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This toasty toad is so hot, he uses molten lava for his bathwater! His favorite hobbies are causing volcanic eruptions and hopping all over the place!
— Triple Deluxe Boss description

screenshot from Kirby: Triple Deluxe
First game Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Latest game Team Kirby Clash
Weakness(es) Burning Rocks
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Pyribbit is a boss from Kirby: Triple Deluxe. He resembles a giant horned toad, though he bears a crown and has no arms. He can also swim and survive in lava and can breathe fire, along with the ability to cause tremors and summon lava waves. Pyribbit is the boss of Triple Deluxe's fifth Level, Endless Explosions, and it is also battled in The Arena and in Stage 4 of Royal Road.


The following lists all of Pyribbit's attacks in Story Mode and The Arena in Kirby: Triple Deluxe. Attacks in italics are used in the second phase of the fight only.

Attacks - Normal
Attack Description
Burning Spin
Pyribbit charges up, then hops toward Kirby and unleashes a ring of fire that spreads across the ground, leaving a couple stars in the process.
Tongue Strike
Pyribbit dives into the lava, then he pops his head out and back in a couple times, getting closer each time. He finishes by shooting his tongue out at Kirby, which, if it hits, will cause Kirby to hit the screen and lose his Copy Ability.
Boulder Bomb
Pyribbit jumps into the lava, then spits out a large boulder at Kirby that can explode. The boulder can be inhaled with concerted effort, and swallowed for the Fire ability. In the second phase, Pyribbit will shoot these from one of his pillars, and may shoot more than one at a time. If the boulders explode on the ground, they will leave lingering burning spots.
Ricochet Slam
After performing an attack from the lava, Pyribbit can return by jumping high into the air, then landing after an extended period of time. He then starts bouncing between the foreground and background in a chaotic display that can be tough to avoid, leaving stars on his final landing. In the second phase, his ricochets become more numerous and chaotic.
Wave Attack
Pyribbit jumps to the volcano, and roars, summoning a wave of lava with faces on it (resembling Magman) which sweep toward the stage, covering most of it in the process. The waves leave stars after each pass. If Kirby is hit by the waves, he will be knocked into lava in the foreground for additional damage.
Fire Breath
Pyribbit charges up and releases a burning pillar of fire from his mouth that covers most of the stage and leaves stars on impact with the opposing wall of the stage.
Screen Char
Pyribbit breathes fire at the screen, leaving a blackened char and making it hard for the unknown reader to see clearly, then he spins around while still breathing fire to try and hit Kirby. This technique breaks the fourth wall.
Pyribbit jumps into the volcano, causing it to erupt and fire him out along with many large boulders that then rain down onto the stage. When Pyribbit lands, he leaves stars. He will then jump straight back into the volcano to try two more times.
Lava Fountain
Pyribbit charges up and gushes lava out of his crown, creating streams that pour down on both sides of him. He then spins around while the streams are still going, leaving stars when the streams dry out.

Pyribbit spends a good deal of time off the stage, which can make him difficult to hit. As such, his fight tends to last longer than the prior bosses' fights. In the second phase, Pyribbit summons four stone platforms out of the lava that float in the air, and a volcano in the background. These become fixtures for Pyribbit to perform more attacks from.

Pyribbit DX

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Upon defeat, Pyribbit gets knocked into the background lava pit, where he then surfaces and starts roaring. The pillars he summoned during phase 2 of the fight then inexplicably fly in toward the crying toad and crash into him, burying him beneath the surface of the lava and destroying him. The Grand Sun Stone emerges from above for Kirby to collect.

Team Kirby Clash

Pyribbit appears as the fourth boss of this Sub-Game. It fights in almost exactly the same manner as it did in Triple Deluxe, but its Vitality is much greater, to serve as a challenge for four Kirby warriors.


  • In terms of the way he looks, Pyribbit closely resembles Fatty Puffer from Kirby's Return to Dream Land. However, the way he roars and fights is much more similar to Goriath from the same game.
  • Unlike the other bosses that Taranza conjures and/or empowers, the only thing Taranza does to aggravate Pyribbit is to throw a stone in his face. Additionally, during Dededetour!, King Dedede simply trips and his hammer flies into Pyribbit DX's face, which initiates the battle.
  • The name 'Pyribbit' is a portmanteau of the words 'pyro' (a Greek prefix for fire) and 'ribbit' (an onomatopoeia for the sound many frogs and toads make when croaking). This reflects the fact that the boss is a fire-breathing toad.

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