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This is the list of events for Module:Sandbox/Calendar. Within the number of the month of the event, add them in the format [dayNumber] = {"Event 1 display text", "Event 2 display text", "etc."},.

	inside the event variable there's the first object, which represents the
	number of the month (no 0-padded)
		[1] -> January
		[2] -> Feburary
	inside each month object
		[5] = {
			[15] -> May 15th
		each day has a Lua table with the events
		(don't forget the comma after the table or it'll break!!)
			[15] = {"event 1", "event 2"},
			[24] = {"event 3", "event 4"}
	for testing purposes, try adding your birthday!
local event = {
	[1] = {
		[17] = {"[[user:Ultimate Kirb|Ultimate Kirb]]"},
		[21] = {"[[user:Ampera|Amp]]"},
		[24] = {"WiKirby's birthday"},
	[2] ={
		[3] = {"[[user:RHVGamer|RHV]]"},
		[16] = {"[[user:MPS64|MPS64]]"},
		[17] = {"[[user:DeepFriedCabbage|DFC]]"},
	[3] = {
		[8] = {"[[user:Gigi|Gigi]]"},
		[19] = {"[[user:Therealtheo123|Theo]]"},
		[25] = {"[[user:Owencrazyboy17|Owen]]"},
		[26] = {"[[user:Tacopill|Taco]]"},
		[27] = {"[[user:StarPunch|Erika]]"},
	[4]  = {
		[12] = {"[[user:ShadowKirby|ShadowKirby]]"},
		[30] = {"[[user:Jellytost♡|Jelly]]"},
	[5] = {
		[23] = {"[[user:Lakelimbo|Lake]]"},
	[6] = {
		[2] = {"[[user:SupremeKirb|SupremeKirb]]"},
		[15] = {"[[user:Vipz|Vipz]]"},
		[22] = {"[[user:GoldenDragonLeaf|Goldie]]"},
	[7] = {
		[2] = {"[[user:EleCyon|Cyon]]"},
		[26] = {"[[user:Magolor real|Magolor real]]"},
	[8] = {
		[4] = {"[[user:Zolerian Yuviaflero|Zol]]"},
		[6] = {"[[user:Infinite Possibilities|Momo]]"},
		[20] = {"[[user:Samwell|Sam]]"},
	[9] = {
		[1] = {"Placeholder"}	
	[10] = {
		[2] = {"[[user:Basic Person|BP]]"},
		[16] = {"[[user:Kirb|Kirb]]"},
		[23] = {"[[user:Starvoid|Starvoid]]"},
		[27] = {"[[user:LeoUnlimited|Leo]]"},
		[31] = {"[[user:Vee|Sunny]]"},
	[11] = {
		[10] = {"[[user:Typman|Typman]]"},
    [12] = {
    	[14] = {"[[User:YoshiFlutterJump|YFJ]]"},
    	[27] = {"[[User:Waddlez3121|Waddlez]]"},
		[29] = {"[[user:MeltanFlood|Meltan]]"},

return event