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User talk:Sleepycannon

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Welcome to WiKirby![edit]

Hi there Sleepycannon, and welcome to WiKirby! We hope you'll enjoy editing here; check out our help guide for editing tips and information on do's and don'ts. Also, please keep in mind that all edits are subject to moderation until you become autoconfirmed (5 edits and 24 hours)! If you need any help, just contact one of the administrators. Thanks! — The WiKirby Staff

-- Kirbot (talk) 04:08, 6 April 2018 (UTC)

Regarding Galactic Nova[edit]

You do give an explanation, but regardless, your explanation is little more than speculation, and this does not belong anywhere on this wiki except under the context of fan theories. If you want to keep this explanation in the wiki as fact, you will need to demonstrate it using a statement from HAL. Until then, I'm afraid I will need to revert your edit. I will save your paragraph to a text document until you provide the goods. --Fubaka (talk) 14:37, 6 April 2018 (UTC)