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Prism Plains

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Prism Plains is the first level in Kirby: Squeak Squad. It has a theme of grass, very much like the next level. One Ability Scroll is available in this level.


Prism Plains-1

First level of the game.

Prism Plains-2

This level contains the first treasure chest in the game.

Prism Plains-3

This level contains the first Ability Scroll in the game, that being the Fire scroll. It also contains the first Mid Boss in the game, that being Mr. Frosty or Tedhaun, the latter only if the Ghost Medal is put together.Find Two Treasure chest here,one by the use of animal,second the treasure that squeaks is planing to get.

Prism Plains-4

Contains 3 treasure chest.

Prism Plains-5

Contains 1 treasure chest.

Prism Plains-Ex

This level, like other Ex levels in the game, is only accessible if the key is gained.