it was more prudent to credit Samwell rather than myself. --Luigifan18 (talk) 16:44, 20 April 2024 (UTC)
That was what I suspected, I will go ahead and delete it them. We do not allow screenshots that aren't native resolution, let alone Youtube screenshots. I recommend you to read out image standards before uploading further images, thank you. - Gigi (talkedits) 16:46, 20 April 2024 (UTC)

Dispute policy[edit]

Just a heads up, your edits on Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop violated the dispute policy. To keep it short, if someone makes an edit, and someone disagrees and reverts it, you shouldn't go and revert it once again. Once the first two steps happen, that's a dispute. Next time, please instead discuss the changes you feel are worth making in the page's talk page. Thanks. - Gigi (talkedits) 21:33, 21 April 2024 (UTC)

Kirby Fanfic[edit]

Is it cool if I make a subpage of my userpage regarding an old Kirby fanfic/fangame concept I've been cooking up? --Luigifan18 (talk) 16:27, 30 April 2024 (UTC)

No, this is not allowed on WiKirby. If you have it hosted somewhere and want to link it in your userpage as a quick mention, that is fine (similar to how I've done), but posting content of it directly to WiKirby is outside the wiki's scope. See what is allowed and not allowed in userspace here. - Gigi (talkedits) 16:36, 30 April 2024 (UTC)
Aw, damn, I was hoping I could do something similar to my Progress & Regress Pokémon project on RationalWiki (but, y'know, for Kirby). I have been considering putting up a description of the Crystal Calamity project on my DeviantART account, but I've never quite found the time to fully write it. --Luigifan18 (talk) 03:59, 13 May 2024 (UTC)


Just to explain this edit on Figure since it was a bit too long to mention in the edit summary, it's generally preferable to make it clear which pages you are linking to (for example purchased at [[Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop]] is preferable to [[Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop|purchased]]), and you also don't have to link every time something is relevant, just the first time (otherwise it bloats up the page size a lot; we don't link every time Magolor is mentioned on Lor Starcutter, for example). This isn't a strict rule, just a general tip to follow! StarPunch (talk) 03:22, 5 May 2024 (UTC)

A note of concern[edit]

Greetings, Luigifan18.

First off, I'd like to commend you for making over 400 edits to WiKirby since you first joined in April, and to thank you for each time you found a typo or poorly-worded phrase in article text. I think proofreading is important, and not done enough on the wiki, so it is a genuine service you've done in that regard. I want to start with that because I don't want to come off as antagonistic or like what I'm about to say is a threat. I still believe you are here because you genuinely want to help the wiki. As someone who has stepped down from staff, it's not really in my power to issue any formal warnings anymore anyhow.

That said, I feel like you might be heading into a bit of trouble with staff soon, in particular with Gigi. I'm not privy to what is said in the staff discussion channel on Discord anymore, but I highly suspect that you are being closely monitored, and not for happy reasons. I fear that if you keep on your current course, doing things the way you have, you might be headed for a block. I'll try to outline the best I can, because I want you to avoid this scenario.

Our current block policy has a handy list of things we expect editors to avoid doing. Generally speaking, unless it's a particularly severe offense (a "one-striker"), new editors will be forgiven not knowing specific wiki editing policies or etiquette, and will be politely directed to those rules after the first or second breaking of them. So far, you have not broken any one-strike offenses, or you would have been blocked already, but you have broken a five-strike offense a handful of times by now, and I believe are in danger of breaking two three-strikers. The specific list items I believe you've either stepped over or are in danger of doing so are the following:

  • Undoing or reverting an edit more than once without discussion.
  • Avoidably failing to follow specific policies regarding article content after being informed of the specific policy.
  • Ignoring directions from administrators+.

For the first, this is in specific reference to the dispute policy, where you have undone a revert prematurely on at least one occasion and for which you have already received a warning. The second is in reference to the recently-implemented writing specific mantra which states as follows: "Don't correct what is correct - Unless something is incorrect, don't correct it. Things like the Oxford comma or whether periods go inside quotes, for example, are correct either way." I have seen one of your recent edits reverted on this ground, and it is not the first time this has happened. I have no doubt the staff are keeping tabs on each time this happens, and will take action if it continues. The third point is tied to the previous two, as you might imagine, and will likely come into play if you continue to give admins the cold shoulder like you've been doing.

I will acknowledge that you have been trying to use the dispute clause correctly to defend certain rephrasing edits you've made, but I feel like this approach inherently puts you in an adversarial position with staff and with other editors. If you don't mind, I'd like to offer you some alternative approaches that will accomplish the same thing without a dispute having to happen:

  1. - You could join our Discord server so that you can discuss specific wording changes you want to make on pages live with other editors and staff, in the event that you are unsure if making the change will cause a dispute or not.
  2. - If you don't want to join Discord, you could instead use the talk page for the page you want to change to propose the change in wording before you do it, and explain your reasoning.

Admittedly, either approach would take longer than just making the edit, but it would demonstrate your willingness to discuss potentially contentious changes before making them, and would make the whole process feel more like a collaborative effort, rather than a tug of war. In doing so, you'll get the gist of how to write on WiKirby, and I believe it won't be too long before you won't have to worry so much about whether an edit you make breaks our writing mantras or not.

Anyhow, this has gotten a lot longer than I was expecting. If there's anything in here you aren't sure about, feel free to ask. Keep in mind, I'm doing all this because I don't want to see an end result where you get blocked. I'm trying my best here to make sure that doesn't happen. Will you help me? --Samwell (talk) 23:27, 16 May 2024 (UTC)


Hi Luigifan18. This is the second time you've went and commented on the talk page of a blocked user, adding nothing but just either adding fuel to the fire or being nosy when not needed. Blocked members are responsibility of staff members, and commenting on someone's block notice with "I agree" and commenting on something off-topic, or going "why was this user blocked?" is nothing but improper conduct.

This is the last time myself and any staff member will just come to your talk page and warn about your behavior. Next time you do something improper for the wiki, no matter the form, we will just start blocking you. The message above from Samwell outlines well why. If you have further questions, you can just ask me or any other staff member, we want to help, hence why so far we've been communicating with you constantly instead of just blocking. However, everything has a limit. - Gigi (talkedits) 15:39, 19 May 2024 (UTC)

Well, you were warned. You are blocked for a day for failing to follow "Don't correct what is correct - Unless something is incorrect, don't correct it." repeatedly despite being warned about it, thus breaking "Avoidably failing to follow specific policies regarding article content after being informed of the specific policy." from the block policy, which is a three strike offense. Just for you to be aware, blocks only become longer moving forward. I urge you to rethink your actions. - Gigi (talkedits) 20:55, 21 May 2024 (UTC)
I had no idea that replacing X with × was a "fixing things that don't need to be fixed" scenario. There are other pages where the multiplication symbol is used, such as Chaos Elfilis. --Luigifan18 (talk) 19:26, 23 May 2024 (UTC)
And that was added by you as well. In fact, I will go ahead and revert it because it's not needed. - Gigi (talkedits) 19:37, 23 May 2024 (UTC)
The thing is, this is like the Oxford comma: both are fine to use, but it's not fine to change one way or the other for no particular reason. Do you understand? - Gigi (talkedits) 19:45, 23 May 2024 (UTC)
Yes, I understand the principle. We can agree to disagree a bit on what "doesn't need fixing", and I'll defer to your judgment. --Luigifan18 (talk) 19:50, 23 May 2024 (UTC)