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Template:Music Names Chart-KatRC

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Kirby and the Rainbow Curse music titles  
Japanese American English British English French-Canadian European French Italian German Latin American Spanish Castilian Spanish
Green Greens
Green Greens Verdure
Vertes prairies
Green meadows
La verde aiuola Frühlingswiesenmusik Praderas verdes Prados Verdes
Beginning of the Journey / Arrange ver.
The Adventure Begins (Arrangement) L'aventure commence (arrangement)
The adventure begins (arrangement)
Le début de l'aventure (arrangement)
The beginning of the adventure (arrangement)
L'avventura comincia (arrangiamento) Auf in das neue Abenteuer (Arr.) La aventura comienza (Arreglo)
Great King Dedede's Theme
King Dedede's Theme Thème du Roi Dadidou
King Dedede's Theme
Thème du Roi DaDiDou
King Dedede's Theme
Tema di King Dedede König Dededes Thema Tema del Rey Dedede
Go Through the Sky
Through the Sky À travers le ciel
Through the Sky
À travers les cieux
Through the Skies
Nel cielo Durch die Lüfte Surcando cielos Surcando el cielo
Vegetable Valley
Vegetable Valley Vallée Légume
Vegetable Valley
Valle Verdura Waldmeistertal Valle Vegetal Valle Verdura
Top Ride Medley
Top Ride Medley Pot-pourri Top Ride
Top Ride Medley
Medley Top Ride Top-Ride-Medley Popurrí Top Ride
Space Area
Space Area Cosmos Level Aire spatiale
Space area
Area spaziale Zone im All Área espacial
Boss Theme
Boss Theme Thème du boss
Boss theme
Tema del boss Boss-Thema Tema del jefe
Laughing Shadows from the Mirrors in the Back
Reflected Laughter Rire réflechi
Reflected laughter
Risata riflessa Besonnenes Lachen Risa reflejada
Wish Upon the Galaxy
Milky Way Wishes Conflit Astral
Astral Conflict
Auguri dalla Via Lattea Trubel im All Deseos de la Vía Láctea
Ripple Field
Ripple Field Champ ondulé
Ripple field
Campo increspato Welliges Feld Campo costero
Snowball Fight
Snowball Scuffle Bataille de boules de neige
Snowball fight
Baruffa a palle di neve Schneeballschlacht Escaramuza con bolas de nieve Batalla de bolas de nieve
アイスクリーム アイランド
Ice Cream Island
Ice Cream Island Île Crème Glacée
Ice Cream Island
Isola Gelato Sahneeiseiland Isla del Helado
Battle with a Boss
Boss Battle Chief Foe Fight Bataille de boss
Boss battle
Scontro con il boss Bosskampf Pelea contra el jefe Combate contra el jefe
Sky Tower
Sky Tower Sky Building Tour dans le ciel
Tower in the sky
Torre dei cieli Himmelsturm Torre celestial
The Asteroid L'astéroïde
The asteroid
L'asteroide Der Asteroid El asteroide
Butter Building
Butter Building Tour de Beurre
Butter Building
Palazzo di Burro Buttertürmchen Edifico de mantequilla
レインボー リゾート
Rainbow Resort
Rainbow Resort Arc-en-ciel
Station de l'Arc-en-Ciel
Rainbow station
Castello Arcobaleno Aurora-Allee Balneario arcoíris País Arco Iris
The Beginner's Room
The Beginner's Room Chambre des débutants
The beginner's room
The Beginner's Room Sala para principiantes The Beginner's Room
Forest Stage
Forest Stage Forêt
Forest Stage Lololos Wäldchen Etapa forestal Forest Stage
Mountain Stage
Mountain Stage Montagne
Étape de la montagne
Mountain stage
Su per i monti Bergabschnitt Etapa de la montaña Fase de la montaña
Coo's Theme
Coo's Theme Thème de Coo
Coo's theme
Tema di Coo Coos Thema Tema de Coo
Bubbly Clouds
Bubbly Clouds Nuages Mousseux
Foamy Clouds
Soffici nuvole Kugelwolken Nubes Pastel
Big Forest
Big Forest Grande forêt
Big forest
La grande foresta Der mächtige Wald El gran bosque
リベンジ オブ エネミー
Revenge of Enemy
Revenge of the Enemy La Vengeance de l'ennemi
The Revenge of the enemy
Vendetta nemica Die Rache des Feindes La venganza del enemigo
Kirby Medley
Kirby Medley Pot-pourri de Kirby
Kirby Medley
Medley di Kirby Kirby-Medley Popurrí de Kirby
Rest Area
Rest Area Rest Spot Zone de repos
Rest area
Area di riposo Ein Ort der Rast Área de reposo
Course 8: Snow Stage
Iceberg Ocean Océan Iceberg
Iceberg Ocean
Oceano di iceberg Eisbergmeer Océano Iceberg
Meta Knight Strikes Back: END
Revenge of Meta Knight: Ending La Vengeance de Meta Knight : Fin
The Revenge of Meta Knight: End
La vendetta di Meta Knight: fine Meta-Knights Rache: Ende Meta Knight vengador
Avenger Meta Knight
La venganza de Meta Knight: Fin
Heavy Lobster
Heavy Lobster Homartilleur
Lobster gunner
Mecha lobster
Langosta Pesada
Heavy Lobster
Big-Mouthed Ghost
Gulpy Ghost Fantôme engloutissant
Engulfing ghost
Fantôme vorace
Voracious ghost
Fantasma affamato
Hungry ghost
Schlinggeist Fantasma tragón
Guzzler ghost
Factory Tour
Studying the Factory Étude de l'usine
Study of the factory
Studiando la fabbrica
Studying the factory
Beobachten der Fabrik
Observing the factory
Analizando la fábrica
Analyzing the factory
Sectratoa, the Moonlight Capital
Moonlight Capital Capitale au clair de lune
Capital in the moonlight
Capitale al chiaro di luna
Capital in the moonlight
Moonlight capital
La capital a la luz de la luna
The capital in the light of the moon
The Legendary Battleship Halberd
The Legendary Halberd Halberd La leggendaria Halberd
The legendary Halberd
Die legendäre Halberd
The legendary Halberd
Hal Abarda
Wish Upon the Galaxy: SHT
Milky Way Wishes: Shooting Conflit Astral : Filantes
Astral Conflict: Shooting
Auguri dalla Via Lattea: stelle cadenti
Best Wishes from the Milky Way: shooting star
Trubel im All: Schusswechsel
Hustle and Bustle in Space: Gunfire
Deseos de la Vía Láctea: Fugaz
Milky Way Wishes: Shooting
Title Theme Thème principal
Main theme
Thème du jeu
Game theme
Tema principale Hauptthema Tema principal Tema del juego
Opening Ouverture
Introduzione Eröffnung Obertura
Main Menu Play Mode Selection Menu principal
Main menu
Menu principale
Main menu
Ausgangsmenü Menú principal
Main menu
Level Select
Level Select Sélection du niveau
Level selection
Selezione livello Levelauswahl Selección del nivel
The Grasslands Les prairies
The meadows
Le pâturage
The grassland
Le verdi distese Die Graslande El valle Visita al valle
Let's Learn the Controls!
Learn the Controls! Tutoriel
I comandi di gioco Lerne die Steuerung! ¡Aprende los controles del juego!
Beginning of the Journey
The Adventure Begins L'aventure commence
The adventure begins
Le début de l'aventure
The beginning of the adventure
L'avventura comincia
The adventure begins
Auf in das neue Abenteuer
Into the New Adventure
La aventura comienza
The adventure begins
Stage Clear
Stage Clear Fin de l'étape
End of the stage
Livello completato Abschnitt abgeschlossen Etapa completada Fase completada
Climb! Inside the Big Tree
Up the Big Ol' Tree L'escalade du grand arbre
The climb of the big tree
Scalata al grande albero
Climb to the big tree
Rauf auf den ollen Baum
Up the Old Tree
Escalada al gran árbol
Climb to the big tree
Aim! Big Star
Go for the Giant Star Vers l'étoile géante
Towards the giant star
Verso la stella gigante Hol dir den großen Stern Tras la estrella gigante
Through the Cave
Great Cave Escape La grande évasion de la caverne
The great escape from the cave
Fuga dalle caverne
Escape from the caverns
Flucht aus der Höhle
Escape from the Cave
Fuga de la caverna
Escape from the cavern
It's Approaching! Time Limit
Time's Almost Up! Hurry, No Time! Le temps est presque écoulé!
Time's almost up!
Le temps est presque écoulé !
Time's almost up!
Il tempo è agli sgoccioli! Die Zeit ist fast um! ¡El tiempo se acaba!
Invincible! Invincible! Invincible ! Invincibile! Unbesiegbar! ¡Invencible!
Run Away from Grab Hand!
Escape from Grab Hand Échappez à Agripaluche
Escape from Grab Hand
Fuga da Managguanta Auf der Flucht vor Schnapphand ¡Huyendo de Tomanita!
Boss of the Grasslands
Boss of the Grasslands Boss des prairies
Boss of the meadows
Boss du pâturage
Boss of the grassland
Il boss delle praterie Boss der Graslande Jefe del valle El jefe del valle
What's This Now? Qu'est-ce que c'est?
What's this?
E questo cos'è? Was ist das? ¿Qué es esto? Encuentro misterioso
Stubborn Tree!
That Stubborn Tree! L'arbre insolent!
The insolent tree!
L'arbre insolent !
The insolent tree!
Un albero cocciuto Dieser dickköpfige Baum! ¡Un gran árbol testarudo!
Level Clear
Level Clear Fin du niveau
End of the level
Mondo completato Level abgeschlossen Nivel completado
Happy Message
A Happy Message Un joyeux message
A happy message
Un messaggio gioioso Eine gute Nachricht Un mensaje alegre
Treasure Box
Treasure Chest Coffre au trésor
Treasure chest
Scrigno Schatztruhe Cofre de tesoro Cofre del tesoro
Treasure Box Opened
Treasure Chest Opened! Coffre au trésor ouvert!
Treasure chest opened!
Coffre au trésor ouvert !
Treasure chest opened!
Scrigno aperto! Schatztruhe geöffnet! Cofre de tesoro abierto Cofre del tesoro abierto
Figure Room
Figurine Showcase Salle des figurines
Figurine room
Collezione di modelli Figurensammlung Sala de figuras
Reading the Secret Notebook
Reading the Secret Diary Lecture du journal secret
Reading the secret diary
Tema del diario segreto Lesen des Tagebuchs Lectura del diario secreto
Challenge Mode
Challenge Mode Mode Défi
Challenge Mode
Mode défis
Challenges mode
Modalità Sfida Herausforderungen Modo Desafíos Desafíos
Whoops! Oups!
Aïe !
Perbacco! Hoppla! ¡Ay, ay, ay!
Game Over
Game Over Partie terminée
Game over
Game over Game Over Fin del juego Fin de la partida
The Desert Le désert
The desert
Il deserto Die Wüste El desierto
Dig and Dash
Dig and Dash Excavation rapide
Fast excavation
Scavi frettolosi
Hasty digging
Das rasante Graben
The Rapid Digging
Cavando rápido
Fast digging
Excavación veloz
Fast excavation
More Dig and Dash
More Dig and Dash Encore de l'excavation rapide
More fast excavation
Scavi più frettolosi
More hasty digging
Und noch mehr rasantes Graben
And more fast digging
Cavando más rápido
Faster digging
Excavación superveloz
Super-fast excavation
Evade and Dig and Dash
Evade and Dig and Dash Évasion et excavation rapide
Evasion and fast excavation
Scavi frettolosi in fuga
Hasty digging on the run
Ausweichen und rasant graben
Evade and dig fast
Cavando más rápido y esquivando
Evading and faster digging
Excavación superveloz y evasión
Super-fast excavation and evasion
Crossing the Sands
Crossing the Sands Balade sur le sable
Stroll on the sand
Attraverso le sabbie Durchkreuzen der Sandfläche Viajando sobre la arena
Take Off! Kirby Tank!
Deploy the Kirby Tank! En avant, Kirby Tank!
Forward, Kirby Tank!
En avant, Kirby Tank !
Forward, Kirby Tank!
Avanti, Kirby Corazzato!
Go, Armored Kirby!
Feuer frei, Panzer-Kirby!
Fire at will, Tank Kirby!
¡Adelante Kirby tanque!
Go, Kirby Tank!
Time to Battle in Numbers
Battle in Numbers Combat accompagné
Accompanied combat
Battaglie in compagnia Kampf in großer Zahl Combate asistido
Ancient Ruins
The Long-Lost Ruins Les vieilles ruines perdues
The old lost ruins
Le rovine perdute
The lost ruins
Verschollen geglaubte Ruinen
Believed lost ruins
Las ruinas ancestrales
The ancient ruins
Find the Weakness
Find the Weak Point Trouvez le point faible
Find the weak point
Trova il punto debole Finde die Schwachstelle Encuentra el punto débil
Boss of the Desert
Boss of the Desert Le boss du désert
The boss of the desert
Boss du désert
Boss of the desert
Il boss del deserto Boss der Wüste El jefe del desierto
Red-Hot Battle!
Red-Hot Battle! Combat à en rougir!
Fight until you turn red!
Combat à en rougir !
Fight until you turn red!
Battaglia infuocata! Glühend heißer Kampf ¡Combate al rojo vivo!
The Sea La mer
The sea
Il mare Die See El océano
Drifting in the Ocean
Drifting on the Waves En pleine mer
In the open sea
Alla deriva sulle onde Auf den Wellen treibend A la deriva en el océano
Washed Away Into the Sea
Swept Out to Sea Un Kirby à la mer
A Kirby to the sea
In balia delle onde Auf die See hinausgespült Kirby al agua
Fever Time! En feu!
On fire!
L'ora febbrile Fiebrige Zeiten! ¡Hora de la fiebre!
Dethskullk Jam Chant de l'Aspirâme
Song of the Dethskullk
Marmellata di Morteschio Nekroschädli-Thema Tema de Króneo
The Dethskullks' Ship
The Haunted Ship Le navire hanté
The haunted ship
La nave infestata
The haunted ship
Das Spukschiff
The Haunted Ship
La nave encantada
The haunted ship
Near the Water's Surface
Close to the Surface Près de la surface
Near the surface
Quasi in superficie Nah an der Oberfläche Cerca de la superficie
Advance! Kirby Submarine!
Kirby Submarine's Torpedo Time Préparez les torpilles!
Prepare the torpedoes!
Préparez les torpilles !
Prepare the torpedoes!
Kirby Sottomarino in azione!
Submarine Kirby in action!
Los, U-Boot-Kirby!
Go, Submarine Kirby!
¡Torpedos fuera!
Torpedoes away!
Time to Battle Alone
Battle Alone Combat sans aide
Combat without assistance
Battaglia in solitaria Kampf ohne Hilfe Combate sin ayuda
In Dark Waters
In Dark Waters Dans les eaux sombres
In the dark waters
In acque cupe In dunklen Gewässern En aguas oscuras
Boss of the Sea
Boss of the Sea Boss de la mer
Boss of the sea
Il boss del mare Boss der See El jefe del océano
Battle in the Water!
Undersea Battle! Combat sous l'eau!
Underwater fight!
Combat sous l'eau !
Underwater fight!
Battaglia subacquea! Kampf unter Wasser! ¡Pelea submarina! ¡Combate submarino!
The Sky Le ciel
The sky
Il cielo
The sky
Der Himmel
The Sky
El cielo
The sky
Rainbow Across the Skies
Rainbow Across the Skies Le ciel multicolore
The multicolored sky
Arcobaleno nel cielo
Rainbow in the sky
Regenbogen am Firmament
Rainbow on the Firmament
Un arcoíris en el firmamento
A rainbow on the firmament
Through the Sky Dyed in Flames
The Wild Red Yonder L'assaut du Bastron
The assault of the Bastron
Nel rosso dipinto di rosso
In the red painted red
Wilde rote Ferne
Wild red distance
Un cielo carmesí
A crimson sky
Fly! Kirby Rocket!
Kirby Rocket's Big Blastoff Décollage de Kirby Fusée
Rocket Kirby's take-off
Kirby Razzo: decollo!
Kirby Rocket: take off!
Raketen-Kirby hebt ab
Rocket Kirby takes off
El despegue de Kirby cohete
Kirby Rocket's take-off
Prepare for the Decisive Switch!
Hit the Switch? Ready to Press? Frappe de l'interrupteur
Hit the switch
È l'interruttore giusto?
Is this the right switch?
Triff den Schalter?
Hit the Switch?
¿Será seguro ese interruptor?
Is this switch safe to hit?
Aim for the Exit
Fly to the Exit! Vers la sortie!
Towards the exit!
Vers la sortie !
Towards the exit!
Vola verso l'uscita! Fliege zum Ausgang! ¡Vuela hacia la salida!
Boss of the Sky
Boss of the Sky Boss du ciel
Boss of the sky
Il boss dei cieli
Boss of the skies
Boss der Lüfte El jefe del cielo
The boss of the sky
The Forest La forêt
The forest
Alberi e ancora alberi
Trees and more trees
Der Wald
The Forest
El bosque
The forest
Beware the Forest's Mushrooms
Beware the Forest Fungus Attention aux champignons forestiers
Watch out for forest mushrooms
Attenzione alle spore! Wehe den Sporen im Wald Cuidado con los hongos del bosque
Woodland Battle
Woodland Battle Bataille forestière
Forest battle
Battaglia forestale
Forest battle
Kampf im Waldland
Battle in the Woodland
Conflicto forestal
Forest conflict
Attacking Storm
Braving the Storm Attacking Tempest Face à la tempête
Facing the storm
Sfidare la tempesta Dem Sturm trotzen Enfrentando la tormenta Enfrentándose a la tormenta
Gondola Drive
Gondola Ride Gondola Journey Voyage en gondole
Trip in a gondola
Voyage en nacelle
Trip in a gondola
A spasso in funivia
A ride in the cable car
Fahrt in der Gondel
Ride in the Gondola
Viaje en barca oscilante
Ride on a swining boat
Dangerous Gondola Drive
Grievous Gondola Ride Dangereux voyage en gondole
Dangerous trip in a gondola
Dangereux voyage en nacelle
Dangerous trip in a gondola
Funivia pericolosa Kummervolle Gondelfahrt Peligroso viaje en la barca oscilante
Aim! Kirby Submarine!
Deep-Divin' Kirby Submarine Kirby Sous-marin en mission
Kirby Submarine on a mission
Kirby Sottomarino: immersione!
Submarine Kirby: dive!
U-Boot-Kirby auf Tauchfahrt
Submarine Kirby on a Dive
Kirby submarino se sumerge
Kirby Submarine submerges
Watch Out for the Yellow Guys
Watch Out for That Sloth Attention au Pendresseux
Beware of the Dangle Sloths
Occhio al Bradibombardiere Lass dieses Faultier nicht aus den Augen! Cuidado con el perezoso
Boss of the Forest
Boss of the Forest Boss de la forêt
Boss of the forest
Il boss della foresta
The boss of the forest
Boss des Waldes
Boss of the Forest
El jefe del bosque
The boss of the forest
The Volcano Le volcan
The volcano
Il vulcano
The volcano
Der Vulkan
The Volcano
El volcán
The volcano
あつおもいを むねにひめ
Burning Feelings Hidden in the Heart
Burning Secrets Up the Lava Stream Secrets ardents
Burning secrets
Segreti scottanti
Burning secrets
Brennende Geheimnisse
Burning Secrets
Secretos que arden
Burning secrets
Frightened by the Heat
Scared of Getting Seared Peur d'être cuit
Fear of being cooked
Paura del fuoco Angst vor dem Versengen Con miedo al calor
Fearful Magma Volcano
Volcanic Panic Panique volcanique
Volcanic panic
Panico vulcanico
Volcanic panic
Volcano Panic
Pánico volcánico
Volcanic panic
Boss of the Volcano
Boss of the Volcano Boss du volcan
Boss of the volcano
Il boss del vulcano
The boss of the volcano
Boss des Vulkans
Boss of the Volcano
El jefe del volcán
The boss of the volcano
Junk Airspace
Junk Airspace Espace aérien de la décharge
Garbage dump airspace
Lo spazio dei rottami Schrott in luftiger Höhe El espacio de chatarra
The scrap space
Infiltrate! Junk Factory
Infiltrate the Junk Factory! Assaut de la décharge
Assault of the garbage dump
Nella fabbrica di rottami
In the scrap factory
Dringe in die Schrottfabrik ein!
Invade the Scrap Factory!
La fábrica de chatarra
The scrap factory
Collecting the Star Pieces
Collecting Stars Obtenir des étoiles
Get stars
Raccogliendo le stelle Sterne sammeln Buscando estrellas
Kirby and Kirby
Kirby + Kirby Kirby et Kirby
Kirby and Kirby
Kirby & Kirby Kirby und Kirby
Kirby and Kirby
Kirby y Kirby
Kirby and Kirby
Alone Again
Alone Again Seul à nouveau
Alone again
Di nuovo da solo Wieder allein Solo de nuevo
Wonder Space
Wonder Space Merveilleux cosmos
Wonderful cosmos
Le meraviglie del cosmo
The wonders of the cosmos
Wundersames All
Wondrous space
Maravilla espacial
Space wonder
Wonder Space Altered
Wonder Space Warped Merveilleux cosmos déformé
Wonderful distorted cosmos
Le meraviglie distorte del cosmo Verzerrtes wundersames All Maravilla espacial modificada
Boss of the Junk Airspace
Junk Airspace Boss Boss de l'espace aérien de la décharge
Boss of the garbage dump airspace
Il boss dello spazio dei rottami Boss des Schrottluftraums El jefe del espacio de chatarra
The boss of the scrap space
Bad Feeling
A Bad Feeling... Un mauvais pressentiment
A bad feeling
Un brutto presentimento Kein gutes Gefühl... Un mal presentimiento...
Meeting Again
A Second Meeting Meet Soon Deuxième rencontre
Second meeting
Chi si rivede! Ein zweites Treffen El segundo encuentro
Battle with Claycia
Battle with Claycia Combat contre Glaizia
Fight against Claycia
In lotta con Clargilla Kampf gegen Tonia Combate contra Claycia
Final Transformation!
Final Transformation! Transformation finale!
Final transformation!
Transformation finale !
Final transformation!
Trasformazione finale! Letzte Verwandlung! ¡La transformación final!
Battle with Dark Crafter
Dark Crafter Battle Combat contre l'Artisan sombre
Fight against Dark Crafter
Scontro con l'Artefice oscuro Kampf gegen den Dunklen Künstler Combate contra el Moldeador oscuro
Let's Go Back to Dream Land
Back to Dream Land Retournons à Dream Land
Let's go back to Dream Land
Ritorno a Dream Land Zurück nach Dream Land Volver a Dream Land Regreso a Dream Land
Staff Roll
Staff Roll Credits Générique
Riconoscimenti Credits Créditos Créditos de cierre
The Color is Back
The Return of Color The Return of Colour Le retour de la couleur
The return of the color
Il ritorno dei colori Die Farben kehren zurück El regreso del color