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Kirby Fighters 2 Channel

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Battle your way to the top in Kirby Fighters 2 with these helpful tips!
— Main caption for the Kirby Fighters 2 Channel

The following is a complete list of all English-translated Kirby Fighters 2 Channel posts so far from the Nintendo Switch News Channel.


Post date Title Image(s) Text Video(s) Notes
October 7th, 2020 Battle your way to the top in Kirby Fighters 2 with these helpful tips! KF2 Channel post 1 image.png Hello everyone!

The Kirby Fighters™ 2 game has officially launched. Whether you're new to the series or are a returning player, we're excited to be able to share some tips on how to get the most out of your battles.

In Kirby Fighters 2, you can choose from a cast of Kirby's most iconic copy abilities—including the brand-new Wrestler ability—and duke it out to be the last Kirby standing. Familiar friends and foes, like Bandana Waddle Dee and King Dedede, also make an appearance as playable characters.

Up to four players can battle on the same system, with local wireless. or online! Choose a free-for-all or team battle and customize rules like items, stage hazards, and the ability to come back as a ghost in team battles.

Be sure to check out the new Wrestler copy ability! This is the powerful masked fighter that likes to get up close and personal!

We hope you'll enjoy battling your way up to the top! Have fun, and keep an eye out for our upcoming tips articles.

Kirby Fighters 2 launch trailer
Side-notes marked by asterisks have been removed for the sake of clarity.
October 29th, 2020 Learn how you can double the fun in team battles! KF2 Channel post 2 image.png In this article, we'll be discussing team battles!
Strengthen your friendship in team battles

While Story Mode allows you to work with a single buddy to scale Buddy Fighters Tower, Battle Mode allows you to play with up to four fighters! You can gather friends, family, or even computer-controlled players to compete in team battles. Whether you're playing in local or online modes, sharing victory alongside good friends can be twice as rewarding!

Charge up the Zap Weapon

There are plenty of fun items that appear when you play team battles, including the Zap Weapon. By hitting this item, it will charge up with electricity. Once it hits MAX, it will unleash and attack opponents. If you're able to use this item while in your ghost form and it hits an opponent, you'll be revived back into battle!

This is a great item to use when you want to being a fallen buddy back or stop an opponent in their tracks!

Buddy Star Blaster

The Buddy Star Blaster is an item that appears only in team battles. To use it, a fighter and their buddy must combine their two Buddy Star Blaster pieces to emit a barrage of star bullets on their opponents. If the blast hits one or both opponents, it will unleash a powerful attack.

If you're having trouble hitting opponents with the star bullets, work with your teammate to target one opponent together. We hope you'll enjoy some heated team battles in the Kirby Fighters™ 2 game!

N/A Side-notes marked by asterisks have been removed for the sake of clarity.
November 13th, 2020 A few points about Sword ability! KF2 Channel post 3 image 1.png
KF2 Channel post 3 image 2.png
Hello, everyone! We hope that you've had a chance to battle it out in the Kirby Fighters™ 2 game! In this article, we'll be giving you a few pointers on the Sword ability.
Getting close to your opponent

You may have noticed that the Sword ability has a short reach, so the Spin Slash move is a great way to attack closer opponents on either side of you. You can increase your range by jumping forward while using the attack.

So, if an opponent is closing in on you, try to utilize the jump and Spin Slash move to dodge and counter their attack[sic]

Damage bonus!

You can unleash a devastating (and relatively simple) combo by using the Drill Stab followed by the Upward Slash and Down Thrust. The key to this combo is to begin the Drill Stab while you're farther away from your opponent. The Upward Slash move is extremely effective on opponents that are mid-air, so, at the end of your Drill Stab, use your Upward Slash and finish the combo with the Down Thrust.

Attack multiple opponents

The Sky Energy Sword move is the Sword ability's only long-distance attack. When you use this attack, Kirby will pose like a sword-wielding hero gaining power from the sky, then release a colorful slash towards faraway opponents. Not only can this attack pierce through multiple enemies, but it can also break stop[sic] incoming attacks, so it's great for opponents that specialize in long-distance attacks!

Did you know that you can collect Rare Hats in Kirby Fighters 2? By playing, you can earn cool Sword ability hats, like Bade[sic] Knight Helm and Ultra Sword Hat! Each battle will also allow you to earn and accumulate Fighters Points, which you can use to unlock characters, stages, copy abilities, and Rare Hats.

Kirby Fighters 2 Copy Compendium #1 (go to 0:20 for Sword ability)
The original post only featured the Sword ability section of the video.
November 20th, 2020 Introducing the Wrestler ability! KF2 Channel post 4 image 1.png
KF2 Channel post 4 image 2.png
Hello, everyone! In this article, we'll be introducing you to the Wrestler ability.

This fighting-style ability makes its debut in the Kirby Fighters™ 2 game with 20 moves—the most in the game! Toss your opponents around utilizing various throwing moves!

The Tackle Grab

The first move that you might want to learn is the Tackle Grab. By using Dash and then the B button, you can grab your opponent—even if they're guarding! This is a particularly effective move against abilities with high defense, like the Bell ability.

You can utilize the Wrestler ability's close-range skills by taking control of your opponents with Tackle Grab. Try using the Tackle Grab to swing challengers around, throw them, and bounce them off the wall and back into your reach.

Lift!...and then?

You can Lift nearby foes by pressing up and the B button. But what do you do once you're up there? We're glad you asked! After lifting your opponent in front of you, you can press right on the Left Stick to perform the Giant Swing. However, if your target is behind you, you can Lift and press left on the Left Stick to perform an Air Suplex. This will slam your opponent into the ground. For additional damage, you can perform the Rolling Breaker by pressing the A Button when you land from the Air Suplex.

The Flying Grab combo!

By pressing down on the Left Stick and the B Button, you can perform the Launcher Lariat. This attack moves Kirby forward when unleashed, so you can hit opponents from a distance. Once an enemy is in the air, follow it up by pressing up on the Left Stick and the B Button to perform a Flying Grab. After you grab the opponent in the air, hit the A Button before landing to perform the Ultra Back Breaker!

Rare Hats for Wrestler

Finally, we'd like to show you two Rare Hats for the Wrestler ability: Sumo Topknot and Roaring Mask. You can battle toward earning these two Rare Hats and more Fighters Points.

We hope you'll have fun trying out these moves and combos. Until next time!

Kirby Fighters 2 Copy Compendium #1 (go to 1:02 for Wrestler ability)
The original post only featured the Wrestler ability section of the video.
December 9th, 2020 Learn about playing as Bandana Waddle Dee, the Skillful Spear Slinger! KF2 Channel post 5 image.png Hello, everyone! In this article, we'll be introducing you to Bandana Waddle Dee.

This spear-wielding member of the Waddle Dees first appeared as a playable character in the Kirby's Return to Dream Land™ game for the Wii™ system. Since then, they've sort of become a representative of the Waddle Dees.

It's time to get a handle on using the spear and find the perfect position to launch your attack!

Spear Thrust into Multispear Thrust

For the first combo, keep pressing the B Button to go from a Spear Thrust into a Multispear Thrust. Spear Thrust gives you the long reach needed to overcome Sword Kirby's Drill Stab or other lunge attacks.

If your opponent blocks during the combo, stop pressing the B Button to cancel the Multispear Thrust, then press the Y Button to Grab the enemy. Opponents who like to guard should watch out for your Grab!

Defeat enemies in a flash with Ground Thrust

You can press the Down Button and the B Button to perform a Ground Thrust and quickly lunge far forward. The long travel distance of this move combined with the spear's long reach can hit multiple enemies. Plus, if you hold down the B Button while performing a Ground Thrust, you can combo into a Waddle Copter!

The Waddle Copter's charge-up time is greatly reduced in this combo, meaning you can perform it right away after launching an enemy into the air with Ground Thrust to do additional damage.

Rain down spears!

The longest range of any of Bandana Waddle Dee's attacks belongs to the Waddle Triple Throw. This move lets you throw spears again and again until Bandana Dee touches the ground. So, get on a high platform and rain down spears!

You can maneuver Bandana Waddle Dee to the left and right while throwing spears, so you'll be quite a threat as you adjust your positioning to keep opponents in range.

We hope you'll have fun trying out these moves and combos. Until next time!

Kirby Fighters 2 Copy Compendium #1 (go to 2:07 for Bandana Waddle Dee)
The original post only featured the Bandana Waddle Dee section of the video. Notably, the article refers to Bandana Waddle Dee using gender-neutral "they", rather than male pronouns as in the games.
December 18th, 2020 Get familiar with the Staff Ability! KF2 Channel post 6 image 1.png
KF2 Channel post 6 image 2.png
Hello, everyone! Today, we'll be featuring the Staff Ability.

Staff abilities[sic] first appeared in the Kirby™ Star Allies game for the Nintendo Switch™ system. These moves became popular for their versatility and ease of use.

Raging Staff

Raging Staff is a simple combo that you can start with. All you have to do is repeatedly press the B Button! You can even take advantage of the Staff's long reach to attach[sic] multiple enemies at once. Since this is a striking technique with a wide attack range, it's especially powerful when you're near a wall.

If the enemy starts guarding, use Gobble then Spit to knock them into the wall. This combo will give you the upper hand by keeping your opponent cornered.

Unrelenting Staff

Performing a Pole Vault by pressing the Down Button and B Button in midair delivers an attack with the end of the weapon that also doubles as a method of transportation! It will let you dodge projectile attacks that travel horizontally (like the[sic] Water Kirby's Wave Attack water ability), while you close in on an enemy from above.

You may be an easy target while airborne, but you can defend yourself by repeatedly hitting the B Button to unleash the Unrelenting Staff technique. This attack delivers multiple hits to opponents who are below you. Try to keep using Unrelenting Staff after performing a Pole Vault until you reach the ground. Because you can change direction in midair, you can still turn around and attack.

And if you miss with Unrelenting Staff, simply stop pressing the B Button to cancel the attack.

Enemies above? No problem.

The Spinning Staff attack launches directly upwards, so it's very effective against any enemies that are above your head.

But it's not just for enemies directly above you. You can also attack enemies that are right next to you. This technique is a little tricky to activate since you need to press the Down Button and Up Button then immediately press the B Button, but it's capable of executing serious damage, even to bosses.

We highly recommend mastering this technique to help you clear the story mode.

Don your Rare Staff Hats

Lastly, we'd like to share an image of the Rare Staff Hats with you.

Rare Hats are items you can earn by collecting fighter points. You can get the Whispy Headgear, for example, that turns the Staff into a stick with a caterpillar on the end, which Kirby isn't too fond of. There is also the Cheer Style Hat that puts Kirby in adorable golden pigtails and a skirt.

Kirby Star Allies players can get the special Zan Partizanne Style Hat that dresses Kirby into Zan Partizanne, one of The Three Mage Sisters, so we hope you get a chance to try it out!

We hope you'll have fun trying out these moves and combos. Until next time!

Kirby Fighters 2 Copy Compendium #1 (go to 1:39 for Staff ability)
The original post only featured the Staff ability section of the video. Strangely, this article often refers to moves as "abilities". It also refers to a "Down Button" and "Up Button", which would only be applicable to the detached singular Joy-con.


  • Notably, despite there being several more copy compendiums released on Nintendo's YouTube channel, there were never any more posts to this news channel after finishing off those abilities featured in the first compendium. Additional posts were released in Japanese, but were never localized into English.