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User talk:Fure46733

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Welcome to WiKirby![edit]

Hi there Fure46733, and welcome to WiKirby! We hope you'll enjoy editing here; check out our help guide for editing tips and information on do's and don'ts. Also, please keep in mind that all edits are subject to moderation until you become autoconfirmed (5 edits and 24 hours)! If you need any help, just contact one of the administrators. Thanks! — The WiKirby Staff


Hallo there. This is an official warning due to your blatant and large-scale theft of articles from the Kirby Wikia. As the text below the edit box says, "You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource. Do not submit copyrighted work without permission!". If you continue to steal content from elsewhere, you will be blocked from editing the wiki. As for the few articles you did not steal, as the quality standards point out, "Articles should only be created when the editor is confident that they possess enough information to describe the subject matter fully and accurately". Articles consisting of one or two lines of text are not useful to anyone and the links are best left "wanted"; please don't create an article solely to fill in a red link, as no one profits from tiny filler pages. If you have nothing to say on the subject, wait for someone more knowledgeable to create the page.--Vellidragon 18:51, 28 April 2013 (CDT)

Blanking pages[edit]

Hey :3 I'm not sure why you blanked a few pages recently; were you trying to delete them? If a page should be deleted, you can add the delete template to it by inserting {{delete}} ; this will mark it for deletion, but an admin will need to review it to judge whether the page truly qualifies for deletion or not (normally, articles are only deleted if they are overly short, spam/vandalism or stolen) and take the appropriate action. Blanking pages does not delete them (only admins can delete pages), it only leaves a blank page lying around which can still be accessed freely and shows up in searches (it also does not erase its history, so it's still possible to see what it was before blanking). I hope I was able to clear this up :0 --Vellidragon 10:39, 29 April 2013 (CDT)