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User talk:Kirby-140

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Welcome to WiKirby![edit]

Hi there Kirby-140, and welcome to WiKirby! We hope you'll enjoy editing here; check out our help guide for editing tips and information on do's and don'ts. Also, please keep in mind that all edits are subject to moderation until you become autoconfirmed (5 edits and 24 hours)! If you need any help, just contact one of the administrators. Thanks! — The WiKirby Staff

Sandbox Edits[edit]

Hello, I saw your sandbox edits changing "his" to "her" and "{{GENDERPRONOUN}}" to "She". I figured I'd explain how it works a little. When you select a gender on your preference page, the {{GENDERPRONOUN}} function will use the word "he" or "she" based on whatever you set. To test this out, view your preference page and swap the gender and look at the following statement:

  • is reading this. This is the player's talk page!

At first it may seem like I wrote your name and a gender pronoun, but if you look at the code, you can see that I have not. The code is:

  • {{CURRENTUSER}} is reading this. This is {{my}} talk page!

These are some neat things we made, and they appear differently to everyone signed in. The Currentuser function will appear as "Kirby140" when you read it, but when I read it, it will say "Axiomist". Feel free to ask if you have any questions about it.Axiomist (talk) 21:00, 13 October 2010 (CDT)

No Good[edit]

I've been unable to edit at all. I can only add to my talk page. Please explain this. I hope I can edit my own page...

What do you mean? What shows up in place of the edit tab on other pages? It's Turtwig A! My talk or wiki edits 21:15, 23 October 2010 (CDT)


I can click the edit tab, but the actual editing won't work even if I log in.

Can you explain a little more? What does the page say? It's Turtwig A! My talk or wiki edits 21:21, 23 October 2010 (CDT)


It looks normal, but I can't add. And I've edited many pages before!

That is a peculiar case. I can't help you with anything then. Though it does appear that you can edit talk pages... It's Turtwig A! My talk or wiki edits 21:49, 23 October 2010 (CDT)
Has this error been resolved? I see you've made an edit to Zero and created some new articles, so I'm wondering if the problem persists. If you managed to fix it on your own, could you tell us how in case it happens to someone else? Axiomist (talk) 13:11, 24 October 2010 (CDT)

Talk Pages[edit]

Just a little reminder, the talk pages on WiKirby are not for chatting about the article's subject, but for discussing the article itself and changes that should be made to it, etc. If you want to discuss any part of the Kirby series in a way not related to this wiki, please do so at a fan forum; Kirby's Rainbow Resort has one, for instance, and I'm sure there are lots of others to be found as well :3 Try to keep the Kirby talk on here limited to discussions more closely related to the wiki's contents, though.--Vellidragon 09:50, 24 October 2010 (CDT)


Dark Matter...? 11:05, 20 November 2010 (CST)

Editing Problem[edit]

I have finally figured it out. Sadly, some of my computers have character limits. Meaning, there can only be so many characters in forms and text boxes. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Kirby-140 (talkcontribs) 20:28, 22 January 2011. Please always sign your comments by typing ~~~~!

I've asked people about that, it seems like a low flash memory problem. That can only be fixed by adding additional memory cards into your computer. Axiomist (talk) 15:05, 22 January 2011 (CST)
Another possible cause would be a limitation of your web browser (see this for more information). I'd suggest installing Google Chrome, which is free and should run on even low-spec computers. --Adam 06:51, 2 February 2011 (CST)

Signing comments[edit]

Alright, I am getting sick of adding the "unsigned" template to every comment you make and even personally reminding you to sign your comments only to have it downright ignored again. Consider this an official warning; if you continue to ignore the requests to please sign your comments (with ~~~~), measures will be taken. This may be a "minor" offense, but it has been going on for way too long, and it's becoming a serious nuisance. This really would not take longer than a second, so this repeated unwillingness to cooperate is just inexcusable.--Vellidragon 20:27, 12 April 2011 (CDT)

Oh.--Kirby-140 20:28, 12 April 2011 (CDT)

Something is NOT Right at All[edit]

Here's what I'm talking about - It says I'm not allowed to read the Kirby Super Star Ultra article. Whenever I go to the page this is what it says:

You do not have permission to read this page because reading it is restricted to bureaucrats and higher.

But the page looks fine when I'm logged out.

--Kirby-140 10:43, 1 May 2011 (CDT)

Weird. It works fine for me. Sparky 07:11, 2 May 2011 (CDT)
But I shouldn't be getting that message. It's probably a bug or something. Maybe we should check it out.--Kirby-140 16:37, 4 May 2011 (CDT)
Even weirder, the logo only loads halfway, so it says WIKI It's a wiki. Ab --Kirby-140 (talkcontributions) 10:59, 8 May 2011 (CDT)
All of those things are evidently problems on your side, though, seeing how it appears to be working fine for everyone else, so there's really not much we can do :\ It's all looking fine to me, and I'm fairly certain the site's not where the problem is. For the logo, try clean refreshing though; should be ctrl+f5 or shift+f5 depending on the browser. If that doesn't help, I really don't know what you can do apart from trying to view the site in a different browser or on a different computer and hope for more success.--Vellidragon 13:03, 8 May 2011 (CDT)
Well, I think it's gone now, and I hope the problems stays gone forever.

Everyone hates me.[edit]

I try to support WiKirby, but for some reason, I'm just not important because you hate me, and maybe, I'm just not very smart.--Kirby-140 10:54, 17 May 2011 (CDT)

Not sure who you're addressing here in specific, but I haven't really noticed anybody hating you (at least not on this wiki, I can't say what happened outside of it and have no power of it). If you're referring to actions I or others may have taken regarding your edits, be aware that none of these are connected to "hating" the person who made the edits; they're purely for site maintenance & article improvement reasons. If somebody should personally attack you on WiKirby though (on your talk page, etc.), let me know so appropriate actions can be taken; keep in mind though that if someone undoes an edit of yours or otherwise modifies it or brings up a wiki-related issue to you, that does not have to mean that they have any personal problems with you.--Vellidragon 11:50, 17 May 2011 (CDT)

Bad words[edit]

I've heard that there are bad words on WiKirby, which concerns me because we shouldn't use bad language.--Kirby-140 18:41, 21 May 2011 (CDT)

As far as I'm aware, there is no rule against bad language per se (though I'd like to know where you have heard that, as I haven't come across any "bad" words myself outside of ad spam and vandalism). If there are any of these "bad" words in actual mainspace articles or categories though or things on userspace pages written with the intention of offending people, let me know where they are so they can be taken care of.--Vellidragon 19:20, 21 May 2011 (CDT)


When can I be an admin?--Kirby-140!!! 21:31, 29 May 2011 (CDT)

Even though this wiki is currently seriouusly lacking in staff, people still don't get promoted willy-nilly, especially not to admin. Make good contributions (that require little or no further changes to be up to our quality standards) in order to show that you possess sufficient editing skills and knowledge of rules, policies and standards and you may eventually be contacted about a promotion to patroller (and potentially eventually admin) rank. I'm sorry to say, but while I appreciate your ongoing contributions, your current edits don't reach the quality they should in order to become a staff member; this is not intended as an insult towards you, just an observation I have made about your contributions. (Also, directly asking for a promotion is generally frowned upon, so please don't do it.)--Vellidragon 22:21, 29 May 2011 (CDT)
Okay...--Kirby-140!!! 19:14, 30 May 2011 (CDT)

My brother[edit]

Hello, my brother wants to register with the name "Dick Adams", but it has been banned from creation because it matches the blacklist entry .*[Dd][Ii1][Cc][Kk].*. He's really upset. He likes the name "Dick Adams". What should we do?--Kirby-140!!! 12:53, 6 June 2011 (CDT)

I guess the general solution here would be to have an admin create the account, but I'm not sure how I would do that, and given that "Dick" indeed does happen to be a name (and a part of names, such as Dickens) and a common German adjective apart from being a potentially naughty word, I took it off the blacklist as it's probably creating more hassle than it's worth. If we suddenly happen to get flooded with spam pages using it in an inappropriate manner as a result though, I may have to put it back :p --Vellidragon 21:19, 6 June 2011 (CDT)

Delete something[edit]

Could you please delete my JavaScript page? I blanked the page because I had no idea what JavaScript is. It's located here.--Kirby-140!!! 12:08, 13 June 2011 (CDT)

Done (and took the liberty to unlink it from your comment so it doesn't appear as a wanted page).--Vellidragon 14:22, 13 June 2011 (CDT)

Unable to create a subpage called hello[edit]

Because its on the blacklist. •~• --Kirby-140!!! 22:55, 17 June 2011 (CDT)

Not blacklisted anymore. Not even sure why the word creating this problem was on there anyway, it's not particularly offensive and I don't recall spammers abusing it.--Vellidragon 09:06, 18 June 2011 (CDT)


How are there deleted pages that were created by anonymous people if only registered people can edit?--Kirby-140 •~• Talk? 19:53, 22 June 2011 (CDT)

I presume unregistered people could edit the wiki in its beginning days.--Vellidragon 19:59, 22 June 2011 (CDT)

Stuff on the blacklist[edit]

How are things like Tweet or Zeldapedia offensive?--Kirby-140 •~• Talk? 01:33, 24 June 2011 (CDT)

The blacklist isn't just for "offensive" things, it's primarily to prevent spammers from spamming about stuff. I'm guessing at least the Tweet part is semi-common in spam page titles, and the other thing is likely on there because of past incidents, not that it would make sense to use it in a page title on WiKirby in any case.--Vellidragon 08:56, 24 June 2011 (CDT)

Personal images[edit]

That policy on personal images will always be new. It has displayed that message forever!--Kirby-140 •~• Talk? 11:11, 9 October 2011 (CDT)

Indeed it has, and it will continue displaying it until I have something more important to announce :p (These messages aren't automated, I have to set them myself.) I don't believe it's causing any harm, anyway, so there's currently no reason to remove it, in my opinion.--Vellidragon 11:20, 9 October 2011 (CDT)