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User talk:UraM aw nohiK

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Welcome to WiKirby![edit]

Hi there UraM aw nohiK, and welcome to WiKirby! We hope you'll enjoy editing here; check out our help guide for editing tips and information on do's and don'ts. Also, please keep in mind that all edits are subject to moderation until you become autoconfirmed (5 edits and 24 hours)! If you need any help, just contact one of the administrators. Thanks! — The WiKirby Staff

-- Kirbot (talk) 17:23, 9 July 2020 (UTC)

Multiple accounts[edit]

Greetings. Before you do anything else, I would like to inform you that we typically prefer users only having one account. Since you already have User:Kihon wa Maru, I recommend choosing one or the other. --Samwell (talk) 17:25, 9 July 2020 (UTC)

Alright, since you appear to be using this account. I assume that this is the one you want to keep. I will be disabling the other one soon, unless you respond to me right now saying otherwise. --Samwell (talk) 18:50, 9 July 2020 (UTC)