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Inside Islands: Difference between revisions

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10 bytes added ,  14 August 2021
Line 115: Line 115:
|jaR=Insaido Airanzu
|jaR=Insaido Airanzu
|jaM='''I'''nside '''I'''slands
|jaM=Inside Islands
|zh='''与'''伴'''勇'''者 (chs)<br>'''與'''伴'''勇'''者 (cht)
|zhR='''y'''ǔ bàn '''y'''ǒng zhě
|zhTradR=bàn Yǒng zhě
|zhM='Hero in Company'
|zhSimpR=Yǔ bàn Yǒng zhě
|zhM=Hero in Company
To make the easter egg of Planet Popstar's seven first letters, the Chinese version uses totally different words of meaning to spell out:
To make the easter egg of Planet Popstar's seven first letters, the Chinese version uses totally different words of meaning to spell out:
*Chs: 卡比''''''新星同盟
*Chs: 卡比 与 新星同盟
*Cht: 卡比''''''新星同盟
*Cht: 卡比 與 新星同盟
(Kirby and Star Allies)
(Kirby and Star Allies)
|fr=Plaine & plage
|frM=Plain & beach
|de=Innere Inseln
|de=Innere Inseln
|deM=Inner Islands
|deM=Inner Islands

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