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Team DDD: Difference between revisions

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**Team DDD24–47's references [[Soul of Sectonia]]'s special page, parodying how Sectonia forgot her true form by saying that Dedede forgot that he was a final boss.<ref>{{quote|元祖ラスボス、{{color|orange|夢の泉}}の力をかりて {{color|orange|大量チーム}}で大あばれ!いくどとなく やぶれつづけ、もはや 自分が{{color|orange|ラスボス}}で あったことも わすれていたが… 今日こそ 大王のいじ、{{color|orange|チームのきずな}}、見せてやる!<br>The original final boss is using the power of the {{color|orange|Fountain of Dreams}} to unleash a huge attack with {{color|orange|a team of massive numbers!}} I've failed countless times, and I'd forgotten I was the final boss... But today, I'll show you the Great King's pride through {{color|orange|the bond of a team!}}|'''VS Team DDD (Easy–Hard)''' Special Page (Japanese version)}}<br>{{quote|いくどとなく きせいし、のりうつりつづけ、どれが {{color|orange|本当のすがた}} であったのか… もはや 思い出すことも出来ない。{{color|orange|わたしをよぶ声}}もしたが 今はもう{{color|orange|聞こえない}}。この{{color|orange|夜が明ける}}その前に、{{color|orange|とわなる…ねむりを…}}<br>I have fed on others and changed my shape countless times. Which one was my {{color|orange|true form}}? I cannot remember anymore. {{color|orange|A voice once called out for me}}, but now {{color|orange|I no longer hear it}}. Before this {{color|orange|night ends}}, I must {{color|orange|forever... sleep...}}|'''VS Soul of Sectonia''' Special Page (Phase 2), ''[[Kirby: Triple Deluxe]]'' (Japanese version)}}</ref>
**Team DDD24–47's references [[Soul of Sectonia]]'s special page, parodying how Sectonia forgot her true form by saying that Dedede forgot that he was a final boss.<ref>{{quote|元祖ラスボス、{{color|orange|夢の泉}}の力をかりて {{color|orange|大量チーム}}で大あばれ!いくどとなく やぶれつづけ、もはや 自分が{{color|orange|ラスボス}}で あったことも わすれていたが… 今日こそ 大王のいじ、{{color|orange|チームのきずな}}、見せてやる!<br>The original final boss is using the power of the {{color|orange|Fountain of Dreams}} to unleash a huge attack with {{color|orange|a team of massive numbers!}} I've failed countless times, and I'd forgotten I was the final boss... But today, I'll show you the Great King's pride through {{color|orange|the bond of a team!}}|'''VS Team DDD (Easy–Hard)''' Special Page (Japanese version)}}<br>{{quote|いくどとなく きせいし、のりうつりつづけ、どれが {{color|orange|本当のすがた}} であったのか… もはや 思い出すことも出来ない。{{color|orange|わたしをよぶ声}}もしたが 今はもう{{color|orange|聞こえない}}。この{{color|orange|夜が明ける}}その前に、{{color|orange|とわなる…ねむりを…}}<br>I have fed on others and changed my shape countless times. Which one was my {{color|orange|true form}}? I cannot remember anymore. {{color|orange|A voice once called out for me}}, but now {{color|orange|I no longer hear it}}. Before this {{color|orange|night ends}}, I must {{color|orange|forever... sleep...}}|'''VS Soul of Sectonia''' Special Page (Phase 2), ''[[Kirby: Triple Deluxe]]'' (Japanese version)}}</ref>
**Team DDD64's has several specific references to Dedede's dialogue in [[The Revenge]] from [[Revenge of the King]], as well as certain lines from [[Revenge of Meta Knight]] and ''[[Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards]]''.<ref>{{quote|元祖ラスボス、{{color|orange|大王}}さまの {{color|orange|大逆襲。}}…さあ、次はお前たちの番だ!と、言っても 仲間は{{color|orange|全員ミニサイズ。}}不覚だが やむをえない。やい、しにぞこないの{{color|orange|ピンクだま!}} {{color|orange|チーム決戦}}の機は熟したぞ! いざ…{{color|orange|やらいでか!}}<br>The original final boss, his majesty, the {{color|orange|Great King}}'s {{color|orange|big revenge.}}<sup>1</sup> "...So, it's your turn next!"<sup>2</sup> ...he says, but his friends are {{color|orange|all miniature.}} It's a blunder, but he has no choice.<sup>3</sup> Hey, you're about to perish,<sup>4</sup> {{color|orange|you pink lump!}}<sup>5</sup> The time has come for a {{color|orange|team showdown!}}<sup>6</sup> Now... {{color|orange|here we go!}}<sup>7</sup>|'''VS Team DDD (Very Hard)''' Special Page (Japanese version)}}<br>
**Team DDD64's has several specific references to Dedede's dialogue in [[The Revenge]] from [[Revenge of the King]], as well as certain lines from [[Revenge of Meta Knight]] and ''[[Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards]]''.<ref>{{quote|元祖ラスボス、{{color|orange|大王}}さまの {{color|orange|大逆襲。}}…さあ、次はお前たちの番だ!と、言っても 仲間は{{color|orange|全員ミニサイズ。}}不覚だが やむをえない。やい、しにぞこないの{{color|orange|ピンクだま!}} {{color|orange|チーム決戦}}の機は熟したぞ! いざ…{{color|orange|やらいでか!}}<br>The original final boss, his majesty, the {{color|orange|Great King}}'s {{color|orange|big revenge.}}<sup>1</sup> "...So, it's your turn next!"<sup>2</sup> ...he says, but his friends are {{color|orange|all miniature.}} It's a blunder, but he has no choice.<sup>3</sup> Hey, you're about to perish,<sup>4</sup> {{color|orange|you pink lump!}}<sup>5</sup> The time has come for a {{color|orange|team showdown!}}<sup>6</sup> Now... {{color|orange|here we go!}}<sup>7</sup>|'''VS Team DDD (Very Hard)''' Special Page (Japanese version)}}<br>
<small><sup>1</sup> "His majesty, the Great King's big revenge" (大王さまの大逆襲) references both what Bandana Waddle Dee calls him in Revenge of the King (大王さま ''his majesty, the Great King'') as well the Japanese name of Revenge of the King (大王の逆襲 ''The Great King's Revenge'').<br>
<small><sup>1</sup> "His majesty, the Great King's big revenge" (大王さまの大逆襲) references both what Bandana Waddle Dee calls him in Revenge of the King (大王さま ''his majesty, the Great King'') as well as the Japanese name of Revenge of the King (大王の逆襲 ''The Great King's Revenge'').<br>
<sup>2</sup> "...So, it's your turn next!" (さあ、次はお前たちの番だ!) is one of Dedede's lines from Revenge of the King: "...O-OK then, I guess it's your turn." (さ、さあ、つぎはおまえたちの番だ。), which was in turn a parody of Meta Knight's line in Revenge of Meta Knight: "So... Now it's time for the rest of you to escape as well." (さあ、次はおまえたちが逃げる番だ。)<br>
<sup>2</sup> "...So, it's your turn next!" (さあ、次はお前たちの番だ!) is one of Dedede's lines from Revenge of the King: "...O-OK then, I guess it's your turn." (さ、さあ、つぎはおまえたちの番だ。), which was in turn a parody of Meta Knight's line in Revenge of Meta Knight: "So... Now it's time for the rest of you to escape as well." (さあ、次はおまえたちが逃げる番だ。)<br>
<sup>3</sup> "It's a blunder, but he has no choice." (不覚だが やむをえない) is a line in both Revenge of Meta Knight and Revenge of the King: "We've failed... but there's nothing we can do." / "(We're done for...Only one option...)" (不覚…だがやむをえまい)<br>
<sup>3</sup> "It's a blunder, but he has no choice." (不覚だが やむをえない) is a line in both Revenge of Meta Knight and Revenge of the King: "We've failed... but there's nothing we can do." / "(We're done for...Only one option...)" (不覚…だがやむをえまい)<br>

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